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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1955)
Rebekah Officers Installed at Page PAGE—Mrs. Dale Fetrow, dis trict deputy Rebekah president, assisted by Mrs. Roy Johnson and Mrs. clay Johnson, jr., all of O’ Neill, installed the officers at the Page Rebekah lodge Tuesday eve ning, January 25. Mrs. Norman Saltz was install ed noble grand; Glen Stewart, vice-grand; Mrs. Robert Nissen, secretary; Mrs. Glen Stewart, treasurer; Mrs. Ray Snell, chap lain; Mrs. Melvin Smith, musi cian; Mrs. Roy Hansen, warden; Mrs. Harry Tegeler, conductor; Mrs. Evelyn Gray, right support er to the noble grand; Mrs. Glen Harris, left suporter to the noble grand; Mrs. R. B. Crumly, right suporter to the vice grand; Mrs. R. F. Park, left supporter to the vice grand; Anton Nissen, inside guardian; Harry Tegeler, outside guardian. A covered dish lunch was serv ed. Other Pape News Mr. and Mrs. Carl Max and family were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sorensen and family. Henry Fuelberth of Stuart was an overnight guest Wednesday, ■V January 26, at the P. E. Nissen home and a dinner guest last Thursday noon of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Max, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beelaert and Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Beelaert attended the golden glcves boxing tournament at Norfolk Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Nissen and son, Gary, of Plainview were Sun day afternoon visitors and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen. They also were callers at the Harold Freemeyer home. Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, sr„ and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nis sen and family were dinner guests Sunday of Clayton Mesner and daughter, Miss Eleta, at O’Neill. Dr. George Clinton of Los An geles, Calif., came Friday after noon to spend 10 days visiting his mother, Mrs. Bertha Reed, and other relatives and friends. Doc tor Clinton had spent some of his boyhood days at Page. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Braddock and Mary left Monday for Fuller ton, where they have purchased a house and will make their home there. Alton Braddock trucked their household goods there on Monday. Mr. Braddock sold his farm several weeks ago and a public sale was held Wednesday, January 26, when the stock and farm equipment brought “good prices.” waller nuineriora, son or Mr. and Mrs. Homer Rutherford, has enlisted in the air force and left Monday morning, January 24, for Omaha, from where he was to be sent to Oakland, Calif. Walter had been visiting at his parents’ home after returning from Minnnesota where he had been working for his uncle, Edwin Canaday. The mothers’ march on polio was held at Page Tuesday eve ning, January 25. It was sponsor ed by the Page Improvement club. Those assisting were Mes dames C. E. Walker, Arnold Tik alsky, Melvin Smith, Melvin Held, Evelyn Gray, Alton Braddock, Je rome Allen and R. F. Park. One hundred dollars was collected for the fund. Mrs. Melvin Roach was hostess to the Bid or Bye bridge club on Wednesday afternoon, January 26. Mrs. John Lamason and Mrs. Dan Troshynski were guests. Mrs. Roach held high score and Mrs. Ralph Larson won the all-cut prize. Last Thursday the Contract bridge club met with Mrs. Roach. Mrs. C. E. Walker won high score and Mrs. Alton' Braddock the all cut. Mrs. Roach served lunch at both meetings. Mrs. Elmer Spann of Atkinson and Willis Russell were dinner guests Wednesday noon, January 26, of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Russell. Mrs. Spann brought a birthday cake for her father whose birthday anniversary was January 30. Elmer Spann and brother, Albert, attended the Ed Braddock sale. After the sale they stopped at the Russell home for ice cream and birthday cake. Anspach Discharged: Enters Nebraska ‘U’— S/Sgt. Keith E. Anspach and family arrived Wednesday, Jan- , uary 26, from San Antonio, Tex., where he had received his dis charge from the air force at Lack- : land air force base Monday, Jan uary 24. I Mr. Anspach had served in the air force four years. He spent 2% i years in Panama, Canal Zone. | This week he went to Lincoln : where he enrolled as a freshman ’ at the University of Nebraska. Amelia News Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Dierking attended the square dance in At kinson Wednesday evening, Jan uary 26. Cynthia Dierking stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Gertie Adair. Mrs. Lew Backaus and Mrs. Steve Sladek celebrated their birthday anniversaries together at the Sladek home on Friday even ing. Mr and Mrs. Glen White and Venita, Ardath Barnett and Doro thy Fisher went to McPherson, Kan., to visit the White’s daughter, Myrtle, who attends school there, and spent her birthday anniver sary which occurred on January 31 with her. They also visited the other young people from Amelia who attend school. They also visit ed at the George Atkinson home in McPherson. Mrs. Gertie Adair, Ralph and ers at the Tom Doolittle, sr., home. Mrs. Arthur Tibbetts, jr., and daughters of O’Neill, Mrs. Bob Blackmore and Louanne of Atkin son visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Watson, and family on Friday. Orland Fryrear and his father, William Fryrear, attended a ranch and stock sale near Mills Friday. Mrs. Delia Ernst went to O’Neill Friday for a few days visit Mr. and Mrs. Norris Haage of Palmer visited over Monday, Jan uary 24, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge. On Tuesday, January 25, they attended the purebred Angus sale in Atkinson where they purchased 41 head of cattle. Miss Leone Fix called on Mr and Mrs. Arland Fryrear Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backhaus spent Sunday with her brother, Bill Vrooman, and family near Venus Sunday. Dean and Lynn Prewitt were in Red Cloud on business Saturday. Mrs Julia White, Mrs. Emma Lindsey and Florence Lindsey ate Sunday dinner with Mrs. Edith Andersen. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blackmore and Louann, and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Beckwith and children spent Sunday at the parental Ber nard Blackmore home They were observing their Christmas, a s Mrs. Blackmore was in the hos pital during the holiday proper. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Widman were business callers in Norfolk Tuesday, January 25, Mrs. Frank Pierce acccompanied them and consulted a doctor while there. Rev. and Mrs. Howard Clay combe and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jutte were dinner guests Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce. Mrs. Jack Winings spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Terwilliger, near Atkinson. She was recuperat ing from minor surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barnes and family visited her mother, Mrs. Iva Hopkins, in O’Neill Sunday. The WSCS met at the home of Mrs Lloyd Waldo on Thursday, January 26. There were 12 mem bers and two visitors present. Mrs. Frank Backaus had charge of the devotional services. A playlet, “The Women’s Society of Christ ian Service”, was presented by several members of the club. Returns to Omaha— Miss Mary Lu Head returned to Creighton university, Omaha, on Sunday after spending her mid semester vacation here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Head. Cubs Attend Pack Meeting— The Cub Scouts, den 1, elected officers at a meeting Wednesday, January 26. They are. Jack Ken nell, denner; Kenneth Franklin, assistant denner; Steve Reynold son, secretary - treasurer; Ricky Miller, news reporter. Members of den 1 were to at tend the pack meeting in the eve ning. After the meeting, the den members were treated by Larry Leibs, whose birthday anniversary was that day. Games were also played.—By Ricky Miller, news i eporter. Deloit News A party was held at the Harold Spahn home Friday evening in honor of their son, LaVern’s, sec ond birthday anniversary. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Spahn and Doris Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Tagel and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. John Tagel, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tagel and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schindler and family. Bonnie Rossow completed a two-year course at Wayne State Teachers college last week. She is visiting at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rossow. Several from here attended the oyster supper given by the Clear water Creek club at Clearwater Sunday evening at the Legion hall. Mr. ana Mrs. uua rsariaK, mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shavlik and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Huffman at tended the fights at Norfolk last Thursday evening. Mrs. Myrtle Jewell of Dallas, S.D., visited the Duane Borg home in O’Neill and the Johnny Bauer and Ralph Tomjack homes last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomjack and Mrs. Jewell, Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Spahn and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer attended a party last Thursday evening at the Johnny Bauer home in honor of the Ewald Spahns’ 23rd anniver sary. Elayne Reimer attended the youth fellowship meeting in O’ Neill on Sunday afternoon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Bauer and family were Sunday dinner guests at the G. A. Bauer home. Kenneth Lee and Stanley Allen of Paxton went to Denver, Colo., last week where they enlisted for three years in the army. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larson visited the Harold Mlinar home last Thursday evening. Coyotes are becoming quite nu merous again. The Henry Reimers saw two in the corral one morning last week. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Angus vis ited relatives here and attended the wedding of Mrs. Angus’ sister, Rosetta McDonald, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and two sons of Grand Island were Sunday dinner guests at the Ewald Spahn home. Mrs. Huffman of Elgin spent the weekend at the Stanley Huff man ranch home. Supreme Court Asked to Reverse Ruling Holt County Sheriff Leo Tom jack of O’Neill contends in a state supreme court brief that a man he arrested, Everett Gorgen, should not have been released by the Holt district court under a writ of habeas corpus. Tomjack’s brief said Gorgen is charged in Barton county, Kans.,' with “possessing stolen property,” involving a truck. Warrants were issued for his arrest and a writ of extradition was issued by the Nebraska governor’s office. Tom jack arrested Gorgen under this writ. But Gorgen was success ful in obtaining release under a district court finding on his writ of habeas corpus. The Tom jack writ contends that the Nebraska court had no busi ness determining that the defend ant had not committed the alleged crime for which the extradition had been allowed. He asks the supreme court to reverse this rul ing. C.' E. Jones and Jerry Weaver spent Tuesday in Norfolk attend ing a directors’ and stockholders’ meeting of the Central Finance corporation. Hospital Notes SACRED HEART (Lynch) Hospitalized: Irvin W. Barr, Spencer; Marion A. Borrall, Eutte; Dr. Edwin B. Bradley, Spencer; Otto Jons, Bonsteel, S.D.; Baby Michael John Klasna, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donivon Klasna, Spencer; George Lueken, Lynch; Harold McRoberts, Lynch; Rev. Paul Nelson, Bristow; Miss Lil lian Olson, Bristow; Mrs. Bar bara Peklo, Lynch; Master Larry Placek, Lynch; Baby Mark Stol tenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin Stoltenberg, Naper; Mrs. Ed Tharnish, Star; Mrs. Lloyd Whet ham, Bristow. Dismissals: January 24— Mrs. Elmer Hull, Niobrara. 25 — Mrs. Ivar Johnson, Bristow; Baby Kar la Rae Anson, O’Neill. 26—Mrs. Alice Jacot, Niobrara; Carrol Kel ler, Spencer; Susan Keller, Spen cer; Miss Golda Mae Jordan, Butte; Mrs. Jake Muller, Lynch. 27—Mrs. Donivon Klasna, Spen cer; Master Tom Snyder, Bone steel, S.D. 28 — Louis Klasna, Spencer; Charlotte Jones, Spencer. 30 — Morris Johnson, Bristow; | Herman Zeisler, Butte. Mrs. Lana Potter, 80, Lynch, died January 29. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: January 25— Mrs. Melvin Andrus, Atkinson, medical; Mrs. Robert Mick, Atkinson, ob stetrical; Bernie Wilson, Atkinson, medical. 26—Mrs. George Bartos, Atkinson, obstetrical; Mrs. George Winings, Chambers, surgical; Leo Weichman, Stuart, surgical. 28— Mrs. Robert Engler, Atkinson, medical; Elvon H. Chace, Atkin scn, medical. 31 — Mrs. Susanne Gathje, Atkinson, surgical; George Deseive, Atkinson, medical. Dismissed: January 26 — Mrs. Michael Schaaf and son, Michael Kennedy, Mrs. Francis Steinhau ser and son. 27—Mrs. Jack Win ings. 29—Mrs. George Bartos and daughter. 30—Mrs. Robert Engler and son, Mrs. Fannie Channey. 31—Elvcn Chace. Hospitalized: Henry Gruenberg, Leo Weichman, Therese Ulrich, Mrs. Melvin Andrus, Mrs. Robert Mick and son, George Deseive, Mrs. Susanne Gathje. Lynch News Mrs. Joe Slechta, sr., went to Spencer Sunday evening to assist in the care of her father, Henry Maly, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Stanek were in Verdigre the first of this week due to the death of a relative. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Kube and family visited at Vince Jehorek’s Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Hanzlik and family of Pilger and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Sedivy and family of O’Neill were Sunday dinner guests at the James Maly, sr., home. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Mammot and son of Grand Island were Sunday dinner guests at the Le land Moody home. The women are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tejral of Spencer brought the latter’s fa ther, Henry Maly, to a doctor for a checkup last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Kaiser spent Sunday at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kliment and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kaiser in Atkinson. The Frontier for printing! REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS WD—St Mary’s Academy to F J Gilg & Harry E Ressel 4-30-54 $1- N*£ and SW Quarter Blk 5 McCafferty’s Annex- O’Neill WD—Maude H Clifford to Al bert C Lemmer 1-26-55 $12,800 Nwy4- wy>NEy4- Nwy4SEy4 NEy4SWy4 10-27-15 WD—Ralph Simpson to Minnie Milacek 1-13-55 $7350- Lot 42 & So^ lot 43- Blk A- Goldens Sub divison- O’Neill QCD—Duane H Kruse to R S Swenson 9-30-54 $1 Lot 22- Gilg & Swenson’s Subdivision- O’Neill QCD—Ralph N Leidy to Elva A Leidy 8-29-49 $1- Lots 18-19 20 Blk L- Fahy’s Park Add- O’ Neill WD—Edwin Braddock to Gor don Harvey & Helen Wittwer Harvey 12-6-54 $16,000- SWy4 29-29-9 Star News _ 0 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Derickson and family spent Monday evening, January 24, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller and Bar bara Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller and Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. William Hansen and family and Rev. William H Roth were supper guests Wednesday evening, Jan uary 26, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hansen and Mr. and and Mrs Donald L a n t z and daughter. The occasion was to honor the birthday anniversary of L. A. Hansen. The evening was spent visiting and watching tele vision. Mrs Hansen served the birthday cake and coffee at the close. Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Johnson, Mr. and Mrs Soren Sorenson, jr., Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Widhalm were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin Johnson at a dinner party in O’Neill Thursday evening to honor the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Marvin Johnson. Wyn and Larry Johnson and Glenda Sorensen spent Thursday evening at the Ewalt Miller home. Ewalt Miller and Bill Hibbs caled at the Art Hibbs home, near O’Neill, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Ewalt Miller and *■" ' Barbara were supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jur acek and family. Mrs. M. E Davis went to Omaha Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller and Barbara were supper guests at the Bill Hibbs home Sunday. Frontier for printing! . . . Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Merriman and Mrs. F. N. Cronin spent Mon day in Sicux City. Friends of St. Mary’s food sale, Saturday, Feb. 5, at Shelhamer's Mkt., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 40e © O The Frontier for printing. DRAPERIES Bring in your measurements, select your fabrics, we will do the rest or we will bring drap ery lengths to your home to select from, measure and later install. Material by the Yard Traverse and Plain Rods , Cornice Boards Slip Covers Repair and Retape Venetian Blinds Upholstery (small pieces) For Appointment Call or Write Modem Shade & Drapery Shop Across from Telephone Co. Phone 64 Norfolk, Nebr. Money to Loan — on — AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS TRACTORS EQUIPMENT FURNITURE Central Finance Corp. C. E. Jones, Manager O'Neill ; Nebraska — DIETERS! w ...use SUCARYlj ' * I the Non-fattening Sweetener GILLIGAN’S Rexal! Drug Phone 87 — O’Neill * They’re Coming to > our jJPlease accept this advertisement as a personal invitation to attend our big Family Friday, February 11th Chambers High School Auditorium — 1 P.M. It will be a big, clean, lively show consisting of high-class vaudeville performers in person, and interesting motion pictures. There will be fun and entertainment for the whole family so bring everybody. No sales talks. Everything free. Your neighbors will be there so don’t fail to attend. HARLEY HARDWARE-Chambers k DANCE Butte Legion BALLROOM ★ Sunday, Feb. 6 ★ % Music by— DELL CLAYTON and His Orchestra _ 1 *$95 lO • now7 ON THE NEW LIGHTWEIGHT HOOVER Lark complete with cleaning tools Never before a cleaner so easy to use —never a bargain like this. Genuine Triple-Action Hoover—beats as it sweeps as it cleans. All-around cleaning—tools for dra peries, furnishings, floors. All at one low price. $849S Small down payment King-size trade-in WM. KROTTER CO. Two Stores: West O’Neill and Downtown “Serving North-Central Nebraska Since 1889” Empire-waisted cotton in an eye-catching multi-color leaf print! Softly shirred bodice, full swing skirt, jewel but tons. For misses, juniors and half sizes. FRED KANZELMEYER’S AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16th On the ranch located 44 miles southeast of Atkinson or 17 miles northeast of Burwell. 192 Head of Cattle ° Including 42 Hereford Stock Cows; 93 Head of Hereford and Heifer Calves; 19 Bucket Calves. 20 Excellent Dairy Cattle — 9 Milk Cows, balance Yearling Heifers from some of Minnesota's finest herds. Machinery & Equipment 4 Tractors; Dodge “Power Wagon”; Allis Chalmers Roto Baler; full line of Haying Machinery including No. 9 Trail Mower, IHC; complete line of Farming Equipment and lots of Dairying Equipment. Select lot of Shop Tools plus the usual line of tools ' and equipment. WATCH NEXT WEEK’S PAPER FOR COMPLETE LIST Fred Kanzelmeyer, Owner ATKINSON, NEBR. PEI^y’s' UALITY 5s your greatest savingl mmmmtmma — ' i — i n pi 11 ■ i n— 5-yard sweep skirt with 16 gores highlights this pin money cotton at Penney’s! Notch collar, jewel buttons. Black, red or brown printed check. 9-17, 12-20, 14^-24%. ( c o o o