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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1954)
^ ^ o °° Gc ? ° O ^ O 0 JL 0 t FOR sale; ——-— ° o o FOR SALE: 40’ steel windmill 3 ( tower, 8J. wheel; 600 hedge posts, 3”; 4-yr. Hereford bulk o —Roy White, rte. 6, Burwell. O Q0 47-48pG0 0° .0 0 FOR SALE:“cottonwood lumber, dimension "and boards. —Ray Orsboyn, 812oE. Benton, O' Neill. o °0 47-48pnQ LET °ME order ^our wallpaper, o ° i have oali new sample books with latest designs. Will bring ° the sample books to your home )° or you°may§see them at my 0° home.—Dave Loy, phone 433, 629 E. Everett, O’Neill. 43-52c °° FOR SALE: ol951 cChevrolet 0 powerglifie 4-dr., radio and heater.—Marvin Rouse, Inman exchange. 3 48p35 ROCK OF AGES MONUMENTS rTo Grow More Beautiful with the Passing Years POTTHAST Monument O Company ° NORFOLK o _ | FOR SALE: Studio couch; 1 oak dining, table and buffet; factory built steel wagon trailer on c rubber. — Bessie o Klingler, O’Neill, phone 292-J, ° or write box 241o 48c FOR SALE: 1953 Allis-Chalmers oo baler, used very little, —Don Praeuner, 6 south, % west of 0 Battle Creek, phone 9623. o ° 0 ° 46-49p O HOOVER 0 Sales & Service °o BILLIN' S Phone 38 — O’Neill FOft^ SALE: Red cedar posts — Charlie Lawrence, O’Neill. ° 47-49p FOR SALE OR TRADE: L-150 International short wheel base °1% ton truck, less than 2.900 miles. Also ’53 Belaire 4-door o Chev. — M. R. Keller, tele. 87^1, Atkinson. 47-48p6G _ FOR SALE: o o o Tractors & Equipment O01947 Fuel M. 3— Farmall 20’s. Farmall 30. 2—Farmall 12’s. VAC Case. 4— Plows, o c 200 IHC spreader on rubber. 5— Hay "rakes. o John Deere spreader. „ K7 truck. O Ford- 1946 2-ton. IHC D2 pickup. K5 frame. Used fcream separators, all > makes. Shelhamer Equipment lOO cQ * 1 ° Phone 570 — O’Neill FOR SALE: Steel hydraulic dump box, 4-yd. capacity. — Clifford Potter, phone 2617, Chambers, o 48-49p60 FOR SALE: 1953 Clipper 25-ft. o trailer house, all modem.—J. F. Q Contois, O’Neill, 6th and Wil liams, phpner 386-J, O’Neill. o o o ° c 39tf FOR SALE: Aeromotor wind mills, cand towers, galvanized stock tanks, 8- and 10-foot sizes. — John Sobotka, Inman, o Nebr7tf 0 New Deal Oil Co. WEST O’NEILL — Kerosene in bbl. fills, Gal.___ 12 9/10c Hot tractor fuel, so hot it sizzles, cGal. _ 13 9/iOc Special prices on gasoline in bbl. o lots. The best greases and car and tractor oils at wholesale prices. Get Our Prices Before You Buy! n O_ FOR SAP.E: Lincoln brome grass seed, state tested 89% germ ination.—Harry E. Ressel, O’ o Neill, o 47tf °FOR SALE:0 Registered Nebr. o No. 50 Int. wheatgrass; state tested Lancaseter bromegrass. j c—Stanley J. Lambert, Ewing, ° Nebr:, call 2340, Chambers exbh. o 46-47p60 Outlaw Implement Co. o' o — WEST O’NEILL — o o 21 USED CARS AND PICKUP BARGAINS 1948 good clean Chevrolet piek o° up -- $435 ,1950 Chevrolet pickup, like new, 0 only - $750 0 '47 and ’48 cars — Hudsons, c0 Chevies, Plymouihs, Kaisers, from__ $395 to $475 1950 Fords, good ones, overdrives cand radios on about half of thpm. Your choice - $695 1946 Fords, Chevies, Plymouths, only c___o-$75 to $125 3 o o rg a Good Trade . New Massey-Harris & Ferguson ° Tractors and Machinery We Either Discount or Give You 3 o a Good Trade. We Trade for Anything Saleable. FOR,-SALE: Pink taffeta and o .net strapless ballerina gown with bolero. Size 14. Worn once. ~ White satin slippers. Size 5%. Never worn. —Write box 21, Page. 48p35 'c_ FOR SALE: ’54 model Raytheon TV set, used only short time, o excellent condition.—OsborfleL Electric, O’Neill. o FOK SALt: Brand new <±-yic>.c Philippine mahogany bedroom suite regularly $249.50, dam ° aged in shipment, now $149.50. —Midwest Furniture & Appli ance, phone 346-J, West O - NeflI. _ FOR SALE: Alfalfa seed, Cos sack, state tested.—John Prass, Emmet. 47-48c ^___ __ New Machinery 12-ft. Easy Flow fertilizer spreader. J-D discs, drills, plows. J-D spreaders. J-D elevators. Trailer wagons and boxes. J-D 10 and 14 in. hammer mills. No. 80 and 220 Letz grinders. Farmhand loaders, bulldozers, grapple forks. J-D-D oils, greases and batteries. Bale ties, cable, comfort covers, tractor chains. Used Machinery 1950 J-D A tractor, fully equip ped. 1948 John Deere B tractor. 1945 J-D H tractor and lights. 1942 B J-D tractor, S & L. 1945 B J-D tractor. R.C. Allis tractor. 1938 F 20 IHC traetor. ^ — 2—14” David-Bradley plows, on rubber. J-D plow, 2—16-in. bottoms. J-D plow, 2—14-in. bottoms. 15-Ft. A-C disc. 15-ft J-D disc. 60-Ft. Hammermill belt, good. J-D 4-wheel spreader. No. 5 J-D mower. Rotary hoe No. 999 J-D com planters. Duncan Stackmaster loader with hay basket, manure fork, for age fork. We trade and (give terms on jonn Deere Credit Plan. Come in and see us! Harry R. Smith Impls. Your John Deere Dealer Phone 562 — O’Neill R E ME M B E R Christensen’s Hereford bull sale coming Sat urday, May 29, 1954, at Cham berlain, S.D. 48-52c40 FOR SALE: Slightly used 1953 model tank vacuum cleaner with all the attachments. Sold new for 89.95, now 29.50. — Midwest Furniture & Appli ance, West O’Neill. 48c . ■■ ----- - 4 FOR SALE: Dining room set, table, 6 chairs and buffet, in good condition.—Phone 328-J, O’Neill. _ 48c NEW HOME SEWING MACHINES Sales and Service We repair all makes. Let us give you a free estimate on your repair work. Midwest Furniture & Appliance West O’Neill FOR SALE: SAVE $120.00 on a Nationally Advertised, Na tionally Priced Spinet Piano returned from one year’s rent. For further information, write Hospe Piano Co., 517 - 5th Sc, Sioux City, Iowa. 48-49e FOR SALE: Used Magic Air tank type vacuum cleaner and attachments, $9.50.—Mid west Furniture Co., West O' Neill 48c FOR SALE: Coming 2-yr.~old registered puflebred Hereford bulls.—Webb Napier, 4% mi. east of Ewing on Summerland road. 47-48p60 Elkhorn Valley Drilling Co. ATKINSON, NEBR. — Water Systems — Sprinkler Systems — Turbin Pumps Domestic Irrigation and Municipal Drilling EARL PENR Y, Prop. 46-49p FOR SALE: Brand new Eureka rotomatic vacuum cleaners. Get our price before you buy. —Midwest Furniture Co. ph. 346-J, West O’Neill. 43c FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire boars with outstanding quality. Veterinary vaccinated.—Henry Stelling & Son, Orchard, Nebr. __ 43tf FOR SALE: Complete set of farm buildings, to be moved.— Lou F. Wewel, Newport, Nebr. __ •47-48c FOR SALE: Auto guide and square turn cable racks, 8-in. H beam. Ready to go.—Eugene Hoerle, Ewing, located 25 mi. so. O'Neill on 281. 40-49p FOR SALE: 1952 Case hay baler, with pickup and stack gear. Also side delivery rake. —Herman Schollmeyer, Dor sey- 48p35 -J-TT-— --- FOR SALE: Good used Singer portable sewing machine, $49.50. — Midwest Furniture Co., West O’Neill. 48c Returns from West— Sam Robertson and Mrs. J., Victor Johnson met Mrs. Robert son, on her return from a 3 4 week trip to and from the West coast, in Grand Island Saturday I night. MISCELLANEOUS L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding GILL ELECTRIC: See John Gil strap for all your electrical wiring and equipment. I ser vice all makes of appliances.— O’Neill, phone 527-LR. 45tf LOST: A fertilizer attachment box on Friday between Bart lett and Atkinson. Leave at Shelhamer Equipment. — Ted Blake Implement, Bassett. 48p35 Real Estate Loans WE have unlimited funds to loan on Ranches. If you anticipate needing a loan, CALL US TO DAY. Ernie Weller Associates Phone 6231 or 5141 — Atkinson Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill SELLING is our business: Will arrange for advertising, selling and clerking at your sale, pri vately or public auction.—Ed Thorin and Bill Bowker, O’ Neill, phone 207, licensed real estate auctioneer and brokers. 13tf IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured.—See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill, Nebr. 44tf HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf WE NEVER SLEEP A PHONE CALL brings us on the run- Phone 404-W. Used car parts, car repairing, elec tric and acetylene welding, body shop. Strong’s Repair Shop VERNON STRONG, Prop. North Seventh — O’Neill HUNT’S PLUMBING & HEATING FARM & COMMERCIAL American Kitchens White Water Heaters Next door Asimus Motors; of O’NEILL Phone 399 — O’Neill tf 47c Federal Land Bank O’Neill, Nebr. Long Term L-O-A-N-S Pre-Payment Privileges ELKHORN VALLEY NATIONAL FARM ASS’N WANTED WANTED TO RENT: Hay and alfalfa land for share or cash. —Jim Corkle, O’Neill. 44-47p WANTED: Ladies with car liv ing within 75 miles of O’Neill for special work. National concern. Full or part time, 4 hours daily, $8 daily. For in terview call in person for George F. Irwin, Golden hotel, O’Neill, April 7, before noon or write giving telephone number. 48p45 WANTED: Light trucking and drayage, all kinds. — Archie Ashby, O’Neill, phones 551-LJ or 125-J. 37tf 404-W. 45-46c60 WOMEN WANTED; Housewives. Address advertising postcards. Must have good handwriting. —Llndo 904, Watertown, Mass. _46-50p200 WANTED: To buy a lot in O’ Neill, preferably north of Douglas st.—Write box L, c/o Frontier. 47p35 WANTED: All kinds of sawing with chain mw.—Ray Orsborn, or call phone 369-LM, O’Neill. 47-48p60 MAN WANTED: Local man for route work, steady employ ment with good salary. For personal interview write box 411, O’Neill. 48p35 WANTED: Garden plowing, gar bage hauling or other team work. — Joe Sobotka, phone 238-W, O’Neill. 47-49p8D REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Five-room modern home.—Phone No. 1, O’Neill. » 38tf FOR SALE; Semi-modern six room house in Stuart. One block from new school. Large lot suitable for garden or building.—Call 393 at Newport or see Arthur Seger. 47-49p Entertains at Bridge— Mrs. William S. Mattem en tertained at bridge in her home Wednesday evening. CARDS of THANKS THE SIMPLE words ‘thank you” are inadequate to ex press my appreciation for the kindnesses • shown me during my recent illness. But since they seem best, then I wish to say them to: Doctor Wilson, Doctor Langdon and the ho* pital staff for their care, the many friends who visited me and sent the lovely cards, Miss French and the teachers who all helped to make the Teach ers’ association meeting so successful, Mrs. Joe Daas for teaching my school. MRS. LEROY HOLCOM;’. .*48p I WISH to thank all my relatives and friends for the cards, let ters and gifts I received dur ing my recent stay in the hos pital and since my retain home. Also, a special thanks to those who visited me, and to the nurses, doctors and Sis ters of St. Anthony’s for their kindness and wonderful care. All were greatly appreciated and surely helped to make my stay a pleasant one. CAROLYN WINTERMOTE 48p I WISH to thank Doctors Wilson and Langdon, the good Sisters, nurses and the Fathers for the splendid care I received while in the hospital- Also thanks to the many good iriends who visited me and for the many cards I received. May God bless you all. R. LUCAS 4dp I AM sincerely grateful for the many cards, letters, gifts, flowers, calls and acts of kind ness I received while I was in the St. Anthony’s hospital, and since returning home. Also the entire hospital staff, Doctor Wilson and Doctor Langdon for the care I re ceived. EMMA KAZDA 48p50 I WISH to thank all my friends and relatives, Doctor Brown and the hospital staff for the fine care, cards, letters and gifts I received during my stay in St. Anthony’s hospital. D. F. (Deed) MURPHY 48c I WANT to thank everyone for the lovely cards, gifts and vis its I received during my stay at St. Anthony’s hospital and since my return home. CLIFFORD WALTER • 48c FOR RENT FOR RENT: Business bldg., 116 So. Fourth st. —Kieth Abart, O’Neill. FOR RENT: Floor polisher and waxer.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. FOR RENT: Business bldg, 11,000 ft. floor space. Heated. Suitable for one, two or three store fronts. Any or all of which can be rented and which will be finished to your specifications. Rear of building equipped with six 13-ft. overhead doors and is available now for storage , and warehouse use. — K. C. Hunt, O’Neill. 23tf ROOM RENT FREE to lady who will be company for me nights. —Mary Donlin, O’Neill. 32tf : FOR RENT: Sanders for floor and furniture. — Spelts - Ray Lbr. Co. 47tf ( Riverside News _ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mlinar and daughters spent Sunday, March 21, at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Mlinar, at Atkinscn. Rev. and Mrs. Wilbur Drown and daughter and grandaughter spent the March 20-21 weekend at the Rev. F. Hand home. They held special services at the Free Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wonder check and sons of Atkinson and Janice Wondercheck of (Newport were supper guests of the Grant Motts Friday evening, March 19. A birthday anniversary dinner was held at the James Pollock home Sunday, March 21, honor ing Jim and his son, Allan. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pollock and Pat sy and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stur baum were guests. Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson and family spent Sunday, March 21, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Henderson at Ainsworth helping Mr. Henderson celebrate his birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Meyer and children of Neligh were sup per guests at the Bill Lcfquists Friday evening, March 19, Meyers opened their Sno-Creme place of business the following day. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Morrow and children of O’Neill spent Sunday, Marr 21, with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Ben nett. Sunday, March 21, dinner guests at DeWitt Hoke’s were Jim Gunter, Mr. and Mrs. Rol land Hood and Duane and Mrs. Lionel Gunter and sons. Lionel Gunter accompanied Vet Schlotman to Valparaiso on Sunday, March 21, to visit Vet’s parents. t Mr. and Mrs. Howrard Miller and Altha Lou, Rev. Francis Bomer, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christon and family were Friday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller. Following supper Walter showed his many interest ing pictures he took while sta tioned in Germany. Many were taken on trips to Austria, Switz erland and Italy. Record Books Are Distributed— The Sandhills Wranglers 4-H tlub met at the home of Rita and Ronald Winings, Monday evening, March 29, with all members present. The meeting was called to order and record books were handed out. The next meeting will be Ap ril 26 at the home of Jimmy ana Denny Doolittle. Lunch was served and the meeting adjourned. — By Rita Winings, reporter. Consult Old Book— PAGE—M r s. Harry Tegeler was hostess to the Get Together club Friday afternoon with 12 members. Answering roll call by naming their favorite bird. The club voted to send a 30- doz en crate of eggs to the Children’s home at Easter time. Mrs. Alma Tegeler, a charter member, read reports from a report hook 20 years back. The rest of the time was spent doing needle work and visiting. The hostess served luncheon. Tuesday morning, Miss Jo Anne Kunz of Stuart called at the home of Mrs. Herbert H. Kaiser. Kalkowski to Camp Polk— LYNCH — Army Pfc. Law rence Kalkowski, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Kalkowski of Lynch, will move to Ft. Bragg, N.C., with the 37th? reconnaissance company of the 37th infantry di vision for duty with “Exercise Flash Burn” during April and May. Kalkowski enlisted in the army in April, 1953, and has tak^ji his basic training and leadership school training ,in Camp Polk, La. He is a graduate of theoLynch schools with the clg^s of 1952. O Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Spindler and Mrs. Mattie Leslie of At kinson were Wednesday everting guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Victor Johnson. Visitors at Seward— Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Holy spent the weekend in Seward visiting Mr. .and Mrs. Joseph < Liska. f (First pub. April 1, 1954) NOTICE TO BIDDERS The City of O’Neill will re- ° ceive sealed bids at 8 p.m., on Wednesday, April 7, 1954, on the, following: Gas, at the pumps, per gallon, c High speed diesel fuel, at the0 pumps, per gallqn. c “ - Fueh oil, No. delivered, per gallon. ° Lubricating oil of all typesr ' by the? quart and bulk. 3 Grease of all types! bulk. Diesel oil, per gallon. . ,. c. —O.pD. FRENCH.-, City Clerk °v’ 3 REGISTERED HEREFORD ! | SALE | J Wednesday, April 7 > | At the Butte Livestock Market » 2 8 BULLS 15 HEIFERS ► i • These cattle are all sired by N B Helmsman 16. one of the . top bulls in the 1952 Grand Island sale. They are all ) f in just good breeding condition. b | • The bulls range in age from 11 to 15 months. b ( • The heifers are all from my 1953 spring calves. They are b all officially vaccinated for bangs and guaranteed open, r j--- i < A. M. ENGELHAUPT, Owner J g Butte,Nebr. ) 1 FARMERS! . • LOOK AT THESE 'SPEC! ALE! v TRACTORS o Used Minneapolis-Moline ZA Tractor (2-3 bottom).- only $1950 X ‘ "" o o Qo c Slightly Used Minneapolis-Moline ZA Tractor (2-3 bottom). Slightly Used Minneapolis-Moline ZA Tractor (3-3 bottom, only __ . $1750 C c o c_ ' '• New Minneapolis-Moline BF Tractor (2-bottom), only S1550 o e’1 R • o r New Case SC Tractor with Eagle-Hitch (2-3 bottom), only .. °___2. $1850 o c CA USED 1946 Case SC Tracton only .- $650^ o USED 1946 Case VAC Tractor (reconditioned), only $545 PLOW & DISC SPECIALS New Case 2—14" Plow on rubber, only _o_^__$275 New MM 14" & 16" Plows, starting at ____—$309 New MM 12' - 15' r 18' - 21' Disc Harrows, starting at $175 MM & Case One-Way Disc Plows, starting at ._.£. $300 HAMMERMILLS O ' .1 .1 B' Case Hammermill, only_a_."__$105 ° •- >. .. , 10" Case Hammermill, only ______ $135 i 1 ' O 14" Case Hammermill, only_£_ ____2. $150 FINANCING AVAILABLE ° WM. KROTTER CO. OF O’NEILL “YOUR MM & NEW IDEA FARM EQUIPMENT DEALERS'' "SERVING HOLT COUNTY SINCE 1889" £ * .6 r O r ■-.) -— . • '•*....*,*, I • ' • WM miAt *• ”1Ui rlOW KROTTER --- : " CO. . “ ■ 1 ' oo f a • o I ° o o ■# * • - '.V 00 o ® * • o -. - f.u c ' * • # - o o _r ° 0 o < a complete line of c° ; - ° 1 o O ' < O - O c: , t ( /• 89 _ ‘ 0 . —°°, o F I - ’ - * ' ,• ’ r. • * ;> the new Maytag upright with “stor-wells”in the door *; ;/r ,A' . , • ■ ’ o ° o ■| ’ o . u t 0 0 • b p m* o _ __- - - Four upright models, priced from ^ up * Ends "freezer fumbling!” New "stor-wells” keep up to 96 items easy to see, easy to reach • Juice bar holds up to 20 cans • Interior light illuminates every shelf for easy inventory., Freezes more food faster! 6 sharp-freezing surfaces —4 convenient shelves, in terior top and bottom • Special insulation slims freezer wall, provides more food storage space. J Sleek new design by a top stylist • Tight-seal latch opens, closes at a touch • Adjustable front legs\j fit uneven floors. Choice of sizes —25, 19, 15 or 12 cu. ft. models. ... Chests, too! Handsome mod S28950 UP ern design • See the new May- • 0 &'’ tag Chest Freeze? in 2 convenient sizes — 8 cubic feet and 14 cubic feet • Quick- Q c°0 freezing sidewalls • Easy-to-set control o ( panel * Counterbalanced lid — you never, c o' have to hold it open! 0 0 ° ° ' o 0 V; c ... • o r WM. KROTTER CO.j Phone 531 O’Neill, Nebr. 1* - ■ '. * ° ■ ° I^BBT I nmmiyi * • •' © *■- " on », ° ■ . . - o ° o r, V' < . '' c. ' . :