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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1954)
Visits St Paul— Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Salak and daughters left Saturday eve | ning to spend Sunday in St. Paul visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harvey. METHODIST (Page-Inman) Rev. Lisle E. Mewmaw, pastor Thursday, December 2: Page WSCS meeting; Choir practice in each church at 7:30 p.m., fol lowed by MYF at Inman. Saturday, December 4: Inman WSCS bazaar, beginning at 2 p.m. Meals will be served dur ing the evening, beginning at 5 p.m. Come to Inman for a good bazaar and supper! Sunday, December 5: Inman worship service at 9:45 a.m., fol lowed by church school at 10:45 a.m.; Page church school at 10 a.m.; worship service at 11 a.m.; MYF at 7:30 p.m. Monday, December 6: Page stewardship study service at 8 p.m. Wednesday, December 8: In man commission on membership and evangelism meeting at 7:30 j p.m. Thursday, December 9: Inman WSCS meeting at 2:30 p.m.; In man official board meeting in the L. R. Tompkins home at 8 p.m. We welcome you. WESLEYAN METHODIST (O’Neill) Rev. A. L. Nabholz, supply pastor Sunday, December 5: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.; there will be no evening service at our church on December 5. Thursday: Prayer service, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, December 8: The WMS will meet at the home of Mrs. Roy Cole for its work meet ing. Thursday evening, December 9, at 7:30 o’clock, there will be a special meeting of the missionary society to which men, women and children are invited. This will oe held at the church. Rev. D. V. Olmstead of Venus will be bringing the message in the morning worship hour De cember 5. METHODIST (O’Neill) Rev. W. B. Smith, pastor Thursday, December 2: WSCS prayer cell, 10 a.m. Friday, December 3: Dorcas society, 2 p.m. Sunday, December 5: Junior :hoir practice, 9:30 a.m.; worship Jay-school, 9:45 a.m.; worhsip service, 11 a.m., conducted by ay leader and other laymen. Monday, December 6: Mission md education commission, 7:30 p.m. (joint meeting). Tuesday, December 7: Adult fellowship, 8 p.m. COMMUNITY (Stuart) Rev. D. D. Su, pastor Sunday, December 5: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; worship service, 11 a.m. Junior high fellowship meets jvery Wednesday at 7 p.m. The Women’s society will meet :his afternoon (Thursday) at 2 j'clock, in the church basement. Senior high fellowship meets to light (Thursday), 7 o’clock; :hoir practice tonight, 8 o’clock; session meeting tonight, 9 o’clock. METHODIST (Chambers) Rev. J. M. Hodgkin, pastor Sunday, December 5: Sunday ;chool, 10 a.m., Eugene Baker, ;uperintendent; worship, 11 a.m. The Woman’s society will meet oday (Thursday) at the home of i£rs. Clarence Tibbets with Mrs. ?harles Spann as co-hostess, rhis is a missionary lesson. rHE FRONTIER for your print ing needs. CHRIST LUTHERAN (O’Neill) Seventh and Clay sts. Rev. E. G. Smith, pastor “The church of the Lutheran Hour.” Thursday, December 2: Wal ther league meets at 7:30 p.m., followed by young people’s choir rehearsal. Friday, December 3: Men’s club meets at 8 p.m. Saturday, December 4: Con firmation class meets at 1:30 p.m.; training class meets at 2:30 p.m.; Sunday-school Christ mas program will start rehearsal at 3:30 p.m. Sunday, December 5: Sunday school at 10 a.m.; divine worship at 11 a.m., holy communion will be celebrated. Monday, December 6: Circuit stewardship meeting will be held at our church, beginning at 1 p.m. Wednesday, December 8: Mid week advent service at 8 p.m. CHURCH OF CHRIST (O’Neill) Comer of Sixth and Grant John Thomas, minister Sunday, December 5: Bible school, 10 a.m. communion and preaching, 11 a.m.; youth fellow ship hour, 6:30 p.m.; evening wor ship, 7:30 o’clock. Bible study and prayer session Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. In the name of Jesus Christ we bid you a sincere welcome to these services. ' mmciM letz tex at* ter iff mwem IMMANUEL LUTHERAN (Atkinson) Rev. E. G. Smith, pastor “The church of the Lutheran Hour.” Friday, December 3: Special advent service at 7:30 p.m. The theme of these services will be the Old Testament prophecies concerning the coming of the Saviour. Choral group rehearsal at 8:30 p.m. Sunday, December 5: Divine worship at 9:30 a.m., holy com munion will be celebrated; Sun day-school at 10:30 a.m. Monday, December 6: The cir cuit stewardship meeting will be held at Christ church in O’Neill, beginning at 1 p.m. Tuesday, December 7: Con firmation class meets at 7:30 p.m.; adult instruction class meets at 8:30 p.m. FIRST . PRESBYTERIAN (O’Neill) Rev. J. Olen Kennell. pastor Sunday, December 5: Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; worship ser vice, 11 a.m. Please turn in your pledge cards as soon as possible. Monday, December 6: Spiritual life group meeting, 2 p.m. Wednesday, December 8: West minster youth fellowship, 7 p.m.; choir practice, 8 p.m. Christmas practice on Satur day mornings: Juniors — 10-11 o’clock; primaries — 10:30-11 o’ clock. Christmas vesper service will be presented by the choir on Sunday, December 19, at 5 p.m. BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN (RFD, Ewing) Rev. J. Olen Kennell, pastor Sunday, December 5: Worship service, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m. MM Frontier ASSEMBLY OF GOD (O’Neill) Rev. Wayne A. Hall, pastor Sunday, December 5: Sunday school at 10 a.m.; worship ser vice at 11 a.m.; boys’ and girls’ story time at 7:30 p.m.; evening rally at 8 o’clock. Tuesday, December 7: Young people’s meeting at 8 p.m. Prac tice for the Christmas play after the service. Wednesday, December 8: Bible study and prayer service at 8 p.m. Thursday, December 9: Fellow ship meeting at Long Pine. Ser vices at 2:30, 6:30 and 7:45 p.m. God’s promises are all inclusive to us. “Delight thyself also in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” Psalm 37:4. We welcome you to our ser vices. METHODIST (Emmet) Rev. W. B. Smith, pastor Sunday, December 5: Church school, 9:45 a.m.; worship ser vice, 8 pan., featuring a temper ance movie. Julia and Dickie Janzing spent Sunday at the home of their grandmother, Mrs. Herman Jan zing, while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Janzing, were in Oma ha. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grage were Sunday visitors at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Walker in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. C. Vincent Jones of Columbus were Sunday guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jones. ' Santa Has Emptied His Pack ... AT THE ... I WM. KR OTTER CO. j | FOR CHRISTMAS, SANTA SUGGESTS: 1955 PONTIACS ... ! A General Motors Masterpiece MAYTAG APPLIANCES ... j Automatic Washers — Automatic Dryers — Conven tional Washing Machines — Gas Ranges — Ironers — | Deep Freezers | I SUNBEAM APPLIANCES ... | Coffee Makers — Irons — Mixers — Razors — Toast- j ers — Automatic Skillets — Waffle Irons and Sand wich Grilles TOOLS FOR THE FARMER, MECHANIC I and CARPENTER ... A complete line of quality tools always useful regard- l4\ less of occupation | REVERE WARE and MIRRO ALUMINUM WARE... J Complete Lines | ! MISCELLANEOUS HOUSEWARES SUCH AS ... 1 r § If Pop Corn Poppers — Dishes (unbreakable Colorflyte and Pyrex) — Electric Clocks — Coffee Makers — Kitchen Stools and Tables % FOR THE KIDDIES ... I Coaster Wagons (all sizes) — Sleds (all sizes) — $ ! Tricycles (large and small) 8 FULL LINE OF CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHT | , STRINGS, WREATHES, TREE STANDS, AND LIGHT BULBS FOR THE HOUSE DECORATING £ I s? Any item in the store will be laid away at request { TUXEDO GRATED , TUNA FISH ,,.„49* WHFATIFQ W,TH AUT0 emblems OOfc >■ ilLifl B BLO_OR PHONE RECORDS AyT PRE-HOLIDAY BAKING SPECIAL ^ ^ FAMILY FLOUR .,,*3" CHEERIOS - large package 25* DEL MONTE ... MEDIUM PRUNES .... U8. PACKAGE 53t SUGAR JETS ,,..,,.,,25* BROWN SUGAR , ^25* RITZ CRACKERS EMK&liH 35' I I witfc confidence Ah*oys a big selection. ORANGES50NK,5T "AVEs pounOS 351 GRAPES05 "01REDpound 12< CABBAGE05"01 pound 5 $ POTATOES05"°1 REDo pounds 3 lOO-POUND BAG ... . $3.19 KLEENEX l MONTE 4621- CM / \Tomrom£ 4W \mmii l£ W \BSANS 2-Wf . \ HERSHEYS OR OARERS AA , f-t1‘\CHOC. CHIPS ™ 29c \MtX£DNW H# p- Wr \ HONOR BRAND FROZEN A/l, V' \ awwawK^I^ AMf l GERBER'S STRAINED FOODS KC tr^' l GERBER'S JUNIOR FOODS % ,# ------- r 11 1 Cmm v ^«a* Ge»t»* » Bob, *cod J5 __^—————■ MMHMHMI ISBjtre BEEP CHUCK ROA you know! 7nsh/y made Puns 8etf all upturn _rz 3-H.00 Resh Country Style PORK SAUSAGE_^ 47c BRAUNSCHWEIGER _ — 39c __ Fourth Street Market . T jjjjjjajajaaaaaaaaMaaaMa—M—M—a—a—dMawaaMMM ^s.^^sta^itsiaAMaataiaaAMA^frfrw^tf i canV afford A NEW CAR? o GET A LATE MODEL-C*J> USED CAR! Lohaus Motor Co. Phone 33 — O’Neill ---- ' A f* ' © 0 % ' 0 H • • • clt tll0 • • • I - I—i-'*wr— - -^r* ..—- I.J*- ""*■’* ”* \ COSTUME JEWELRY_$1 and up Draw a bead on fashion with necklaces, bracelets, ear rings. % HANKIES --- 69c and up | f 2 © f Drop a hint of Christmas cheer in Swiss and pure linen; white and colors. 2 | BAGS - 2.99 and up [ “Bag her heart” with a fine handbag; leathers and fabrics. (Prices S | include tax). 1 ? 3 GLOVES - 1.19 and up Have a hand in the season; finest woolens and fabrics. SLIPS - 4.95 and up | Make her happy with a beautiful slip by Luxite. SWEATERS_4.95 and up | • . . . they have top gift priority; orlons, wools, cash meres. a COATS_„_ by Famous Makers I „ Finest fabrics, fur-trimmed and casuals. HEAD SCARVES _ HOLIDAY HATS ! COLOGNE by Hattie Carnegie | WARM HEADWEAR | BLOUSES_SKIRTS - I I , 1 • O V S' ; OJ» j \ Your Holiday Dress dim I i ... is here! ir Styled by Gay Gibson, Carole King, ! Jonathan Logan, Nellie Don, many others —— l Choose Your Gifts at the Shop of Famous Labels I • DAWNELLE Gloves • LUXITE Lingerie I • LARKWOOD Hosiery . . . many others [ apparTshop Dusters and Robes Beautiful nylons, J bembergs and ^ cottons Dressy and Practical! 5.95 to 14.95