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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1955)
French Home Scene of Alumni Gathering PAGE—Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French, sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French, jr., were hosts to the annual picnic din ner and supper for the 1 o - cal farm house alumni and their families at the elder French home on Sunday, July 31. The group attended church ser vices at the Page Methodist church and a quartette consist ing of Tom and Stanley Lambert and Bob and Tom Chilvers fur nished special selections at the morning service. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Heiss, Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Heiss and family, all of Page, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chilvers and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chilvers, all of Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Stan ley Lambert and family of Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lambert and family of Chambers, A/lc Darrel Heiss and daughters of Belton, Mo., Bob Chilvers and children, Mr. and Mrs. Eggers, parents of Mrs. Bob Chilvers and Mrs. Coho, mother of Mrs. Tom Chilvers, all of Ainsworth. Other Page News Shirley, Sharon and Marilyn Park, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. William Park of Orchard, return ed to their home on Monday after two weeks spent in the home of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Trowbridge. A car load of members of the Rebekah lodge visited the Page camp Tuesday evening. Mrs. Ray Snell served lunch. Mrs. Clarence Dobbins was hostess to the members of the RNA Kensington Wednesday af ternoon, July 27. Because of the heat the unusual entertainment features were dispensed with. A covered dish luncheon was serv ed. Mrs. Hester Edmisten will be the August 10 hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Wood and family of Elm Creek were after noon visitors in the I. O. Wood home on Sunday. They were en route from visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Nickel, near O’Neill to their home. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roach and their granddaughters, Joan and Lee Ann Cronk, went to Os mond Sunday where they visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Grosshode, and attended the baseball game in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cronk at tended the festival at St. John’s church at Deloit Sunday after noon and enjoyed a show at Ne ligh in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heiss and Alvin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, jr., and daughters at Star. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Knudsen of Manning, la., were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Max and attended funeral services for C. A. Townsend. Mrs. Herbert Steinberg, Mrs. Elsie Cork and Jon Cork went to Spencer Saturday where they visited Harold Cork and family. Jon stayed for a longer visit. Mrs. Melvin Held accompanied her mother, Mrs. Grace Edson, and her sister, Mrs. Don Allen, and children of Lynch to Scot land, S.D., where they were over night guests of their aunt, Mrs. Charles Cobb. They went via Yankton and returned via Picks town Rev. J. Laverne Jay, district superintendant of O’Neill, con ducted the Sunday morning ser vices at the Page Methodist church in the absence of the pas tor, Rev. Lisle Mewmaw, who was prevented by illness from re turning in time to take up his re gular duties here and in Inman. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Asher of Woodbine, la., spent Thursday and Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Friday, at Orchard and Saturday with his mother, Mrs. Ethel Parks, at Page. They re turned to their home early Sun d a y morning accompanied by Sherry and Mickey Stewart, who will visit with them and with Mr. and Mrs. Dale Asher at Logan, la. Mrs. Gene Mudloff last Thurs day kept her load of boys in O’ Neill for an all-day session, since it was the last day of their swim ming lessons at the pool. Lyle Frericks, Ronnie Parks, Larry and Norman Mudloff, Denny Ickes, Joe Beelaert and Ronnie Libby went together each day and the mothers took turns taking a car. Mrs. Homer Rutherford was hostess to the HOA club Tuesday, July 19. All members except one were present. Marilyn Finley was a guest. The members brought their own work. Mrs. Herbert Steinberg was the August 2 hostess. MARKET REPORT ° “OLD RELIABLE" Tuesday, Aug. 2nd Auction Cattle Receipts 1121 Head Buyers from the cornbelt were out in number this week, indicating that they are both caught up with their work and also that they are interested in replacement cattle at current prices. Numerous load lots of heifers and steers were offered. A string of 150 head of 2-year old heifers averaging 760 lbs. from the Dewey Schaffer Ranches sold at $16.90 cwt. 92 head of choice yearling steers consigned by Ben Clark of Ainsworth, weighing 700 lbs. average, sold at $19.50 cwt. A consignment of choice steers from Dick Yusten’s Ditchcamp Ranch sold at $19.25 to $19.70 cwt. 25 head of very nice Angus heifers from Louis Vitt & Sons, weighing 540 lbs., sold at $17.35. A load of 1020 lb. steers at $18.10, their mates weighing 900 lbs. sold at $18.40. 60 head of very choice 875 lb. steers at $19.50. All classes of stockers and feeders were steady to strong compared with a week ago, while cows and butcher cattle ruled $0.50 cwt. lower. This season, more than ever before it will pay you to list your cattle in advance, so that we can advertise them. Re member, it costs you nothing extra and it sure helps a lot. Just phone 5141, Atkinson, or call Ernie Weller any evening at 6131. Atkinson Livestock Market Phone 5141 Atkinson, Nebr. Chambers News Mrs. Richard Jarman and son, Jim, drove to Lincoln Monday, July 25, returning on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Arm strong sons, Lee and Dennis, and daughter, Elaine, were Tuesday, July 26, dinner guests in the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter. Mrs. Helen Hart and son, Ro land of Bismark, N.D., who are attending Chadron State college, came Friday, July 29, to spend two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Moss, and brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grimes. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Clough and son, Danny, of Kearney vis ited a short time Friday in the Andrew Gilbert home. They were returning from a trip to the Black Hills. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor were Sunday, July 31, dinner guests in the West Taylor home at Orchard. JUSTICE COURT Melvin Eugene Gripp, speeding at night, $15 and costs, July 25, Gude. Orville R. Sawyer, driver for London Vancouver, overweight, $50 and costs, July 25, Kirk. Fred Hiscox, driver for Earl and Josephine Emde, overload on axle, $70 and costs, July 25, Rich ardson. Rolland G. Karr, speeding at night, $10 and costs, July 27, Shorney. Lawrence M. Merriman, speed ing in daytime, $10 and costs, July 28, Gude. V.l 111 Mw j ■ ' j "n |||^||jvJ"l| I ] 11 I ] I V i 1 &JNCWELDER AC-180-C Umcoln’s New Low-Priced Farm welder with the amazing "Arc Booster" that makes welding easy. • M welds, cuts, solders, brazes . . . doom charges batteries. PRICE ONLY Complete • Stretch the usefulness of yoor farm equipment ... make yoor farm chores easier by building hundreds of different farm tools yourself with arc welding. Farm ers everywhere are altering har rows, cultivators ... building handy farm equipment with the low-priced Lincoln farm welders. Today, welding costs so little. Actually, a farm welder saves many times its original price in the first year alone. STOP IN AND SEE THESE WELDERS (no obligation) Aak for the Free "Build-A-Tool” Plans showing equipment you can build with arc welding. Others as Low as-$163 BURGE FARM SUPPLY Phone 2511 Chambers This is the artist’s conception of the new 80-thoosand-dollar REA building to be erected here. $80,700 Low Bid for REA Building Start of Construction Awaits Approval Beckenhauer Brothers of Nor folk were the lowest bidders on the new REA headquarters build ing. The contract includes the complete construction of the building. The board of directors received the bids at the office Tuesday, July 26. There were six bidders who made proposals for the con struction of the new building. The bids ranged from a low of $80,750 to a high of $94,226. Con struction will be started as soon as a final approval by REA is re ceived. According to William Blakkolb of Naper, president of the coop erative, the construction of the headquarters building will mark another phase in the develop ment of this REA unit. Over 90 percent of the rural people in this area now have electricity. Service is available to another five percent and added construc tion will be needed to reach the balance of the farmers and ranchers. Manager Ed Wilson said the new building will be of brick con struction with sufficient office facilities to economically handle the servicing of patrons. There will be warehouse facilities in the 1 rear of the building to store sup plies and trucks. The building will be of modern design and air conditioned. ine Duncung was designed Dy Howard Strong associates of Nor folk. Mr. Wilson said the Niobrara Valley Electric Membership co operative has received loans from the rural electrification adminis tration in the amount of $3,253, 000 to finance the construction of its 1864 miles of electric line, five substations and other items neces sary for a complete electrical dis tribution system in the area it serves. These loans are armortized on a 35-year basis. Not only have the payments on interest and prin ciple been made according to sche dule, but prepayments in advance of regular date have been made. The Niobrara unit pays proper ty and personal taxes in the sev eral counties in which it operates. The cooperative has 12 regular employees are stationed in O’Neill. Its general area is in Holt, Boyd and parts of Knox, Wheeler and Garfield counties. Monday Deadline for Beginner Tests All applications for testing kin i dergarteners whose fifth birthday anniversary comes after October 15 and before January 1 must be in the office of the county super intendent by Monday, August 8. Registration for the summer off-campus college course, “Intro duction to Education,” will be held Monday, August 8, at 9 o’clock in the O’Neill public school. This is a three-hour course in education from the University of Nebraska with Doctor Morton as instructor. There are no prerequisites. O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McCarville went to Columbus Friday. Mrs. O. Modlin of Lancaster, Calif., came Monday, July 25, to visit her brother and family, Jack Everitt. She and Mrs. Ever itt went on to Kansas to visit re latives there. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Goree of Long Pine spent Monday in O’ Neill visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Donlin of near Pickstown and Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Simonson left Sunday for a trip through the Black Hills. They will be gone about a week. Kenneth Ferree arrived from Hasenfield, N.J., to visit his wife and family, who have been stay ing in the Dr. H. L. Bennetl home for the past two months. The Ferrees are leaving soon for their home. Art Wickman of Graffett, Ark., came Tuesday to visit the Don McKamys. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Larson spent Sunday in Omaha. Mrs. Lee Brady of Dorsey vis ited with Mrs. Vannie Newman Saturday afternoon. Lt. Don Peterson reported to Ft. Belvoir, Va., July 26, where he will receive engineer training foi 18 weeks. Mrs. Roy Worth entertained about 20 guests at a dinner hon oring the birthday anniversary oi her husband. ■ - --— SWITCH TO SQUIRT Never An After-Thirel ► Amelia News Mrs. Emma Lindsey went to Omaha by train Sunday evening to visit her son - in - law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Stenger. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Backaus and Caroline returned home Sun day from Lincoln where they had visited Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Win terstien since Thursday. Mrs. Emmett Carr, Karen and Charlie left Thursday, July 28, for their home at Santa Monica, Calif., after a three-weeks’ visit with her father, Art Waldman, and other relatives. Her aunt, Mrs. Delia Ernst went home with them to visit for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Markham of Pittsburg, Kans., visited from Thursday until Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Vem Sageser. The Markhams are the parents of Mrs. Floyd Sageser. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Price of Honolulu, Haw., T.H., showed slide pictures at the school Sun day evening. The pictures consist ed of views of their home and scenery in Honolulu also pictures taken in the Grand Canyon and other places of interest, in the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Earnie Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backhaus were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Edith Andersen. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Forbes brought their son, Leslie, home from the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith, Satur day evening. He had been staying there after leaving the hospital. He is recovering from the severe burns he received by parafin wax. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Waldo and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce at tended the ball game at Stuart Sunday evening. Chambers was the opposing team. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Price, Mrs. Gertie Adair and Ralph were supper guests Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bus Gilman. Rev. and Mrs. Albert Lugins land are attending the annual Free Methodist conference at Ansley. Rev. Luginsland does not expect to return to the Bethany church for another year. Several people from the Amelia vicinity attended the funeral of Alfred Dierking in Chambers Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Wilson and sons of Colorado Springs, Colo., were here to attend the funeral of her father, Alfred Dierking of Chambers, on Sunday, July 31. Mr. Wilson will teach in one of the schools in Reno, Nev., next term. Pleasant Club at Thiele Home— The Pleasant Brook 4-H club met Tuesday, July 26, at 2 p.m., at the Vincent Thiele home. Ten members were present. The members present showed how much they had advanced in the making of blouses. Plans for achievement day were discussed. Mrs. Vincent Thiele and Mrs. Vearl Tuttle were hostesses. Visit Kin Here— Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sloan of Lincoln spent Sunday visiting re latives in O’Neill. O’Neill News 4 ; r ~, L b Mrs. Felix Hendricks returned Tuesday from Omaha after spending a week visiting rela tives there. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Byers of Omaha came Friday to visit Mrs. C. E. Yantzi. They all left Satur day morning for a trip to Casper, Glacier National park and to the West coast. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sullivan and family of Wayne were here Mon day visiting her mother, Mrs. Pat Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wecker spent Sunday at Newman Grove where they attended a picnic hon oring the birthday of Eugene Kugra. Miss Donna Crabb returned Sunday after spending several days in Omaha visiting her moth er, who had been in Clarkson hospital there, and other rela tives in Council Bluffs, la. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Anderson, Gary and Marvy went to Dixon Tuesday, July 26, to meet Allen Prescott and Sharon Lee. They all went to the Able car sale in Om aha. --——- y . I l ..-. 4 PONTON INSURANCE Florence Ponton, Prop. Insurance of All Kinds & Bonds Phone 106 — Golden Bldg. EDW. M. GLEESON DENTIST 2d Floor Gilligan Bexall Bldg. Ph. 240 - Box 149 - Hrs. 8:30-0 O DR. DONALD E. DAVID OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Phone 2101, Spencer, Nebr. 0 1 .