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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1955)
Chamber to Launch o Membership Drive A financial statement of the' Chamber of Commerce for the 12-months period beginning July 1, 1954, and ending June 30, 1955, v/as distributed to members Mon day evening at the regular month ly meeting. The statement shows income of $6,081.91 for the year and ex penses of $5,996.60 already paid. In addition, Secretary William Mattem explained the accounts payable total $734.59. A new dues structure, recom mended by the board of directors, was discussed and tentatively adopted. Dues have been revised upward for certain types of bus iness. G. E. Miles, newly-elected pres ident, presided. The retiring president is Don Petersen. The membership campaign will be launched shortly, President Miles said. James Rooney reported on Niobrara irrigation plans. Roon 5 ey, member of the Niobrara River Basin development as sociation board of directors, said the bureau of reclamation would open a small office here within about a week or 10 days. 0 Under the direction of Clyde E. Burdick of Ainsworth, area engineer for the bureau, a crew of about 15 will commence a detail ed study of the land in the so called O’Neill unit of the irrigation plan. The study might take up to four years. A preliminary study was made several years ago, Rooney said, which revealed there are about 66-thousand-acres of irrigable land (class I and II) in the O’Neill , • unit. Niobrara river water would be impounded at Meadville and brought to the O’Neill unit by ca nal. Most of the land intended to be a part of the proposed O’Neill unit is situated northeast, north and northwest of O’Neill and near Atkinson. A minimum budget of $4,200 has been established for the new year under the revised dues plan - < >-— ' " and incidental solicitations during the year will be eliminated pro viding that amount is raised. If five thousand dollars is raised in memberships there will be no cur tailment of any of the activities, the Chamber decided. (The Chamber’s financial state ment and list of activities during the past year are show below.) Boyd Schools Want $20,964 More BUTTE — The school districts have voted tax requests that are $20,964.14 higher than voted dur ing 1954 in Boyd county. Last year schools asked for $178,796.49 and this year certifi cates have been filed with the Boyd county clerk requesting $199,760.63. The township boards have re quested lower tax dollars this year. The 1955 township figure is $38,550.79 as compared with last year’s amount of $42,733.90, thus being down $4,183.11. Boyd county officials are in the process of figuring the mill levies for the different taxing districts according to the requests and the valuation of property within the various districts. Ligtning Blamed for Ranch Fires LONG PINE — Firemen here were called about 4 p.m., Sunday to help extinguish fires on the Doyle Hollenbeck and Dewey Gillfallo ranches, south of here. Lightning struck at the ranch es. At the Hollenbeck place pas ture land and.' several stacks of hay were burned. The fire at the Gillfallo ranch burned three stacks of hay and a stacker. Several other grass fires were reported but were put out before any damage was done. The smoke was thick in town from the coun try fires. No cattle were lost in the fire. Tune in “Voice of The Fron tier”, thrice weekly! * .- .. Can You Find Yourself in This Picture? This is a view of the front of Gambles 3%- fore the doors were opened at the new store, floor department store on its grand opening in which was an important milestone In O’Neill’s 1947. If you can find and identify yourself in this merchandising history. Manager Henry Lofflin ex picture, Gambles will happily present a birthday plains the clipping of this photo is to be taken to gift to you during August—which is Gambles an- Gambles office to claim the birthday gift, niversary month. The photograph was taken be Emmet News Mr. and Mrs. Harold McMillan and daughters of Newport were guests at the Cecil McMillan home Sunday. Lew Meyers of Lynch was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Don Meyers Saturday. Merle Foreman and Donald Schaaf went to Omaha Saturday night on business. They returned home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ralph Fritton visited Mrs. Bessie Burge and June Wednesday afternoon, July 27. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cavanaugh and Pamela were guests of Mrs. Agnes Heeb on Sunday. Mrs. William Teske called on Mrs. Dean Perry Friday afternoon. Mrs Mary Dusatko moved to O’Neill Sunday where she will make her home. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dusatko will move to the farm formerly occupied by Mrs. Dustako. Mrs. P. W. McGinnis visited Mr. and Mrs. John Pruss Satur day. Mrs. Vem Swick came Monday night to visit her father, William Tenborg, and sister, Mrs Geary Enbody, for a few days. Mrs. Robert Cole, Mrs. Robert Gaylor and Mrs Frank Schaaf en tertained about 20 guests at a surprise party Saturday afternoon in honor of the birthday anniver sary of their mother, Mrs. Arthur Humpal. Clyde Newton visited at the George Skopec home Sunday. The Raymond Richard’s attend ed the Elkhorn Valley 4-H club picnic at the O’Neill park Sunday evening. The Vernon Hoxsie family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prawitz at Royal Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peregoy visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim O’Con nor Friday evening. Veldon Tomlinson came last Thursday to spend a few days visiting at the Gilbert Fox home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schaaf and baby of Atkinson visited at the Robert Cole home Wednesday evening, July 27. Mrs. Mary Lewis and Eddie Ethington were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Claussen Sunday. Mrs. Joe Winkler and grand daughter, Mary Alice, were guests of the Leo Weichman family on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Perry called on Mr. and Mrs. Alex McConnell Sunday evening. Mrs. Robert Cole and sons call ed at the Larry Schaffer ranch last Thursday morning. Accom panied by Mrs. Schaffer and Dew ey, they called at the Harvey Han son ranch to visit Carol, who had been injured. The William Artus family of O’ Neill were Friday evening guests at the G. Owen Cole home. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bock re turned to their home at Burling ton, la., after spending a few weeks with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. G. Owen Cole, and children. They left on Monday, July 25. Terry and Sandra Hoxsie are spending this week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mickealson at Blair. Mrs. Raymond Calkins and daughters and Mrs. Carl Schenzel visited Mr. and Mrs. William Newton and Mrs. Dean Perry and children Monday afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Gildersleeve of O’Neill were guests at the G. Owen Cole home Sunday. Mesdames Henry Kloppenborg, Norman Wayman, Leon Beckwith, Agnes Gaffney and John* Conard visited Mrs. Gilbert Fox the past week. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Keene of Hartley, la., were overnight guests of Mrs. Agnes Gaffney Fri day. The Keenes were enroute home from a western trip. The Bernard Pongratz family were dinner guests at the Arthur Givens home at Stuart Sunday. Carlene Pongratz returned home with her parents after spending a few days visiting at the Givens home. Mrs. Josie Ash and Carl Cain’s were guests at the Geary Enbody home Wednesday, July 27. Mrs. Leon Beckwith and Mrs. P. W. McGinnis attended a gar den club meeting at the home of Mrs. Earl Collins of northwest of Atkinson last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tomlinson and son, Veldon, were guests at the Gilbert Fox home Wednesday evening, July 27. Misses Marybelle O’Connor and Mary Gay Putnam, both registered nurses at St. Catherines’ hospital^ Omaha, came Sunday morning and visited until Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. Jim O’Connor and Tom Perkins. They called on Mrs. Frank Foreman Sunday af ternoon and they and Mrs. O’Con nor were guests of Mrs. William Griffin at O’Neill Monday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. G. Owen Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cole and son, Chip, attended the breakfast at the Country club Sunday. Mr and Mrs. G. Owen Cole participated in the golf tournament. Miss Judy A Gittert of Salina, Kans., was a guest at the Leo Tun ender home from Friday afternoon until Saturday night. Mrs. Mary Lewis and brother, Rudy, Kenneth Claussen and Ed die Bthington were in Norfolk on Monday, July 25, on business. The Wayne Bates family were visitors at the Joe Winkler home Saturday evening. The Dean Burge family of Om aha left last Thursday for home after spending a week visiting Mrs. Bessie Burge. Mrs. Henry Patterson visited Mrs. George Robertson last Thurs day afternoon. The two ladle* called on Mrs. L. A, Burgess. Miss Rose Mary Babl went to Fairfax, S.D., Sunday to attend the wedding of Miss Delores Boettcher and Kent Rathman. She also attended the wedding recep tion. Visit Anderson Home— Mr. and Mrs. Ed Leach of O' Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyer and family of Atkinson were Saturday callers at the Mar vin Anderson home. 1 _ O Mrs. Leonard Krugar returned to her home in Boulder, Colo., after spending the past two weeks here visiting relatives. Chamber of Commerce Financial Statement July 1, 1954-June 30, 1955 (General Fund) INCOME Balance on hand July 1, 1954 .$ 216.69 Membership dues . 2,000.00 Country club dinner tickets . 83.89 Pancake day (sale of flour) . 185.25 Hi-way 281 . 25.00 Christmas lights and decorations . 1,409.00 City of O’Neill . 750.00 Transfer of brochure fund to gen. fund. 598.00 Soil conservation meeting (sale of tickets) .... 814.08 Total Income . $6,081.91 EXPENSES Christmas lights and decorations .$1,692.17 Soil conservation meeting . 875.98 Pancake day . 696.70 Secretary’s salary . 675.00 O’Neill brochures . 358.41 Holt county calf show and sale . 325.00 Turkey day . 263.04 1 Christmas treats . 262.08 Stamps, cards, stationery, printing. 173.75 National guard . 48.10 Country club dinner for members . 149.85 Advertising . 100.46 4-H achievement day . 100.00 Miscellaneous . 67.01 Guest speaker . 34.75 Save-the-trainfe . 33.62 o U.S. Chamber dues . 25.00 4-H fun night . 23.04 Hallowe’en fun night . 21.08 New industry committee (Lincoln meeting) .. 20.00 Hereford trophy . 17.75 Telephone and telegraph . 15.37 Rent (meetings at courthouse and Amer. Leg.) 10.30 9 Christmas -window prizes . 4.14 Boy Scouts . 4.00 Total Expense . $5,996.60 Balance on Hand July 1, 1955 . $ 85.31 «*, _ TOTAL .:. $6/081.91 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE o Secretary’s salary (April, May, June) .$ 225.00 Rent for national guard . 120.00 Send band to Lincoln . 150.00 Replace brochure fund balance . 239.59 — Total Accounts Payable . $ 734.59 Less balance on hand July 1, 1955 . 85.31 TOTAL DEFICIT . $ 649.28 IRRIGATION FUND Balance on hand July 1, 1954 . $ 612.43 Receipts ..:... 260.00 Total . $ 872.43 Expenses: Niobrara River Basin Development Ass’n.$ 100.00 Amer. Legion Aux. for banquet Oct. 8, 1954 200.00 Telephone . 3.09 Clerical . 4.00 Total Expense . $ 307.09 Balance on hanl June 30, 1955 . $ 565.34 BROCHURE FUND • Balance on hand July 1, 1954 .$598 00 Transferred to general fund . 598 00 Balance on hand June 30, 1955 .• c -—■ ■. o U. S. GRADED "GOOD" BEEF • ROASTS j WESTERN WONDER FRESH FROZEN SLICED STRAWBERRIES 10-OZ. PKG. EXTRA-JUICY SUNKIST LEMONS„ CRISP, FRESH, HEAD jh LETTUCE ™ 17c Red Pitted Cherries .» , , S - $1" Superb Pears , HALVES, NO. 303 CAN. 25 Alaska Chum Salmon ,/-LB.TALL CAN.. 43 Wilson's'Bif\amcD bwo...3'-®98 Van (bmps Pork & Beans.2-29' c a I FRESH GROUND 100% PURE g± » g AA GROUND BEEF 3 lbs. 1.00 „ _I - ■ ■ ■ft SEEDLESS WHITE CRAPES o r 0 SUM-R-AlD for cooling summer drinks.3^ N< Sandwich Cookies, vanilla,butterscotch, choc, lb.%9^ CwwiCHyPeanut Cooky Qeoneys Sweet Pickles,.31* Hep Fly BoM6,mKej*£*««ac. W'\