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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1954)
Lane Rifes Held Saturday at Stuart STUART — Funeral services were held Saturday, May 29, at the Community church for Hen ry Ralph Lane, 87. The late Mr. Lane was bom March 4, 1867, near Beardstown, 111., the eldest son of William and Polly Lane. When he was a child the family moved to Cass county, Iowa. In the autumn of 1884, when he was a youth of 17, he- came with his parents by cov ered wagon to Nebraska and set tled on a farm northwest of Stu art. In 1895 the family moved to Nevada Mo., but returned to Nebraska in 1898 where Ralph spent the remainder of his life. On May 12, 1901, he was mar ned to Lutie Hart at the home of Elder A. F. Dugger, sr., near Cams. Mr. Lane was engaged in farming and stock raising until 1941 whe he moved to Stuart be cause of his wife’s failing health. After her death in June, 1942, he continued to maintain his home in Stuart. Even though his eye sight failed gradually, so that he finally became almost blind, he was still able to keep his home. Survivors include: Sons—Wil liam of Winnetoon, Ross of Col orado Springs, Colo., Herbert of Stuart; daughter—Mrs. Milo W. (Ora) Blowers of Oklahoma City, Okla.; 12 grandchildren and a great - granddaughter (bom the day 'before his death); sister — j Mrs. Fannie Fuller of Stuart;j brothers—Clyde of Ft. Lauder- j dale, Fla., Owen of Newport and i Ross of Provo, Utah, Other Stuart News Mrs. John Sweet of Lincoln came Friday, May 28, to visit over the weekend with Miss Ber nelda Engler. Mrs. C. F. Gillete of Chambers was a Sunday, May 30, guest at the John Weichman rome. District Judge and Mrs. D. R. Mounts of O’Neill were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Engler. Mr. and Mrs. Casey Gocdwin of Amarillo, Tex., came Thursday, May 27, for a visit with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moses. Weekend guests were their daughter, Miss Faye Moses of W'ayne and Miss Barbara Moses of Omaha. Miss Vista Mitchell of Butte spent the weekend with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. Berlin Mitch ell. Miss Dorothy Freidel and Miss Marge Weichman went to O’Neill Monday, May 31, where they will be employed. Return to Omaha— Sgt. Rex Homer of Omaha spent the weekend in O’Neill visiting relatives and friends. He and Mrs. Homer and their children returned to Omaha o.n Monday. She and the children had been visiting at the home of her father, P. V. Hickey, for the past week. I .... , J DR. H. L. BENNETT : VETERINARIAN l Phones 316 and 304 1 , .. < ] ----- JOHN R. GALLAGHER Attorney-at-Law First Nat’l Bank Bldg. O’NEILL PHONE 11 Completely Automotit *****dryer and WASHER Wash and dry any time, any weather —just load and set the dials. Gyra foam Washer washes, rinses, spins, stops. Waterfilm drying action ends lint, moisture, venting problems. --I P WASHER DRYER \v ^299.95 254.95 WM. KROTTER CO. Maytag Sales & Service Phone 531 — West O’Neill * x fj FILMED AGAINST THE BACK V I OF THE WORLD’S MOST _ FABULOUS CITY.... 4 j HOUSTON, TEXAS! BILLY GRAHAM . « 1 y m Thursday, June 3-Q’Neill School Auditorium — 8 P.M. — * Miss Reka . . . scared ai first on water skis. Redbird News Mr. and Mrs. Ned McColley of ^alt Lake City, Utah, visited ast week with their niece, Mrs. toward Graham, and family. Beverly Carson visited in jynch over the weekend with Donna Greene of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Pinker iian took Mr. and Mrs. Reggie hnkerman to Grand Island on Duesday evening, May 25, fol owing the Lynch alumni ban juet. They departed for Alaska. Callers in the Frank Ghelsen lome last Thursday and Friday ;venings to see the new baby, ludy Ann, were the Hans Ghel sen family of Gross, Mrs. Willa Schollmeyer, Bruce and Bar iv, Mrs. Ray Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Miller and Bruce and Curtis. Mr. and Mrs. George McDon nells of Phoenix, Ariz., visited last Thursday and Friday with their niece, Mrs. Albert Carson, and family, enroute to Rushville. R exford Carson accompanied them to visit a few days at Gor don and Rushville with rela tives. Jerry Carsten of Bonesteel, S.D., will spend the summer with his grandparents at the Carsten ranch. Guy Hull and Albert Rey nolds of Inman are doing much remodeling at the spacious farm lome of the T. J. and Howard raham families. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Truax and daughter of Schuyler are visiting the Fred Truax, sr., and F loyd Crawford homes. A Pinkerman family reunion was held at the Fay Pinkerman home memorial day. Mrs. Ray Wilson and Mrs. Willa Schollmeyer and Bardy attended the memorial exercises in Lynch Sunday. Rosalie Thomson of Lyn;h spent' last week in the Howard Wells home. Bonnie Witherwax is again driving to her work at the tele phone office in Lynch. Helen Halstead is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Lucian Loock, and family near Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ladeiy of Gordon are visiting friends and relatives in this community and Lynch. Cpl. Virgil Wilson of Hastings spent Saturday night and Sun day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson. Mrs. Bill Wilson and family were Monday dinner guests of Mrs. Willa Schollmeyer and boys. Visitors in the Ray Wilson home Monday were Mrs. Lillian Baker and Jo Ann of Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ladeiy of Gordon and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Baker. O'NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Ned Porter and family of Columbus visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Porter, over the weekend. The Misses Beverly Norman and Helen McLuen of Omaha were weekend guests of Miss Norman’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Norman. Miss Beverly McCarthy of Omaha will arrive Friday to vis it for a week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George M. McCarthy. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Marce'lus spent Sunday morning in Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Schweigert and family of Wagner, S.D., were Sunday and Monday guests. Monday the group visit ed their sister, Mrs. Robert lams, and family in Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. John Manson of Omaha visited his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Manson, over the weekend. Sunday they all visited Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Briggs in North Loup. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Bridge and family returned from a 10 day vacation trip to the West coast Saturday. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Peterson in Boise, Ida., and in New Ply mouth, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Landis and daughter. Weekend guests of Mr. and i Mrs. J. D. Osenbaugh and Mr. ; and Mrs. E. W. Ralya were their | respective son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Osenbaugh, and family. Ex-O’Neillite Models Non-Sink Swim Suit Great Plains Soil Meet Starts Friday Harry T. Massie, president of the Nebraska State Association of Soil Conservation districts, has announced the dates of Fri day and Saturday, June 4-5, for the annual northern great-plains soil conservation district super visors’ are meeting to be held at Sheridan, Wyo. Mr. Massie said that some 300 soil conservation district supervisors, district co operators and their wives are ex pected to gather at Sheridan for the two-day meeting. Ottis Tosset of Lansfors, N. D., area vice-president of the nat ional association, will open the meeting on Friday morning. National President Waters S. Davis, jr., of League City Tex., will be present with a report on the latest in soil conservation district progress nationally. Chairman Stanley Lambert of the Holt soil conservation dis trict, invites all ccoperators in the district to make the trek to Sheridan. Elmer Juracek of Star, mem ber of the Holt soil district board of directors, will represent Holt county at the meeting. He has been instructed by the O’Neill Chambers of Commerce to Invite the group to convene in O’Neill in 1955. Newlyweds honored at Shower— Sunday evening, May 23. Mr. and Mrs. Reggie Pinkerman were honored guests at a wedding shower given by Mrs. Pat Cs bcrn, Mrs. George Kruse and Mrs. Vernon Oelson at the Scott ville hall. Several games were played and the crowd was entertained by music furnished by Claranna and June Carson, Ruth Osborn and Marilyn Graham. The honored guests received many gifts which were opened and displayed. A lunch consisting of sand wiches, pickles, potato chips, jello, cake and coffee was served < by the hostesses at midnight. -. ( Mr. and Mrs. J. Victor Johnson and Mrs. Alpha McKathnie and : daughter spent Monday afternoon i at the home of Mrs. Emma Me- ] Kathnie in Atkinson. That even- ] ing they were supper guests at the Stanley Johnson ranch. Mrs. ] Alpha McKathnie and daughter ! of Wayne arrived Monday and ! are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Victor Johnson. They 1 will leave for home Friday. < (Photo at left) Miss Lynn Reka, petite daugh ter of Mrs. Esther Reka of 612 £°uth Columbus, Glendale, Calif., for three seasons has en joyed her water ski hobby as a member of the Los Angeles Boat and Ski club. The former St. Mary’s acad emy student, who left O’Neill with her mother in 1941, this year finds it a profitable side line. She is now modeling a new-fangled non-sink swim suit for a West coast manufacturer. Miss Reka s father was the late Charles C. Reka of O’Neill, who died here in 1939. “Skimming the water at 20 to 40 mph with nothing but a skin ny ski board between you and the deep blue sea makes you scared — at first. You learn in shallow water and it’s not long before you’re accustomed to the boat and get the feel of the rope. Safest rope length is 75 to 100 feet. “It’s not strength but balance that counts,” she told a Pasa dena (Calif.) Independent re porter. That newspaper recently ieproduced a large picture of Lynn. Future - wise on skis, Lynn shares the dream with many ether water ski enthusiasts or turning professional by going to the Cypress Gardens in Florida. Lynn is a niece of Mrs. Leo Mullen of O’Neill. Lynn’s moth er is the former Esther nessy. O'NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lyons and family of Hereford, Tex., are visiting at the home of his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Don O. Lyons, md her mother, Mrs Chet - Cal kins. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mat tern of Winneton, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Mattern of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mattern of Drieghton were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Mattern. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McEniry md family of Kearney were Monday and Tuesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Mc Carthy. Jeannine McElhaney left Mon lay for Denver, Colo., where she vill visit for a month with her lister/ Marjorie, who was here or the holiday weekend visiting ler parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted McElhaney. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka, Dorothy Knight and Charisse ;pent the weekend in Redfield, >. D. Frank Froelich and Charles ^roelich spent Tuesday i n Dmaha. Extension Chib Notes Hike Along Redbird and Niobrara— REDBIRD — The Redbird Lucky Clover 4-H club met on Friday, May 28, with Bruce Schollmeyer. Thirteen members answered roll call with "Why I Like 4-H.” The three absent members were Bobby Revell, Rexford Carson and Helen Hal stead. Lela Carson, Mildred Gifford and Harvey Krugman assisted Lila Hull with the different pro jects which included a nature hike along the Redbird creek and the Niobrara river. Leroy Hull judged Bruce’s Brown Swiss calf. Mrs. Schollmeyer served lunch to the 28 present. Two meetings will be held in June — recreation at the Scott ville hall June 11 and the reg ular meeting with Bobby Revell June 18. Gadgets Used for Roll Call Response— CELIA—The Celia Homemak ers extension club met at the O. A. Hammerberg home Wednes day afternoon, May 26, with 12 j members pi esent. Mrs. Emil Col- \ fack and daughter, Shirley, were visitors. A number of chil dren of members were present. Roll call was to name a favor ite gadget and the lesson was “Games for the Family,” given by Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman. Mrs. Blanche Pease and Mrs. Hoff man. together with the club president, Mrs. Merrill Smith, were selected to go to O’Neill on June 3 to make a tour of the courthouse and to learn more about the working of our county government. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Robert Hendricks. Schollmeyers Voted as Shut-Ins— The Scott Community club met at the hall Tuesday, May 18, with seven members present, also four visitors. The president, Mrs. Frank Mc Donald, called the meeting to order. Members answered roll call by exchanging house plants and flower seeds. Mrs. Charley Gifford gave the lesson on recre ation and family life. A number of games were play ed. It was voted by the club to choose Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sdholl meyer as our shut-ins for the rest of this year. Lunch was served at closing.—By Mary E. Luber, news reporter. Recreation Is Topic of Meeting— INMAN— Mrs. Kenneth Cov entry entertained the Inman Workers’ project club at her country home on Wednesday, May 26. A covered dish luncheon was enjoyed at noon. Mrs. Mary Tomlinson present ed a lesson on ihome recreation compiled by the Holt county life committee. Mrs. Tomlinson was also the assistant hostess. Mrs. Fred Moore was a guest. O'NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bowen of Minden were Sunday and Mon day guests 6f Mr. and Mrs. Syl vester Zakrzewski. Mrs. Leonard Fox and children are staying at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Slyvestcr Zakrzewski, since Mrs. Fox’s re lease from St. Anthony’s. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fox and family of Winnabago, Minn., were guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Slyvester Zakrzewski from Sunday, May 23, intil Wednesday, May 26. While they were here a family reunion iinner was held honoring the girls in the family graduating from high school. Mrs. James Donlin and Miss Mary Joan visited Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson in Omaha last Thursday and Friday. Robert Eby of Omaha spent the memorial day weekend visit ing his mother, Mrs. E. J. Eby. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Alton spent Thursday and Friday in Omaha visiting her father. John Schrunk, who is a patient in the Methodist hospital. Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Owen left Monday, May 24, for Seattle, Wash. They will return to O’Neill next week. DR. J. L. SHERBAHN O’Neill, Nebraska Complete X-Ray Equipment Vz Block So. of Ford Garage JUNE THRILLER - V > I > I ft I I p % > ( w ™ I 1 i | INNERSPRING MATTRESSES j ► Cushioned with GENUINE FOAM RUBBER ' k I V i 100% Rayon Ticking | Nachman Inner Spring Unit ' | 10 - YEAR GUARANTEE | ON CONSTRUCTION w > For “BETTER SLEEP” y,XM/VVSSNSr^ 4 Regularly 59.50 J 34.88 |; | Bring Us Your Old Mattress Plus 34.88 4 | and Take Home a “Haddon Hall” ^ f “BETTER REST” MATTRESS < I i better BUYS AT \ I Box Spring to Match_39.50 ( * ^ ^ ^k A 4^ A 4Bk 4» A A A A 4k 4^ 4kk 4k A 4fe A A 4^ 4fe 4M, A 4Bkt HENRY LOFFLIN, Mgr. — PHONE 8 Step Out in Cool Slimmer Comfort with Robinette Casuals The Rancho . . . in smoke calf or white cfalf The Sabot . . . in white calf ^ 5.95 Pr. i f V ' *4 • mi, The Twilite . . . in white, tan, beige, multicolor > 5.95 Pr. The Campus . . . in white calf The Ava . . . In white, wheat and tan, and blue and white 5.95 Pr. 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