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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1955)
FOR SALE FOR SALE: Brome grass seed.— See Hugo Holz or Dr. L. A. Carter, O’Neill. 47tf HOUSE TRAILERS FOR SALE: 28- and 35-foot lengths, both modem in every way. Terms if desired, and I will deliver to your location. See them at the DeLuxe Motel, Nehgh. 49-50c FOR SALE: Six-room house to be moved. Located 17 mi. north of O’Neill on highway 281.—O. J. Drueke, O’Neill. 50tf FOR SALE: 1 new steel branding and dehoming chute.—Ed Tren nepohl. 26 mi. south of O’Neill. 49-50p60 FOR SALE: Our calf scours cap sules are very effective. One dose does the job. —Dr. H. L. Bennett, O’Neill. 49-52c FOR SALE 1949 Chevrolet 2-dr. 1954 Ford tudor. 1940 Chev. 2-dr. 1947 Pontiac Sta. Wag. Steel hydraulic dump box. Strong s Repair O’Neill FOR SALE: 66 whiteface cows, half with calves at side, others to calve soon.—Stanley Behrens, % mile east and % north of Belden. 49-50c BEST BUYS I 1953 Nash Statesman, 2-door. Heater and over-drive. Very clean. A bargain. 1949 Plymouth, 2 - door, radio, heater. Clean. Bargain. 1951 Ford 2-door. Very clean. Bar gain. 1951 Plymouth 4 - door, radio, heater, very clean. New paint job. A bargain . $700 Camping trailer, fully equipped. A bargain. COME IN AND SEE US! We like to trade!! Shierk Motor Co. Phone 430 212 South 4th — O’Neill FOR SALE: 29’ Landola house trailer, modern and in excellent condition. — Don Rzeszotarski, Atkinson. 50-5 lp60 FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire boars and open gilts. Reason ably priced.—Henry Stelling & Son, Orchard. 47-49-51-l-3c FOR SALE: Nemaha seed oats.— Clarence Gokie, O’Neill. 45tf Agricultural Lime IF YOU are in need of agricultur al lime, we are now shipping it in and can quote you delivered prices anywhere in the county. Telephone 5111. J. F. BRADY COMPANY Atkinson, Nebraska 45tf FOR SALE: Fanned Nemaha oats, 90c a bushel; Landcaster brome, state tested, 15c lb.—M. G. French & Son, Page, Nebr. 48-50c USED CARS 1953 Pontiac 2-dr. 8 Dlx. 1952 Pontiac 4-dr. 8 Dlx. 1951 Dodge 4-dr. Coronet. 1948 Mercury 4-dr. 1948 Pontiac Sedan Cpe. 1949 Olds. 98 Sedan Cpe. 1952 Pontiac 2-dr. 8 Dlx. 1953 Pontiac 4-dr. 6. All of the above cars carry our Pontiac Goodwill Used Car Guarantee. See us last before you trade. GMAC FINANCING WM. KROTTER CO. PONTIAC SALES & SERVICE WEST O’NEILL FOR COMPLETE DETAILS, and free help in engineering your sprinkler system and informa tion on liberal credit terms, see BILL BOWKER Phones 207 & 468-W O’Neill, Nebr. 32c Plant Certified Seed! FOR SALE: Certified seed oats, Missouri 205. Germination 98%. Bulk price 93c bushel, 10C bushel lots at 90c.—L. E. Lutt, Niobrara, Nebr. 48-50c FOR SALE: Registered Yorkshire boars also some open and bred gilts. Contact—C. B. Sanders phone 5-F-22, O’Neill. 47tJ FOR SALE: John Deere horse drawn manure spreader; 2 sets work harness with extension collars; Hudson oil burning brooder; green frieze davo-bed blonde finish library table. AI in good condition.—Leon Beck with, Emmet. 50c FOR SALE: 5-room house witt full basement, completely mo dem. attached garage. REA. 1 acre of ground. 1 mile north o: stop light.—Don McClellan O'Neill. 50-5 lp6! WILL BE selling 6 good younj milk cows at the O’Neill Live stock Mkt. at the regular sale Thursday, April 21. 50-51< FOR SALE OR TRADE: One 110 volt Iowa Super electric creanc separator, 800-lb. capacity; 110 volt electric portable Nationa 2-unit milking machine.—Maj be seen at John Sobotka’s, In man, or contact J. W. Sobotka Inmar 49-5 If FOR SALE: Insurance of all kinds.—See Virgil Laursen. O’ Neill, phone 434. 2Stf CHERROSOTE Gilligan’s Rexall Drug Phone 87 — O’Neill 36tf 0 FOR SALE: Aeromotor wind mills, and towers, galvanized stock tanks, 8- and 10-foot sizes. — John Sobotka, Inman, Nebr. 7tf FOR SALE: Cossack alfalfa seed. State tested.—John Pruss, Em met. c 46tf BULK GARDEN SEED A full line of garden seed, lawn seed and fertilizers. Wm. Krotter Co. UPTOWN HARDWARE Phone 496 New Machinery Clipper fanning mill. 12-Ft. Easy Flow fertilizer spreader. J-D spreaders. 730 lister. Listed corn cultivators. Farmhand loaders, bulldozers, grapple forks. Grain drills. J-D-D oils, greases and batteries. Bale ties, cable. Plymouth baler and binder twine. Used Machinery 1936 John Deere A. 1944 John Deere B. 1946 H John Deere. 0 ■ IHC F 20 tractor. IHC 2-row listed corn cultivator. JD 730 lister. Wagon gear on rubber. J-D 4-wheel spreader. No. 52 two 14” bottom plows. Hydraulic manure loader. IHC No. 30 loader. 0 We trade and give terms on John Deere Credit Plan. Come in and see us! i ° O ° . O Harry R. Smith Impls. Your John Deere Dealer Phone 562 — O’Neill 0 FOR SALE: Missouri 0-205 seed oats. State tested. — Clifford Dick, O’Neill, 3% miles west of Drive In theatre. 48-50p FOR SALE: 40 Hamp pigs about 8 wks. old. — Joe Soukup, O’Neill. 49,50p '55 STUDEBAKERS ABE NOW ON DISPLAY! USED CARS 1953 DeSoto club coupe. = 1951 4-door Studebaker (Land cruiser). 0 1949 Chevrolet. 1946 4-dr. Studebaker Champion. 1946 Ford tudor. IHC %-ton pickup. SMITH MOTOR CO. ‘‘Home of Studebaker” Phone 562 — O’Neill FOR SALE: 65-BTU space heat er, natural gas. — Phone 263, O’Neill. 30tf WANTED: 15 cows with calves to pasture. —Dan Sholes, Inman, Nebr. 49-50p60 FOR SALE: 1948 GMC 450 series tractor equipped with air and vacuum, two-speed. Will trade or sell for $500.—Everett Gor gen, phone 524-M, O’Neill. 42tf BY MAIL OFFER DAILY LINCOLN JOURNAL 7>4 WEEKS $1 YOU’LL GET Nancy, Blondie, Or phan Annie, Steve Canyon, Rip ley’s Believe It or Not, Grin and Bear It, Dr. Albert E. Wiggam, Dr. Alvarez, Time Out, Raymond A. McConnell, Jr., Norman Vin cent Peale, Raymond Moley, Roscoe Drummond, Walter Win chell, David Lawrence, Stewart Alsop, Associated Press, United Press, The Voice of Nebraska Agriculture, Chicago Daily News Wire, A.P. Wire Photo, Weather Reports, Markets, Sports, Feature Stories, Pat terns, Recipes, Radio, Televi sion Programs. With the LINCOLN JOURNAL you get the Sunday practically free for some papers charge more for daily only, than the Journal does including Sunday. By mail offer in Nebraska and Northern Kansas, outside Lan caster County, 7% weeks $1.00 daily; 914 weeks daily and Sun day $2.00; a year $6.00 daily with Sunday $10.00. Order direct or through our of fice. Iowans Are Guests— Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Chambers, jr„ and sons and Miss Jackie Christiansen of Ringsted, la., were weekend guests at the H. E. Asher home. They were accom panied to O’Neill by Mrs. C. H. Chambers, sr., who had spent several weeks visiting at the Chambers, jr., home. Other guests Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Don Asher and Susan, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Asher and sons, Misses June Klink and Bonnie Vanden baugh, Clifford Bellville and Rodney Johnson, all of Valentine. MISCELLANEOUS O. E. ("Oakie") DAVIDSON Plumbing & Heating “The Best Work for the Least Money” GAS WATER HEATERS & FURNACES Phone 126 — O’Neill Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill Arthritics c You are invited to visit Bartow’s Uranium Center Gordon, Nebr. “Uranium Pads” for home use. Phone 315-J 50-52pl80 HOOVER Sales & Service BIGLIN’S Phone 38 — O’Neill SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes. 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. — Contois Motor Co., Neligh. . 30tf WATCH for the announcement of Christenson’s Hereford Bull sale coming in May, 1955 at Winner, S.D. 48-50c L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of 0 - Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. ROOFING, OF ALL TYPES For free estimates and informa tion, contact Clarence Strong Independent Roofing Co. Phone 321-R — O’Neill o 50-51c HUNT’S Plumbing & Heating COLEMAN BLEND AIR FURNACES — Gas or Oil Kohler, American & Briggs PLUMBING FIXTURES Paw Paw for Your Septic Tank Water Systems Gas & Electric Water Heaters Phone 399 — O’Neill We Give Gold Arrow Stamps L-O-A-N-S 4% Federal Land Bank Long Term PRE-PAYMENT PRIVILEGES ELKHORN VALLEY NATIONAL FARM ASS’N O’Neill, Nebr. TRY OUR three-way vaccine, prevents, blackleg, malignant edema, hemorrhagic, stops cat tle rustlers with one shot.—Dr. H. L. Bennett, O’Neill. 49-52c REAL ESTATE0 °o FOR SALE: Pool room at O’Neill with three snooker tables. Con 0 tact—Ponton Real Estate, nO’ Neill, phone 106.o 49c 1 HAVE opened an acreage ad jacent to O’Neill and will sell , either in acreages or lots. — Harry E. Ressel. O’NeilL > lltf ___________ FOR SALE: Two building site lots. South front, water, sewer gas.—Don Lyons, O’Neill. 49-52p FOR SALE: Good 160-acre im proved farm near O’Neill.—Geo. C. Robertson, O’Neill. 45tf FOR SALE: Well improved quarter of pasture and hayland with or without buildings. All fertilized, new water system and REA. Located on gravel road near O’Neill. — Duane Gray, O’Neill. 49-50c70 FOR SALE: Locker plant consist ing of concrete block building, 50x22, with 115 locker boxes, nearly all rented.—Geo. C. Rob ertson, phone 534, O’Neill. 45tf FOR SALE: 8-room house on 2 lots, modern, located 2 blocks south of bus depot on Fremont street.—See P. C. Donohoe, O’ Neill. c 45tf IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured?—See Ed Thorin, agt., 3 O’Neill, Nebr. 44tf :__________________________ | Doctor Hears Reports— Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Lang don left Tuesday to- spend the week in Omaha. Doctor Langdon was to witness the first release of last year’s Salk vaccine results to be televised by closed circuit for doctors at the Orpheum theater Tuesday night. He will also attend medical meetings being held at Creighton university through Fri day. C _ Sioux Cityan ° Guest Here— Miss Nora McAuliffe of Sioux City was a weekend guest of Miss Genevieve Biglin and the F. N. Cronins. Miss Biglin returned to Sioux City with Miss McAuliffe for a few days. CARDS of THANKS WE WISH to express our sincere appreciation to friends, neigh bors and relatives for their kindness, helpfulness and sym pathy after the death of our dear father and husband. — Mrs. Fred C. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Watson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Watson, Oscar Grenstreet and family. 50c I WISH to thank my friends and relatives who remembered me while I was a patient at St. An thony’s hospital. A special thanks to Doctors Wilson and Langdon, the Sisters and nurses for their wonderful care; also thanks to the blood donor and those who responded. 50p50 HARRY JOHNSON WE WANT to thank all our rela tives and friends who visited us, sent cards and gifts while we were in the hospital. Also thanks to Doctors Wilson and Langdon and the hospital staff, who cared for us while there. DUANE AND DAVID WINKLER 50p50 WE WISH to extend our thanks and deep appreciation to our many friends for their cards and letters and other expres sions of sympathy in the loss of our dear mother and grand mother also to all who helped in any way and special thanks to the ladies aid. May the Lord reward each of you for your kindness.—The family of Carrie Blake. 50p50 THE SISTERS at. St. Mary’s academy wish to thank those 0 who contributed so generously to the rewiring project by giv ing time or funds or by fur ° nishing transportation facili ties. God bless all. MOTHER AGNESINE AND SISTERS WE WISH to thank cour friends and relatives for the many cards, gifts and visits we re ceived while we were in St. Anthony’s hospital. A special “thank you” to those who helped at home, to Doctors BroWh and Flench and the hospital staff. 0 All your kind deeds will be remembered. J. W. FINCH, JR., o AND HELEN Page, Nebr. 50c WANTED o WANTED: Lady'to care for four small, motherless children in modern farm home. —Charles A. Prussa, phone 7803, Atkin son. 48-50p60 WANTED: Responsible party to take over small piano on low monthly payments. Can cbe seen in this vicinity. For partic ulars write Box 584, Sioux Falls, S.D. ° 50-51c HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors fer Any ‘dob 25tf GILL ELECTRIC: See John Gil strap for all your electrical wiring and equipment. I ser vice all makes of appliances.— O’Neill, phone 527-LR. 45tf SEVERAL GOOD locations open for a qualified aggressive indi vidual Jo take on profitable, dong term contract. Contact In ternational Harvester Company, Box 397, Grand Island Nebras ka. 0 48-50c WANTED: About 30 head of yearlings to pastures — Ray mond Klabenes,o5 mi. north 1% west of Chambers. 50c CbC FOR RENT ° FOR RENT: Sleeping room. —Ed ’Murphy, phone 403-R, O’Neill. ° o 49tfc FOR RENT: Partially fur nished 4-room apartment with bath. Heat, lights and water furnished.—Call phone 537, O’ Neill. 36tf FOR RENT: Small apartment. — Phone 136-W, O’Neill. 37tf FOR RENT: Sanders for floor and furniture. — Spelts s> Ray Lbr. Co“ 47tf FOR RENT: Floor polished and: waxer.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. FOR RENT: Business building, 116 S. Fourth st.—Kieth Abart, O’Neill. FOR RENT: Furnished apartment with full bath. Close in. —Clara ° Aim/ phone 440-J, O’Neill. 48tf O Naper Voters Okay Auditorium Bonds— 0 NAPER—Naper residents ogave overwhelming approval to a $25, 000 bond issue here Tuesday, April 5. The vote was 85-9 in favor of the bonds, to provide a new. mu nicipal auditorium. Raymond Stoltenberg and John G. Sieh were elected to the vil lage board and Oliver Whitney, William Blakkolb and James Mc Laughlin to the school board, all unopposed. George Dawson defeated Gust Weickum- for police magistrate by a vote of 46-36. 1 '* O Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Osenbaugh were Sunday guests in Burwell at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Osenbaugh. Sandy returned to O’Neill with her grandparents to visit for .several weeks. o' > Church Bowling Team Is Honored RIVERSIDE—The United Pres byterian bowling team members entertained their wives at a din ner at O’Neill Tuesday night, April 5. ?/TV.nbers of the team are: Rev t J. Bomer, Leo Mil ler, Dale, Richard and Alfred Napier and Wendell Switzer. Other Riverside News When the weather gets nice it is hard to telephone people for the news because they are so often not in the house. Anyone having news items is asked to call the correspondent. Patty Rotherham, a student at Nebraska university, spent Mon day and Tuesday of her Easter vacation at the Bill Lofquest home. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink and Timmy and Mrs. Kittie Fry took supper at the Lee Fink home on Wednesday evening, April 6, as a surprise for Ava’s birthday an niversary. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Strode of Stuart visited the Grant Mott family Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Pollock of Omaha spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock. Mrs. Rodney Pollock planned to leave for Scottsbluff Tuesday to help care for her mother, Mrs. Earl Philips, who is ill. Kathy Lofquest and Mrs. Ed na Lofquest were entertained on Friday afternoon in Edna’s home, honoring their birthday anniver saries. Present were: Alta Mey ers and Beverly of Neligh, Mrs. Bill Lofquest and children, Mrs. Earl Billings, Mrs. Kimes and Mrs. Lily Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer were dinner guests of the Wendell Switzers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harpster and sons spent Easter with the W. M. Napier family. Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Woslager and children called on Mr. and Mrs. Rollan Hord last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Plogg and family of Millageville, 111., spent the Easter vacation visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Gunter, and other rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Woslager and children, who have been liv ing in Omaha the past year have moved to the 0 John Woslager farm. Mrs. Woslager, sr., will make her home with them. Easter guesfs of, the Lionel Gunter family were: Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Gunter and fam ily of Hoskins Mr. and Mrs’. Steve Shavlik, Myron and Pam0 of Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Switzer of Clearwater, Mr. and Mrs.° Alvin Nelsen and son of Plainview, Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Hoke and family, Mr? and Mrs. Rol Hord and Duane, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier and children and Larry Plogg. The Howard Plogg family called in the after noon? The dinner honored the April birthday anniversaries of Mrs. Alfred Napier, LeRoy and Glencfe, and Jim Gunter and the wedding anniversary of the Lyle Switzers. Mrs. Dale Napier had an Easter ’party for five of her little nieces Saturday 'afternoon. Guests were Rita and Nancy* Napier, Carrol Ann Napier and Julie and Jody Fry. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Napier and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry and children \ypre supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Montgom ery Tuesday evening, April 5. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader and family and Mr. and Mrs. Vic Vandersnick and family spent Easter with Mrs. Kittie Fry. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and sons and the Dale Hhll family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink. The Halls of McPherson, Kans., spent their Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink. Easter dinner guests^ of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett were: Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Young and family of Omaha, Mrs.a Flora Young and Wilmer° and “Uncle” Jim Bennett of Orchard, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Morrow and chil dren of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Bus Napier and children of Orchard and Ina Bennett of Ewing. Mr.-and Mrs. Archie Johnston and daughters rspent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Verl Gunter and children of Neligh. They visited Elwell Johnston in the hospital in Jhe afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Shrader and fajnily were Sunday dinner guests of the Ralph Shrader family. Rev. W. J. Bomer and Mrs. Ralph Shrader and Diane attend Sunday dinner guests of Mr.= and Mrs. Floyd Napier were: Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Napier and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry and children and Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Mont gomery and children. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Jensen and daugh ters were afternoon callers, ed the funeral of James Mac 1,achlan at Atkinson Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown ing of Madison visited the How ard Miller family Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer and Elayne, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Chris ton, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pahl and Mary and Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tem ple and Twila in Hastings. METHODIST (O’Neill) Rev. W. B. Smith, pastor Thursday, April 14: Prayer cell, 10 a.m., at Mrs. Peterson’s; WSCS, 2 p.m., with election of officers. Friday, April 15: Dorcas soci ety, Mrs. C. Bates, 2 p.m. Saturday, April 17: Junior choir practice, 9:15 a.m.; church school classes, 9:45 a.m.; worship service, 11 a.m., sermon: “Burn ing Hearts”; MYF cabinet, 1:30' p.m. Monday, April 18: Wesleyan Service guild will entertain at a tea all of the women of the church' and their friends, 8 p.m. The speaker, Miss Uniola Adams, recently returned from Africa. Tuesday, April 19: District WSCS meeting at Wayne, 9:30 a.m.; adult fellowship, 8 p.m. ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN (Chambers) Rev. Howard Claycombe, pastor Thursday, April 14: Ladies’ Aid, 2 p.m.; junior Walther league, 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 15: Ushers’ meet ing, 8 p.m. Saturday, April 16: Confirma tion class, 10 a.m. Sunday, April 17: Nursery class, Sunday-school and adult Bible class, 10 a.m.; divine wor ship, 11 a.m. Monday, April 18: Pastoral conference at Ainsworth, 10 a.m. Wednesday, April 20: Adult class, 8 p.m. Christ Lutheran (O’Neill) Seventh and Clay streets Rev. E. G. Smith, pastor “The church of the o Lutheran Hour.” Thursday, April 14: Adult in struction class, 8 p.m. A series of discussions on the ‘basic teachings of the church. All are invited.J o Sunday, April 17: Worship, 9 a.m.; Sunday-school, 10:15 a.m.;° voter’s meeting, 2 p.m. Monday, April 18: Building committee meet's, 8 p.m. The com mittee will meet at the home of Robert Miller. Ml ° Rev. J. M. Hodgkin, pastor J Sunday, April 17: Sunday school, 10 a.m., Eugene Baker, superintendent; worship, 11 a.m. Dean Fleming of Atkinson will be the speaker at the morning worship service on Sunday. Sunday^ April 24,, is family night. The Woman’s society will meet today (Thursday) at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Gleed with Mrs. Sar ah Adams as cohostess and Mrs. T. E. Alderson as ‘program lead er. o O O METHODIST (Emmet) Rev. W. B. Smith, pastor Sunday, April 17: Worship ser vice and children’s church school, 9:30 a.m.; adult-youth church school, 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 19: WSjcS dis trict meeting at Wayne, 9:30 a.m. Thursday, April 21: WSCS with Mrs. Kloppenborg, 2 p.m.; Lord’s acre information meeting at En bodys’, 8 p.m., entire congrega tion invited. WESLEYAN METHODIST (O’Neill) Rev. Duane Lauber, supply pastor Sunday, April 17: Sunday school, 10 a.m., Carl Colfack, su perintendent; worship service, llc a.m.; youth service, 7:30 p.m.; worship service, 8 p.m. There will be services nightly through Sunday, April 24, with Rev. J. E. Winterberg of Milton vale, Kans. o We cordially invite you to all services. ° o CHURCH OF CHRIST (O’Neill) Corner of Sixth and Grant Johnc Thomas, minister Sunday,, April 17: Bible school, 10 a.m.; communion and preach ing, 11 a.m.; youth fellowship, 7 [).m.; evening worship at° 8 o’ clock. Bible study and prayer session Wednesday, 8 p.m. In the name of Jesus Christ we Did you a sincere welcome to :hese services. J METHODIST (Page-Inman) Rev. Lisle E. Mewmaw, pastor Thursday, April 14: Inman WSCS meeting at 2:30 p.m.; In man choir practice and MYF at 7:30 p.m.; official board meeting at 8 o’clock in the Karl Keyes home. Friday, April 15: Page fourth quarterly conference at 8 p.m. All official board members please plan to attend. Sunday, April 17: Inman wor ship service at 9:45 a.m.; Page worship service at 11 a.m.; Page church school at 10 a.m.; Inman church school at 10:45 a.m. Page fellowship basket din ner at noon honoring those re ceived into membership this year. Don’t miss it! Inman monthly fellowship sup per and program (with commis sion on education in charge), 6:30 p.m. Plan to attend! Tuesday, April 19: District WSCS spring meeting at Wayne. Thursday, April 21: Page WSCS meeting. Friday, April 22: Inman fourth quarterly conference at 8 p.m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (O’Neill) Rev. J. Olen Kennell, pastor Sunday, April 17: Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; worship service, 11 a.m. Niobrara Presbytery meets at Randolph on Monday and Tues day, April 18 and 19. Tuesday, April 19: Junior choir practice, 4 p.m. o Wednesday, April 20: Youth fellowship meeting, 7 p.m.; choir practice, 8 p.m. Thursday, April 21: Circle CI meets at 2:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Harry Ressel; Circle II meets at5 2?30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Newman; Circle III meets at 7:45 p.m. at the home of Mrs. R. G. Shelhamer. The Men’s council meets on Monday, April 25. O-2— °o Tune in- “Voice of The Fron tier”, c thrice weekly! o Spring Special o ° THE RALPH LEIDY HOME, located between 7th and 8th on Grant Street. This is a 3-bedroom home, with full basement, excellent heating plant, on two lots, double ga rage, paved drive, and many, many extras and special features. RALPH SAYS SELL THE HOUSE! Immediate possession and terms to responsible party. O Thorin - Bowker Agency Phone 207 — O’Neill °o o BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN (RFD, Ewing) Rev. J. Olen Kennell, pastor ° Sunday, April 17: Worship ser vice, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, April 20: Women’s society meeting, 2 p.m. Africa Missionary to Speak at Amelia— AMELIA — Miss Gertrude Haight, a missionary from Ed walina school in Africa, will speak at the Free Methodist church on Saturday, April 3, at 8 p.m. Everyone is invited to at tend this service. Mrs. M. P. Sullivan spent Eas ter with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Donohoe. M “OLD RELIABLE” MARKET REPORT Tuesday, April 12th , Auction Cattle receipts 363 head. 0 The light run of cattle reflect ed full, steady prices on most classes with prices on butcher cows the best in the last 14% months. Most short yearling steers sold from 21.00-23.75 cwt. while their heifer mates were bringing from 17.50 to 18.50 cwt. Plainer kinds sold at least 2.00 cwt. under the more desirable offerings; long yearlings and 2-yr.-old heifers sold from 15.25-16.75 cwt. Best beef cows largely 11.50 13.00; high cutters 9.50-11.00, canners 8.00 - 9.25; bologna bulls 11.50 - 13.00. Suckling calves 20.00 to 40.00 per head. A short string of bred heifers went at 126.00 per head, older breeding cows with calves at side 130.00-150.00 per pair. O Next Auction Tuesday, April 19th O “For Tops in Prices” — Sell at “The Old Reliable” °Phone 5141 c ° 0 ■ o jj Atkinson Livestock Market , “ 0 „ Phone 5141 o Atkinson, Nebr. o o ———w NIGHT SALE O O O o o ° of Minnesota and Wisconsin DAIRY CATTLE _£o ° o__ 83 - Head - 83 °0 ° n 0 HOLSTEIN — GUERNSEY . BROWN SWISS 0o°o o 5 0 To Be Sold at Auction on THURSDAY NIGHT,, APRIL 21st : ' .o O O7:30 CP.M. Sharp ° o ° ' - 0 v In pavilion on the ARNOLD THIELE FARM, located 2V2 miles SW of Clearwater, Nebr., on good all-weather road oo a o o o o ° o . . . Featuring >. ° 36—Head of Only Top Quality Calves c 20—Head of First and Second Calf © Heifers,o fresh by sale date 20—Head of Heavy Springers ® °o ^ 0 4—Open Brown Swiss Heifers c o o 1—Holstein Bullr seviceable age ° 0 ° ° ° „ 0 O >. : Special Attraction • o o Q° ° ° o° Two outstanding: 6-months-old Holstein heifers, officially calf hood vaccinated. If you are in need of a good 4-H°club heifer,0 don’t overlook either of these calves. You will be proud to own either one of them. 0 o 0 FREE! HEIFER CALF! °0 3 O Heifer calf to be given away at the sale, o Anyone is eligible. _ ° u On ° ° o o°ooO°0 ° o o ° Q ° o O ° O O MANY OF THESE CALVES in this sale are officially calfhood vaccinated. Health sheets will be furnished. Balance TB and Bang’s tested. 0 . o ° r THESE CATTLE all are personally selected by us, and they are direct from the farm. Positively no sale barn or stock yard cattle. oo o ' . o ° o o o THIS OFFERING of fine dairy cattle can be seen at the farm at Clearwater, Nebr. For further information, write, phone or visit us at any time. _ o_ WILLIAM THIELE, Columbus, Nebr. ARNOLD THIELE, Clearwater, Nebr. • O ° 3