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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1953)
Tom Clark Arrives from Maryland Inman Youth Trains at Bainbridge INMAN—Tom Clark, who is in the navy, came Tuesday, Decem ber 23, to spend a 15-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark. Tom is attending a navy school at Bainbridge, Md. Other Inman News Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Abney and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kelley and Gene spent Tuesday evening, De cember 23, in Norfolk and also at the Tim Ponton home at Bat tLe Creek. s Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Redlon of North Loup arrived Wednesday, December 24, to spend Christmas in the Lyle Abney home. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kopecky, jr., and son, Dickie, spent Christ mas day visiting Mrs. Kopecky’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sny der at Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller were Christmas dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fay Brit tell and family in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Mick Gallagher and Janet were Christmas dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore. Charles Geary of Merriman . spent Chrstmas with his father, ( G. H. Geary. Christmas dinner guests in the ( home of Mrs. Lottie Thompson ! ( were Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Thomp son and sons of Grand Island, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Cooper and son, Jimmie, of Orchard, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brittell and Betty Jean of Inman. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stootsberry and family of Ashland came on Wednesday, December 24, to spend Christmas with Mrs. Stoots berry’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gray of Blue Hill were Inman visitors on Friday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Joe Coon and family of Beemer were visitors in Inman Friday afternoon. (Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeLong spent Christmas day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baker and son at Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hutton and family of Newcastle came Wednesday, December 24, to visit in the home of Mr. Hutton’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton, and Sue. They returned to New castle Friday. Mr. Osterberg of Oakland spent Christmas with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Har old Wilhoit, and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Leonard and daughters of Wakefield spent Thursday and Friday visiting Mrs. Leonard’s mother, Mrs. Vio let Sholes. Mr. and IMS'S, uick uiarK ana family of O’Neill were Christmas day guests of Mrs. Clarks moth er, Mrs. Violet Sholes. Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Tomlinson were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Tompson and family at Chambers. Sam Watson left on Tuesday morning, December 23, for Val entine where he spent until Thursday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Slusher and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson and laughter, Carolyn spent Wednes lay evening. December 24, and Thursday visiting Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Slusher and sons in Valen iine. Don Lines and Harlan Mors bach of Rapid City, S.D., spent the Christmas weekend in the Dana Lines and Dave Morsbach homes. Miss Delores Nielsen has re turned to Omaha after spending Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nielsen. Miss Nielsen is in nurses’ training in Dmaha. Mrs. Lottie Thompson returned to Grand Island Sunday after spending a few days here. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and family were Christmas din ner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coventry and >ons. Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Stevens and 3on, of Rapid City, S.D., were vis itors in the home of Mir. and Mrs. Bill Butterfield and family over the weekend. Richard Krueger of Green Riv er, Wyo., spent the Christmas weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Krueger. Mr. and Mrs. Archie May and family of Derby, Kans., came on Saturday to visit in the home of Mrs. May’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gallagher. Mr. and Mrs. James McMahan were Christmas dinner guests of ■ 1i i Mr. and Mrs. John Mattson. LeRoy Moore, who is employed with the telephone company, spent the Christmas weekend vis iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. i Fred Moore. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Butler spent Christmas day in the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Vere Butler and family at Newport. A/lc John Harte from Nevada came Wednesday, December 24, to spend a leave with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harte. Delmont Heck of the navy is spending a leave in Inman with relatives and friends. He came from San Diego, Calif. Pfc. John Bohn of Camp Car son, Colo., is spending a fur lough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Bohn and Max. Miss Grayce McGraw left for Atkinson Sunday after spending the Christmas holidays at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nielsen and daughters, Delores and Kay, spent Christmas day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harkins at Chambers. Celia News Celia Homemakers met Tues day, December 23, with Mrs. Stanley Johnson for a Christmas party. Twelve members and three visitors, Mrs. Charley Smith, Mrs. Robert Fullerton and Mrs. Emma McKathnie, were present. Mystery sister and grab bag gifts were distributed. Roll call was answered by naming a favorite Christmas song. New mystery sister names were drawn for the coming year. A few husbands were present. The next meeting will be January 28 with Mrs. Connie Frickel. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hendricks and family were Christmas day dinner guests at the Orville Orr home. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hupp, Mr. and Mrs. David Rahn and family, Cliff Orr and Mel and Cliff Haynes. Mrs. Gene Livingston spent Christmas eve with Mrs Feme Livingston and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kilmurry and daughters were Friday eve ning visitors at the O. A. Ham meTberg home. Charles Johnson and son, Merle, and his 18-year-old twin daughters, Ilene and Irene John son, all of Sutton, were Christ mas day dinner guests at the home of Charles Johnson’s daughter, Mrs. Hans Lauridsen, and family, arriving Wednesday afternoon, December 24, from Sutton to spend the holidays with relatives here. Other Christmas guests were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lauridsen and family and Jim Lauridsen. Billy Focken was a visitor at the Emil Colfack home Saturday. Alex Forsythe was a Sunday afternoon visitor at the O. A. Hammerberg home. Airman, Wife Are Feted— PAGE—A/2c and Mrs. Darrell Heiss left Friday for Cut Bank, Mont., where he is stationed. They had spent several days here writh the former’s parents, Mr and Mrs. Raymond Heiss, and with other relatives, returning from Scott air force base, Illinois, where they had spent six weeks. On Christmas day a no-host dinner was held at the home of his parents. Present were A/2c and Mrs. Heiss of Cut Bank, Mont., Mr. and Mrs. Dale Stukey and Sharon and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kuk, all of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heiss, Nancy and Larry, Mrs. Elizabeth Cullen, Miss Maude Bobbitt, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Heiss and children, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Heiss and baby, Mrs Richard Heiss and little son, Alvin, Mr. and Mrs. Richard A^her and family, Mr. and Mrs. l’.aymond Heiss and A/3c Ross Fink of Grand Island. Grolhes Are Hosts— EMMET— Christmas day din ner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Grothe, sr., near here were: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnson and family of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Farr and sons of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Henning of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Grothe, jr., and fam ily of Emmet, Mr. and Mrs. Rus sell Yusten of O’Neill and Ralph Tooker of Atkinson. Among the afternoon callers were Mrs. Sam Banks and daughters, Mr. and Msr. Darley Banks and family and Mr. and Mrs. James Banks and daughter, all of O’Neill. 1 ■ ~ ... the letters start, Then from | all over the free world come such t comments as these from readers of THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, an international daily newspaper: “The Monitor is must rend ing for straight-thinking people. . . " “I returned to school after a lapse of 18 years. 1 will get my degree from the college, but my education comes from the Monitor. . . ” “The Monitor gives me ideas for my work. . . ” “I truly enjoy its com pany. . . .” ^ ou, too, will find the Monitor informative, with complete world news. ^ ou will discover a con* strurtive viewpoint in every news story. Use the coupon below for a spe* cial Introductory subscription —• 3 months for only $3. ___ . The Christian Science Monitor One, Norway St.. Boston 15. Mass., U. S. A. Please send me an introductory subsrrip. lien to The Christian Science Monitor 16 issues. 1 enclose S3. (no me) (address) (fi,r) (zone) (alafel PB-U ASSEMBLY OF GOD (O'Neill) Rev. Wayne Hall, pastor A new year’s eve watch ser vice will begin at 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 31. A full evening of singing, testimonies and preaching will be a blessing to all who come. As the new year is ushered in we will be praying for God to save the peo ple of our community and nation from sin and bring peace to trou bled hearts. January 1 and 2 there will be services in Neligh at 8 p.m. This is a new work for God. January 4: Sunday-school, 10 a.m.; worship service, 11 a.m.; evening service, 8 o’clock. January 5: Bible study at the Fred Lindberg home, studying the book of Hebrews. January 6: Tuesday is CA (young people’s) meeting at 8 p.m. Wednesday, January 7, is reg ular prayer and Bible study at 8 p.m. “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” Ill John 1:2. We trust all shall have a very happy new year. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (O'Neill) Rev. Samuel Lee, pastor Sunday-school 9:45 a.m., wor ship, l a.m., Junior high West minster fellowship, Sunday, 5-7 p.m.; spiritual life group, Mon day, 3 p.m.; cherub choir prac tice, Saturday, 10 a.m.; children’s story hour, Saturday, 11 a.m. The annual congregational meeting will be held on Friday, January 2, beginning with a cov ered dish supper at 7 p.m. in the church basement. All members are urged to be present to aid in the transaction of the church business, and in the planning for the future. Bring a covered dish and your table service and enjoy the evening with us. Next Sunday morning at the worship hour we will worship in the sacraments of the church. Any who seek baptism for their children should tall the pastor during the week. The Christmas program was presented by the Sunday-school on Monday evening, December 22, under the direction of Phyllis Harmon, Mrs. Harry Petersen and the Sunday-school teachers, Mrs. Dwight Hanler, Mrs. Arlo Hiatt, Mrs. Weston Whitwer and Mrs. D. C. Schaffer. The program consisted of recitations and skits depicting the Christmas story with background music furnished by a chorus of high school girls. WESLEYAN METHODIST Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor December 31: Beginning at 8 p.m., watch night service. Rev. George Francis of Page and Rev. Don Almstead of Venus are to be our special speakers. We have the film, “Power in the Blood,” to show. This is not a Hollywood production so you can expect something according to the Bi ble. Communion will be served in the last part of the service. January 4: Sunday-school at 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.; evening service beginning at 8 o’clock. January 1 is our day of prayer in the prayer chain in the Wes leyan Methodist church, which has been in progress over a year. This year can be a happy year if you are consistent in your Bi ble study and your walk with God. CHURCH OF CHRIST (O'Neill) Corner of Sixth and Grant John Thomas, minister Bible school, 10 a.m., commun ion and preaching, 11 a.m. The morning message will be ‘The Upsetters.” Evening worship at 8 o’clock. The message will be “The Reac tion of Sinners.” Bible study and prayer session, Wednesday, 8 p.m. The minister will counsel any one on martial or spiritual prob lems by appointment, 4:30 to 5:30 Monday through Friday, phone 511-J. CENTER UNION (O'Neill) Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor January 1: Prayer meeting in the Clarence Ernst home at 8 p.m. This is our night of prayer in connection with the national Holiness Mission society. January 4: Worship, 10 a.m.; Sunday - school, 11 a.m.; young people’s service and Bible study, 7:30 p.m. This year can be a happy year if you are consistent in your Bi ble study and your walk with God. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN (Atkinson) Rev. R. W. Olson, pastor Thursday, January 1: New year’s festival service, 10:30 a.m. Sunday, January 4: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; divine worship, 11:15 a.m. Wednesday, January 7: Chil dren’s confirmation instruction, 7 p.m.; annual voter’s meeting, 8 p.m. We bid everyone a cordial wel come to all services and activi ties of this congregation. B. G. Hanna of Chambers spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McDermott. CHRIST LUTHERAN (O'Neill) Corner of 7th and Clay Streets Rev. R. W. Olson, pastor Friday, January 2: Adult in struction class, 8 p.m. Sunday, January 4: Divine worship with the celebration of holy communion, 9:30 a.m.; Sun day-school, 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, January 6: First year confirmation instruction, 4:15 p.m.; family night, 8 p.m. Thursday, January 8: Young people’s meeting and social, 8 p.m. In the name of Christ Jesus, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, we bid everyone a sin cere welcome to the services and activities of our congregation. If you have no church home we in vite you to worship with us reg ularly. You need the church and the church needs you. METHODIST (Chambers) Rev. L. R- Hansberry, pastor Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m., Clair Grimes, superintendent. Worship, 11:30 a.m. Kaisers Observe 50th Anniversary Couple Resides in Rest Home AMELIA—Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Kaiser observed their 50th wedding anniversary on Christ mas day. They are making their home in a Burwell nursing home as both are in very “poor” health. Other Amelia News Mrs. Alice Prewitt had all of her family home for Christmas: Mr. and Mrs. Gale (Myrtha) Fix and family of Scottsbluff; Miss Peggy Prewitt of Scottsbluff; Dean Prewitt, who has been on, furlough from Texas, and left Tuesday for Camp Stoneman, Calif.; Lynn, who works for Ir vin Forbes; Janice and Sharon, who are at home. Donnie Cearns of Scottsbluff visited his grandparents a few days during vacation. Ltt Floyd Sageser of Topeka, Kans., spent Christmas with his father, Vem Sageser. His moth er was in Council Bluffs, la., helping care for her step-father, who was ill. Mrs. Uiona JLandrum and lit tle daughter, Sally, of Omaha were guests from Christmas eve until Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tibbets, jr., and daughter, Debra, of Om aha were Christmas guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Watson. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Fancher, Virgil and Eunice of Ainsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Widman and Marcia, Vern Sageser and son, Floyd, were Christmas day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Link Sageser. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Newkirk and Miss Norma Anderson of Lin coln spent Christmas vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Andersen. Roy Andersen, and friend, Miss Mildred Christiansen of Grand Is land, visited Saturday and Sun day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Andersen. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ott of O’ Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barnes and family, Mrs. Gloria Landrum and Sally of Omaha, and Mrs. Etta Ott were Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Adams and Donnie. Mr. and Mrs. Ed White, Mrs. Julia White, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ragland and family were dinner guests Christmas day at Elmer Coolidges. Charlie Sigman was a guest of Oscar Petersons for Christmas dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Will Matthauser of Burwell and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees were guests at the Bob Rees home Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Fryrear spent Christmas with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foss, at Tilden. Mr. and Mrs. William Fryrear and Donnie Cearns were guests in the Elmer Fix home for Christ mas. Mrs. Lindsey and Florence were Christmas dinner guests at the Ray Andersen home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gilman and Sandra were supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. El mer Oetter on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Earnie Johnston entertained Mr. and Mrs. Silas Johnston and Paul for Christmas dinner. In the evening their sup per guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Newkirk, and Miss Norma Andersen of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Andersen and Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backhaus. Mr. and Mrs. Ray White and daughter, Gayle of Martin, S.D., visited his mother, Mrs. Julia White, Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White and family, H. S. White, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barnett were Christ mas day guests at the S. C. Bar nett home. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Doolittle en tertained their family and their children on Christmas. Among the 38 who were present were Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Doolittle and three girls, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Doolittle and two chil dren, Mrs. Elsie Doolittle and five children, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Kennedy and four children, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fullerton and two girls, Mr. and Mrs. Darold Slaymaker and two sons and Clinton Doolittle Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Forbes and sons, Gerald and Leslie, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Forbes and Don na attended a family dinner Sun day at the home of their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Forbes, in Atkinson. Little Miss Patty Lee Frahm, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hienie Frahm, made her first visit in. Amelia Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burge and family visited at the home of his mother, Mrs. Bessie Burge, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blackmore and little daughter, Luanne moved to Atkinson last week. Mrs. Gertie Adair and Ralph were Christmas day guests of Mrs. Stella Sparks and Lonnie. The Helping Hand club will have a lesson at its next meeting, instead of a program, as was an nounced by the reporter. Each Family Furnishes Game — The Eagle Creek -H club held a Christmas party at the Francis Wabs home with all members present. Dinner was served at noon. Each family furnished an inter esting game and a small prize for entertainment which lasted most of the afternoon. There was a gift exchange and we presented our leader, Dorothy Curran, and our assistant leader, Beth Margritz, with a gift. After consuming lots of can dy, nuts, popcorn balls and ap ples, the party adjourned to meet January 18, at the Joe Stein home.—by Rosalie Wabs, report er. O'Donnell Guests— Among the guests at the home of Miss Anna L. O’Donnell for the holidays were Mr. and Mrs. E. L. O’Donnell and her mother, Mrs. P. J. Biglin, all of Salina, Kans., Miss Marie Biglin of Salt Lake City, Utah, and M. F. O’ Donnell of Dallas, Tex. Miss Pa tricia O’Donnell left Wednesday, December 31, with the Ed O’Don nells for a visit in Salina. Yuletide Reunion— Christmas guests in the home of Mrs. Ruth Morgan were PN1 Richard Morgan of the USS Box er, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Colfack and family of Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. George Hendrick and fam ily of Omaha. It was the first time Mrs. Morgan’s family was together in more than seven years. Miss Brennan on Eastern Trip— Miss Bernadette Brennan at- * tended the wedding of Ted Don ohue in Washington, D.C., De cember 27. During her two weeks stay she plans to visit Capt. Her bert O. Brennan, who teaches at West Point, N.Y. Visits Fiance Miss Leah Iler, who is to be married January 10, spent Christ mas in Watertown, S.D., at the I home of her fiance. 1 O’NEILL LOCALS Miss Patricia Brennan, a stu dent at Minneapolis College of Music, Minn., is home for the holidays with her mother, Mrs. F. M. Brennan. Sr. M. Calixta and Sr. Marie Brenden of Imogene, la., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Cronin. Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wells were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wells of Butte, and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Clauson of Jam ison. Mrs. D. C. Schaffer left Friday for a weekend visit with her son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Don Walker, and Ann of Chadron. Miss Helen Kubitschek of De troit, Mich., left Monday after spending the holidays with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Kubit schek. Another holiday guest is the latter’s sister, Miss Helen Van Sant of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Grady and — Jim spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pray of Ft. Dodge, la. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Havelka and Leo were Christmas dinner guests in Omaha'at the home of Mr. Havelka’s sister and her hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hol oubek. Other relatives were also present. Friday, the Havelkas went to Wahoo and visited until Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Kralik. Junior Garden Club Holds Gift Exchange — STUART—The Junior Garden club had a Christmas party at the home of Miss Theresa Levi on Saturday afternoon. The time was spent playing games and then there was a Christmas gift exchange. Rita Obermire, Betty Krobot and Jackie King, who had birth day anniversaries in December, received gifts. A lunch was served by the hostess. I * i © < : i ■ * i 1 i j ] •1 < i 1 . ■ < i i Q ft K • i 3 1 i V 1 GILLESPIES RADIO - ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Our Big Storewide After-Christmas CLEARANCE SALE . . . Now in Progress One Rack of DRESSES . Originally Priced lo 14.95 All Sizes . . . Straight and Half ONLY__ Stil a Selection . . . Slip-On & Cardigan Ladies SWEATERS Short or long sleeves. Nylon, wool and cotton. now.-.1/3 OFF Jane Holly and Strutwear Ladies BLOUSES In crepes and nylons, all newest styles. White and color. Sizes 32 - 44. NOW...13 OFF Ladies’ SLEEPWEAR Pajamas — Gowns — Slips — Etc. All very latest and smartest styles. Not all sizes in all colors. NOW .1/3 OFF Ladies’ SUITS By Swansdown and Betty Rose. Originally 44.95 to 64.95— A A AC NOW__ 451-Vil BIG REBUCtlONS^ One-Fourth, One-Third and More! SLACKS — HANDBAGS — CHILDEN'S DRESSES GLOVES — MITTS — SCARFS O 1,000 Hogs, 350 Cattle Expected • We will be holding a sale Thursday (New Year's day) and we're expecting around one thousand head of hogs and about 350 head of cattle. Inasmuch as there was not a sale last week the supply might be greater than we anticipate. • Bulk of the hog offering will be butchers, but there'll be around 250 head of feeder pigs. The post-Christmas hog market at the terminals was steady to lower. Slaughter steers, yearlings and heifers were selling unevenly steady to SI lower, some off more Monday at Omaha. Stockers and feeders, scarce, sold steady. O’NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET PHONE 2 - O'NEILL .11 Announcement EFFECTIVE January 2, we will have the Hatchery open for business and will close the Warehouse. Bring your market and grade eggs to the Hatchery for top prices. There will be a complete line of poultry and livestock feed on hand. « OUR FIRST hatch of Baby Chicks will be off February 16 and there will be a hatch each Monday thereafter. Book your order now! Special Prices on Feeds: 40% Range Feed.$97.00 Per Ton 11% Molasses Feed ....$75,00 Per Ton CORKLE HATCHERY Phone 19 O’Neill Public Sale * 1 HAVE DECIDED to sell the following described personal prop erty at the place, located 3 Yl miles north and V/2 miles east of Page, OR one-half mile south and 4Yl miles west of Venus, on — Wednesday, January 7th — Sale Will Start at 1 P.M. — 8 - - HEAD OF CATTLE - - 8 4—Milk COWS 1— Polled Shorthorn BULL, 18-Mo.-01d 2—Coming 2-Yr.-01d HEIFERS; 1—Coming Yearling HEIFER Farm Machinery & Equipment 1940 Model A John IHC No. 182 Lister Wagon Running Deere Tractor IHC Com Planter Gear John Deere Manure IHC Tractor Eli IHC No. S-3 Spreader 10 Ft. Disc Separator John Deere No. 101 J-D Corn Some Drag Sections Cultivator Picker 10-In. Letz Burr IHC No. 8 16-In. Wagon and Box, Grinder Plow Rubber 40-Ft. Belt 5 Tons ALFALFA 4 Tons PRAIRIE HAY 150 Bu. OATS 250 Bushels of EAR CORN Brooder Stove — Fuel Barrels — Grindstone — Other Articles TERMS: CASH — No property to be removed until settled for. CHARLES E. RUSSELL OWNER BUV WANSER, PAGE CO-OP. CREDIT ASSN., Auctioneer Clerk I *