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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1954)
Future Subscribers BRAINARD — Mr. and Mrs. George Brainard of Grand Is land, a son, weighing 9 pounds 5 ounces, born Saturday, March 27, at the Lutheran hospital in Grand Island. Mrs Brainard is the former Esther Fox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox of O’NeilL COLE— Mr. and . Mrs. Robert Cole of Emmet, a son, weighing 7 pounds 11 ounces, born Satur day, March 27, in the Atkinson Memorial hospital. Mrs. Cole is the former Donna Humpal of Atkinson. The couple has two other sons. John Arthur and Robert Guy. The grandparents are Mr. and and Mrs. Guy Cole of Emmet and Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Humpal of Atkinson. KOHLE— Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Kohle of Stuart, a daugh ter, Cynthia Marie, weighing 5 pounds 11 ounces, 0born Wednes day, March 24, in Atkinson Me morial hospital. ANDERSON — Mr.0 and Mrs Arden Anderson of Butte, a son, weighing 7M> pounds, born Sunday, March 28, in Sacred Heart hospital at Lynch. BECKWITH — Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beckwith of North Platte, a son, born Saturday, March 2". Mrs. Beckwith is the former Martha Janousek. McCLANAHAN — Mr. and Mrs. Earl MeClanahan of C’ Heill, a son, Irwin Louis, weigh ing 7 pounds 6>/4 ounces, born Sunday, March 28, at St. An thony’s hospital, O’Neill. SEARLES—Mr. and Mrs. Aus tin Searles of O’Neill a daugh ter, weighing 7 pounds % ounce, born Monday, March 29, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. EDWARDS — Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edwards of Ewing, a daughter, weighing 8 pounds 2 ounces, born Thursday, March 25, in Antelope Memorial hos pital. Neligh. Home from College for Weekend — The Misses Marde • Birming ham, Mary Lou Wilson Mary Head and Jean Bosn were home from Duchesne and Creighton university, respectively, for the March 20-21 weekend. • Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY'S HOSPITAL (O'NeLU) Admissions: March 24— Mrs. Donald Martin, O’Neill; Helen May, O’Neill. 25—Mrs. Ed Beed, O’Neill. 26—John Stevens, O - Neill; Alfred Maas, Chambers, Shirley Storjohann. Spencer Mrs. Irwin LaRue, Ewing; Shir ley Ann Babutzke, O’Neill. 28— Kenneth Beelaert, Page; Mrs. Earl McClenahan, O’Neill; Mrs. Anna McCartney, O’Neill; Mrs. Earl Bauld, O’Neill. 29 — Mrs. Austin Searles, O’Neill; Mrs. Clarence Knox, Ewing. 30—Am brose Biglin, O’Neill; William W. Watson, O’Neill; Philip Lee. O'Neill. Dismissals: March 24 — Mrs. Robert J- Yantzie, O’Neill; Mrs. Emil J. Adamson, O’Neill; Mrs. Emma Kazda, Atkinson; Robert Musil, O’Neill. 25 — Mrs. B. J. Jensen and baby girl, Stuart; Harry McKay, Chambers: Larry Sum me is. Page; Warren Schmidt, Page. 26— Mrs. Anna McCartney, O’Neill; Helen May, O’Neill; W. E. Wanser, Page Irma Juracek, Star; James E. Wiley, Dorsey; Mrs. Earl Bauld", O’Neill 27—Mrs. Irwin LaRue, Ewing; Mrs. Harold Summers. Venus; Mrs. Wayne Black, Spen cer; Kenneth M. Heiss, Page, Albert T. Lybolt (expired). Chambers. 28 — Kenneth Beel aert, Page; R. V. Lucas, O’Neill; Shirley Babutzke, O’Neill; Mrs. A. J. Koenig, Ewing; August Heese, Page; Mrs. Lloyd Porter, Orchard. 29 — Alfred Maas, Chambers. 30 — Mrs. Donald Martin, O’Neill; Thelma Wagner, O’Neill; Mrs. Earl Bauld, O’ Neill. 31 — Mrs. Orie Caskey, Venus; John Stevens, O’Neill; Shi r l e y Storjohann, Spencer; Philip Lee, O’Neill. Hospitalized: William Watson, O’Neill; Ambrose Biglin, O’ Neill; Mrs. Mary Vitt, O’Neill; Mrs. Mary Mullen, O’Neill; H. J. Hammond, O’Neill; Mrs. Aus tin Searles, O’Neill; Mrs. Earl McClenahan, O’Neill; Mrs. Thomas Knoell, Norfolk; Gene vieve McManus, O’Neill; Mrs. Charles Richardson, Jamison; Mrs. Clarence Knox, Ewing; Mrs. Susan Kubichek, O’Neill; H. J. Row, Spencer; Albert Otte, Winner, S.D.; Mrs. Ed Beed, O’ Neill; Mrs. Alfred Hamik, O’ Neill. Venetian blinds, prompt deliv ery. made to measure, metal or wood, nil colors.—J. M. McDon ald's O'NeilL Strawberry Island Cookies Strawberry Island Cookies ... the very name implies a cooky you will want to try. And once you taste this crisp oatmeal cooky, you’ll treasure it always. It’s the perfect accompaniment fo cool drinks in the summer. Those rich cookies have an “island” center of strawberry jam and a pineapple wedge. Surely this recipe deserves high rating in your collec tion of the best! Strawberry Island Cookies (Makes 2\2 dozen cookies) Cooky Dough: . Glaze: l12 cups sifted enriched flour j egg white ',2 teaspoon soda teaspoon salt " g cup shortening, soft • 1 egg yolk Filling: 2 tablespoons pineapple juice Strawberry jam (about 2i cup) 1 cup quick rolled oats, Pineapple wedges (about ,2 cup) uncooked . For the cookies sift together flour, soda and salt into bowl. Add shortening, egg yolk, sugar and pineapple juice. Beat until smooth, about 2 minutes. Blend in rolled oats. (Dough will be quite stiff.) Shape dough into balls; place on greased cooky sheet. Make a hollow in the center of each cooky. . Beat egg white slightly: brush lightly over unbaked cookies. Sprinkle with sugar. Put about a teaspoon of jam in center of each unbaked cooky. Top with a small wedge of pineapple. Bake in a moderate oven (350°F.) 12 to 15 minutes. Sick & Injured O’NEILL— Mrs. Thomas Sem lak brought Miss Loretta En right home from Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in Norfolk on Saturday. . . William (“Bill”) Watson entered St. Anthony’s hospital Tuesday afternoon for surgery. . . Mrs. Ray Lawrence has been confined at home with pleurisy for the past week. . . John J. Murray, son of Mrs. Tess Murray, entered the Veterans hospital in Omaha on Thursday, March 18. He underwent surgery on Monday, March 25, and is im proving. . . Mrs. Alice Bridges submitted to surgery Tuesday, March 23, in St. Joseph’s hospi tal, Omaha. Her sons, James, who is statione dat Ft. Bragg, N.C., and Edward, wfto is sta tioned at Ft. Sheridan, 111., visit ed their mother last week. . Ambrose Biglin was taken to St„ Anthony’s hospital Tuesday, suf fering from a lung ailment. . .< Mrs. Orville McKim was con fined to her home for sevefal days this week because of li ness. » . District Judg^ D. Rt Mounts took his wife'1 to Omaha Wednesday for medical atten tion. . . R. Y- Lucas was dis missed Saturday from St. ^ An thony’s hospital. He" suffered abdominal cuts on Tuesday, March 23, whe'n he0 fell from a ladder irito glassware ono a showcase iivhis store here. CELlA—Mr. arid Mrs. Robert Hendricks and Becky, also Jim mie Hendricks, were last Thurs day evening visitors0 at ^the O. A. Hammerb^rg home. Robert iso doing chores awhile O, A° Hara merberg t isn’t0 feeling well. . . Mrs. Ray Pease is° sick°with the flu. . . Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith and son, Yerdon, and Mrs. Joe Hendricks wbnt to Fre-c man, S.D,? Tuesday, March 23, to consult a doctor. o o BUTTE—Williarh Podany was hurt Saturday when a yearling calf fell and rolled oij him, kicking Mr. Podanyjn the back? William E. Fernau and two sons, Harold and Dean,0 wereD assisting when the accident occurred. O c RIVERSIDE — Mrs. Richard Napier, Nancy and Rita and Mrs. Z. H- Fry o returned home Friday •- after spending 10 days in Omaha at the Frank Emsic home. Rita spent her time in the I Immanuel hospital. LYNCH—Mrs. Edward Carson of Dorsey was brought to the Lynch hospital Saturday, having suffered a heart attack at ner home. . . Mrs. Fred Spencer is much improved, having under gone surgery at the Lynch hos pital on Friday. . . Martin Je horek, jr., is getting along fine at the Lynch hosptal, having suffered with a sinus infection. DELOIT—Elayne Reimer was ill with mumps last week. . . Mrs. Adolph was a patient at the O’Neill hospital for a few days last week. . . Alvie Parks underwent a tonsilectomy at the Neligh hospital last week. H;s five children underwent tonsil ectomies the previous week. REDBIRD—Neta Conard, lit tle daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Bill Conard, recently suffered from mumps. . . Albert Carson arriv ed home from Rochester, Minn., o . c O recently. 0 o 0 AMELIA0— Mrs. Dick Kaiser is in very poor' health. Mr. and Mrs. Kaiser recently moved to an Ord nursing home from Bur well. O EWING—Mrs. Earl Billings is ocpnfined to"her home and0 is un der a doctor’s care. * o ° 3 ° EMMET— Miss Mary Tunen der was ill last week with the mumps. o _2_.° 4 New Member^ ° Join Club— The ELthorn Valley 4-Hogjiib met at the IV^ry Lewis home on Friday? March 2G. ° popr new members jfiined—Helen Marie and Emily Dusatko and Duar.e and Donald Skopec. Singing was enjojPed. We discussed our skit for fun night on ApFil 10. Lunch was served0 hfter project discus sions. Tgp next meeting will be at Joe Judge’s.—By Terry Gal lagher, news reporter. __ 0 £> 16 Taken into Church Membership—0 CHAMBERS — The member ship class of 16 was taken into theD Methodist church on Sunday and six received baptism. The Woman’s- society will meet today (Thursday) at the church with Mrs. T. E. Ncw house and" Mrs.-Charles Grimes cas hostesses. o —-- " o Miss Marion Olson -and Mrs. Ethyl Willm left Monday from Lincoln to visit for several weeks in Galveston, Tex. 7 Atkinson High Students to Lincoln ATKINSON— Seven students from Atkinson high school will compete in the 37th annual vo cational agriculture judging con test which will be held at the University of Nebraska college of agriculture at Lincoln today (Thursday) and Friday. Students who will accompany their instructor, Laurence Lange, to Lincoln are: Garold Anderson, Don But terfield and Kenneth Huston for competition in dairy cattle se lection and livestock judging, Raymond Meusch and Clarence Focken, welding and forging, and Garv Shermer and -Jim O’ Connor, farm machinery. Winners in the dairy products judging and dairy cattle selec tion contests will represent Ne braska at the national contests at Waterloo, la., in October. Contestants who win in the meats, poultry and livestock di visions will be eligible to com pete in Kansas City, Mo. Gary Shermer, president of the Atkinson chapter of Future Farmers of America, and Don Mitchell, sentinel, will repre sent their chapter at the state FFA convention in Lincoln. Miss Birmingham Elected to Honorary Society — Miss Marde Birmingham, a j daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. ! Birmingham, has been elected to ; Enfante de Marie sodality at Duchesne college in Omaha, where she is a junior. The sodaility is a worldwide I group in which the aspirants must apply for membership and pass a rigid entrance test. Prospective members are giv en more than one chance to ap ply, but Miss Birmingham suc ceeded on the first trial. Miss Birmingham’s entrance into the sodality is unique in that she is third member of her family to join. Her sisters, the Misses Mary Louise and Bar bara, were accepted several years ago while attending Bar at college at Lake Forest, 311., and Duchesne, respectively. Mrs. Birmingham attended her daughter’s installation at Omaha last Thursday. Back from California— Mrs. S. R. Robertson returned Saturday from a several weeks’ visit in California with her son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Noal Long, and family. Mr. Robertson met her in Grand Island. Too Late to Classify FOR SALE: Genuine Border Collies, natural heelers. -- C Bar M Hereford Ranch, O’ Neill_43c LOST: A truck chain 3!6 miles east of Page. Reward. —Mar vin Lichty, phone 32F22. 48-49p FELIX FUR SHOP furriers exclusively Come in or Write for Free Estimates Corner First and Elm Sts. GRAND ISLAND, NEBR. N 48-50pl20 CARD OF THANKS I WISH to thank by relatives, neighbors and friends for their cards and gifts, also the Sisters and hospital staff for the fine care I received dur ing my stay in St. Anthony’s hospital. SHIRLEY STORJOHANN 48p50 Collins and Kehn Butte, Nebr.—Phone 9951 FOR SALE: 1951 Ford F6 L.W.B. 6-cylinder truck, with 5 yard hydraulic dump box. 1951 Chev, S.W.B. truck with 5 yard hydraulic dump box. 1951 Dodge L.W.B. truck with a 5 yard cehter dump box. 1—5 yard hydraulic dump box. 1—5 yard center dump box. 1—4-inch garvel pipe with cen 0 ter. A, cab, KockI and fenders for a 1946 Ford truck. COLLINS AND KEHN o Butte,0 Nebr. v „ Phone 9951 FOR SALE: Leavin£ O’Neill, 0house for s£\le now. — James Carnev, 104'W- Benton,0 O’ Neill. o ° 4$c 0_2 FOR SALE: ’New 10o x 12-ft. • brooder house, may be, seen o at ONeill public school. — Harry Page, O’Neill 18pl5 CARD OF THANKS 1 .WISH to 0take this opportunity to thank Doctor Brown and the entire staff of St. - An thony’s ° ° for their excellent > care while I was in the hospi ° tal.° I also want to thank my neighbors and friends for the ° many cards, letters and gifts that I received while in, St. Anthony’s and Our Lady of Lourdes o hospital at Norfolk. Your kindness will - always be remembered. ° ' c LORETTO ENRIGHT 48p50 For You Feeders who want I A $W6tf Mum nigm Proton $ c v <a> o a .. "One of the finest supplements for growing stock we've ever used." say cattlemen. And they re right! LASSY 22% is a great 2-in-l supplement—rich in both PROTEIN and MOLASSES SUGARS that steers need to develop fast . . . finish into market topping ani mals. In addition, there's plenty of minerals, vitamins and other bone and meat building nutrients that stretch grains and roughages . . cuts feeding costs to a minimum. It’s easy to feed. Cost is low Start feeding LASSY 22% today. See us for a supply. SHELHAMER FOODS o __■ _ “ '■ 0 o o o „ o *« « 6 * « °® 0 ° ° 0 0 o „ . 2 r „ o°° o 0 0 o ° ^ '■ 5 /• q * o 0 ° 0 o 0 O °o 0 0 ° " c KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE WANT ADS ” < a ' * °0 ° o o ° ° - * 0 v. ° o O iq V ;?o o • °o° °S ° . _ Oo0 o ° J o ® / ooo°o 0 ° _ „ _ • o o o o o a _ O O rv f: O D O CO O _ O o , . :• ■■ ° o o 0 o ° ° 0 0 8 o „ °° o o ° ■ M o : r ! <. o ° 0 ° °o ° ° o • 00 ° O ‘S ° 0 0 i V > . 0° o ° o 6 • - , - ■. ° o 0 0 : ' o ° „ ° a Off 0° O o 0 o o ° • o o 0.0 ° O O ° 0 °W . . -J ; ° ° ° ° ° ° F I • | La » - w o m * o * 2 r> w o 0° „ . c ■= • O ° 0 O „ o o d ° O o ° * • • ffl ' V - 0 <P « o 0 o . ° o o o cP ° Q . O o ° o ° ° o 0 o _ 0 o • ° fife - ® o o ° cP o -c c • W O O • % o o O O o° 1 se* o # ° o ° o° o • o ° ®0 Sp o ; 0 -- - o ° o •° • ’ c . ..- --wrotrHrr-M iiiwr^i’rw.' ° O * O O O O - • r. 4> ° _ O O OO • 2iM - . Ti OO o pi * _ JE J ■ q “North Central Nebraska’s Best Want Ad Medium’ ° C o «°0 Oft O o o ooo o ° * O n 0 o ° 1 • - ° V * a ; „ 0” % ° ° 0C ' o . 8 ° ^MM Stainless Steel CTEAlf If Al Ilf EC Hollow Ground O I EHW Will VkO with front _.panel from Wkstingliouse 3-Bulb Carton I_ I . Midwest Furniture & Appliance WEST O’NEILL -A-i.ntn.|i<M 11 fTtTtt^fTfftttTtttttftttff f ffffMff fft*f f??*f*T 1 THURS.-FRI.-SAT. APRIL 1, 2, 3 if I YOU CAN (SAVE more! I WHEN SHOPPING AT j St LHAMER I SUPER MARKET j DOUGHBOY I If lour 5°,bba2 3fzi ! I! j J OUR FAMILY I GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2 «•<* cans 49c S OUR FAMILY BULK j GRAPE JAM „ Jar 3§c RAISINS.2 lbs. 33c | ;; ALL FLAVORS ° “ „ °° WHITE jj j JELL-0.6 boxes 4§c ONIONS.3 lbs. 10c j LARGE STRONGHEART 1 POST TOASTIES.26c DOG FOOD. ....Can He | I! i :: H FRESH KILL — ICE PACKED °° ° 1 FRYING CHICKENS - —-,i- Ea. 98c | :: . 1 ——• — - j: H SLICED ° ■> a o°. 8 BEEF UVEB ^ -1,.:... U>. 29e I :: . .... ■■■■■■' ■ I U.S. GRADED GOOD, ROUND. ». V* wm mm a mm * H ALL-MEAT I MINCED HAM.eL—.-..3 H 99c I a ° 0 « o :: | FRESH BONELESS 1 PERCH FILLETS T- - A—: u> 29c I a.-*----- a « DUNCAN HINES — WHITE GOLDEN VALLEY I CAKE MIX ... 2 pkgs. 59c PEAS2 No. 303 cans 31 c | l: BULK o ° O ° RED | MACARONI .....I, 2 lbs. 41c GRAPES..2 lbs. 29c ; I VANILLA o o ° ROBERTS — SALAD ICE CREAM.: t gal. 89c COTTAGE CHEESE . Lb. 39c | ^ ^ ; J , MAYFAIR ° ° l TOILET TISSUE -.4-n.Hpkg, § ♦♦ a ♦♦ _ ... - . ...—.... 1 SUNSHNE KRISPY ’ • *. *> , 1 CRACKERS> 49< NOIgEILFEEDS J i WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF FEEDS ; § CHICK STARTER & GROWER — ° EGG FEEDS „ g | TANKAGE — MINERALS -- SOYBEAN — RANGE FEEDS, | if ° ° , We Have a Fine Selection of .-> . ( I' r BABY CHICKS | ♦» 0 • u o O C ' ^ JJ a ° »' o o Q „ ° ° t o 0 0oc ° 7 o a c | o o Check Our Prices Before You Buy! g • CHICK LITTER: | 5 | Sani-FIor — Hygeno — PeatMoss |° \ o 0=o CASH FOR YOUR • | I . CREftH - POULTRY E®6$ r.rTTrT.t;;♦.«.?;«..♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦«~~~?~~«!♦♦♦♦♦1♦II~I♦♦lm!it:^^i::::;:::::::tnuaaaa::!;;;!::aataaaaaattaaaanaa:aaa;,