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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1953)
Bert McIntosh Dies at Genoa Formerly Barber at Page PAGE—Mrs. Nellie McIntosh received word of the death of a brother-in-law, Bert McIntosh, at Cenoa Saturday, December 27. Re is survived by his wife, Mary; six sons and two daughters. Mr. McIntosh formerly lived at Page and was a barber here many years ago. Other Page News . Mrs. Myrtle Coon has moved to her farm home east of Page, occupied by her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Spangler and family. Mrs. Coon had lived alone in her home un til her health failed. She has rented her home in town to Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cullen, who oper ate a grocery store here. Billy Zempel of Lincoln is spending a few days with friends in Page during his vacation. He is attending the Nebraska univer sty at Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sortnsen, sr., and Bobbie, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sorensen and daughter of Creighton and Mrs. Eddie Con nery of Cody, (Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sorensen and daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. Soren Soren sen, jr., and daughter spent Christmas eve with Mr. and Mrs. William Sorensen and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Asher and sons of Logan, la., came Christ mas eve to visit Mrs. Asher’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Snell, and Mr. Asher’s mother, Mrs. George Park and Mr. Park. Mr. Asher returned home Friday. Mrs. Asher and sons remained for a longer visit A/3c Ross Fink and Miss Nan cy Heiss came from Grand Is land Wednesday, December 24, to spend Christmas with relatives at Page. They returned to Grand Island Friday accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder, who will spend a few days in the George Fink home. Mrs. Snyder will have a medical checkup while there. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Dorr and family of Neligh are spending their Christmas vacation at the homes of their respective parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dorr and Mr. and iMrs. Merwyn French, sr. Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson and family of Lincoln, Miss Sy bil Ickes of Cascade, Mr. and Mrs. Neven Ickes, jr., and Teresa, Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, jr., and Glenda were guests on Christmas day of Mr. and Mrs. Neven Ickes, sr., Lionel and Dennis. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. French had as their Christmas day guests their four children, Mr and Mrs. Duane Dorr and family of Ne ligh, Mr. and (Mrs. Merwyn French, jr., of Wahoo, Carroll French of Lincoln and Bette. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Heiss and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Braddock and JoAnn, Mrs. Jennie French, Miss Alice French, Miss Marie Heiss and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hunt and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Alberts, Sandra, Linda and Craig spent from Wednesday, December 24, until Saturday at Ainsworth with their respective parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson and family of Lincoln spent several days last week with Mrs. Jack son’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes, Lionel and Dennis. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Chichester and son had for their dinner guests Friday Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Christon and Catherine and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Chichester of Rockford, 111. Gilbert is a grandson of the Chichesters. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Gray had for their dinner guests on Christmas day their grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lund and sons of Scotia, their son and daughter in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray, and Veldon, and Leonard Miller of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson and children returned to their home at Lincoln Sunday after spending Christmas with the latter’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes, and other relatives. Miss Sybil Tckes returned to her teaching duties at Cascade Sunday after spending her vacation with homefolks. Richard Holliday returned to Sidney Sunday after spending several days here with his par- 1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Holli day and other relatives. Air. and Airs. Dean Richards left Saturday for their home at Cheyenne, Wyo., after spending Christmas with the latter’s par ents, Air. and Mrs. I. O. Wood, and other relatives. L. F. Knudsen of Manning, la., came by plane the day before Christmas and took his mother, Mrs. Helen Knudsen, to his home where she spent a few days with him and his family. She also visted other relatives in Omaha before her return home the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Max and family returned home Sunday af ter visitng over Christmas with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Max, sr., at their home in Omaha. Soren Sorensen, sr., did the chores at their farm during their absence. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hartigan and Donelle were dinner guests at the home of the former’s grand parents, Air. and Mrs. Pearl Cary, at Inman. In the evening they were dinner guests of Mrs. Karti gan’s parents, Mr. and Airs. Her bert Steinberg. Air. and Mrs. William Watter mann entertained the pinochle club on Saturday evening. Mrs. Edward Shaw and Alfred Connor held high score, traveling went to Mrs. Leland Finley and Ed ward Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Stevens of Oakland joined other members of the Stevens family at the home of Miss Maude Martin on Christ mas day for a no-host dinner. Other guests were Miss Effie Stevens of O’Neill, Mrs. Eva Cun ningham, Donald Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Cunningham and Denny, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Stevens and E. E. Stevens. Mr. and (Mrs. Gene Terrill and daughter of Hot Springs, S.D., and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Parson of Miltonvale, Kans., visited over Christmas with Mr. Ter rip and Mrs. Parsons’ parents, Mr' and Mrs. Otto Terrill. On Friday they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Otto Terrill, Jerry and Marilyn and Airs. Alma Tegeler and were dinner guests of Air. and Airs. Harry Tegeler. ivir. ana Mrs. waiter Hunt and sons drove to Leigh Friday where they visited until Satur day with Mrs. Hunt’s parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Clem Mr. and Mrs. Bert Finley en joyed having their children with them for Christmas day. Pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Finley of Los Angeles, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Walker and sons of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. Gailen Miller and family of Niobrara, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Allen and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Fin ley and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Finley and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Finley and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Don Nissen and family called during the af ternoon. Misses Joyce Clasey, Byrdie Ann Parks, Loma Stevens and Mrs. Don Summers returned to Lincoln Sunday after spending their Christmas with homefolks. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wood of Lincoln came to Page Saturday to spend a week here with their children Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wood, and with Mrs. Wood’s mother, Mrs. Hester Ed misten. All were dinner guests Christmas day at the Calvin Har ley home except the Asher fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harvey were also guests. In the evening all members of the family were together as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Asher. Serves as Medic with Third Division— STUART—Billy L. Farr, whose wife, Dorothy, lives in Stuart, re cently was promoted to sergeant while serving in Korea with the Third infantry division. The division, now in its third wdnter on the Korean peninsula, has fought in many of the most bitter battles of the conflict, in cluding the successful fight for “Bloody Angle” in 1951. A medical aidman in medical company of the seventh regment, Farr entered the army in July, 1951, arriving in Korea last April’ He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Farr of Newport. Frontier for printing! ROYAL THEATER O’Neill Wed.. Thurs. Dec. 31-Jan. 1 Family Nights Claudette Colbert and Ann Blyth in THUNDER ON THE HILL A flood covers the English countryside sending the citizens of surrounding villages and trav elers in the valley to the hilltop convent and hospital of Our Lady of Rheims. Among those seeking shelter is Ann Blyth, on her way, with guards, to be executed for the murder of her brother. So cenre is Sister Mary, played by firmly convinced of Ann’s inno Claudette Colbert, chief of the hospital staff, and so unceasing are her efforts to prove that in nocence, she faces severe chas tisement from the mother super ior, Gladys Cooper, and near death from the real murderer. Family Night. $1.00; Adult 50c. Children 12c. Fri., Sat. Jan. 2-3 In Argentina a woman knows the WAY OF A GAUCHO 20th Century Fox presents Rory Calhoun, Gene Tierney, with Richard Boone, Hugh Marlowe, Everett Sloane. Color by techni color. Adult 50c; Children 12c. Matinee Sat. 2:30. Children under 12 free when accompanied by parent. Sun., Mon., Tues. Jan. 4-5-6 MY WIFE'S BEST FRIEND Starring Anne Baxter, Mac Donald Carey, with Cecil Kella wav, Casey Adams, Catherine McLeod, Leif Erickson, Francis Bavier, Mary Sulivan, Martin Milner. Never underestimate the power of a wife’s best friend! Adult 50c; Children 12c. Matinee Sun. 2:30. Children under 12 free when accompanied by parent. Corporal Wilson ... on leave ★ ★ ★ Corporal Wilson Returns from Korea Spends 14 Months in Far East REDBIRD—Cpl. Virgil Wilson, who served 14 months in the First armored amphibious bat talion of the First marine divi sion in Korea, arrived home Sun day to spend a 30-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson and with other relatives and friends. Other Redbird News ■The Scott Community club held a Christmas party Sunday, December 14, at the Scottville hall. A 1 o’clock dinner was en joyed. A clever skit was pre sented at 2:30 when Santa (Mrs. Frank McDonald) came feeling “very ill.” The family, Mrs. Charlie Gifford, Janet and Larry, tried all sorts of “medical aid.” Finally they solved his “illness” by presenting a program, which included recitations and songs ac companied by the piano, guitar and accordian. Santa’s capers all through the program provided as much merriment as the pro gram itseii. Santa with the help of Janet Gifford and Janet Krug man passed out the gifts and treats. The hall and tree were decorated by the president, and vice-president, Mrs. Charlie Gif ford and Mrs. McDonald. A let ter from Mrs. Elmer Luedtke, a former member, now living in Omaha, was read. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carson, Rex ford, Claranna and June, Mr. and Mrs. Junior Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schollmeyer, Bruce and Bardy Jo, Mrs. Anna Carson, Mrs. Harvey Krugman and chil dren, Mrs. Ray Wilson and Gar ry, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDon ald, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gif ford, Larry, Janet and Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Luber, Wayne, Donna, Charles ahd Patricia, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilson, Billy, Philip and Rozella, Mrs. Charles Luber, Mary Luber, Rick Truax, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hull and Leroy. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wells en tertained the Wells families on Christmas day. Pvt. Beryle Bessert returned to his base at Lewiston, N.Y., after a 15-day furlough with home folks. Mrs. John Stewart and boys have been visiting several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Bessert and Beryle. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Steffen and family and her father, Earn Wilson of Gregory, S.D., were dinner guests Sunday, December 21, in the Ray Wilson home. Several school programs were enjoyed in the community the past week. The sale of boxes netted more than $50 in each school. Teachers were Melvin Miller at the Carson school, Joan Rosicky at the Scottville school and La Dona Crawford and Paul ine Anderson at the McKenzie school. name Kosenkrans and sons, Ernest and Roger called on Ray Wilson on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Evans of Rushville arrived Tuesday eve ning, December 23, to visit their daughter, Mrs. Albert Carson and1 family. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Baker and Mrs. Frank McDonald were sup per guests Sunday in the Ray Wilson home. The amateur cQntest and box social sponsored by the Lucky Clover 4-H club at Scottville netted $33, with which the club plans to buy a phonograph. First prize was awarded to Dick Truax, a guitar solo; second to Claranna Carson, an accordian solo, and third to Leroy Hull, a solo, ac companied by his mother at the piano. Mrs. Guy Hull, Mrs. Nick Bak er and Mrs. Ray Wilson attended the Rebekah lodge Christmas party in Lynch Tuesday evening, December 23. Leroy Hull, Bruce Schollmeyer and Dick Truax were in the program. Albrights Hold Yuletide Reunion— PAGE—Mr. and Mrs. Gailord Albright enjoyed having all their children with them for Christ mas dinner at the home of their daughter, Mrs. O. J. Hoffman, and family. Those present were Sterling Albright, FN, of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Al bright and Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Shane of Lincoln, Miss LaVonne Albright of Beatrice, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stevens and sons of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman and family of Clearwater and Mr. and Mrs. Gailord Albright. Mr. Albright, who has employ ment at Sioux City, had come home Tuesday evening, Decem ber 23, for a few days’ visit with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Elden Butterfield were Christmas dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. El bridge Mavnard at Creighton. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Speers of Verdigre i were also present. O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Anderson and family and Mrs. Bertha Prescott spent Christmas in Laurel at the home of Mrs. Tillie Anderson and Janet. Other Suests present were Mr. and Mrs. Allen Prescott and family of Dixon and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lamb and family of Wayne. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hamilton of Dixon were evening callers. Out-of-town relatives who at tended the funeral of Mrs. Betsy Aim were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Aim of Atlanta, 111., Miss Doris Aim of Peoria, 111., A/3c Ted Aim of Amarillo, Tex., Radio man/1 c and Mrs. William Poff and sons of Hawaii and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Klein of Imperial. Miss Joan Burgess left Monday for Denver, Colo., to resume her teaching duties there. Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Yenglin of Kingston, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Yenglin of Pigeon, Mich., arrived December 21 to spend the holidavs with Mr. and Mrs. George Layh. Mr. and Mrs. James Banks and daughter spent Christmas eve in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas And erson spent Christmas even and day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. William Ander son entertained relatives in their home for Christmas dinner. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. How ard Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Hitchcock of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Williamson and family of Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Timm and Ronnie, Mr. and Mrs. Orville McKim and family and Mr. and Mrs. Billie Marcellus. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Pruss and family left Saturday for Anita, la., to visit her parents and at tend a family reunion. They plan to remain for several days. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Arrasmith spent Christmas in Ainsworth at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Firth. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Morgan of Grand Island were Sunday supper guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Babl. They also visited Mrs. Vannie Newman. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Clark spent Christmas eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Luben at Inman. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blomstrom and children of Winner, S.D , spent Christmas with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Bosn. Mr. and Mrs. Bartley Brennan and sop spent Christmas eve and day in Wayne with Mrs. Bren nan’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Porterfield. Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Bright entertained guests at a Christmas dinner in their home. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bright and Eddie, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bright of Orchard, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Keichafer and two sons of Plainview and Mrs. •Darel Bright of Atkinson. « / STANNARD’S STORE V — O’NEILL — You're lucky to live in O'Neill or nearby.. * There are many reasons — one important reason is that you can live better for less money . . . especially if you shop at McDonald’s. Our everyday prices for sheets and many other home needs are lower than so called sale prices of many big-city stores. Now, our famous low prices are slashed even lower! aft* I FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY! OUR LOWEST PRICES 1 ALMOST 3 YEARS! COMPARE! SAVE! Sale! Money Bak SHEETS You can’t buy better sheets at these low prices! Sale! Pepperell combed PERCALE SHEETS Combing leaves only the ln. _ long, strong fibres. So you Size 72x 08 — 2.73 enjoy satin smooth sheets. ^ ^ UghtgWeiglU for easy laun- 81x108 A*#*# cases 63c 128 strong threads firmly woven in every square inch Sparkling white, carefully made, with 128 tough threads to the square inch! They’re tested for strength. That means you’ll enjoy years of service from MONEY BAK sheets. These famous-for-wear muslin sheets are made especially for McDonald’s to give-you the utmost in value. Smooth texture, firm-weave, full bleached, with wide hems. Come get a bargain armful today and SAVE! 72x99 _1.77 81x108 -2.07 42x36 cases -43c Doncrest smooth, strongtype 140 SHEETS f“72x108l> OP- 2.55 s“4SchLe0dngc*mapLnrl!81x99 cases _ 48c | i Sale' BATH TOWELS reg. 89c to 1.19 Tough turkish towels in 7 bathroom brighten ing colors and Jacquards. Absorbent, long wearing. Stock up now at 77c. Irregulars of PLAYTEX* PILLOWS If perfect you’d pay 12.95 . .. Sleep better! So comfortable to sleep on . . never mat, never need plumping. Allergy free! White, zippered ticks Tiny flaws won’t affect wear or comfort. They re guaranteed! Save! •Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. I- I Regularly 9.95 CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Homemaker’s delight! Full size, multicolors Velvety-soft, fluffy ... a full size multicolor spread with a striking floral medalion design in heavy pile chenille on white or colored grounds. Closely tufted. □ 1 MfflP|J ft 2 AT IIP °f lhirsty' focl ^uare terry cloth in many styles, §■£* VVMvll IJFLw I llV colors. Values to 39c, now__ 6 for FLOUR SACK TOWELS —i-~ 99c MATTRESS PADS X“1T r 2.98 ™ 3.99 WHITE SHEET BLANKETS T,” i„ 1.84 All I All! TIIRIMO tOP qualily,tyP€ 128- 42" wide* Make cases CO 1 lali V II I UDIHU at a saving! R egulaxly 59c a yard, now only .__ TCDDV TAUin 0 16 x25’ * * * whiie with multi-plaids. A|| 1 1 1 UsiCLl# absorbent. Special ...... 7 for ASSYIHA Cl AMMCI 36"wide- Soft, snowy white. A A vil I lilw I LnSiIVCL Regularly 39c a yard. Now only ....... 3 yds. .. riiiiiiiii.nWiiiiMi Regularly 7.95 10% WOOL BLANKETS 5 decorator colors and Jacquards . . . 72x90 A full 6” lunger than ordinary blankets for comfort and convenience. A practical blend of 10% wool for warmth, cotton for soft comfort, and rayon for beauty and resiliency. 5” satin binding. Fill your winter needs now and SAVE! «