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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1954)
o o o o o is ready, to help you, look your o Easter best! r o ® O o ° O o , , : Extra-Value WOOL SUITS 22 points Dof fine coat- °o ° ° O making help 0 you look q ° ° o your best °c 0 ° °o°° ° ° ° £ °o o o ° ° 0 ° o o Tailoring extras like £ c hand/'.- , sewn collars, , buttcttis and3 lining? ° Coat fronts °interfac , o 0,0 o ed with3 wool canvas for better1 looks. ° o ° flannels, worsteds, gabardines in brown, blue,0 grey? 3| to 46. o 0 o O o o o o 0 cP o ° ‘McDonald’s 0 °o OO o 0 0 brings you •o these0 thrifty°0 0 1 “Good 5 ° ## °» o O ° / Sports”!* ° o o O O o ° o0 o Slacks keep s 0 o their press ° o D o ° ° 0 Many self-belled ° o models! o o % A haf’d-io-beai value! 0 O • ° ° oo ° . >2 Pairs $11 0° for II o° O 0 o o o o o * o o 0 * Holly\Vood0 s 1 a c ks <ol Verne^y -sheen rayon gabardine or rayon sharkskin tliat shed wrmklesb give long wear. Best colors; men’s >28 to 42. o •" * A small charge will be O ° made for any all era - o lions needed. 8 ‘ O _ ° ° o c o O 0 *> Sturdy Sanforized men’^ shirts ° ° 2:98 ° 0 \ o ° ° o White broadcloth; green, 0 o o grey, ° s^nd, c blue madras, guaranteed o c£Uor. 14-^7. 0° °°° .? O J o 0 o O0° 0 O O o ' o O oo 0 ® U“0 ° Easy-on-your-feet men’s oxfords o° : o o v o o c o Gleaming saddle tan For tune oxfords ^witn tough oak soles and rubber heels-0 ° Sizes 6 to 12! o o °°° o 0 o 0 a ° ° « Rugged, easy-going “boys’ oxfords 4.98 ’•; . Designed to give you good dooks, walking - ease and long wear. Regal brown in sizes 2*6 to 6. Try ’em! o ° O 5 O o o o * ° Genuine fur felt men’ hats *: Pre-blocked to keep their o shape. They’ve needed cushion sweat bands for comfort. Best colors. 0 „ o * o o o . • o o © o o METHODIST (Page-Inman) Rev. Lisle E. Mewmaw, pastor Thursday, April 1: Page WSCS meets at 2:30 p.m; In man choir practice at 7:15 pm., followed by MYE with member ship training led by the pastor. The Inman commission on mem bership and evangelism and the commission on finance meet for a joint session at 8:15 p.m. Mem bers of the Fisherman’s club are also asked to be present for this joint meeting. Friday, April 2: Inman pan cake supper, sponsored by the YAF. in the Maxcy memorial addition, beginning at 6 p.m. The public is invited to be pres ent for an evening of good pan cakes and interesting achieve ment. Suhday, April 4: Inman wor ship service at 9:45 a.m.; Page church school at 10 a.m., Dale Stauffer, superintendent; Inman church school at 10:45 o’clock, Karl Keyes, superintendent; Page morning worship at 11 o’ clock; Page membership train ing, class at 7, followed by MYF at 7:30 p.m.; evening wor ship serveie at 8 o’clock, and choir practice at 9 . Tuesday, April 6: Page King's Daughters meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 8: Inman WSCS meets at 2:30 p.m. e The Inman WSCS will serve the banquet which the Inman Community club is giving for the athletic club on Monday, April « 12. Any Inman church members who wish to help with donations are asked to please notify Miss Elsie Krueger or Mrs. Herbert Nielsen. Are you worshipping and working in some church? If not, we cordially invite you to make one of these churches your church home “Give God a chance now!” „ FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (O'Neill) Rev. Samuel Lee, pastor Miss Helen May, assistant to the pastor Sunday - school, 9:4^ a m ; church school for nursery chil dren, 11 a.m.; worship, ’ 1 a.m : le junior high Westminster fel lowship meets in the church basement Sunday evening from 5 to 7 o’clock. The spiritual life group meets in the pastor’s study at. 2 p.m., Monday. ■ . ,TT , The trustees will meet Wed nesday evening, April 7, at 7.30 o’clock, • The senior high ; fellowship meets each Thursday evening in the church basement from 6 to 8 o’clock. The Women’s association will meet tonight (Thursday) at 3 o’clock in the church. Mrs, Frank Pay as will be the speak ftr. Because of the candlelight communion service scheduled for the regular meeting time, Circle III will met next Ti.urs day evening, April 8, with Mrs. Harry Clauson. „ A ^ The choir will practice at the clmryh basement Saturday at 10 a.m. The children’s Story hour follow^, at 10:45. The Christian vocations con ference will begin with a dinner at Wayne State Teachers; col lege Friday evening at 6 o’clock. This conference is for all high ^chol juniors and seniors of the church, and is under the direc tion of the Pfesbytery. The ses sions wfll close at noon on Sai I or day. MtTHODIST (O'Neill) Rev. Wallace B. Smith, pastor Thursday, April 1: Choir re hearsal. for sanctuary choir at 7 p m.^ Methodist youth fellow ship begins at 8 p.m. Friday, April 2: Dorcas circle meets with Mrs. L. G. Gillespie at 2 p m. Saturday, April 3: Children’s membership training class, 10 a.m. 0 Sunday, April 4: Junior and cherub choirs at 9:30 a.m, church school at 9:45 a.m.; wor ship service, passion Sunday, at 11 am. i Monday, April 5: Membership training class, series III, lesson two, at 7 p m. Tuesday, April 6; Ministerial association breakfast at 8 a.m, young adult fellowship at 8 p.m. Wednesday. April 7- Prayer cell at the parsonage at 10:15 a.m. ... > Thursday, April 8: Woman s Society of Christian Service at the church, 2 p.m. The women of the society are requested to turn in “their “penny bags.” The minister is available for counsel and comfort weekday mornings in his study and hi ter - noons, by appointment, in the homes. He weleomes the oppor tunity to serve the people of his parish. BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN (RFD, Ewing) Rev. Samuel Lee, pastor Miss Helen May, assistant to the pastor Worship, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday school follows the worship ser vice. Bible study and discussion Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock at the church. Choir practice fol lows this study. Weekday religious education iOh children at the following places and times in the com munity: Monday, 4 p.m., Harkins school; Tuesday, 4 p.m., Bethany church; Friday, 12:30 pm., Brewster school; Friday, 3.30 p m., Lone Tree school. The Women’s association will meet April %. Unless some other place is announced, the group will meet at the church. Thomas Ressel Is Separated— Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ressel and son, Ricky, arrived in Page Friday from Ft. McClellan, An iston, Ala., where Mr. Ressel was discharged from the army. On their way to Page they vis ited his brother and sister-in layc, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ressel, in , Marshall, Tex. Clauson Returns from Church Meet o D. H. Clauson, Mrs. Clausor and Rev. Samuel Lee, pastor o: Ffrst Presbyterian church, rt turned last week from Chicago 111., where Mr. Clauson was del egate to the meeting of the Na tional Council of Presbyteriai Men. The meeting, held in the Palmer House, drew about three thousand delegates from a I parts of the country, and t'rorr every occupation. Although several pastors at tended the meeting, it was pri marily a meeting of laymen, with the theme of the session centered in the wtiness of the layman. Mr. Clauson will make a re port to the Men’s council of the O’Neill church at the council’s next meeting. Leading speakers included: Dr. Rex Stowers Clements _f Bryn Mawr, Pa., who said: “Let us note three things about our church. First. 4. is not cpnirolled by clergy . laymen have a large share in ordering its affairs. Second, it is not primarly an organzation. Third, the chupcn is not an end unto itself.’’ Congressman Walter H. Judd of Minnesota: “We are confused. Civilization is On the defensive. In some places we, are holding our own, in others we are losing terribly. We have to go back arid understand and fulfill our Chris tian heritage as our forefathers did in their generation. We can do nothing without a leader. We ! should rededicate ourselves to Him.” Luther W. Youngdahl, judge of the U.S. district court for the District of Columbia: He praised President Eisenhower for his understanding of the “import ance of prayer and faith in God in the solution of our ills.” Jehovah Witnesses to Meet at Lincoln The Nebraska state f a i r grour>ds will be the home for an assembly of ministers Friday, Saturday and Sunday, April 2-4. The 4-H building, scene of many a wrestling match and stock show, is being transformed into a large kingdom hall by Jeho vah’s Witnesses for a conven tion. Carl F. Andersen of O’Neill, presiding minister of the Stuari council of Jehovah’s Witnesses, said that the purpose of the as sembly is Bible instruction and concentrated preaching in the Lincoln area. The assembly opens Friday evening at 7 o’clock and will be followed by morning, afternoon and evening sessions of Bible talks, discussions and demon strations on Saturday and Sun day. All meetings are open to the public without charge. A similar circuit meeting, rep resenting 20 congregations, was held six months ago in Omaha which 1,000 witnesses attended. At that time 25 ministers were ordained and took up the minis terial work in Nebraska. An or dination ceremony w7ill again highlight the Saturday program. iW. Rieger of Brooklyn, N.Y.. will be the feature speak er of the convention. There will be delegates there from Bassett, Newport, Stuart, O’Neill and Clearwater. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Norman of Ord were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Harding In thhe afternoon the group and Mr and Mrs Wayne Norman went to Pickstown.S.D. Reverend Griffiths and wife ... to Amelia. (Story below.) * ★ ★ BETHANY FREE METHODIST (Amelia) Rev. Albert Luginsland, pastor Revival services beginning April 6 through 18th at 8 o’clock each night with Rev. and Mrs. P. J. Griffiths of Portland, Ore, preacing. Special singing and ocene-O-Felts. A cordial invitation to all. WESLEYAN METHODIST (O'Neill) Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor Thursday, April 1: Midweek prayer meeting and Bible .-,tudy, 8 p.m., Mrs. Blanche York, lead er. j Saturday, April 3: Prayer con ference at Niobrara. Services at 10:30 a.m., and at 2 p.m. Basket dinner. a® 0 Sunday, April 4: Sunday school at 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.; adult Bible class in charge of devotions at 7:30 p.m. They will also have charge of the special music for both morning and evening services. Sunday, April 11: Commun ion. Friday, April 16: Good Friday service in the Royal theater. CENTER UNION (O'Neill) Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor Midweek prayer meeting ev ery Wednesday night at 8 o’ clock. Sunday, April 4: Worship at 10 a>m.; Sunday-school at 11 a.m.; young people’s service and Bible study at 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 9: The Gideons will have a special service in cur church, 8 p.m. Some of their state leaders will be with us as speakers, Mr. Aswald and Mr. Chambers, from Aurora. May 1 and 2 are the dates for cur 49th annual homecoming METHODIST (Emmet) Rev. Wallace B. Smith, pastor Sunday, April 4: Morning worship and church school for the children at 9:45 o’clock; church school for youth and adults at 10:45 a.m. Wednesday, April 7: Session 11 of the membership training class. Call pastor for notification as to place, 7:30 p.m. Attend the church of your choice every Sunday. Give Gcd a chance! The minister is available for counsel and comfort at all times. A call will bring him to your heme. CHURCH OF CHRIST (O'Neillj Corner of Sixth end Gran. John Thomas, minister Bible school, 10 a.m.; com-: munion and" preaching, 11 a.m.; evening worship at 8 o’clock. Bible study and prayer ses sion, Wednesday, 8 P-m.; adult choir practice, Wednesday, 9 p.m. Our evangelistic campaign starts Monday night, April 5. Clyde Spaulding of Lusk, Wyo., will be doing the preaching. Beginning Today, April 1st, we will be OPEN EVERY DAY from 10 A.M. to 11 P-M. Come Out and Enjoy a "taste of SPRfNG cones FREE CONES sundaes MALTS Saturday, April 3rd shakes to everyone who comes to our QUARTS serving windows PINTS HORNBY’S umm m m ASSEMBLY OF GOD (O'Neill) Rev. Wayne A. Hall, pastor Sunday, April 4: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; worship service, 11 a.m.; children’s story time, 7:30 p.m.; evening rally 8 o’ clock. Tuesday, April 6: Christ’s Am bassadors service at 8 p.m. Wednesday, April 7: Bible study and prayer meeting at 8 p.m. o Thursday, April 1: Ladies’ prayer meeting and work day at the home pf Mrs. C. E. Worth, £ p m. , O’Neill News 0 Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Marcellus and family were Sunday eve ning guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus in Atkinson. Mrs. P. J. Donahue of Sioux City is visiting at the horn’ of her son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Gleeson. Mr. and Mrs. John Luben and family of Crawford arrived m O’Neill Saturday to visit his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Lu ben. Sunday they went to Nor folk where Mrs. Luben and baby will remain while her mother, Mrs. Herbert Russ, is in Our La dy of Lourdes hospital. Mr. Lu ben and their daughter return ed to Crawford. George M. McCarthy and Del b e r t Robertson attended a Knights of Columbus initiation at Hartington Sunday. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Peters were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Anderson. BIGLIN'S Funeral Directors O’NEILL Day Ph. Night Ph. I 38 487-R or 200 I o ° > \ _ '••1 EACH DAY fire kills about 34 Americans o _ o # J —these tragic figures ar& based on sta-, tistics gathered by the National Fire Pro tection Ass’n. o °° C o oo ' ( o A RED COMET AUTOMATIC » o FIRE CONTROL SYSTEM CAN SAFEGUARD YOU AGAINST ^SEQUENCES OF FIRE c O f' if Extinguishes fires without human aid ° o r ★ No periodic servicing or refilling ° o if Attacks fire before it has a chance to do extensive damage °o ° _ o 0 - o 3 ' «* FOR DETAILS ON THE RED COMET AUTOMATIC SAFETY SPRAY 0 0 ° , o ? ° I Inquire . Don McClellan O u f ■ ? n o o O BARBER SHOP — ASIMUS BLDG. — WEST O'NEILL ° „ V f „ _° O o„ - I O o ° a O © o a © 0 . • • 7 ; # . . . . with you in mind! AND WE had you in mind when we made this — SPECIAL PURCHASE • _ of Beautifule mm suits at this low price Regular Values to *71 «29-95 R* While They Last! 9 *> • • * ** THESE SUITS are from eur well-known manufac turers—Betty Rose, Marce, Hallmark, Diane. We have the season’s best colors — navy, beige, pink, blue, red. Regular, junior, half sizes. Select your EASTER SUIT during this weekend special! •* - ~ , * • - Nelly Don's are exclusive with us. • ° o * P O • 0 ° o o ) $ r. ° «* O oO • * * • . 0 °o°- ° O 0 . $ 0 0 a> #. © o o Q ° O O 5 " i . ° <x * °o o O C * • * , « ,0 „ °°° ■> q o » r> o © # w ” o0 Oo O o °o «: * ° ° O • * 3 ' O *, » • ; ° u c w ... o 0 o ° o \, .i! 00 < o c » °o HERE is Nelly Don’s fresh approach to the town suit ... in wrinkle resistant butcher rayon. Crisp pique collar (detachable, of course!) with rhinestone centered petals. WASHABLE IN BLACK. NAVY. BROWN 14.95 V* ° Other Styles 10.95 to 24.95 0 « ° ° o >