Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1955)
Butch Betkner, 10, Burial at Lynch— Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. White attended the funeral Sunday in Lynch of Butch Betkner, 10. Butch was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Scott Mrs. Scott is the former Joyce Pierson of Lynch. The lad died Friday from heart failure follow ing an appendectomy in a Wyo ming hospital. 9FF Meets— The 9 FF club met last Thurs day at the home of Mrs. Dean Reed following dinner at the M&M cafe. Mrs. Elgin Ray and Mrs. Earl Rodman had the high bridge scores. Attend Wedding in Atkinson Church CELIA—Many of the families from the Celia community attend ed the wedding of Miss Alice Focken of Omaha, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Focken of Celia, to A/lc Albert D. Emmons, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Emmons of French Lick, Ind., in the Atkin son Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon. The young folks came Friday night and spent the weekend at the Clarence Focken home. Mrs. Viola Guhl and Barbara and Jack of Omaha came Satur day morning and left Sunday eve ning. Mrs. Rose Belam and Susie, Mrs. B e n t z and Catherine and Lyn Nell Hyspe of Omaha arrived Sunday morning for the wedding, as did A/lc William Bacot and A/2c Robert French. All were supper guests at the Focken home Sunday evening. Other supper guests included Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Focken and family and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Poessnecker and family. Other Celia News Friends and relatives surprised Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bausch on then wedding anniversary Wednesday evening, March 2. Pinochle was played at three tables, after which a lunch was served, including two freezers of ice cream which were brought by neighbors. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley John son, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Naber. Mr. and Mrs. John Schwindt and Venita, Mr. and Mrs. John Sich eneder and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schlotfeld, Carole, Darrell, Layton and Nancy. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hammer berg and Mr. and Mrs. William Maloun were last Thursday O’ Neill visitors. Rev. and Mrs. Charles Phipps of Atkinson were Tuesday, March 1, visitors at the Lawrence Smith home. Shirley and Denton Colfack at tended the social hour and supper put on by the Wesleyan youth group and their sponsors Saturday evening in honor of the Miltovale, Kas., quartet, who helped with Sunday morning services at the Atkinson Wesleyan church. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schlotfeld and family were Wednesday, March 2, visitors at the Milton McKathnie home. Carole, Darrell and Nancy visited the McKathnie school that afternoon at Celia had no school that day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dobias and Roger and Rodney were last Thursday evening visitors at the William Maloun home. Stanley Johnson was a dinner guest in ^he Earl Schlotfeld 'home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and family were Friday evening visit ors at the Joe Hendricks home. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith and family were Friday evening visitors at the Lee Terwilliger home. Rev. and Mrs. Charles Phipps and Mrs. Ray Phipps were Mon day evening visitors at the Mark Hendricks home. Hans Braasch of Ewing was a dinner guest last Thursday at the Mark Hendricks home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dister haupt, jr., and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Dobrovolny, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dobrovolny and Ed Do Dobrovolny were dinner and sup per guests at the Perry Terwilli ger home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cearns were last Thursday supper guests at the Mark Hendricks home. Miss Dorothy Scott was a Tues day evening, March 1, supper guest at the William Maloun home. Mr. and Mrs. William Maloun and son were Friday evening vis itors at the Duane Beck home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schlotfeld and family were Monday evening visitors a.t the John Sicheneder home. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith and family visited the Jesse Hupp home last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Omer Poynts and Mr and Mrs. Leonard Chaffin and family were Wednesday eve ning, March 2, supper guests at the Mark Hendricks home. Duane Beck helped Emil Col fack Monday. Alex Forsythe, Eddie Walnofer and Duane Beck were Wednesday, March 2, visitors at the William Maloun home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schlotfeld and family were visitors at the Hay Pease home Friday evening. Jim Lauridsen was an O’Neill visitor last Thursday. Gerhart Tunic and son were Monday evening visitors at the Hans Lauridsen home. Isla Ruda was a Monday eve ning visitor at the Alvin Keiser home. Mr. and Mrs. nans unuuu^.. and sons were Wednesday, March 2. Butte visitors. Mr and Mrs. Hans Lauridsen and sons and Isla Ruda were last Thursday evening visitors at the Matie Lange home. _ Mr. and Mr. Ray Pease and Bob were Sunday dinner guests at the William Spann home j Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Schaaf and family were Wednesday, March 2, visitors at the Hans Lauridsen home. . . Rev. Charles Phipps was a Tuesday afternoon, March 1, vis itor at the Joe Hendricks home. Mr and Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman, Roger and Gary were Sunday evening visitors at the William Maloun home. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and family were Sunday evening vis itors at the Frank Kilmurry home Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schlotfeld and family spent Sunday with the Albert Johnson family at Lyons and spent the evening with rela tives at Pender. 212 Club Creates Window Display— CHAMBERS—The 212 South Fork 4-H club of Chambers has an attractive window arrange ment at the Shavlik hardware store. The following captions are used as goals: “Clear Thinking , “Greater Loyalty”, “Larger Ser vice,” “Better Living”. Coffee Hostess— Mrs. Harry A. Larson enter tained at a coffee at her home Tuesday afternoon. Babl, Pongratz, Barnes Discharged Trio Returns from EMMET— Cpl. Wendall Babl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Babl, Cpl. Duane Pongratz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pongratz, and Cpl. Wayne Barnes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Barnes, arrived home last week from Ft. Sheridan, 111., where they each received their discharge from the armed forces. They had been in Germany for over a year on overseas duty. Other Emmet News Mrs. Bessie Burge, June and Harold were guests at the Arch Denburgers’ on Sunday for dinner. The South Side club met with Mrs. John Tenborg on Tuesday, March 1, with a covered dish din ner. There was an election of of ficers. Twelve members were present. Members held a Red Cross sale and gave $10. The next meeting will be April 5 with Mrs. Joe Winkler. Mrs. Bessie Burge was elected news reporter for the club. Kenny Claussen oi Anunson was a weekend guest of Eddie Ethington. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tomlinson of Grand Island, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tomlinson and Veldon, Mrs. D. E. Stevens and sons of Rapid City, S.D., and Gordon Fox of O’ Neill were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox and Barbara on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fox and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Baldwin of Victor, la., from Wednesday, March 2, until Friday. They took Mrs. Stel la Kendall, who had been staying at the Baldwin home, to her home at Hastings, where they visited from Friday evening until Sun day. The Foxes then drove to Grand Island to visit Mr. and Mrs. Joe Luth until Sunday evening. Their children, Steve and Roy, were guests at the Luth home from Saturday night until Sunday night. Mrs. James Baldwin is a sister of Mrs. Fox and Mrs. Stella Kendall is Mrs. Fox’s mother. Mrs. Kieth DeLashmutt and daughter of Burwell were guests of Mrs. Robert Cole on Wednes day, March 2. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Brockman were guests at the Elmer Brock man home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Clouse and Mr. and Mrs. Howard New ton and family were dinner guests of the William Newton family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abart vis ited at the Jim Kubart home at Atkinson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Claussen were i dinner guests of Mrs. Mary Lew is and brothers, Rudy and Heinie, Sunday. Mrs. Dean Perry visited Mrs. Paul Newton and children Satur day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bates helped Mr. and Mrs. John Kee move to their new home in O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Don Meyers and family visited his father, Lew Meyers of Lynch, last Thursday e\ ening. Mrs. Guy Cole was a dinner guest at the Robert Cole home last Thursday. The Clyde Burge family of Am elia visited at the Bessie Burge home last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill O’Connor were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perogohy of Atkin son on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Newton called at the Dean Perry home Friday afternoon. Bilie Jean Perry, small daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Perry, celebrated her fifth birthday an niversary on Friday The Methodist church board meeting was held on Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geary Enbody. Mr. and Mrs. Jim O’Connor visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill O’Con nor Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lorenz and Mr. and Mrs- Floyd Ritts visited at the Guy Beckwith home Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox and Barbara were guests at the Ver non Hoxie home Friday evening to visit and play cards. Mr .and Mrs. Bob Cole attend ed a surprise party in honor of Frank Schaff’s birthday aniver sary. The affair was held Satur day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Geary Enbody visited at the George Skopec home Saturday evening. Justice Court March 1, Sammy B. Young, driv er for Jim D. Jarman, overweight cn capacity plates, $10. March 2, E. W. McCormick, ov er on capacity plates, $10 and costs, Kenneth Kirk. March -2, Jack Modglin, over height, $10 and costs, Harold Cra mer. March 2, Abe Cox, no mileage permit, $10 and costs, Harold Cra n er. March 3, Albert M. Baker, driv er for Nash-Finch, over on capa city plates, $20 and costs, Donald Richardson. March 3, Ray J. Doyle, over weight, $50 and costs, Harold Cramer. March 3, John J. Mullen, expir ed license plates, $10 and costs, J. R. Skinner. March 3, Donald L. Vander beek, expired plates, $10 and costs, John R. Skinner. Marrh 3, Lowell D. Patridge, expired license plates, $10 and costs, J. R. Skinner. March 4, Frank J. Thiel, over gross weight, $100 and costs, Har old Cramer. March 4, Frank J. Thiel, ex cessive length, $25 and costs, Har old Cramer. March 4, Frank J. Thiel, no reci procity, $25 and costs, Harold Cramer. March 4, Kenneth W. Kunkle, overweight, $50 and costs, Ken neth L. Kirk. Miss Cuningham Notes 18th Birthday— Miss Barbara Cunningham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cunningham, Sunday observed her 18th birthday anniversary. She entertained six St. Mary’s acad emy senior girls at her home at a buffet supper. The supper was followed with a theater party. 9 Seniors Listed on OHS Honor Roll By making an academic aver age of B-plus or better, the fol lowing students have made the honor roll for the fourth six weeks’ period, according to Prin cipal Paul Baker: Seniors: Ardyce Alton, Bob Sanders, Janet Hull, Duane Alton, Owen Davis, Marilyn Lindberg, Janet Seger, Janice Holsclaw, Norma Timmerman. Juniors: Vernon Passieux, Bev erly Lindquist, Mary Fetrow, Robert Burival, Kay Hibbs, Car olyn Lindberg, Nina Burival, Mar ilyn Carroll, Roger Neimeyer. Sophomores: Linda Serck, Gor don Fox, Marlene Ermer, Judy Liddy, Glenda Warner, Mardy Johnson, Carole Johnson, Demar is Lindberg, Janice Sipes. Freshmen: Lynda Haynes, Nan cy Kennell, Michael Liddy, Judy Jchnson. Auxiliary Meet— St. Anthony’s hospital auxiliary will meet Monday evening, March 12, at the hospital. / SECTION 2. — Pages 1 h to 14. CDA in Business Session— m The Catholic Daughters of America met Tuesday, March 1, for a business session. Cards were played for enter tainment. Winners were Mrs. Oliver Ross and Miss Mary Crowley. The door prize was won by Mrs- Oliver Ross. Refreshments were served by the committee in charge of Mrs. M. Simonson. Pucketts Soon to Move West— The George Eickhoff family has moved from Crofton to the farm formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Fay Puckett. Mr. Eick hoff purchased the farm last fall. The Pucketts are living tem porarily in O’Neill later, they will | go to Washington state. They have shipped most of their household goods to their new home. Matte ms Entertain— Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mattem of Creighton were guests Sunday at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William S. Mattern. The occasion honored Mark Mattem, who cele brated his first birthday anniver sary. “OLD RELIABLE” MARKET REPORT Tuesday, March 8th Auction Cattle Receipts 637 Head. A beautiful spring day helped turn out lots of buyers and all classes except heifer calves were in strong demand. A long string of 88 Hereford steers, wt. 490 lbs., went to an Iowa feedlot at 23.20 cwt. Top on steer calves was 25.10. How ever, the bulk of them sold from 22.00-23.50, a few plain er strings from 20.00-21.75. Heifer calves showed a little weakness with best offering selling from 17.00-17.75 cwt. Good kinds 16.00-16.75 cwt. Yearling steers and heifers were in short supply, steers mostly 19.50-21.25 with heifers from 15.00 - 16.50 cwt. Not enough breeding cows to test the market. A. H. Rouse and Sons Regis tered Hereford Bull sale topped at $520.00 and averaged $241.00 on 22 lots. Beef cows sold 25-50 cents per hundred higher. Best beef cows 10.75-12.25; high cutters 9.25-10.50 cwt.; canners and cutters 8.00-9.00; bologna bulls 11.00-13.45 cwt. Next Auction Tuesday, Mar. 15th—We can use lots of cattle on this specially advertised Auction. Sell ’em the Auction Way at “The Old Reliable.” “SPECIAL NOTE” — We have 100 head of Hereford Stock Cows — good ages — T.B. and Bangs tested, to head line this sale. If you want to replace some of your cows or add to your cow herd—Be on the seats Tuesday! Atkinson Livestock Market Phone 5141 Atkinson, Nebr. Old Manse FOURTH STREET MKT. rat am Phone 93-W We Deliver 2 - 8“0z. JrS. 35c r. ■ ■' I -TJI V J ■ 1 ■ ■ GUARANTEED TO PLEASE! ! DRIP OR REGULAR ’ j ROBIN COFFEE 87* j IJELLO 7(! GELATIN OR PUDDING.PKG. # I BETTY CROCKER . ■ iCAKE MIX .c 33* S J GREAT NORTHERN \ NAVY ■ BEANS 2,s27v; ! kix or a | WHEATIES GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS 2 ■ 29*; EXTRA FANCY DELICIOUS OR WINESAP J APPLES c6^r653^S CELLO BUNDLE OF 2 LARGE STALKS CELERY HEARTS29t; FIRM RED RIPE...CELLO CARTON TOMATOES 25 RED PONmC POTATOES j 1 10 IBS. 100 LBS. I ~®j 37 *3» | I Gold Medal— 50-Lb. Bag FLOUR-4.19 Cottage— OIL SARDINES, 3 cans25c Campbell’s Chick. Noodle or Vegetable Beef— SOUP_Can 16c Del Monte— Lb. Can RED SALMON_69c Starkist— 7-Oz. Can CHUNK TUNA ..... 33c BEEF CHUCK ROAST ,45' MINNESOTA SLICED BACON 49' PURE ... CELLO ROLL PORK SAUSAGE 39' COOKED SALAMI ,45' salad bowl victor CHEESE ■ SALAD _ COVE SPREAD | DRESSING | OYSTERS Cite QUART flQc 4 2-OZ. QQc 2-LB. BOX 59 JAK ™ CAN j9 u&i&uHesmaa t Is Your Present Water Heater o too'Small for Modern Living? TRADE NOW for a PENFIELD Automatic j GAS WATER HEATER ‘ Special Trade-In / Allowance Now Till April 1st Modern living calls for loads of hot water. If your heater is too small to give you all the hot water you want, trade for a new Penfield Automatic Gas Water Heater. The new Pen field Water Heater will give you plenty of hot water . . . when you want it . . . for pennies a day.* * • i See Your Favorite Gos Appliance 1 Dealer or Kansas-Nebraska Manager Today. Your Old Water Heater May Make the Down Penfield Automatic Water < rayment. Heaters are economical to buy and operate. I I ^Bir'iiTH'Niyrrfpax i) For Dependable GAS Service *. ( EDW, M. GLEESON DENTIST 2d Floor Gilligac Rexall Bldg. Ph. 240 - Box 149 - Hrs. 8:30-5 iSpecial SPRING SALE: ; SPRING COATS, AND SUITS | < Ladies’ Coats, Girls’ Coats, Boys’ Coats and » j Girls’ Suits { * Here is a list of coats and suits that have been carried over I * from last season. Check to see if there is a size * " for you or the children. * M k croup i.1.99 * Reg. SALE » Item Size Color Price Price I Ladies’ Shorty _ 38—..Maize -9.98_ „ 1.99 | Boys’ Coat & Cap_ \ Vz-—Brown _5.98_ 1.99 Boys’ Coat & Cap_ 3_Blue _7.95_1.99 * Girls’ Coat_ 10—Blue _9.98_1.99 ^ Girls’ Coat_ 1 2 Blue _9.98_1.99 I Girls’ Suit _ 4__Maize _4.49 1.99 ^ Girls’ Suit _- -_ 6X-. Maize - 4.49..... 1.99 ► Girls’ Suit_ 3_Blue _5.95_ 1.99 \ Girls’ Suit _ 5._Blue ___5.95—_1.99 h Girls’ Suit_ 4_Maize _8.50_1.99 | Girls’ Suit, 2 Skirts_— 1 4 .. Blue _8.95 _1.99 Girls’ Suit_ 12—Blue _8.95 1.99 ) Girls’ Suit_ 5_Blue _5.95_1.99 } Girls’ Suit_ 6_Maize _4.49 _.1.99 } Girls’ Suit _._ 6X—Pink _4.49 _1.99 | Girls’ Suit __ 6X— Maize _4.49_1.99 T Girls’ Suit _ 6X -Maize/Blue 8.50 _1.99 Girls’ Suit- 5_Blue _8.50_1.99 J Boys’ Coat & Cap_ 4_Brown _6.98_ 1.99 * Boys’ Coat & Cap _ 3_Blue _6.98 _ 1.99 ^ I GROUP 2.5.00 ! Reg. SALE . Item Size Color Price Price * Boys’ Coat & Cap- 4—Brown Check 9.95,.5.00 t Boys Coat & Cap- 5....Brown Check 9.95_5.00 . Boys’ Coat & Cap- 6—Brown Check 9.95_5.00 ? Boys’ Coat & Cap-6X....Brown Check 9.95_5.00 * Girls’ Shorty-1- 14___.Blue __.10.98__5.00 * Long Coat -- l4.___Blue 21.95_5.00 I Shorty - 10—Blue _24.95.5.00 I Girls’ Shorty - 8__.Blue 19.95 .... 5.00 ) Girls’ Shorty --- 1 1—Blue _22.95_5.00 ) Long Coat- 8—Blue _16.95_.__. 5.00 t Long Coat - 14....Pink _... l Long Coat - 1 2—Pink _16.95 ... 5.00 f Long Coat - 1 0—Pink _16.95 .... 5.00 Z Long Coat - 10—Cream _22.95 _ 5.00 * Long Coat - 1 2—Rose ...._22.95_5.00 * Long Coat --- 5—Red _1 1.98—5.00 * ! group 3—13.88 I _ Reg. SALE > Rem Size Color Price Price ► Ladies’ Nylon Shorty- I 4_.__ White _24.95 13.88 * Ladies’ Nylon Shorty- 1 2 ... White _24.95____ 13.88 * Ladies’Nylon Shorty- 12_Pink . 24.95 13.88 ^ Ladies’ Nylon Shorty_ 14_Blue __24.95 13.88 * Ladies’ Nylon Shorty ....- 1 0 _ Red _24.95 _ 13.88 * Ladies’ Nylon Shorty- 1 2.... Blue _24.95 13.88 I Ladies’Nylon Shorty_ 1 4 .. Blue 24.95 13 88 I > HENRY LOFFLIN, Mgr. — PHONE 8 ^ o