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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1952)
Plan Oyster Supper for Businessmen EWING — Sweaters for chil dren in Korea was a topic of dis cussion at the business session of the American Legion auxiliary unit 214 held at the Legion club Thursday evening. A letter was received and read from the na tional child welfare committee of the auxiliary which is sponsor ing the plan. Knitting instruc tions are being provided through the auxiliary president, Mrs. Herbert Kirschmier. Anyone who knits is invited to take part in this project. Plans were also made to serve an oyster supper for the Ewing Commercial club and their wives Thursday evening, December 18, at the Legion club. Each mem ber of the auxiliary is requested to bring one quart of milk. Fol lowing the supper, treats for San ta Claus day will be sacked. Dues for the year 1953 were paid by several members, and Mrs. Richard Edwards, a guest, became a member of unit 214. Mrs. Robley Sisson, sr., and Mrs. Herbert Kirschmicr served lunch after which Christmas gifts were exchanged. Orchard Wins from Page in Overtime But Eagles Win Two During Week "PAGE—The Orchard high Ori oles defeated the Page Eagles, 51-49. Page led at the half, 29 26, only to relinquish the lead upon conclusion of the third quarter. Heiss sent the game into an overtime when he converted two pressure charity tosses. Arvid Erb, with less than one minute remaining of the overtime period, hit. a jump shot which provided the Orchard victory. The game was well played and the officiat ing excellent. The Eagles bounced back inio the win column when they de feated the Inman Tigers, 69-41, at Page. The Eagles roared to • a 29-7 first quarter lead; at half time they had accumulated a 49-12 score. Larry Heiss pumped through 17 of his 21 points in the first half. Leist, Park and Troshynski all garnered 10 or more points. Don Kelly paced Inman’s offense with 16 points. Page added win number 3 at the expense of the Atkinson high Balers by a 54-46 count. The teams were equally matched for the first half. At the inter mission {joint, the score was knotted at 27-all. Atkinson’s hopes for a victory were shat tered when Fred Dunn, capable post player, dislocated a knee which had been injured in foot ball. With Page switching to a man to-man defense, the Eagle offense picked up momentum and had built a 37-32 margin at the third quarter. Park hit the range at will during the last stanza for 10 of his 17 points. Game Captain Hugh Troshyn ski followed with 13 points and Larry Heiss with 10. Richard Kissinger paced all scorers with a 20 point harvest. Page round bailers will return to action on January 5, 1953 when the Elk hom-Sandhill gateway confer ence tournament gets under way. Page schools will close Friday afternoon and will reopen on De cember 29. On Thursday, Jan uary l, there will be no classes commemorating the New Year holiday. A completely NEW idea in hat comiort and design at unbelievably low prices w nnms / Packaged ii Polyethyl en V > A lightweight hat . . . made of top grade genuine fur felt with a new idea of fitting . . . the TOSS-UP floats on the head — with the "Feathery Fit." Packed in strong Polyethylene bag . . . toss it in the back seat of your car . . . in your traveling bag ... or your pock et. It will come up smiling and clean. Factory pre-blocked to spring into shape at the touch of a finger . . . and always keeps ifi smart crown and brim style. CHLOROPHYLL treated inside head band to repel perspiration odors . . . outside hat band is stainproof — good bye soiled bat bands. Deluxe Toss-Up $15 Fur Value $6.50 1. Convenient for School . . .tucks in 1 pocket in a jiffy during classes. ? 2. Perfect itt your Pocket . . . roll if lime after time ... the TOSS-UP will always come wp smiling. ■■-' ^ 3. “Topi" tor Travel . . . To** It in your suitcase . . . To** it in the beck of the car. Open it—Springs right back into pre-blocked style—with touch of finger*. PETERSEN’S CLOTHING — O'NEILL — DANCE AT SPENCER Thrusday, Dec. 25th Teply’s Bohemian Band SPONSORED BY W.B.F.A. Lodge Valentine Rolls Past Stuart, 48-23 STUART—The Valentine Bad gers defeated the Stuart Broncos, 48-43, in a conference basketball game at Stuart Friday evening. Valentine, a class B school, led . in scoring throughout the game. Don Wewel was high point man for Stuart with 10 points and J. Wrage was high point man for Valentine with 14. Due to the absence of the Val entine seconds, the Newport and Stuart graders played a lively game which ended 27-22 in favor of Stuart. Boxscore: STUART (23) Fg Fi Pf P J. Hytrek_0 2 12 J. Nelson_0 2 4 2 L. Paxton_0 0 0 0 M. Mitchell_1 2 2 4 D. Brewster_1 2 5 4 L. Seger_0 0 0 0 D. Wewel_3 4 4 10 D. Shald_0 1 5 1 Total_5 13 21 23 VALEN. (48) Fg Ft Pf P Murphy_1 13 3 Asher _1 3 4 5 Hagecom _0 4 14 Lamoureaux_1 0 0 2 J. Wrage_5 4 2 14 Rowe_0 0 0 0 Arrasmith_3 5 4 11 Peters_0 0 10 F. Wrage_3 3 3 9 Jeffers_0 0 10 Totals_14 20 19 48 Reveal Secret Pals, Exchange Gifts — The Star Get-Together club met Wednesday, December 10, at the home of Mrs. Ewalt Miller with a covered dish luncheon at noon. Sixteen members were present. |n the afternoon the business meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Miller. Roll call was answered by naming what each wanted for Christmas. The attendance contest closed. The losers are to entertain the winners at a later date. After the business meeting, Mrs. Miller gave the lesson on “Making Glow Candles” with each one decorating a pair of candles which Mrs. Miller had made. At the close of the afternoon gifts were exchanged to reveal the names of each secret pal. Names were then drawn again the coming year. The next meeting will be held January 13 at the home of Mrs. Albert Derickson. Husbands Entertained— Mrs. Leigh Reynoldson enter tained the bridge club at a Christmas party in her home Sun nay night. The husbands of the members were invited to the par ty. The evening was spent play ing bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunt were the winners. After an exchange of gifts, the group went to the Town House for a midnight dinner. Osenbaugh Home Scene of Yule Party — The Merry-Myx club held a Christmas party Tuesday at a 1:30 o’clock dessert luncheon at the home of Mrs. J. D. Osen baugh. The afternoon was spent playing cards. Winners were Mrs. H. L. Lindberg and Mrs. H. G. Kruse. Ice skates, new and used, all sizes.—Western Auto, O'Neill. 33cS0 Basketball St. Mary s Academy Cardinals (O’NEILL) Vs. St. Josephs Hall Bluejays (ATKINSON) * O’Neill Public School Gymn Monday, December 22 Preliminary Game Starts at 7 PJM. Admission: Adults 50c, Students 25c ^f^<c>ycctgtCTtPce<tCTct«^tctg^g^pgepctc<tgtgtggtg<tg^<gxtc^!gtg!ttg!gi€tgtg>cxx<xtgc^pgggtgtgtgctw<iwc^ I HEY. KIDS! | Do You Want a Puppy for Christmas? ;| | OF Santa Claus is leaving several puppies at my office f yr W | on Friday, December 19th. All little bys and | s ^ • 5 1 girls are invited to bring letters to my office, telling g ■ g | why you want a puppy for Christmas. Best letters get g s? a | the pups—while they last! i G. R. COOK I — VETERINARIAN — § | O’NeUl Nebr. | t iSr* * T' . - ■* - - ■ ■" ji FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (O'Neill) Rev. Samuel Lee, pastor Sunday-school, 9:45 a.m.; wor ship, ll a.m.; Junior high West minster fellowship, Sunday, 5 - 7 p.m. Spiritual life group meet ing Monday, 3 p.m. The* Presbytery of Niobrara will meet in the church sanctuary at 4 p.m. today (Thursday). The moderator’s dinner will be served at 5:30 and at 6:15 in the church basement. At this writing there are a few tickets available for the dinner. You may call Mrs. D. C. Schaffer, Mrs. Lawrence Beckenhauer or Mrs. Felix Hen drick. The moderator of the general assembly will speak at a 7:30 service on the evening of Decem ber 18. The service wil be held in the church unless we are un able to accommodate the crowd. In that event the service will be held in the public school audi torium. This service will be open to the public, and any who care to may attend. The Sunday-school Christmas program will be held in the church on Monday evening, De cember 22. All members and friends are invited to attend. There will be no meeting of the senior high Westminster fel lowship during the week of Christmas and during the week of New Year’s day. The time scheduled for the cherub choir and the story' hour on Saturday will be used for practice for the Christmas pro gram. All Sunday-school chil dren should be present. Cherub choir practice and story hour will not be held on December 27. CHRIST LUTHERAN (O'Neill) Corner of 7th and Clay Streets Rev. R. W. Olson, pastor Thursday, December 18: La dies Aid Christmas party, 2 p.m. Mrs. Palmer SkulBorstad and Mrs. Dean Jeffrey, hostesses. Friday, December 19: Second year confirmation class, 4:15 p.m. Adult instruction class, 8 p.m. Saturday, December 20: Christmas program practice, 2:30 p.m. Sunday, December 21: Sunday school, 10 a.m.: divine worship, 11:15 a.m. Wednesday, December 24: Spe cial children’s Christmas service, 5 p m. (Christmas eve). Thursday, December 25: Christmas festival’ service, 10:45 p.m. In the name of Christ Jesus, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, we bid everyone a sin cere welcome to all services and activities of this congregation. If you have no church home we cordially invite you to worship with us regularly. WESLEYAN METHODIST (O'Neill) (Four blocks north of Ford garage on Fifth st.) Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor December 18: Missionary pray er meeting, Mrs. Roy Cole, pre siding, 8 p.m. December 19: Choir practice for the young people. December 21: Sunday-school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.; Christ mas program, 8 p.m. Center Un ion Sunday-school is cooperating in the giving of the program. December 20: Children prac tice, 12:45 p.m. December 31, at 8 p.m.: Watch night service. Bring your friends and join us in any of our ser vices. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to the O’Neill com munity. For ye know the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though He was rich yet for your sake He became poor that ye through His poverty might be rich. ASSEMBLY OF GOD (O'Neill) Rev. Wayne A. Hall, pastor “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shall call His name Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins.” Matt. 1:21. From this verse we understand that only those who have been saved are His people. The December 21 Sunday ser vices are as follows: Sunday-school, 10 a.m. We had the most ever last Sunday in at tendance. Let’s just keep grow ing. Sunday worship service, 11 a.m. This is communion service with a message from God’s Word. A Christmas program will be given by the Sunday-school at 8 p.m. We invite visitors to any of the services of the church and believe you will enjoy God’s blessing with us. CENTER UNION (O'Neill) (Three miles west and one mile north of the drive-in theater) Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor Prayer meeting December 23 in the Clarence Ernst home at 8 p.m. December 21: Worship, 10 a.m.; Sunday-school, 11 a.m. Evening service dismissed for the Christmas program in the Wes leyan Methodist church in O’ Neill. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to the O’Neill com munity. For ye know the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though He was rich yet for your sake He became poor that ye through His poverty might be rich. METHODIST (Chambers) Rev. L. R. Hansberry, pastor Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m., Clair Grimes, superintendent. Worship, 11:30 a.m There will be a Christmas pro gram on Christmas eve starting at 8 o’clock. A special collection will be taken for world service. COMMUNITY (Stuart) Church school classes will meet each Sunday at 10 a m Worship will follow at 11 a.m Please note change of time. The annual Christmas program by the church school children will be given Sunday evening December 21, at 8 o’clock. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN (Atkinson) Rev. R. W. Olson, pastor Thursday, December 18: Third midweek advent service, 7:30 p.m. Christmas program practice, 8130 p.m. Sunday, December 21: Divine worship, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday school, 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, December 24: Spe cial children’s Christmas service, 7:30 p.m. (Christmas eve). Thursday, December 25: Christmas festival service, 9 a.m. In the name of Christ Jesus, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, we bid everyone a cor dial welcome to all services and activities of this congregation. I ST. PETER'S EPISCOPAL (Neligh) Rev. Wm. H. Cowger, vicar Hoiy communion, Sunday, 9 a.m. Church school, Sunday, 10 a.m. Christmas eve midnight holy communion. Christmas day, 10 a.m., holy communion will be celebrated by Reverend Cowger at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Heriford in O’Neill. All Episco palians are urged to attend. CHURCH OF CHRIST (O'Neill) Corner of Sixth and Grant John Thomas, minister Bible school, 10 a.m.; commun ion and preaching, 11 a.m. The morning message will be, Evening worship at 8 o’clock. “The Conversion of the Jailer.” The evening message will be, “The Works of Darkness.” Bible study and prayer meet ing Wednesday, 8 p.m. We invite everyone to attend these services and praise the Lord with us. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN (Ewing) Christmas eve services are be ing planned at the United Pres byterian church by the Rev. W. J. Bomer. METHODIST (Ewing) The Ewing Methodist Sunday school will present its Christ mas program to the public Sun day evening, December 21. O’MNews . Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harkins and family of Chambers were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Green. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Morgan and two daughters of North Loup spent Monday here visiting in the Clayton Mesner residence and in Inman visiting Mr. Morgan’s sis ter, Mrs. Jack Taylor. Mrs. Frank Urban of Ewing spent from Sunday until Wed nesday visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Gorgen. A/2c Duane Miller has been transferred to Ellington AFB, Houston, Tex., where he has been assigned to duties as a radio me chanic. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller drove to Tekamah Saturday to get their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Duane Miller, and grandson, Ken ny. They will stay at the Miller home for the present time. Miss LaVeta Lehn will spend the Christmas holidays in Wahoo with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bock of Burlington, la., arrived Tuesday to spend the holidays with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. G. Owen Cole, and family at Emmet. Miss Joan Burgess, who teaches in the junior high school at Den ver, Colo., will meet her parents, Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Burgess, in Lincoln, where they will spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Burgess and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Fetrow spent Monday in Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Langan spent Monday in Norfolk. MY. and Mrs. Roy Lanman went to Osmond last Thursday to visit in the Perry Neal home. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Haynes spent Sunday in Page visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Trecker and family of Broken Bow spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Klein. Mrs. Trerker and Mrs. Klein are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Cromwell of Creighton were weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. George Mellor and daughters of Atkinson were Tuesday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lanman. Decorate Tree — The Martez club met at the Town House Tuesday, December 16, for a Christmas party. The group brought a decorated tree for the party and there was an exchange of gifts. Evelyn Stan nard played the role of “Santa." 9FF in Session — The 9FF club met for a 7 p.m. dinner at the M&M cafe Wed nesday. After dinner the group returned to the home of Mrs. Harison Bridge to hold a Christ mas party and exchange of gifts. «... Is * re*1 b°y! A perfect Christmas gift! Genuine Certified P„.v Floor Lamp! Scientifically designed to give you the best in good ligh-' FREE 3-DAY HOME TRIAL! gee These Beautiful Lamp* Now on Display at CONSUMERS PUBLIC POWEl DISTRICT Ewing FHA Stages 52 Style Revue EWING— Materials of cordu roy, velvet, gabardine and den im were popular fabrics in the style show of the Future Home makers of America held last Thursday evening at the Ewing high school auditorium. A living room, with a gaily decorated Christmas tree near the fireplace, a table centered with a bouquet of red roses, the FHA flower, flanked by candles rep resenting the goals of the FHA, and the FHA emblem, made up the stage setting for the show. A Christmas skit bringing out the points of good grooming, op ened the evening’s program, fol lowed by modeling of clothing. The freshmen had made skirts and the sophomores and juniors modeled dresses, skirts, suits and pajamas. In closing, Christmas carols were sung by the entire group led by Joellyn Eacker. Two club mothers, Mrs. J. L. Pruden, who has assisted the FHA girls in many ways for the last five years, and Mrs. Leland Welke for the past two years, were made honorary members of the Future Homemakers of America. Diane Baum, FHA president, presented each with an FHA pin. Refreshments were served. A snowy centerpiece featuring Santa Claus was used on a white linen poinsettia bordered table cloth. Girls who participated in the style show were: Vera Dell Dan iels, Virginia Latzel, Agatha Boies, Clarabelle Mlnarik, Lyn ette Helmricks, Sharon Schmidt, Iris Van Ostrand, Mona Mosel, Charlene Boies, Jean Sehilousky, Mary Miller, Catherine Bauer, Laura Helmricks, Helen Rother ham and her two small sisters for whom she had made dresses;, Su son Slizoski, Florence Van Os trand, Dorothy Black, Rozetta McDonald, Jeanne Welke, Nila Cary, Bonnie Jo Jefferies, Diane Baum, Marilyn Weyrich, Betty Van Vleck, Bernadine Sanders, Bethyl Daniels. Miss Marcia Gib son, a senior, acted as narrator. Miss Fern Pruden is instructor of the homemaking department. Octogenarian in First Oulinq in Year — EWING—Sunday was a red letter day for Mrs. Minnie Rei mer, 89, when she accepted a dinner invitation at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Wulf. (Mrs. Reimer made the trip across the road in her wheel chair, propelled by her grand son, Kenneth Lee, and thorough ly enjoyed the outing. She said it was her first in over a year. Other guests at the Wulf home were Mrs. Anita Lee and sons, Kenneth and Virtus, of Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Maben of Clearwater. He nor Sons — Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Jonas held a birthday supper Tuesday night in honor of the birthday anniversaries of their son, Dickie, and Parkie Gaughenbaugh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Gaughen baugh of Inman. Dickie wras 14 and Parkie 11. Mr. and Mrs. Gaughenbaugh and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jonas were also present. MM Holds Yule Party — The M M club met Friday night at the M&M cafe for dinner and then wrent to the home of Mrs. Esther Karris for a Christ mas party. The group exchanged gifts and played bridge. Winners were Mrs. H. G. Kruse and Mrs. D. C. Schaffer. A late lunch was served by Mrs. Harris. Club in Gift Exchange — The Delta Dek club met at the home of Mrs. C. J. Gatz Thurs day evening, December 11, for* their Christmas party. After an exchange of gifts the gi:oup went to the Town House for dinner. BEING DISCHARGED Mr. and Mrs. Edward Krugman received word from their son, •’ Harold, that he is in Flint, Mich., where he is receiving his dis charge and he expects to be home this weekend. Yule Party — The Jeudi club held a Christ mas party at the Town House Thursday, December ll, at a 7:10 o’clock dinner. The evening was spent socially and the members exchanged gifts. RSS in Session — The RSS club held their Christ mas party Wednesday evening in the Charles Switzer home. A dinner was served to the group by Mrs. Switzer. Dr. Edw. J. Norwood, O.D. Optometrist, from Crawford, Nebraska, will be in O'Neill on DECEMBER 19 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. At the Hotel Golden Eyes Scientifically . Examined Glasses Properly Fitted Christmas Dollar Day Specials! Ip Give her a gift of fashion for Christ- 11 mas . •. at a value-full Penney price! •S^>!v!»>:^j®g6ggx-v.v.v.v.v.v.v.\v.v.v HH"' * GIFT BAGS 11 I • Soft rayon failles! \ ; . |ll • Tailored, look-like-leather plastics! | L •" i g£si A handbag style to please every woman on your list ... at a price that pleases your budget! See Penney's big, roomy satchels... ^ \ handsome shoulder bags -1 ... shirred, beautifully de tailed dress-up styles. WUS FED. TAX :;1 | Make your selection, now!! p | m . ; / - ' wM ' - f - m. fmm * $v ml I w& i Floral Tuft GIFT TOWELS 2.98 SET Luxurious heavy terry towels—famous Cannon quality, vivid Cannon colors! Set includes bath towel, face towel, wash . * cloth. Smart chenille tufted designs. ------ -fc. m Penney’s own | 60-gauge, 15-denier 1 SHEER tl I GIFT tv IGAYMODES r" $ \ | y.' §gppp*jj Superbly sheer...yet 60 gauge nylons give long wear, too! These are Pen ney’s own, famous Gay- liii modes, so you know you’re choosing a perfect gift. {Incidentally, she'll appre ciate the high twist yarns in the flattering dark seams!) 8Vi-11. ¥:X!: i m" '♦ ' ' • I I / - • 4 . V ' , V -< '.I **wc«wwc«<*ci«'«P««cie^K«weicx ttx**** 5-Pc. Cannon GIFT TOWEL SET 2.59 Luxury towel set in noted Cannon colors, fine Cannon quality—at Penney’s thrifty gift price! You get bath tow el, 2 face towels, 2 wash cloths — all gift wrap ped! Three Lacy BOXED HANKIES 98c BOX OF 3 * Deep lace corners, fresh. ' and colorful embroid ery, on fine lawn . . . this trio of dainty hankies makes such a lovely gift . . . for less than a dollar! • * * ♦ . # * 3