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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1954)
Waring Family in Holiday Reunion PAGE — Mrs. Ethel Waring enjoyed having all her children with her for a family reunion and Thanksgiving dinner and supper when they all met at the Dale Waring home at Fairbury. Present were Mrs. Ethel War ing, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch, Margie and Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Waring, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Waring, Willis and Arlee, all of Page; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pease and sons of Center; Glen Waring, Marlene and Keven of Orchard; Mr. and Mrs. Dale War ing and family and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Waring and sons of Fair bury. Bud Godel of O’Neill and Carole Leiding of Orchard were also present. Members of the family who were not present included three grandchildren and three great grandchildren — Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Heiser and three chil dren and Duane Finch, all of Page, and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Waring of Washington, D.C. Mrs. Ethel Waring, who had spent the past two weeks with her sons at Fairbury, returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pease and family remained at Fairbury for the rest of the Thanksgiving vacation. Other Page News Miss Sybil Ickes of Nenzel vis ited from Wednesday, November 24, until Sunday with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Neven Ickes, sr., and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Shane of Valley were dinner guests on Saturday of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Asher and two sons of Logan, la., came Wednesday afternoon, November 24, to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Snell, and her mother-in-law, Mrs. Ethel Parks, and other rela tives. Mrs. Gailord Albright. They were returning home after visiting other relatives at O’Neill and Clearwater. Mrs. Alta Finch, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Finch, Mr, and Mrs. Ken neth Heiss and family and Du ane Finch ate Thanksgiving din ner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Lefler of Minneapolis, Minn., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Roach. Bonnie Riege visited from last Thursday evening until Sunday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Horrocks, at Tilden. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher and family were dinner guests Sun day of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Asher. Mrs. Lester Riege attended the wedding of ther nephew, Jack Horrocks, and Vernell Olberding at Randolph on Tuesday after noon, November 23. She was an overnight guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Horrocks, at Tilden and returned home Wed nesday, November 24. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roach and Larry and Mr. and Mrs. War ren Cronk and Joan spent Thanksgiving at Osmond with Mrs. Roach’s- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gross Rhode. Mrs. Dale Asher and two sons of Logan, la., Mr. and Mrs. Rol lie Snell, Mrs. Hattie Stewart and Mickie Stewart were last Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stewart. Mrs. George Clasey and Leroy drove to Lincoln Wednesday, No vember 24, where they were guests until Saturday of Mrs. Clasey’s three daughters, Joyce, Elaine and Lorraine, at their apartment. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carson, Lois and Jerry of Bingham vis ited from last Thursday until Sunday at the home of his moth er, Mrs. Hattie Carson, and his sister, Mrs. Harold Kelly, and family. The group were Thanks giving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Carson. The Get-Together club met on Friday afternoon with Mrs. Charley Cronk with 15 members present. The ladies brought and packed 36 quarts of fruit and vegetables to send to the Chil dren’s home in Omaha. The host ess served lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, sr., spent last Thursday evening with Clayton Mesner and daugh ter, Miss Eleta, and their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hicks of Martin, S.D. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Asher and family of Powell, Wyo., came Wednesday, November 24, and plan to spend most of the winter here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kemper and family of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. John Backer of Randolph, Mr. and Mrs. George Winkler and Mr. and Mrs. Casper Wink ler of Emmet and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Kemper were last Thurs day dinner and supper guests of Mrs. Emma Kemper. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Riege and Bonnie, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Riege of Orchard and Ralph Riege of Norfolk were guests on Thanksgiving of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Riege at Norfolk. Ensign and Mrs. Harold Teg eier arrived last week from Pen sacola, Fla, where he had been stationed, to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tegeler. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Rost of St Paul, Minn., came Tuesday, November 23, to visit their niece, Mrs. Ralph Larson, and family. Mrs. Larson’s mother, Mrs. W. E. Snyder, and Mr. Snyder of Ainsworth were also Thanksgiv ing dinner guests. Mr. and Mrs. Rost left Sunday to visit at the Snyder home at Ainsworth. They plan to spend most of the winter visiting relatives in Oregon and California. „ Mr. and Mrs. Clifford French, Coleen and Gregg of Lamberton, Minn., came last Thursday morn ing to the home of Mrs. French’s sister, Mrs. Harry Tegeler, and Mr. Tegeler, and will visit a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stauffer, and other relatives at Page and O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hartigan and family and Mrs. Elsie Cork were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stein berg. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes, Miss Viola Haynes, Mrs. Neven Ickes, sr., Sybil, Lionel and Den nis were guests at a chili supper Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Neubauer. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Rost of St. Paul, Minn.,- were evening callers. The HOA club met Tuesday afternoon, November 23, with Mrs. Herbert Steinberg with all members present. Mrs. Paul Hartigan and Mrs. Elsie Cork were guests. The ladies brought and packed 32 quarts of fruit and vegetables for the Children’s home in Omaha. Lunch was served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kelly and family and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Abney of Inman, spent last Thursday with relatives at Loup City. Dinner and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Asher last Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Asher and family of Powell, Wyo., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Asher and family of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Asher and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher and son. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Asher of O’Neill were also supper guests. Mr. and Mrs. John Walker and son and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Craig and family of Norfolk spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Walker and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gray of Blue Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wayer of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Gray and family of O’ Neill and Mrs. Evelyn Gray of Page spent last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Gene Baber and family at Plainview. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trow bridge, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Cronk, Mrs. E. E. Stevens, Mrs. O. A. Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Smith and Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Trowbridge and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Trowbridge, all of Page; Mrs. Anna Smith and Ernest Trow bridge of Inman; Mr. and Mrs. Eert Fink and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and family of Ewing spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller at Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Lionnie Wood and family of Elm Creek were after noon callers. Mr. and Mrs. Gailord Albright had all their children with them when they all met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hoffman and family. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Shane of Val ley, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Al bright of Oakdale, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stevens and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Arnot Buxton and daughter of O’Neill and Sterling Albright of Page, who had re cently returned home after re ceiving his discharge from the navy. Rev. and Mrs. George Francis and son of Plattsmouth called on old friends in Page last Thurs day morning. They went to Newport for Thanksgiving din ner at the home of Mrs. Francis’ sister, Mrs. William Galloway. From there they went to Spen cer to visit from Thursday un til Saturday with Reverend Fran cis’ parents, when they returned home. Mrs. Belle Mott accom panied Reverend and Mrs. Fran cis to Newport where she spent Thanksgiving with friends and visited there until Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sorensen and daughter of Creighton, Mr. end Mrs. Soren Sorensen, sr., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sorensen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, jr., and Glenda, Bill Sorensen and Jimmie and Robert Sorensen spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nissen and family. All the children of Mr. and Mrs. Sorensen, sr., were present except their daugh ter, Mrs. Eddie Connery of Chad ron. The annual Thanksgiving sup per of the fellowship class of the Methodist Sunday - school and their families was held at the church parlors Tuesday evening, November 23. There were about 50 present. The tables were dec orated in keeping with the sea son. A short program was pre sented. The following officers were elected: Mrs. Harry Harp er, president; Mrs. Jesse Kelly, vice-president; J. W. Finch, sec retary and treasurer; Raymond Heiss, teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford French, Coleen and Greg of Lamberton, Minn., Miss Marie Heiss of Hastings, Mrs. Lou Heiss, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Braddock and Jo Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French, sr., and Bette and Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French, jr., all of Page, and Dr. and Mrs. O. W. French of O’Neill were guests at Thanksgiving dinner and a house-warming Thursday at the home of Mrs. Jennie French and Miss Alice French at O’Neill. Gets Navy Discharge Sterling L. Albright, MM3/c (above), recently received his honorable discharge from the navy at Long Beach, Calif., and arrived at heme at Page on Thursday, November 11. Ster ling, better-known as “Herbie,” took his basic training at San Diego, Calif., and served 2Vz years out of Pearl Harbor, Ha waii, and the balance of his enlistment out of Long Beach He served aboard the USS Radford, DDE-446, the O’Ban non, DDE-450 and the Higbee, DDR-806 on plane guard de stroyer and anti-submarine war exercises and patrol escort duty in West Pacific waters. Sterling is at his home at Page and is undecided as to what his civilian occupation will be. Mrs. Donald Loy Named Noble Grand Eden Rebekah lodge 41 held its regular meeting Friday eve ning, November 19, at the IOOF hall. A special report on the state Rebekah assembly at Nor folk was given by Mrs. Roy D. Johnson, noble grand. Election of officers was held. Mrs. Donald Loy was elected noble grand; Mrs. Dewayne Landis, vice-grand; Winnie Bar ger, treasurer, and Mrs. Esther Harris, secretary. Mesdames Clark, Gilstrap and Menish servd a lunch to the members and guest, Mrs. Harold Kramer.—By Mrs. Dwayne Phil brick, reporter. Ratzlaff-Halva Nuptials Are Set— Miss Lydia Halva of Omaha arrived Saturday for a short visil with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Victor Halva. On Thursday, th« ; Halva’s, accompanied by Mr. anc Mrs. Jerry Halva, will leave foi : Marion, S.D., to attend the wed ! ding of Fred Halva of Denver ! Colo., and Miss Janice Ratzlaff ’ The Halva’s will entertain then \ son, Fred, and Miss Ratzlaff at ; [ prenuptial dinner Thursday eve | ning at Marion. r ——————— 1 Kirwan Gets ; Non-Com Training— I BRISTOW — Pfc. Michael V r Kirwan, son of Melvin E. Kirwan [ route 1, Bristow, recently wa; J graduated from the army’s tact J ical command non-commissionec \ officer academy at Linz, Austria Private Kirwan has since re » turned to. his duties as a rifle i man with the 350th infantry reg [ iment at Salzburg, Austria. Hi * joined the Austria forces las S January. \ * INSURANCE Insurance of All Kinds Bonds — Notary Public 20% SAVINGS ON YOUR PREMIUMS RELIABLE COMPANIES PROMPT SETTLEMENTS Office in Gillespie Radio Bldg. PHONE 114 or 218 — O'NEILL — L. G. GILLESPIE AGENCY Established in 1893 I /jmL. Special Savings (fiS _ j on gift items f \ A • Stretch your Christmas Budget! I ly y • Hurry . . . these values won’t last! | ASK ABOUT OUR LAYAWAY PLAN | scassss WIZARD DEEP FRYER. New round style. Deep fries eight generous por tions. Automatic temp, control. Maintains heat from 200 to 400°. Signal light. 10-portion deep fryer 15.25 ■ DELUXE BASKETBALL SET. Welded %” steel goal is reniforced at mounting plate and equipped with heavy cotton net. Pebble grain rubber basketball complete with needle 5.98 COWBOY JK, DOUBLE HOLSTER SET. Authentic natural top grain cow-hide with beautiful floral tool ing, Texas buckle, cross strap decorations. Two Cowboy Jr. cap pistols 7.49 16” HARDWOOD BLACK BOARD. A big size for more fun! Beautiful Swed ish Oak finish frame fea tures drop front deskboard, colorful roll chart and chald rack. Eraser, chalk included . 4.98 LIONEL 5-UNIT FREIGHT Perfect “first train”! Four knuckle-coupler cars, 10 track sections, transformer and remote control coupl ing. Accurately detailed, 027 ga. 19.95 MODERN FARM SET A complete feed lot with big barn, stand-alone plas tic fences, animals, farm hands, farm implements and real operating hay track. Stout steel, 14” long. Only . 4.95 7-LIGHT TREE SET Independent type keeps burning even when a bulb burns out. C7^ lamps for indoor operation. Gay, as sorted colors. 110 volts. In cludes adequate cord and add-on plug . 1-59 THE SILVER SAX Amazing resemblance to the sound and beauty of the full scale model! Easy to play. “Silver and gold” finish, triple reed chords. Over 17” long. With case for . 5.95 1 E&U2 TRUCK AND TRAILER of die-cast metal. Cab lifts off to show realistic motor. Side and rear doors actual ly operate! Rubber tires, tandem rear wheels. 18” long: over-all . 3.79 'Joy bridge/? | TOY DIAL PHONE. All 51 metol Rings when diol is ;l| p turned. Red E7404 ALL METAL IRONING £ BOARD. Modern type with steel legs that fold, perfor- 0 ated white enamel top and jg sturdy reinforcing. Folds easily. Stands 22” high, 0 27Vi” long . 1.98 ^ m WESTERN CLITJPER £ SLEDS. Tight-tum steer- % ing! Safety runners! Hard W beechwood! Js 37” 41” 46” 55” 3.85 — 4.79 — 5.79 — 7.25 $ LITTLE DOCTOR VISIT- $ ING KIT. Includes stetho- £ scope that actually picks up s heart beats. Thermometer, plastic hypo, uniform, and fi many other items in & satchel . 2.98 *1 | “Scovie’s”.WESTERN AUTO STORE.O’Neill | Bazaar & Supper by WSCS — Inman, Nebr. Saturday, Dec. 4 Bazaar at 2 P.M. Serving Begins at 5 P.M. EVERYONE WELCOME CORKLE BROS’. Hereford Auction Sale to be held at NORFOLK SALES PAVILION Norfolk, Nebr. Wed., Dec. 15 40 RUGGED COMING 2-YEAR-OLD BULLS An offering of thick-set bulls of modern beef type and easy feeding qualities sired by MW LARRY MIXER 12th BATTLE B ASTER 10th and ECLIPSE DOMINO 135th The Kind to Sire Market-top ping Cattle. Bulls for Ranch men, Farmers and Breeders For Catalog Address: \ Corkle Bros. Tilden, Nebraska 8 comb an if* I TOMORROW, MR BURI1 „ I WrRB ; i A a j! I ! leady for Christmas! I SHOP FROM OUR COMPLBTI GIFT SUGGESTIONS NOWj | I 2 ' 1 I I I § ; 4-GORE SLIPS | OF NO-IRON I NYLON TRICOT il 3.98 v § So lovely at Penney’s . . . | with lace, net, pin-tucks, § permanent pleats. Remem j> her, they need hardly any g care at all — dry wrinkle fi free :n minutes! See them |[ in white, pastels. 32-44. ^ -...—.... If I If If If » S? y y y y y I I I ■ 1 | THREE SWISS f IMPORTED I HANKIES with “loose petal” colored embroidery on white cotton grounds. Scalloped hems. Assorted patterns. | 98c box ;! S' S I I_ BLANKET BUY! 3 1/4 lbs. rich, fleecy wool, decorator colors. Glowing acetate satin binding, 5-year guarantee against moth damage. 72x90 10.90 I 1 2 1 MEN’S COTTON FLANNEL WASHABLE 1 ROBES! I Yes, they’re Sanforized* . .. you do them in the machine! Comfortable, well made. Red / black, blue / black plaids. S, M, L, XL 4.98 * Won’t shrink over 1% $ LUSCIOUS CORDUROY CHENILLE ROBE in misses’ and women’s sizes! Heavy 3-needle overlay in a bow knot design sweeps around the full skirt. Dou ble cuffs, deep pocket. Rich “ Q \ VIVID! PLUSH! CHENILLE BEDSPREADS 7.90 ■ 498 Twin or Full Cotton with the look of vel vet! Row on row of closely stitched chenille, shades that bring the needed spark of color to your modem or traditional room. Fine buy at Penney’s! MEN’S PAJAMAS Towncraft broadcloth. But ton or slip-over style in as sorted bold stripes. Sanfor ized. A quality gift buy. A B-C-D. 2.98 MEN’S FUR - LINED GLOVES of fine grade imported cape skin in smooth or pig-texed finish. Fully fur-lined for soft, snug warmth. Brown, black, cork. I SERVICE ! SHEER GAYMODES For comfortable fit, for ex- % tra long wear, you’ll want ^ 51 gauge, 30 denier service f sheer Gaymodes from Pen- £ ney’s. Ideal for busy days, 1 they come in four attractive s new shades. You’ll find g sizes 8% to 11. ° . i —' i <& 1 » f1. « FELT SLIPPERS a i\ Trimmed with gaily printed # cotton corduroy. Cushion ^ platforms, soft soles for k deep-down comfort. Blue, ^ wine. Sanitized. 4-9. 1,98 CANNON | TOWEL ENSEMBLE ... a name she knows, her M favorite colors to choose jj from! Gift set: 1 bath towel, » 1 face towel, 2 wash cloths. a 1.79 • I 1 ■' : * |: © MEN’S S CHARCOAL TONE ARGYLES | n a in wmterweight knit long- « wearing combed cotton. Col- ^ orful patterns over charcoal y. gray, brown, black. 10-13. 79c pr. 1 ©