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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1955)
O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs. Verne Reyncld son and family were Sunday guests at the home of her broth er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bartlett, in Fuller. Mrs. Bertha Bellar returned Friday from Loves Park, 111., where she had been voting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Harding and family for the past five weeks. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jones spent the Ea rter weekend in Vinton, la., where she had been visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Don Anderson and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson and family of Alliance were houseguests over the weekend of her mother, Mr. and Mrs. George Hartford. Saturday, Mr. Robert son and his family and his broth er and his wife, Mr. and Mi$. Sam Robertson. Chauncey Allen Porter, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Porter of O’Neill, was promoted to first lieutenant on March 22 at Scott Field, 111. Friends of St. Mary’s card par ty, Sunday, April 17th, 8 o’clock. 50c40 Joseph Johnson returned Mon day from Sioux Falls, S.D., after spending the Easter holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Verzal and son were Sunday guests at the E. F. Quinn home. Judge and Mrs. Louis Reimer i spent from Friday until Sunday ! in Grand Island visiting at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Trenholm and family of Omaha will visit at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Nelson, during the district music contest. Professor Trenholm, di rector of vocal music at Omaha university, will be one of the judges of the vocal music during the contest. Easter dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Res sel were their sons and daugh ters-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ressel and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Ressel. Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Reynoldson and family spent from Friday un til Sunday in Cozad visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brunk and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Grutsch spent Sunday in Spencer at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Dric key. Venetian blinds, prompt deliv ery, made to measure, metal or wood, all colors.—J. M. McDon ald’s. tf Miss Beverly McCarthy return ed to Omaha Sunday after visit ing for a week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George M. McCarthy. Mrs. Jack Everitt and Miss Margaret McElvain left Monday for Omaha where they will spend several days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McIn tosh and family, Mrs. Maude Mc Intosh, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Novotny and family, all of Mead ow Grove, and Mrs. Ray Collins of Madison were Easter guests at the home of Mr. and Mis. V\r. W. McIntosh. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gilg ar.d family spent Sunday and Mon day visiting his brother and sis ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gilg, in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grage spent Easter in Norfolk at the home of their son-in-laiw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Walker, and Bobby. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sawyer end family of Ainsworth and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schmidt were Easter dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grenier. Mrs. Kenneth Ellston spent Monday in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brogan of Madison were in O’Neill Tuesday. Mrs. Brogan is the former Jean Gladson, a granddaughter of Mrs: J. H. McPharlin. Easter dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Felix Hen drick were all of their daughters and their families and their son. They are Mr. and Mrs. William Aiken and daughters of Hastings, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Deao and family of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. George" Hendrick and family 0 of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Lan dreth and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. William Aim and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schmit and family and Mrs. Lod Janou sek visited Sunday in Nenzel, on their return from North Platte, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schmit and his brother, Charles, of New York City, who was visiting his parents over the holiday. Miss Lucille Meth of Clark is visiting this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Shelhamer. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stutz and family spent Easter at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Oik, in Petersberg. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Streeter were guests from Sunday until Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Matthews in Lin coln. They were guests also at the home of their nephew, Gene Streeter. Peter and Cecelia Mathews of Lincoln visited over their Easier vacation at the home of their fa ther, Leo Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Waller and family were Easter dinner guests at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snell, in Page. Sunday callers at the H. W. Tomlinson home were Mr. and Mrs. William Turner of Cham bers, Mr. and Mrs. James Coven try of Inman and Glen Tomlinson of Spencer. Mrs. Jonn j. Warrington, Mar lene and Mrs. J. D. Fraber met Mr. Harrington in Sioux City on Friday. He returned to Chicago, 111., the latter part of this week after spending the Easter holiday in O’Neill. Mr. Fraber of Omaha spent the Easter holiday at the Harrington home with his wife and daughter and her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hansen and family of Norfolk and Fran-* ris Flood of Neligh were Easter weekend guests at the home of Mrs. Hansen and Francis’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Flood and Mr. Hansen’s father, Carston Hansen. Monuments of lasting beauty made by skilled craftsmen of the J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monu , ments from the factory to the consumer. — Emmett Crabb, O’ Neill, phone 139-J. o 37tf Pvt. David Eby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Eby of O’Neill, arrived Sunday from Ft. Bliss, El Paso, Tex. Mr. Eby, Billy and Bobby and Mrs. Alma Eby of ' Ainsworth, who spent the Easter ' weekend at the home of her son 1 and daughter-in-law, met David j in Fremont. He has a two week leave before reporting to Ft. Sam ; Houston, San Antonio, Tex. Mr. and Mrs. John S. McCar [ thy and family of Scottsbluff were Easter weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Gonderinger. 3 r Miss Loretta Enright and her father, Tom Enright, spent Fri day in Norfolk. Mrs. Hattie Bowles arid Harold Bowles of Jewell, Kans., were .Easter weekend guests at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and JMrs.° Vernon R. Lorenz. Sunday guests at the home of : Mr. and Mrs. Howard D.c Man son were Mr. and Mrs. R. £,. Clark and daughter, of Loretto and Mrs. Roy Beeson" of Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. DeHart of Ord were Saturday and Sunday guests at the home,of their son in-iaw and .daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. Heriry Lofflin, and Jo Lee. ■* O n ||-, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Buckmaster, former O’Neill residents, drove to El Paso Friday and brought their son, Pvt. Gary Buckmaster, and Private Eby to Fremont, where the Buckmaster’s now reside. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gunn and Dick Gaskill were guests Easter at the Robert Gaskill home in Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Johnson, Gary and Vernon, spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gaskill. Mr. ad Mrs. John Harbottle spent Friday in Norfolk. Elva and Gerry Gettert return ed to their home Sunday after spending two weeks at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Laible, in Atkinson. Mrs. L. G. Gillespie entertain ed at a dinner Sunday at the M&M cafe honoring Mr. Gillespie on his 80th birthday anniversa ry. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gillespie and family and Mrs. E. J. Eby. Mrs. Joseph Bruder of Atkin son, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ries and family of Atkinson, Mrs. George Shald of Stuart and Mary Agnes Boyle were Easter dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman J. Janzing. The group attended the wake of James O’Donnell that evening in At kinson. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Heflin, sr., of Eric, Okla., were guests over the Easter holidays at the home of their son and daughter in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W .G. Hef lin, jr. Mrs. Don Hopkins ana aaugn ters spent Friday with her moth er, Mrs. Alta Meyers, in Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Hous er were Easter dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Smithson. Mrs. Earl Hunt and family spent last week in Omaha visit ing at the home of her mother, Mrs. E. W. Devereux. Mr. and Mrs. George Janousek and family spent Sunday in Co lumbus at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Hile. Mr. and Mrs. Allan P. Jasz kowiak and Nyla were Easter dinner guests at the home" of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Brewster in Stu art. Mrs. Hugh O’Neill was a guest Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Roy Lowry. Mrs. O’Neill visited from Saturday until Wednesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Paul M. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. John Wildes and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hamilton, jr., and family and Mrs. Claude °Hamilton, sr., spent Easter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Belzer and family in Norfolk. o Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Babl and cfamily of Holdrege visited from Friday until Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Vannie Newman. Mrs. Dorothy Newman of Bur well and her son and daughter in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Neil New man, and family of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. William Schiessler and their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Turk Beebout, and family, allrof Ainsworth, and the Babls were Easter °dinner guests of cMrs. Vannie Newman. Easter dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wetz ler were Mr.° and Mrs. C. E. Worth, T/Sgt. Charles E.° Worth of Wichita, Kans., Mrs. Mary t^etzler, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel rage aim uai uai a ui x agt anu Mr. and Mrs. Roy Worth and :c family Sergeant Worth visited his parents, M^. and Mrs. C. E. Worth, over the Easter weekend. Mr, and Mrs. Francis Gunn of Lincoln o were Saturday visitors in’ 0’Neill.c They spent the week end in Ewing with his brother in-law and sister, rMr. and Mrs. A. Beelaert. Mr. and Mrs.0D. A. cKersen brock and family and Mrs. M. J. ’Wallace spent Easter at the home, pf Mrs. Wallace’s son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Connors, and0 family in Greeley. Mr. and Mrs. Carl °Miller and ’sons, Mr. and Mrs. Marvino Van Every and daughter, all of Nor folk, Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Van Every and sons <and Mr. and Mrs. Levi Fuller and son were Easter guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Van Every. °0 ’Easter dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mc Carville, sr., were Mr. and. Mrs. John H. McCarville and family^ Mr. and,Mrs. J. L. McCarville, jr., and family and° Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kelley and Dick °cof Albion. 0 % ~ - O ° Letter to Editor ~o - U_ ^ o " 0 Atkinson, Nebr. 0 Are you in the know? If so, be a deft driyer. “Neat and skillful in action-—clever.” That’s how the dictionary defines “d-e-f-t.” Deft drivers are superior driv ers. Be a superior driver, not in7 ferior. 0 Our young people can be and will be deft drivers, if they get proper home training on safety c habits. If these habits are prac ticed at home every day in every way these young cpeople will be come champions. o Safety in the home is a family project. A misguided child is like a misguided. carp It can be a deadly weapon. Be smart, r be° safe, be “in the know.” Be "at home at the wheel for home: is where your safety training begins. MRS. ROBERT H. CLIFFORD Chairman Home Safety " Holt County Safety Council Friends of St. Mary’s to Elect Officers— The Friends of St. Mary’s will hold the final business meeting for the 1954-’55 year in the gym nasium of St. Mary's academy Monday evening, April 18, at 8 o’clock. The officers wall give the annual reports and the elec tion of officers for 1955-’56 will be held. Mrs. Nelson Entertains Club— Mrs. W. J. Nelson entertained the Chez a Mari club at her home Monday evening following din ner at the M&M cafe Mesdames Dale French, John L. McCarville and Marvin Miller had the high bridge scores. ' •> G College Set Returns to Various Campuses Students home for the Easter holidays and spring vacations who retiu-ned and will return this week to their respective college and university campuses are: Duchesne college, Omaha — Miss Marde Birmingham, Miss Mary Lou Wilson and Miss Lor raine Simonson. St. Mary college, Xavier, Kans. —Miss Rosemary Corkle and Miss Bernadette Hynes. Mt. St. Scholastica, Atchison, Kans.—Miss Shirley Leahy and Miss Lou Moss. Catholic university, Washing ton, D.C.—Miss Barbara Birm ingham. Briarcliffe college, Sioux City —Miss Diane DeBacker. Wayne State college — Miss Donna Crabb, Miss Mary Lou Conard, Miss Patricia DeBolt, Duane Weier and Lyle Davis. Hastings college — Miss Lois Harder and Lyle Fox. University of Nebraska—Rob ert Carroll, Robert Beckenhauer, Edward Tomlinson, Warren Se ger, Duane Booth, Don Petersen, James Bridges and Miss Elizabeth Schaffer. Creighton university, Omaha— Miss Mary Lou Head. Guests Here— Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wade, Ca mille and Steven of Centralia, Kans., were guests from last Thursday until Sunday of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Young. Visit Swea City— Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Kruse spent the weekend in Swea City, la., visiting at the home of her moth er, Mrs. Anna Dahl, and other relatives. They were present for the observation of Mrs. Dahl’s birthday anniversary. Mrs. Fred Robertson accompanied them as far as Sheldon, la.,, where she visited her son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. John DeHoegh, over the weekend. Regional Deaths James Harvey Pratt ! BASSETT — Funeral services were held Saturday, April 9, for James Harvey Pratt, 29, who was killed in a truck accident near Sterling, Colo. Services were in Bassett Methodist church with burial in Memorial cemetery. Survivors include: Widow; daughter, parents, and four sis ters. Mrs. Anna Oakeson BRISTOW—Mrs. Anna Oake son, 73, a former resident of Bris tow, died in a Newman Grove hospital, Wednesday, April 6. Funeral services were held Sa turday, April 9, at the Trinity Lu theran church at Newman Grove. Survivors include two daughters, four sons, three brothers, and two sisters. Rev. O. H. Hallgrimson BASSETT— Rev. O. H. Hall grimson, 62, former Baptist min ister at Bedford, la., and a native of Bassett, died at his home in Des Moines, la., following a heart attack. Gibson, Hobbs Duo Lead Cinder Team EWING—Keith Gibson, state meet finalist in the 220 - yard dash, Bob Hobbs and Dorrence Hobbs, 880 - yard relay state qualifiers, are among the letter men on the Ewing track squad. Gibson is also in the weights. Dorrence competes in the shot and Bob in the broad jump. Coach Richard Lane has other lettermen in Bob Koenig, sprints, broad jump; Francis Heumesser, mile; Leo Spes, P'10; Walter Hand, hurdles, high jump and discus. Promising material includes Jack Sisson, Ronald Rotherham, Larry Hand, Roger Woepel, Son ny Carl, Robert Tams, Dennis Scheer and Virgil Potter. Schedule: April 13—Cornbelt conference; 21—Holt county; 28 —Wayne invitational. O’NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Dean Moore and family of Newport were Easter guests of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Heermann. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. A. Johnson spent Easter weekend in Lincoln visiting their daughter, Miss Mar ilyn, who is a student at the Uni versity of Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. G. Owen Cole left Tuesday for Lincoln and Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Pace of St. Joseph, Mo., spent Satur day and Sunday visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. Amanda Pace, and sister, Mrs. Lulu Quig. Mr. and Mrs. William G. Kraft were Easter guests at the home of Miss Abbie Hanley in Inman. Other guests were Mabel Shobe and Marjorie of Page. Mr. and Mrs. John Lowery and sons of Omaha were Saturday and Sunday guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lowery. Mrs. Howard Oberle of Dorsey return ed to O’Neill with her son-in-law and daughter. She had been vis iting them for the past three weeks. Judge and Mrs. L. W. Renner spent the weekend in Grand Is land as guests at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Lucien Tay lor, and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Halva and family of Lynch were in O’Neill Saturday calling on Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Halva and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Halva. Mr. and Mis. G. J. Rvan and E. J. McKeman, all of South Sioux City, were Easter dinner guests at the home of the Ryans’ son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. George Hammond. Mr. McKeman is Mrs. Ham mond’s uncle. --—— __ ~ ATTENTION! C O Stock Car Owners & Drivers King’s' Speedway Will Open May 1 0 NORFOLK, NEBR. e o c £ q 0 o O Attend the final race meeting for 0 Information and - (discussion at King’s Ballroom, Norfolk 0 0 Sunday, April 17 — 2 P.M.0° o : 0° o ° O*-• o n ^ D o o o • Universal Model 8022 3 u O A great buy! Windowed oven, roll-out o 0 broiler, roomy storage. Matchless cooking performance.^ 22950 ° “Mrs. America” Roper Range Deluxe cooking! Insta-lite burners, di- o c vided top, 4-hour alarm timer, win dowed "Bake Moster" 2695^ Get these 2 Kitchen Aids FREE o O * c <■' „ , o P ° It’s a real joy to zip through cooking, baking and canning when you have your new gas range on the o job. Modern gas cooking is so fast... so adjustable . .°, c so clean ... so convenient. Today’s new gas ranges ° have loads of features: burners that light automatically, ° look-through oven doors, top cooking that adjusts 0 instantly from high broil to “keep warm,” roll-out ° broiler drawers, spacious storage compartments, c send Portable c top panel and oven lighting, and lots more, o Mixer — tor dozens of O r_ ° lUa ^oSi.whippi"9- See these new beauties now. And buy now ... °o because during our Spring Showing yov get BOTH of the gifts shown at left FREE with your new gas range. ° Easy Terms Available Sea Your Favorite BAS APPLIANCE K*£3tt.i£ DEALER or Kaasas-Nebraska Store V ^ESEQSEBvEEEQSrT) For Dependable GAS Service :r c, O <-> 0 •> ^B n ° OO < O o A. Quiet running, low priced! This new Wizard Electric iso perfect for small0 yards. 1/3 h.P;. 1725 RPM Westinghouse 0 motor. 2X2512 . .... oq qc o 0 %o 0 OM.l/O Deluxe Electric <2X1329 .°.. ° ca e\ r o) 0 ° o o 0.b"&" 54.95 c 0 ° O ° ° O o' B. Big Wizard W'arrior for “tough job” mowing and large OQ lawns. Newest type 4-cycle 2% h.p. Clinton engine slashes | 0its way through tallest grass and weeds with power to spare. Variable speed, with handy cutting fingertip con- ° trols. 4 easy to adjust cutting heights. 2X2522 .. gg gQ O ° _0_C C. 1 > ■ O ° ° C. Trim close to trees, fences; etc., with Wizard Side Trim mer. Has IVz h.p., 2-cycle Power Products engine, leaf \ mulcher. Side exhaust. 2X2520 . °. ... n A ne 3 O o Q o O O / Big 2y2 h.p. Wizard Side Trimmer. 2X2524 99 gQ O O oD. Popular Wizard “Wildcat IV” has newest 4-cycle, 1% h.p. Clinton engine. Lightweight. Short wheelbase. Easy maneuvering. 2X2518 .?.. 74 95 “Wildcat II”. 2-cycle. 2X2516 ...0. .,°... 09 95 E. America’s finest self-propelled rotary—the Wizard Drive O-Matic. Big 2-cycle, 2% h.p. engine. Easy maneuvering with free-wheeling clutch. For extra large lawns. 2X2526 P.-.<r. 154.95 o A. UTILITY SEAT CUSHION. For car, boat or outdoor Duse. Wedge | shaped. 2N2115. ° 0 Regularly 98c . . .° 79c 0B. ARM REST COVERS. Match Wizard Plastic Seat Cpvers. Eiasily installed. 2N2899-2913. Sale Price .. °..".. J o * o C. REAR VIEW MIRROR. ° 0 c 4% -in. non - glare, round mirror. Gleaming chrome plate. For either side of car. Fully adjustable. C2107. , Sale Price . 98c With Thermometer . 2.29 ° t ° , D. WHEEL SPINNER. For spoke mounting. Chrome with ° plastic knob. C1131. 0 0 Regularly 55c . 29c E. DASH FENCE. ° Assorted colors in transparent lucite with suction cup for fastening. Cl382. Sale Price . (1 • ... • .. o o $4.30 Trade-in » O on WIZARD Deluxe o 0 O ° Reg. 15.25 1/\AC without old I # 3 battery 0 o an<i old battery o Trade-in that winter-weary bat o tery now! Change to a Wizard De- °° luxe for fast, sure starts with power to spare. Full 100 ampere hour capacity. Original equip ment replacement type for most popular cars. Let’s trade today! 2B1037, 1126, 1514 C . ° o ° A. BROOM RAKE. Tempered steel teeth. 18Vfe-in. spread. X1623. Regularly 98c .,°. CQc o 0 o B. LEVEL HEADED RAKE. Excellent for lawn care. Light-weight, easy to handle. 3X3110. Regularly 1.89 °. J C. SPADING FORK. Four tapered tines make garden work easy. 3X3206. Regularly 2.69 . ° o D. GARDEN TOOL SET. ° o ° Chip proof finish. X1424, 5, 6. Set Reg. 57c . 39e O ° E. LIGHTWEIGHT BRASS NOZZLE. For normal lawn and garden needs. Fully adjustable. XI135. FofIfl,”ly 49° F. HOSE HANGER . ygc