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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1954)
Future Subscribers KUBE—Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Kube of Lynch, a daughter, weighing 8 pounds 14 ounces, born Saturday, November 27, at Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. LAIBLE—Mr. and Mrs. Ru dolph Laible of Spencer, a son, Kevin Rudolph, weighing 6 pounds 13 ounces, born Saturday, November 27, at the Atkinson Memorial hospital. MLINAR—Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Mlinar of Atkinson, a daugh ter, Marsha Annette, weighing 4 pounds 13 ounces, born Sunday, November 28, at the Atkinson Memorial hospital. NELSON — 1/Lt. and Mrs. Walter Nelson of Camp Roberts, Calif., a son, Michael Dennis, weighing 8 pounds 3 ounces, born Wednesday, November 17. Mrs. Nelson is remembered at Stuart as the former Mary Ann Olber ^ ding. MEWMAW — Rev. and Mrs. Lisle E. Mewmaw of Page, a son, Paul Douglas, weighing 9 pounds 2 ounces, born Monday, Novem ber 29, at St. Anthony’s hospital at O’Neill. The couple has two other children—a daughter and a i son. JUniNJsiUiN — jvir. ana jvirs. W. W. Johnston of Mountain Home, Ida., a son, Jerry Lee, weighing 9 pounds 4 ounces, born Wednesday, November 24. Mrs. Johnston is the former Ardis Heiss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Heiss of Page. Mr. and Mrs. Heiss are at the Johnston home in Idaho. PRELLWITZ— Mr. and Mrs. Prellwitz of Omaha, a daughter, Janet Marie, weighing 7 pounds, bom Monday, November 15, at an Omaha hospital. Mrs. Prell witz is the former Evelyn Bar tak, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bohn are the grandparents. WISEMAN—Mr. and Mrs. El mer Wiseman of Page, a son, weighing 6 pounds 14 ounces, bom Wednesday, November 24, in St. Anthony’s hospital. RICHARDSON—Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Richardson of O’Neill, a daughter, Sharon Lee, weigh ing 6 pounds 4 ounces, born Tuesday, November 30, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. HAENEL—Mr. and Mrs. Paul Haenel of El Paso, Tex., a daughter, born Wednesday, No vember 24. Mrs. Haenel is the former Phyllis Pratt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Pratt of Bristow. AMANNA — Mr. and Mrs. James Amanna of Englewood, Colo., a daughter, Pamela Ann, weighing 6 pounds 12 ounces, born Thursday, November 18. Mrs. Amanna is the former Doris Anderson of Bristow. LYNCH—Mrs. Melvena Kra mer of Spencer visited at An ton Kalkowski’s Sunday. Too Late to Gassify CARD OF THANKS I WISH to extend my thanks to Doctors Wilson and Langdon, the hospital staff and the chap lain and many thanks to my relatives and freinds of this community for their cards, let ters, gifts, flowers and visits I received after my operation at St. Anthony’s; special thanks also to Christ Lutheran Ladies Aid for the get-well card and to Rev. Ernest Smith and Rev. Howard Claycombe for their prayers and visits. May God bless you all.—Mrs. Herman J. Tollner, Bloomfield, Nebr. 31p50 FOR SALE: Used Farmall C tractor.—Marcellus Impl., West O’Neill. 31c FOR RENT. Five rooms and bath. Close-in. —Ramon Bright, O’ Neill. 31c Attend Funeral— Mrs. Frank Suchy and her son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Price of Schuylar attended the funeral Friday in David City of her sister, Mrs. W. J. Jankey. Hospital Notes (Other Hospital Notes, Page 18) ST. ANTHONY’S (O’Neill) Admissions: November 24 — Mrs. Elmer Wiseman, Page; Ba by Boy Wiseman, Page. 25 — John C. Miller, Ewing; Frank H. Murray, O’Neill; Charlene Lar son, O’Neill; Curt Larson, O’ Neill; Rhonda Sue Lineback, O’ Neill; Mrs. Mabel M. Shobe, Page. 26—Barbara Fox, Emmet. 27—Barbara Kestenholtz, Inman; Clyonne Crawford, Spencer; Mrs. Henry Brunmeier, Butte; Eddie Gallagher, Inman. 28 — Mrs. Emanuel Guthmiller, jr., Anoka; Thomas Joseph Jensen, Stuart; Mrs. Gene Wolfe, O’Neill. 29 — Mrs. Lisle E. Mewmaw, Page; Baby Boy Mewmaw, Page; Mrs. Arthur Miller, Chambers; Mrs. Charles Adkinson, Mills; Lewis S. Martinson, Bristow; Harry Graham, O’Neill. 30—Mrs. Don ald F. Richardson, O’Neill; Mrs. Robert Litz, Bassett; Baby Girl Richardson, O’Neill; Jackie Du satko, O’Neill; Mrs. Emanuel Ring, Spencer. December 1 — Patricia Ann Lorenz, O’Neill; Mrs. Kathryn Kallhoff, Ewing. Dismissals' November 25 — Ferdinand Kaup, Stuart; Bar bara Miller, O’Neill; Patricia Hoerle, Chambers; Mrs. Alfred Maas, Chambers; Mrs. Arby Kruger and baby boy, Stuart; Mrs. Nels Linquist, Star. 26 — Mrs. N. M. Ross, O’Neill; Mrs. Orville Eppenbach and baby bay, O’Neill; Mrs. Vernon Wenke and baby girl, Spencer; Baby Mary Alice Winkler, Emmet. 27 —Curt Larson, O’Neill; Charlene Larson, O’Neill; Mrs. John H. McCarville and baby girl, O’ Neill; Mrs. Ralph Theye and ba by girl, O’Neill; Ann McManus, O’Neill. 28— Frank H. Murray, O’Neill; Barbara Kestenholtz, Inman; Herbert J. Hammond, O'Neill; Mrs. Robert J. Yantzi and baby girl, O'Neill; Clyonne Crawford, Spencer; John C. Miller, Ewing. 29—Eddie Galla gher, Inman; Rhonda Sue Line back, O’Neill; Mrs. Elmer Wise man and baby boy, Page. 30 — Thomas Joseph Jensen, Stuart; Earbara Fox, Emmet. December 1—Mrs. Charles Adkinson, Mills; Mrs. Mabel M. Shobe, Page; John Kenedy, O’Neill; Mrs. Emanuel Guthmiller, jr., Anoka. Hospitalized. Jackie Dusatko^ O’Neill; Patricia Ann Lorenz, O’ Neill; Mrs. Robert Litz, Bassett; Mrs. Catherine Kallhoff, Ewing; Harry Graham, O’Neill; Mrs. Addie Wrede, O’Neill; Mrs. Mary Mullen, O’Neill; Mrs. Emma Mil ler, O’Neill; Mrs. Elmer E. Smith, Ewing; Mrs. Ed Murphy, O’Neill; Mrs. Lisle E. Mewmaw and baby boy, Page; Mrs. Donald F. Richardson and baby girl, O’ Neill; Mrs. Emanuel Ring, Spen cer; Mrs. Arthur Miller, Cham bers; Lewis S. Martinson, Bris tow; Carl Mtichell, Chambers; Mrs. Gene Wolfe, O’Neill; Albert Otte, Winner, S.D.; Mrs. Henry Brunmeier, Butte; Miss Mary Murphy, O’Neill. Emmet News Mrs. Jim 0*’Connor and Miss Marybelle visited Mrs. Rollie Shald and Mrs. Donald Meyers at Stuart Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Walter Puckett of Atkin son visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McConnell, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Conard and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Harvey and daughter, Harriet, of Sun dance, Wyo., were dinner guests of Mrs. P. W. McGinnis Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Skopec bought the Guy Cole home at Emmet and will move in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Swick of Clinton, Mrs. Anne Cadman of Oak Lawn, 111., Mr. and Mrs. Larry Tenborg and family and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Meier and dt'Ughetr, Megan, of O’Neill and Francis Tenborg were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geary Enboay on Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Sadie Schultz of Atkin son, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Duzard of Omaha, Francis Anderl of In man and Susan Abart of O’Neill were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abart on Thanks giving day. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bates and family visited Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Livings and family at Sioux City on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cole and daughter, Jeanie, Mrs. Alice Bridges and son, Jim, of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schaffer and soi, Dewey, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Harris, Mrs. Pat McGinnis, Mr. and Mrs. John Co;iard and daughter, Mary Lou, Mr. and Mrs. G. Owen Cole and childrer. Mr. and Mrs. Art Humpal and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schaaf and Laby daughter of Atkinson were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cole and sons on Thanks giving day. Mrs. Bessie Burge, Harold and June and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burge and family of Amelia drove to Omaha to spend Thanksgiving day at the Dean Burge home. They returned home on Friday. Mrs. Emma Maring and sons Homer and Oliver, were guests at the Ralph Hoffman home near Ewing on Thanksgiving day. -- —-—11 ■ ■ ■■ You FEEL the difference made by WD-45 power I Touch the starter of the big WD-45 . . . drop the three-bottom mounted plow into the ground and take off through the field. I_That’s when you really feel the difference made by POWER-CRATER engine and modem tractor engineering in the WD-45. There’s no better time than now to learn about the time saving, profit-making advantages given by POWER CRATER engine, complete hydraulic system with Auto matic Traction Booster, SNAP-COUPLER, Power-Shift Wheels and Two-Clutch Power Control — all at a price to save you hundreds of dollars. And there’s no better place to learn than from the tractor’s seat Let us show you on your farm. You prove it to yourself. SNAT-COUPIER and POWER-CRATER ora AIlU-OtalaMn tradaaiarb. Tune in Iho National Farm and Homo Hour — ivory Saturday — FWC MARCELLUS IMPLEMENT CO. Phone 5 West O’Neill 'W@rec**t@ePClC*«roC«*We«««ro „ ‘ ' ** ' >• T" I : ' C, c SUPER MARKET 1 Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. -O’NEILL- Dec. 2nd, 3rd, 4th § RED CRAPES-2 lbs. 29c 1 RED I POTATOES-10 lbs. 29c I JUICE I ORANGES-2 doz. 39c I SEEDLESS | GRAPEFRUIT-12 for 49c | DELICIOUS 1 APPLES-4-lb. bag 59c I I _ CHRISTMAS Candy & Nuts COME IN AND SEE OUR LARGE DISPLAY PEANUT BRITTLE 2 Lbs.-69c BABY WALNUTS 2 Lbs.-69c » - FANCY MIXED NUTS 2 Lbs.-89c OUR FAMILY STRAWBERRY JAM_2 jars 59c OUR FAMILY PUMPKIN_2 No. 300 cans 25c GOLDEN VALLEY CRUSHED PINEAPPLE_2 No. 303 cans 49c SANDWICH COOKIES-2 lbs. 59c QUAKER OATMEAL-Large pkg. 37c NAVY BEANS-4-lb. pkg. 55c PITTED DATES_2 lbs. 49c OUR FAMILY GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ..2-46 ■oz. cans 49c I MAYBELLE | NATURE’S FROZEN 1 STRAWBERRIES .... Pkg. 29c QLEO I FROZEN PEAS-2 pkgs. 35c 2 LBS. S SNO-CROP I FROZEN CORN_2 pkgs. 37c ONLY | SNO-CROP FROZEN I ORANGE JUICE_ - 2 cans 35c I **? 1 M --- ------ | j| tZaalittfs MEATS :! « »** » « » ■*■* ■ 'iViVuV.'J*1J-U~|J> PURE, FRESH \ | GROUND BEEF-3 lbs. 89c & BONELESS 1 BEAL ROAST-Per lb. 39c I BEEF STEAK-2 lbs. $1.00 1 BACON ENDS-3 lbs. $1.00 I CUDAHY’S \ PORK SAUSAGE -------3 lbs. $1.00 I WIENERS 11 WHITING I 5 J 3 Lbs.-$1.00 I 10 Uk $1.29 SF —^ c o o m . -r BUTTER-NUT COFFEE iT. 99c j • SUGAR STik_98c J SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS 2-Lb. Box __ 47c ALL POPULAR BRANDS — Regular Size CIGARETTES cm 1.98 FAIRMONT PRIDE CORN 3 No. 303 Cans... .29c | OUR OWN VANILLA ICECREAM ku--69C - I TURKEY DAY SPECIAL SATURDAY ONLY Pk"» SOFT FROZEN - EVERYBODY Sno-CREAM “CHOCOLATE DIPPED” l CONES 2 for... 5* Sift'S MtMkarihEdtMIMiSiBiMtBiMtZk3t&3cfe?i * - ■> *. :,*r.