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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1954)
.,';i' jigg®!• "'Sfflmiijf. ...— . . ... . 1 "Voice of The Frontier" SECTION 2 ? Pages 9 to 16 Mon. — Wed. — Sal. 9:45 A.M. — 780 k.c. North-Central Nebraska’s BIG Newspaper • 0 0 . : ' •°i • ’ e 0 Volume 73,—Number 48. O’Neill, Nebr., Thursday, April 1, 1954. Page 9. - ' -- - - -—=~ ' . ■ -- .- 1 . .... ..... .. .... .. — K-= WSCS to Select Officers April 1 1 AMELIA— The Amelia Wom an’s Society of Christian Service met at the home of Mrs. R. L. Hansberry Wednesday, March 14, with 12 members present. Mrs. Etta Ott led the worship sesvice using the subject, “Jesus’ Ministry to Village People.” Among business items decided upon during the business session was to send the Christmas stock ing money for over payment on pledge. Mrs. Harold Fullerton, Mrs. Marjorie Sammons and Mrs. Clyde Widman were named as the nominating committee for next year’s officers. “Spanish Speaking Amer icans in the U S A.” will be the topic for the next study lesson with lyirs. Blake Ott as leader. The next meeting will be held ;<t the Amelia school Sunday, April 11, at 7:30 p.m. Election of officers will also be held at this meeting. « The society will hold a clinic at Plainview April 23. Miss Mar garet Seed; will be a speaker. Mrs. Lawrence Barnett and Mrs. Ernest Johnston gave re ports on the annual meeting they attended in Grand Island March 18. °c Mrs. Alice Prewitt was co hostess. 9 0 ° o Next meeting will be with Mrs. Delbert Edwards April 28. J ? ' ° O Other Amelia News Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burge and family visited -Mr. and Mrs. i Hugh Carr in their new home in O’Neill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dexter call ed at the Paul Fisher home Sat urady afternoon enroute to Am elia. Mrs. Julia White went to At kinson Saturday afternoon and spent a few days with Mrs. E. B. Adams. Mrs. Wade Davis, Mrs Louis Eurgett and Mrs. Julia Kamp haus were in Norfolk Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burge and family were supper guests Wed nesday evening, March 24, at Paul Fisher’s. Larry Kennedy, son of Mi. and Mrs. M. B. Kennedy, en listed in the armed services and v/ill leave sometime in April. The Amelia high school and grade school pupils will present a musical program tonignt (Thursday). Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Widman and Marcia Ruth went to Ains worth Wednesday, March 24, to visit Mrs. Widman’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Fancher. The occasion was Mrs. Fancher s 80th birthday anniversary. Cpl. Dean Prewitt arrived home Monday, March 22, from 16 months of service in Korea. He will be home for 30 davs, then report to Camp Carson, Colo., where after 20 days he will receive his discharge. Donnie Peterson, accompanied by Marvin Doolittle, went to Lincoln Wednesday, March 24, taking Maxine Peterson back to school. Larry Kennedy halped with the chores at Doolittles’ while Marvin was away. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Doolittle r -1 and sons, Jack and Billie, Mrs. Elsie Doolittle and sons, Jimmie, Dennie and Mickey, and Larry Kennedy were supper guests last Thursday eveing at the Har old Fullerton home. Blake Ott, Forest Sammons and Arlo Hiatt went to Hastings Friday afternoon to get repairs for the gas pump at Blake’s sta tion. Mrs. Delia Ernst went tc Wichita, Kans., Saturday where she will visit her son, Charlie. He met her at Grand Island that evening, going on to Wich ita the next day. Mrs. Lew Backhaus spent Fri day with Mrs. Ray Andersen while Lew attended the Charles Coolidge sale. Mr. ana Mrs. Bob Rees, James and Ruby were Burwell callers Friday, March 19. Mrs. Vem Sageser returned home last Thursday from Lin coln where she had been guest speaker at a club meeting of the Northern Great Plains health committee. The Amelia Progressive club will sponsor a polio benefit pro gram and films on Monday, Ap ril 5, at the Amelia school. The films, “At Home at the Wheel, “Born at the White House, a nutrition film and a comedy will be shown. The ladies will serve pie, ice cream and coffee. iBesides the films there will be musical numbers and readings. A birthday anniversary party in honor of Joe Kamphaus was held at his home Sunday eve ning, March 28. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. John Blair, Mr and Mrs. WTade Davis, Mar ilyn and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Burgett, Viona and Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Madsen, Willamae and Neal,- Orville Svatos and family, Mr. and Mrs. Svatos and Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Thompson Evelyn and Shirley, Gene and Darrel Carr. __ Mrs. E. W. Devereux of Om aha spent the weekend at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunt. Saturday afternoon the group and several young fnenos honored Linda Hunt, 5, on her oirthday anniversary. Miss Lee Bartos of Pierce spent the weekend in the Free man L. Knight home. Page News — Mrs. Lester Riege and Mrs. Otto Matschullat attended the polio meeting and enjoyed sup per at O’Neill Tuesday evening. The amount collected for the polio fund from Page and vici nity for 1954 was $471.’G6. Dinner guests Sunday at the Wilbur Smith home included Mrs. Smith’s mother, Mrs. J. E. Dailey, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kopejtke and Ladond, all from Camas, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Castle and three children of Des Moines, la., Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McIntosh and sons and Cha.ley Wiseman, Mr. and Mrs. Kopejtke and Mrs. Dailey left Tuesday for their home at Cam ctS. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bobbitt of Council Bluffs, la., came Sunday to spend a few days with his sis ters, Mrs. Elizabeth Cullen, who is quite ill, and Miss Maude Bob bitt and with other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Stukey came Saturday evening to visit the latter’s mother, Mrs. Eliza beth Cullen. Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French, jr., attended the NCNC choral clinic at Valentine Friday, Sev enty-five pupils from the music class in O’Neill taught by Mrs. French partcipated in the event. The Bid-or-Bye club met Wed nesday evening, March 24, with Mrs. Melvin Roach. At cards, [ high score was earned by Mrs. Harold Kelly and all cut by Mrs. James Finley, Luncheon was ser ved by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Gailcrd Albright left Sunday morning for Belvi dere, 111., where they will visit several days with the former’s father, Fred Albright, and Mrs. Albright. Mr. and Mrs. William Ragland and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French, sr. During the afternoon the two families drove to the Leonard Heiss home for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Matschul lat and sen were Sunday evening visitors in the Jay Trease home at Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McIntosh of Grand Island spent the week end here with the latter’s par ! ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Crumly and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Max and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Riege and daughter drove to the Harold Freemyer home Friday evening as a surprise to them. The self-invited guests served lunch after a pleasant evening with cards and visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French, jr., were guests Saturday even ing of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rei mer at O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trow bridge spent Sunday with his nephew, Melvin Smith, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Scolph and Mr. and Mrrs. Alvin Miller and children of Foster were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Nielson. Mrs. Boelter and Mrs. Ludwig Nielson were hostesses at a card party held at the school house in district 39 Friday evening. Pitch was played at five tables. Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French, jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Heiss and Kathy were guests Friday evening in the Tom Lam bert home near Chambers. Lynch News William Alford, jr., of Omaha spent last weekend at the par ental W. T. Alford home. Mr. and Mrs. George Sediaeek of Jtiutte were recent visitors at the Lettie Sediaeek home. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Bjomsen and family of Sioux City visited at the Nata Bjomsen home, also with relatives in Holt county. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Klasna and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Klasna of Spencer were business visit ors here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta of Dorsey visited at the George Barta home recently. C. A. Moody was a business visitor in Butte Monday, March 29. ' o Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart of Pickstown, S.D., visited relatives here last weekend. Martha Chocholousek of Ver digre conducted a music school here Sunday afternoon. Mrs. William Wilson of Red bird was in town on Wednesday, March 24. Mr. and Mrs. Vince Jehorek were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Ludvig Placek home. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Minerts of Council Bluffs, la., spent last week visiting at the homes of Mrs. Josephine Boska of Lynch and Mr. and Mrs Deloss Mal colm and family of Bristow. 0 Miss Madlen PekloD was sur prised by her seventh ^ and eighth grade pupils with a birth day party on Wednesday, March 24. She was presented several gifts and a corsage. Mrs. Andy Classen showed home0 movies which were much enjoyed, after which two mothers served ice cream and cake. 0° The junior class of“ the Lynch school attended ° “Boyd county government day at Butte Tues day, March 30.o « Mr-, and Mrs. Joe0Cihlar of Dorsey were business visitors here Saturday.0 0 Rev. L. W. Meyers of Spencer was a “Lynch visitor Friday. ° Mr. and Mrs. Jake Muller and family and Howard Muller were called to Creighton Saturday on account of the men’s grand father, Mr. Neyens. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brady, sr., of Dorsey shopped in Lynch on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Havranek and family of Sepncer visited at the Joe Halva home. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hasel borst of Spencer were callers here Saturday. Karl and Joyce Spencer of Lincoln spent the weekend here visiting their mother, who had undergone surgery at the hospi tal on Friday. Ernest Vomacka of Gregory, S.D., spent Sunday at the Mar tin Jehorek home. Howard Muller and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Muller attended the funeral of their grandfather, Mr. Neyens, at Creighton on Monday, March 29. Mrs. Edward Heiser has teen in Brunswick and Neligh the last week assisting in the care of her father, who is critically ill. Wednesday afternoon, March 31, the Monowi Women’s society of the Methodist church met at the Floyd Haun home in Spencer with Mrs. Hary Heiser as host ess. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Craw ford and family visited at the Fred Coleman home in Spencer Sunday. _ Thiirs. - Fri. - Sat. — April 1,2,3 *p *a , - . , - o >. ' AT ; , • ___ gjji!« LEW WHITE MOTOR CO. a u O o'7 3,1 O’NEILL C 0 0 o“ 6 0 3 »e»o ° _ 1 r »'• O 0 a We will pack the front wheel bearings o o o on your car FREE with any repair c w o o * job amounting to $3.00 or more o o ° „ 0 O ' e o ° 1 FREE wash job with any $10 <■ 3 o repair order *» O O _ _————■ o o ° ^ „ a"" One of Nebraska's Richest Marketing Areas o * 0 ^ c <"5 'O ‘ ° im ■ Vo ° ° O ° o ° O - ° o o . ° o o „ °° Jao • J oc ° Q O served by North Nebraska's c, ~ fastest-growing newspaper* 0 ° ° n „ o o °i®9 3 ° °o° " - O O 0 C. I ■II - o c o • ; 1 % o ■ o s . - o o * G c 8 O’Neill Is North-Central Go Nebraska’s largest city (pop. 3,050). It is situated at ° o o the gateway to the sandhills o 0 0 and is the biggest re o o ° tail, wholesale, communica tions, hay, bluegrass and o farm produce center3 in all North Nebraska :o also o o o u ' •<sc o one of the ranking cattle and c o ° hog markets in the state. ° o o ° o ° 8 ° g o ° °°o° ° ° o The FRONTIER’S ° oof °Q circulation has been grow o ® ing by leaps and ° o o ° bounds, because of its well ° 0 o edited news and edi torial policies and because, rJ3 ° ,c°°s °o to, a single year, it has ° published more pictures than 0oo ® many other papers in the, area combined! Go' O Q ^ * O °C° c °o * ° * ° o c o c o 8 o O o Your message in The c ° FRONTIER will enter ranch, 3 ° farm and city homes , ° ° where folks enjoy far-above- e 0 average purchasing pow °c, er°? . . where your story is 0 o o° 0 ° welcomed and wanted. 0 o o ; ° o ° o I o 0° • • * ° o lO o ° ° o 0 s •Biggest ABC circulation in ninei counties. Details, marketing in 0 formation and promotional as '■stance gladly furnished. a oo O c o o o ° o ° o o 3 8 o J o ° o ° 0 ,r54 NEERASKA RATE BOOK O c _ o ! cP o o ° O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O Oj ° o O O *The Frontier’s ABC Record: ° o * 0 0 o ° ° » O o o O 4 ° 3 1st Qtr.ol948 _ 804 o l^t Qtr. 1949 °_e_1.141 o o _o o o _ 2 200 1st Qtr 1G50 Q-- 1|634 . Q 1st Qtr. 1953 0-** V o O o 0 o ° ° ° 'o ° ° ° ° 0°° o. . . __ __ r\ n With a Big-Capacity MODEL'S" © o You'll do top-notch work on every disking job . . . do it faster to cut field time and costs with a big-capacity John Deere Model "S" Disk Harrow. It's ideal for single-action disking , . . does excellent double-disking by lapping half each time. Its acre-eating, -wide cut shortens your working day and reduces tillage costs. See us about the* size that fits your farm and power, o o Harry R. Smith Impis. “Your John Deere Dealer” Phone 562 — O’Neill :__ i o V V, gijWi.,. 11]: I i: « v ?i. . ' i\f$ the formal opening O'NEILL STYLE SHOP 1 SHOWING Right at the crest of the sea son . . . brand new toppers St tiny prices. J c o • Teen Sizes from 16.98 i vjr Saturday, April 3rd O 0 WE ARE now located in the Clauson Bldg., 426 East Douglas (two doors west of the But Depot). You’ll find a fresh stock of ladies’ and misses’ fashions . . . the very latest and finest nationally-known brands. IN ORDER to formally open our new store, we cor- , dially invite you to join us on Saturday for an Afternoon Tea , 0 I . Cl from 2 until 5 ■o 3.98 up Charming styles for little misses, too! Gloves... c O . ° The hand that wears one- of our dainty new gloves is' & handsome indeed! We’ve all the latest in fine fabrics, slim lines..._.-from 1.89 a o — O'Neill Style Shop o ° ° o° i o 426 East Douglas St. ° °o V LEONA HYNES — MRS. M. A.n SCHELKOPF o c ' O o o O O We're All Out for .. o < . \ . this Spring? and navy fashions are out to flatter you. See our re freshing collection of brand new dresses. — I