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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1955)
30 Present for Community Meet Inman Club Plans Cage Banquet INMAN—The Community club met Monday evening, February 28, at the assembly room in the school house for a regular sess ion.T. D. Hutton, president, was in charge There were 30 mem bers present. I. L. Watson gave a report the meeting of the Save-the Train Association, which conven ed in Omaha Friday, February 25. Mr. Watson is secretary treasurer of the association, which has a membership extend ing from Norfolk to Rapid City, S.D. The club voted to sponsor the banquet for the basketball teams and pep club girls who have just closed a very successful season. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Nelson were voted into the club as new -> members. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGraw were on the program committee. A film was shown. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coventry were the cof fee hosts and a lunch of sand wiches and cake was served at the close. Other Inman News C if ford Sawyer left Sunday for Hay Springs where he will be -employed Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brunck harst drove to Sioux Falls, S.D., on Wednesday, March 2, where they visited their daughter, Miss Barbara, at the Sioux Valley hospital. Miss Beverly Smith entertain ed a group of girls at her country .home on Saturday evening in .honor of her birthday anniver sary. Refreshments were served in late evening. Karl Keyes, Donald Keyes, Mildred Keyes, Blanch Rouse, Marvin Rouse, Harry Snyder, Ralph Moore, Anna Smith, Har vey Tompkins, Elsie Kruegar, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton and Rev Lisle Mewmaw made a tour of the following churches on Sat urday: Bloomfield, Stark Valley, Bethany at Martha and the three churches in Chambers. The group enjoyed a nohost dinner on the trip- ~ Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Crosser .and sons of West Point spent Sunday visiting in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. David Morsbach and girls and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller. Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr and Mrs. Harry Mc Oraw were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wolfe and family of Amelia and Mr. and Mrs. James Banks and family of Inman. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Keil and family spent the weekend visit ing relatives in Allen. A group has been sanding and refinishing the floors at the RLDS church. Miss LuElla Watson of Atkin son spent the weekend visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E- L. Watson. Larry Sawyer of Stuart spent the weekend visiting her mother, Mrs. Clifford Sawyer. Ronnie and Jeannete Wolfe spent the weekend visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wolfe and family at Amelia. Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry drove to Norfolk Friday evening to meet their daughter, Miss Joan of Omaha, who spent the week end in the home of her parents. Miss Yvonne Smith of Norfolk i accompanied them home and spent the weekend in her par ental home Mrs. Kenneth Coventry went to Omaha on Saturday to see her son, Ronald, who is stationed at the Chanute air force base in Illinois. He was able to get as far as Omaha on a weekend leave. Miss Joan Conventry and Er nest Trowbridge accompanied LeRoy Moore of O’Neill to Oma ha on Sunday evening. Miss Yvonne Smith went as far as Norfolk. LeRoy is attending school for the next two weeks in Omaha sponsored by the North western Bell Telephone company. Tom Clark, who is employed by the telephone company and is working at Lexington, spgnt the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark. Postmaster and Mrs- James M. McMahan were guests Monday evening in the home of Postmas ter and Mrs. Raymond Stevens of Orchard when the postmasters of Antelope county held a regular monthly meeting. A number from Inman attend ed the concert in O’Neill on Fri day evening. Miss Carolyn Watson of Lin coln spent the weekend visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Watson and Sam* Emmet News Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kloppen borg were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wayman and daughter on Sunday. Leonard Dusatko visited at the Jerrold Dusatko home Saturday. Mrs. Rodney Livings and family of Sioux City, Mrs. Ralph Leidy of Arkansas and Mrs. Hering of Omaha were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bates and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tomlinson and Veldon were supper guests at the Gilbert Fox home last Thursday evening. A group of friends charivaried Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox, jr., at the Legion club lounge on Satur day night. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Humpal of Atkinson and Mrs. Robert Cole and sons attended the breakfast held at St. Michael’s hall of the Church of the Epiphany Sunday morning. The breakfast was cook ed and served by the men. Mrs. D. E. Stevens and sons, Billy and Jimmie, of Rapid City, S.D., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox and daughter, Bar bara, over the weekend. The 4-H club met Monday eve ning at the Bernard Pongratz | home. Miss Connie Jean Brockman spent from Friday until Sunday as a guest of Miss Joyce Krogh, north of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold Dusatko visited at the Leonard Dusatko home Monday, February 28. Mrs. P. W. McGinnis spent last Thursday and Friday with Mrs. Dewey Schaffer at O’Neill. Mrs. G. Owen Cole entertained at a social coffee hour at her home last Thursday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Harvey Hanson of Amelia. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Kloppen borg and family of Cozad were Saturday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kloppenborg. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brainard were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Focken and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Robertson of Fullerton, Calif., and Mrs. D. E. Maxwell of Columbus were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pat terson Sunday. Numerous March 1 Moves Recorded Dierks Family Will Go to Missouri AMELIA — March 1 brought moving time to a few families in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Davis and family moved to their farm which they bought southeast of Cham bers. The Hugh Carr family re turned to their ranch home from O’Neill. Their place has been oc cupied the past year by the Wade Davis family. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Svatos moved to the place formerly occu pied by the Blair families. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Blair moved to a farm near Butte and Mr. and Mrs. John Blair stored their household goods at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Edwin Nachtman. They have not made definite plans. Billie Dierks and family plan ned to move the first of the week to the home they bought in Mis souri. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Thomp son will move to the Dierks place in the spring. Other Amelia News Mr. and Mrs. Paul Briggs and Mrs. Maude Forbes of Bassett were Amelia callers Sunday morn ing. They planned to call on Lew Forbes, who was a patient id the Atkinson hospital, that after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gruen borg and girls visited at the Wil liam Fry rear’s Sunday. Mrs. Oscar Peterson and son, Don, went to Eagle to visit her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston. Mrs. Johnston is teaching home economics in the Eagle high school and her class was presenting a style show. Billie Hansen stayed overnight Saturday with Lonnie Sparks. Mrs. Opal Vargason and Char lie McMillen of Atkinson visited the Lindseys Wednesday, March 2. Rev. and Mrs. Howard Clay combe and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Riecks of Chambers were Friday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Retzlaff. Mrs. Earnie Johnston accom panied Reverend and Mrs. Hodg kin to Hastings where they attend ed the annual convention of the Woman’s Society of Christian Ser vice last Thursday and Friday. Rev. and Mrs. Albert Lugins land called on Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Barnett last Thursday afternoon. Miss Leone Fix, teacher in the Inez school, showed films to near by schools on Friday, March 4. Teachers attending with their pu pils were Mrs. Janet Fryrear, Mrs. Bonnie Connors, Mrs. Agnes Frahm and Mrs. Birdie Fullerton. Floyd Sageser of Kansas City, Mo., visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Sagesr, from Friday until Sunday. He had been in Grand Island attending a conven tion. Mrs. B. W. Waldo called on Mrs. Edith Andersen last Thurs day evening. Miss Connie Gilman entertain ed a number of friends at a square dance party Friday evening in the new garage at her parents’ home. About 25 attended. Miss Edith Ziska of Atkinson spent the weekend with Janice Prewitt. Mr. and Mrs. Ed White and Mrs. Etta Ott were dinner guests of Mrs. Julie White Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earnie Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backaus were dinner guests Sunday of Mrs. Edith Andersen. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rees and family of Burwell visited at the parental Ralph Rees home Sun day. Glenn White and S. C. Barnett bought 12 head of heifers from George Fullerton recently. Rev. Albert Luginsland recent ly installed a window in the din ing room of the Glenn White home. Art Waldma, who had been vis iting his sister in Lincoln the past three weeks, returned home on Tuesday, March 1. Mrs. Frank Backaus was host ess at a party at her home Satur day afternoon. At the close, Mrs. Backaus served a luncheon of chicken sandwiches* mincemeat cookies and coffee. Mrs. Mae Tho rin of Chambers was a guest. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Sammons, Rachelle and Duane went to Sioux City Sunday to visit Mrs. Bertha Sammons at St. Vincent’s hospital. Mrs. Morris Nelson, the former Elinor Sammons, of Min neapolis, Minn., was also visiting there on Saturday and Sunday. She is a niece of Mrs. Sammons. Several of the normal training girls from Atkinson high school are doing practice teaching this week. Miss Nancy Watson is teaching in Mrs. Alvin Forbes’ school; Caroline Backaus, at Leone Fix’s school, and Janice Prewitt, at Birdie Fullerton’s school. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Waldo and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce at tended a farm sale north of O’ Neill Wednesday, March 2. They rode in the Waldos’ new car and since they found some really mud dy roads, B. W. had to wash the new car the next day, or no one could see whether it was new or not. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Barnett vis ited their daughter, Mrs. Glenn White, and family Sunday. Mrs. Charles Spath began teach ing in the Homolka district Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gilman entertained a number of friends Wednesday evening, March 2, at a card party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Keefe, who will soon move to their new home near Ord. Those present were the Keefe family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Oetter and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hansen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott, Mrs. Margie Sammons and Bill, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gilman and Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Dierking. Dick Porter of Chambers spent several days last week visiting at the Oscar Peterson home. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burge, Robert, Joyce and Bruce, Mrs. Al bert Luginsland and Mrs. Paul Fisher went to McPherson, Kans., to visit their children, who are attending school there. The Blake Otts and Billie Sam mons are driving new cars. Mrs. Ed White and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge were O’Neill callers on Friday. Ewing Co-Op Annual Meeting Today— EWING—The Ewing Co-Opera tive creamery will hold its annual stockholders’ meeting Thursday, March 10, at 1.30 p.m., at the El dora theater. Two new officers will be elected after a general discussion of the business of 1S54. A report also will be given to the patrons by Julian Sojka, manager. Dividend checks will be distributed. Try The Frontier want advs.! O’Neil] News Mrs. Lod Janousek and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schmit and family will spend the weekend in Nenzel visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schmit. Mrs- Mary Phoenix of Armour, S.D., arrived Sunday and will be a guest until Sunday at the home of her grandson and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Don Peterson. Mr. and Mrs Henry Lofflin and daughter were weekend guests in Ord at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. DeHart. Mr- and Mrs. W. G. Kraft were Sunday evening visitors at the home of Mrs. Charles Lawrence. Siding—Asbestos and insulated. Completely applied by skilled me chanics. Convenient terms. Free estimates. Prompt service. Phone Jim Sessions, 409-J or 548-LR, or write box 568, O’Neill. 45tf Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kirkpat rick and family and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kirkpatrick and Mrs. Cora Kirkpatrick visited over the week end in South Sioux City with Mr. 1 and Mrs. John White and family. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaiser and Ivan were Sunday afternoon visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Weller and family in Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Hile of Columbus visited over the week end with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Janousek. Christie and Jimmy Janousey returned to Columbus with their grandparents. Pvt. Bruce McElhaney called his parents from Camp Kilmer, N. J., Sunday to advise ttiem he will sail this week for Europe H. G. Kruse, Jack Dailey and Paul Moseman left Tuesday for | Lincoln where they will attend a Consumers Public Power meeting held there from Wednesday un til tomorrow, Friday. A food sale will be held at the Lee store Saturday, March 12, starting: at 10 a.m. Sponsored by the Methodist worship commis sion. 45c Maj. and Mrs. H. O. Brennan of West Point, N. Y., arrived Sun day evening and were guests un til Tuesday afternoon at the home of his aunt, Miss Bernadette Brennan, Major Brennan has been an instructor at the U. S. Military Academy for the past 2^2 years. He received his pro motion to major Wednesday, February 23 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stutz and family visited Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Oik in Petersburg. Mrs. George Padrnos of Lake Andes, S.D., visited from Sunday, February 27, until Sunday, March 6,at the home of her son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Don Petersen and Pam. Monuments of lasting beauty made by skilled craftsmen of the J. F. Bloom Co. . . monu ments from the factory to the consumer. — Emmet Crabb. O' Neill, phone 139-J. 37tf Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Ray and Mary spent the weekend in Ains worth visiting relatives. BIG LIN'S Funeral Directors O’NEILL Jay Ph. Night Ph. 38 487-R or 200 Half-Price BARGAIN! CARA NOME SILICONE FORMULA LOTION Cara Nome .Protects your hands with an invisible “glove” of __ _ . _ _ wonder-working silicone. Repels water, keeps I CKLAM hands smooth. DEODORANT Reg. $1.00 | NOW — 50c REXALL NASOTHRICIN NASAL SPRAY i i Spray “spreads” effect, gives more relief. Relieves H'i stuffy nose as it fights growth of many bacteria. “REVLON”.for LIPS and Matching FINGERTIPS ■ Shade of the Month: “Bachelor’s Carnation” Especially Made to W'ear at Night ... livestock Remedies ... : New, Improved AUREOMYCIN T.F. ... for control of calf ; j scours and swine enteritis. Just add to the feed. Promotes •: growth, eliminates most runts, improves general health, in creases feed efficiency. Having Trouble with Mastitis? Blast it with the new “Targot” Antibiotic Ointment! WARFARIN — Rat and Mouse Killer READY MIXED m FULL POUND_I MILLIGAN’S REXALL DRUG - - O’Neill Phone 87 REX W. WILSON, M.D. ROBT. M. LANGDON, M.D. PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS 128 W. Douglas St, O’Neill Phone 138 sfj |i' ♦ t I/f-n<\T| CPECIAL ^ Y\l O GOODTHRU MAKQH IQ th 9 ADAMS 1 GRAPEFRUIT £ JUICE j _.. ^ VEG-BEEFor CMCKENMODLE,g| FRESH CRISP EVERYDAY , CRACKERS- 1 SS““ C|rf> t|| WHEATIES " l^wsoPKH.,Ar^B T SWEDISH MINTS IO-OZ.PKG-. 29 \tPKG-. J J SUGAR.------ 25 lb. bag 2.35 | (While They Last!) WHITE LOAF I [FLOOR-■ 25-lb. bag 1.891 CRISCQ aw 344,Camoq Soop 3aw 25412iS'254,Sptc<Span Jw 274 I JOY ) GIAN! I OXYDOL l PM®; ^W^M€ S igSIf? »_' i ™ ■ ■ — — ■ -■ — ■— -H — ■ ^ t ^° BaCQN -« QQel . / £«/■/«/ >/ ^ SUMMFp c*. — 5?_ f I *3? ^^CKsI I^OKR^Tfr^ I / “• 29°ASTS / 1 / / *’s- “6000” nice / / § l^sm^ I 'll Bmmm