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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1955)
ASSEMBLY OF GOD (O’Neill) Rev. Wayne A. Hall, pastor Sunday, February 6: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; also BGMC day, so bring your mission barrels, all you boys and girls; worship, 11 a.m.; boys’ and girls’ story time, 7:30 p.m.; evening service, 8 o’ clock. Monday through Friday, Febru ary 7-11: Workers’ training course taught by Rev. Forrest McClellan, pastor of Milford Assembly. The book entitled “And He Gave Teachers” will be a real help to all who can attend and study with us. Service each night at 8 o’ clock. Also there will be a sec tional fellowship meeting at Wood Lake Monday. Services at 2:30 and 7:45 p.m. JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES (O’Neill) Carl F. Andersen, minister A Bible lecture will be given at the Kingdom hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, 127 Fourth street, on Sunday, February 6, 2 p.m., enti tled “Preparing Now to Live For ever.” Are you making preparations? Possibility real, not visionary. This lecture will be given by Donald J. Stanley, a representa tive of the Watchtower Bible and Tract society. All kingdom seekers welcome. Free. No collection. COMMUNITY (Stuart) Rev. D. D. Su, pastor Sunday, February 6: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; worship service, II a.m. Junior high youth fellowship each Wednesday, 7 pm. Senior high youth fellowship will not meet this week. No choir practice this week. The session will meet at the church tonight (Thursday), 9 pm. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rev. J. Olen Kennell, pastor Sunday, February 6: Sunday school, 9:45 a.m., young adults are meeting at the manse; worship service, 11 a.m. Monday, February 7: Spiritual life group meeting, 2 p.m. Wednesday, February 9: Youth fellowship, 6:30 p.m.; choir prac tice, 8 p.m. BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN (RFD, Ewing) Sunday, February 6: Worship service, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m.; evening fellowship, Bible study and worship, 7:30 o'clock. METHODIST (Chambers) Rev. J. M. Hodgkin, pastor Sunday, February 6: Sunday school, 10 a.m., Eugene Baker, superintendent; worship, 11 a.m. The Frontier for printing. Ewing News Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Schroeder and daughter accompanied by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Ml narik, Karen and Larry attended the golden gloves at Norfolk Fri day evening. Enroute home they were midnight luncheon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coover at Meadow Grove. Mrs. Coover is a sister of Mr. Schroe der. Attending the golden gloves tournament Thursday and Friday were Mr and Mrs. Louis Pofhal, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Rockey, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Huffman, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Bahm, Jay Butler, Mr and Mrs. Jerry Tom jack, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pofhal, M. B. Huffman, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Regan, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ha hi beck, Bob Eppenbach, Carl and Clem Schrad, and others. Mr. and Mrs. John Shiffbauer of Norfolk attended the funeral of Mrs. Peter Roudybush held in Ewing on Saturday. They were guests at the home of their daugh ter, Mrs. William Hobbs, and family Mrs. Rose Harding and daugh ter, Mrs. Lois Hartman of O’Neill, attended the funeral of Mrs. Peter Roudybush in Ewing on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Kaipn tacKer was an O’NeiU visitor on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Alien Pollock are “having a very good time” in the sunny south and are expected to head homeward this week. The Young Matrons Pinochle club was enterta iined Tuesday evening, January 25, at the home of Mrs. Elvin Hamilton, with Mrs. Pat Knapp the assisting hostess. Guests were Mrs. Jerry Tomjack of Ewing and Mrs. Max Lemaster of Venus. Mrs. Thomas Eacker won the prize for high score; Mrs. Ray Funk, low, and Mrs. Rose Bauer, traveling. Mrs. Elmer Grim was hostess at a party at her home on Tuesday evening, January 25. Seventeen ladies were in attendance. Mrs. Harry Butterfield had charge of the entertainment. Refreshments were served. Will Walter was the honored guest at a 1 o’clock dinner on Sun day at their home in honor of his 76th birthday anniversary. The cake was made and decorated by his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Alfred Wal ter. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Walter and children of Clearwater, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Schmidt and Terry and Mrs. Will Walter, all of Ewing. The Misses Mary Alys and San dra Dierks and Judy Jefferies re turned to Omaha on Sunday after spending the weekend at the parental homes. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Cloyd and family were overnight guests of relatives in Norfolk on Saturday. They returned home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Angus of Lincoln were weekend guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Angus, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Watson McDonald. They at tended the Sunday afternoon wedding of her sister, Rozetta, to Jerry Miller, held at the Meth odist church. Mrs. Ralph Eacker, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson, Mrs. Jessie Stott, Mrs. Bertha Urban and Mrs. Anna Pollock attended the Clear water pancake day on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Mlnarik and family were Sunday evening guests at the home of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Mlnarik, and family. PONTON INSURANCE Florence Ponton, Prop. Insurance of All Kinds & Bonds Phone 106 — Golden Bldg. DRS. BROWN & FRENCH Eyes Tested—Glasses Fitted Broken Lens Replaced in 24 Hours Other Repairs While You Wait Complete X-Ray One-Half Price CARA NOME HAND CREAM We ran out of CARA NOME HAND CREAM after advertising it as a special for the month of January. Our supply has been replenished and we are extending the ONE-HALF PRICE SALE for the first week of February, 1st to the 5 th. Regular 1.25 Jar #% . NOW _ O VPC Giant 2.50 Jar m mm NOW-1.25 CARA NOME HAND CREAM is pure and mild, made so even the one woman in 10 with sensitive skin will find it soothing, softening and pleasant. CARA NOME HAND CREAM has a quick vanishing base, so it is never greasy, never sticky, always pleasant on your skin. GILLIGAN'S REXALL DRUG Phone 87 O’Neill Finishes 2d Melba Dobrovolny (above), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Dobrovolny of O’Neill, won second place in the state 4-H cherry pie baking contest held recently at Lincoln. Melba gained her award in competition with 31 other county winners. She also competed in the state contest last year. Melba is a member of the Up-and-At-It club. Leaders of the Up-and-At It club are Mrs. C. M. Pierson and C. B. Sanders. State pie baking winners will compete for national honors in Chicago, 111. The winner will then present President Eisenhower with the first-place cherry pie. Ewing News Mrs. Keith Biddlecome spent the weekend with her family near Ewing. She is employed in Nor folk. Mrs. Archie Tuttle and Mrs. Richard Edwards and children were guests on Saturday at the home of Mrs. Jerry Tomjack. Mrs. Viola Maupin of North Platte was the guest of the Past Matrons and Star Kensington which met Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Elmer Bergstrom. The business session was con ducted by Mrs. Henry Fleming, the new president. This was fol lowed by a social hour. Refresh ments were served by the hostess. Rev. W. J. Bomer went to Omaha Sunday from where he left by train for Chicago, 111. He will attend the Moody Bible In stitute founder’s week conference. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Noffke, Frances and Larry, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Pauline Noffke, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Noffke and family at Albion. Mrs. Guy Wright, who has been visiting in California with rela tives, returned to her home in j Ewing last week. Alvin Gibson, Wayne Fry, Lyle Dierks, Willis Rockey and Wil liam Lofquest attended a bowling tournament at Bloomfield on Sun day. The Ewing team was a par ticipant. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tuttle and daughter, Leonora, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Vera Anson, spent Sunday in Neligh where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vance Anson and family. Mrs. Edna Lofquest had as her guests on Sunday her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Cal Allyn of Stuart. Her son, Robert Lofquest, and family were over night guests on Saturday. They visited relatives at Neligh enroute to their home at Fremont. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Billings were evening guests one day Iasi week at the home of her broth er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lucas. Mrs. Myrtle Kimes is a guest at tne j-iucas nume. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Saiser spent the weekend in Omaha with their daughter, Mrs. Gordon Hoag, and family, also their son, Raymond Saiser, and family. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hahlbeck on Sunday were Robert Chet wood, Curtis Reynolds and a guest speaker, all students at the Christian college at Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Milliken and family, also of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. James Hawk, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hahlbeck and family, all of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larsen went to Bonesteel, S.D., on Saturday where they attended a funeral. They were overnight guests of relatives at Wood, S.D., on Satur day, returning home Sunday eve ning, accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Ida Kemnitz, who is a guest at their home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Kaczor and family and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kaczor and family were Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Eva Kaczor. Mrs. Zoe Huffman of Elgin is staying at the home of her son, M. B. Huffman, during the ab sence of Mrs. Huffman, who ac companied her mother, Mrs. Maud Brion, to California. Mrs. Brion plans to spend several weeks with relatives and friends. Nebraskan Receives $95,632 for Land United States district court land commissioners have award ed Ernest C. Weller of Atkinson, rancher, $95,632 for 1,533 acres which the government condemned for the Ft. Randall, S.D., dam. George H. Perry, assistant United States district attorney, made the announcement of the award Tuesday, January 25. The condemned land is in the Ft. Ran dall reservoir about 17 miles northwest of the dam. DR. H. L. BENNETT VETERINARIAN Phones 316 and 304 Provincial Head Convent Visitor Mother Elma of Denver, Colo., provincial superior of the Sisters of St. Francis, is visiting St. Ma ry’s convent this week. The annual retreat for the stu dents of St. Mary’s academy was conducted last week by Rev. War ren Womach, C.P., of Chicago, 111. Work was started on the rewir ing of the school last week by a group of volunteer workmen. They started on the grade school floor. The juniors are preparing to present their class play, “Forever Albert.” It is to be staged Sunday and Monday evenings. The play deals with the Turner household. The Turners are a “prolific’ and slightly “terrific” fam'ly. Members of the cast are Shar lene Shoemaker, Mary Elizabeth Gatz. Barbara McCarthy, Max Bohn, James Hoffman, Thomas Head, Jerry Schmidt, David Schaffer, Angela Zakrzewski, Raymond Donohoe, Rita Lydon and Larry Johnson. Members of the chorus include Carolyn and Catbryn Wilson, Janice Turner, Regina Hynes, Margaret McElvain, Corrine Mur phy, Edith Gallagher, Karen Ma honey and Betty Troshynski. Travels to East, West Coasts Told INMAN—The Woman’s Society of Christian Service met at the Maxcy Memorial addition last Thursday afternoon for a regular session. Mrs. L. E. Mewmaw pre sided. Mrs. Harry Snyder was ap pointed spiritual life secretary to fill be vacancy caused by the resignation of Mrs. Hazel Lorenz. Mrs. Ira L. Watson presented an interesting talk on the trip which the family took during the holidays to Washington, D.C., and Mrs. Roy Gannon told of the trip she and Mr. Gannon took to Puy allup, Wash., at the same time. Mrs. Anna Smith and Mrs. Chester Youngs were hostesses and served refreshments at the close. Mrs. George Jefferies Is Honored— EWING — The Birthday club gathered at the home of Mrs. Harriet Welke on Sunday to hon or the birthday anniversary of one of its members, Mrs. George Jefferies. A 1 o’clock dinner was served. A birthday cake and many gifts were presented the honored guest. The afternoon was spent visiting. Present from Clearwater were Miss Minnie Neiderheide, Mr. and Mrs. Berg Cratty and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Maben. From Ewing were Mrs. Marie Beelaert, Mr. and Mrs Hans Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. George Jefferies and Mr. and Mrs. William Wulf. Mrs. Harold Humrich Shower Honoree— AMELIA—Mrs. Joan Clemens Humrich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Clemens, was honored with a postnuptial shower at the home of Mrs. Milton Clemens on Saturday. The afternoon enter tainment consisted of games and readings. A luncheon of sandwiches, light and dark cakes, pickles and coffee was served to about 30 guests. Mrs. Humrich received many gifts. She recently married Mr. Humrich of O’Neill. Heart Fund *Valentine Boy* VALENTINE BOY of the 1955 Heart Fund la 4-year-old Jimmy Belt, Jr., of Lucerne Mines, Pa., who was born with a malformation of the heart that denied him an adequate supply of oxygen. Heart surgery has restored his health. “Make your Valentine a contribution to the 1955 Heart Fund,” advises Jimmy. Help Your Heart Fund—Help Your Heart. Send your gift either to your local Heart Association, or to “H-E-A-R-T,” care of Post Office. Heart-Shaped Coin Boxes Are Readied Distribution of 25 plastic coin boxes, designed in the shape of a red heart and featuring the campaign slogan: “Help Your Heart Fund—Help Your Heart,” will be begun this week by the Holt County Heart association in connection with the 1955 heart fund campaign. The boxes are to be displayed in the city’s principal public places for contributions. They will remain in position during the month of February. Commenting on the effective ness, the heart fund chairman, Dr. Robert Langdon of O’Neill, said: “We are confident that we are going to receive the fullest coop eration from local management, and we are also certain that the ‘coin box’ yield on this occasion will far exceed that of any pre vious year. “I should like to point out that the receptacles receive not only coins but bills as well, and that they are ever-present reminders that when we open our purses we should also open our hearts.” Heart disease annually takes a vastly greater toll of life in Am erica than any other, killing far more people than the highways. Mrs. Golden Hostess— Mrs. M. J. Golden entertained the Martez bridge club at her home Tuesday evening following dinner at the M&M cafe. Mrs. Marvin Miller and Mrs. John Conard of Emmet were guests. High bridge scores were won by Mrs. F. N. Cronin and Mrs. Homer Mullen. F> Attend Capping Ceremony, Omaha— Mr. and Mrs. James B. Donohoe and daughter, Susan, and Cath erine Donohoe spent the weekend in Omaha. On Sunday afternoon they at tended capping services and a re ception for Joan Donohoe, student nurse at St. Catherine’s hospital. Joan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Donohoe. They also visited Dorothy Donohoe, a senior student at St. Catherine’s. CDA in Business Session— The Catholic Daughlers of Am erica held a business meeting at the Knights of Columbus hall on Tuesday evening. The group played cards following the meet ing. Mrs. John Pribil had the high score, Mrs. Anthony O’Donnell the low score and Miss Kathryn Donohoe won the door prize. Mrs. Hattie Kindlund was chairman for the evening. A luncheon was served by the committee. Bride-Elect Is Shower flonoree— LYNCH—A prenuptial shower was held at the IOOF hall Tues day evening, January 25, with about 75 friends and relatives of Miss Joyce Haselhorst present. For the program, Miss Joan Rosicky was master-of-ceremo nies. After the program, Miss Ha selhorst, assisted by her mother and her fiance’s mother, opened and displayed the many gifts. Mrs. Alvin Carson took care of the guest book. Social Security Worker Coming— Harold F. Benjamin, field rep resentative of the Omaha office of the social security administration, will be at O’Neill in the Holt county courthouse on Wednesday, February 9, and Thursday, Feb ruary 24, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. He will assist retired individ uals who wish to file claims for old-age insurance benefits, as veil as those who wish to file claims for survivors’ insurance benefits. Sharon Hartman Hostess— Brownie troop 1 met at the li brary. The hostess was Sharon Hartman. The hostess for the next meeting will be Mary Jo Walker. — By Sharon Hartman, troop scribe. c Game Warden, Patrol Officer Will Speak The Parent-Teachers’ associa tion will meet on Monday, Febru ary 7, in the O’Neill public school band room at 8 o’clock. The meeting will be opened by invocation and flag salute. A typing class under the direc : tion of Miss Esther Kinnier will stage a demonstration of typing to rhythm. For the program, Game Warden Fred Salak will show the film, “The Making of a Shooter.’’ Lt. Harry Brt, officer of the Ne braska safety patrol, will discuss highway courtesy and safety. Grims Entertain— EWING—Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Grim entertained the following guests at their home Friday eve ning: Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis and Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pierson and Marcus, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Rexine. Cards were played. Alice’s Beauty Shop Phone 263 — O’Neill (In Former Apparel Shop Location) Coming to the Royal Theater SUNDAY — MONDAY — TUESDAY — WEDNESDAY THURSDAY February 6-7-8-9-10 •* rything about /#.; Unci* *TTDcri° nw r cn fun 5Cfwn nay Dy rnuLDtano ntnrw LrnKun • "om a mmj oy LMmrtn inui 11 oTlRlQPHQNIC SOUND Lyrics and Music bv Irving Berlin • Dances and Musical Numbers Staged by Robert Alton ADMISSION: Adults 50c; children 12c; matinee Sunday at 2:30. All children unless in arms must have tickets. I ATKINSON STYLE SHOP Atkinson, Nebr. Launches a Sensational Fall and Winter CLEARANCE Starting promptly at 9 a.m., Friday, Fe bruary 4th — Extends to February 15th I BUY! Free! $10 Each Day SAVE! ... to the first ten adults who enter our front door after 9 A.M., on Friday, February 4th. We will present a certificate which will entitle the holder to $1.00 cash refund when a pur chase of $5.00 or more is made: Just think . . . this is a— SAVINGS UP TO 20% ... in addition to the already low, low sale prices which will be in effect. Be here early and CASH IN! ■ First Quality Alba Nylon HOSE Values Up to 1.50 Now_Pr. 97c HANDBAGS Now-1.77 DRESSES Now-4.47 3.97 Brushed Rayon, Flannel GOWNS & PAJAMAS ; Were 5.95 to 6.95 Now-3.47 Fall Dress GLOVES I Now 1.97 SWEATERS Values to 7.95 Now, Only2.97 Shortie COATS Now-14.97 Multi-Filament CREPE SLIPS Now, Only ... f .47 Permalift GIRDLES Now-3.97 Fall SKIRTS BLOUSES DRESSES Values to 12.95 Now Only Lot No. 1-5 97 1 Now .... 5.97 2.47 Lot No 2.8.97 I JEWELRY Q-1/2 OFF Wide Selection ATKINSON STYLE I SHOP