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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1952)
Herbert McNish Fatally Stricken Mother Learns News in Telegram * EWING—On Wednesday, De cember 10, Mrs. Ella McNish re ceived a telegram telling of the death of her son, Herbert Mc Nish, who has resided in Califor nia for a number of years. Death was due to a heart at . tack, the message said. Mrs. Maden Funk of Ewing is a sister of Mr. McNish. 4 (0 Other Ewing News Wm. Snider went to Norfolk on Thursday where he attended the funeral of a friend. Mr. and Mrs. George Jefferies transacted business in O’Neill last • Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Muff and daughter, Carolyn, of O’Neill were calling on relatives in Ew ing Sunday. Miss Minnie Neiderheider of Clearwater was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wulf on Wednesday, December • * 10. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Myers of Clearwater spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wulf. Mrs. George Neal and Mrs. Fred Maben of Clearwater were guests of Mrs. Harold Van Vleck in attendance at the style show at the Future Homemakers of America held Thursday evening * at the school auditorium. The forum group of the United Presbyterian church met last Thursday evening at the annex. They made candy which will be sent to Robert Montgomery of the armed forces, stationed at Ft. McClellan, Ala. Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Bomer and sons were dinner guests on ' ' .?"'■ . ... Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Verle Gunter and family. All attended the “Messiah” pre sented at O’Neill in the after noon. Baptismal services were held Sunday morning at the United Presbyterian church for the fol lowing babies: Johnny Gunter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Verle Gun ter; Bruce Fink, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink; Rita Napier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Napier. Candace Kirsehmier celebrated her sixth birthday anniversary on Friday. Three little girls were entertained at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Kirsehmier, after school, in honor of the occasion. A birth day cake and gifts were both en joyed. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirsch mier and children were guests on Sunday at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Miller, at Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Peterson and family were Sunday guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Peterson of Chambers. Guests at the home of Mrs. Agnes Bartak on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. “Bud” Bartak and family, and Mrs. Anna Savidge. Mr. and Mrs. John Archer transacted business in O’Neill last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Archer and family of Grand Island, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bower of Neligh, Mrs. Howard Dunlap of Casper, Wyo., were guests at the John Archer home on Wednesday, De cember 10. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Cloyd and family entertained at Sunday dinner Mrs. Cloyd’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Timmerman of Plainview and Mr. and Mrs. Les lie Brokaw and family of Nor folk. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dunaway took their grandchildren, Bonnie Beth and Bobbie Dunaway, to their home at Hastings on Wed nesday, December 10. They have been guests of relatives the past month. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Jensen and daughter entertained her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry, at a 6 o’clock dinner Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Jensen and sons drove to Meadow Grove on Sunday to spend the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jensen and family. David Cloyd writes his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Cloyd, that he has been transferred from the landing barge to the repair ship, Satyr ARL23 and will be stationed at San Diego, Calif. Da vid has been stationed at San Francisco for several months. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Lar sen were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coleman in Neligh. O'Neill News Mr. and Mrs. Dean Streeter and their niece, Patricia McKen zie, spent Sunday in Brunswick visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swanson and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Soost of Magnet brought Mrs. William Soost to the L. F. Beckenhauer home where she will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Ray spent the weekend in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Britteil and Janis of Neligh and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nelson and son of OaKdale were Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Britteil. Sunday eve ning callers in the Britteil home were Mr. and Mrs. Amie Mace, jr., and Dickie. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Davis and sons, Eddie, Lyle and Owen, left Friday evening for Hawthorne, Calif., a suburb of Los Angeles, where they were called by the serious illness of Mr. Davis’s fa ther. They plan to remain until after Christmas. Tune In! Voice of The Fron tier” . . Mon., Wed., Sat., 9:45 a.m. a.m.. 780 kc., WJAG. Take Collection for Mother Jewell Home CHAMBERS — The Woman’s Society of Christian Service met on Thursday, December 11, at the home of Mrs. Darrell Gillette for a Christmas lesson. There were 27 members, five visitors and several children present. The president reported a total of nine out of 13 officers had been present for an executive board meeting on Sunday eve ning, December 7, also tola of the new study lesson of “Preface to Bible Study” starting Janu ary 22. A collection was taken for the Mother Jewell home at York. Mrs. R. K. Platt conducted the devotionals using the lesson from Luke 2:8-20. Mrs. Glen Adams and Mrs. Lee Mitchell sang “There’s a Song in the Air. ’ The lesson on “Good Tidings of Great Joy” was presented by Mrs. C. V. Robertson. Used also in connection with the lesson, to stress the World Federation of Methodist Women, were 12 branches of pine representing the federation tree of life. A chain, representing the 28 coun tries belonging to the federa tion, was made by members as they read of the work done by the Woman’s Society of Christian Service units in other countries. Refreshments of ice cream, co coanut decorated cup cakes and coffee were served by Mrs. Lou is Neilson, Mrs. Charles Grimes, Mrs. Gillette and Mrs. Steve Shavlik. The next meeting is on January 8. Other Chambers News Mary Taggart came from Om aha to spend the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Taggart, and family. Mrs. Jim Kirkland of Atkinson spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Walter. Mr. and Mrs. E. R- Carpenter visited their son - in - law and ' daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stevens, and family at Atkinson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ruther and son of Inman spent Sunday, December 14, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Leidtke. FN James Thornton came Monday, December 15, from Nor folk, Va., for a 20-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Thornton, and other relatives. James has been in the service for 18 months of which nine were spent in Korean waters. His ship docked at Long Beach, Calif., on November 3. From there he went to Panama and up the East cQast to Norfolk, Va. He will report back at Norfolk on January 4. The Rebekah lodge members held a Christmas party at the’ lodge rooms Friday evening, December 12. A short program was presented and gifts were exchanged. Mr. and Mrs. William Ritter bush and Marie, Erna and Arn old Zuelke were Sunday dinner guests in the Ruben Peltzer home. Mr. and Mrs. Arnie Mace, jr., and son, Dick, were guests in the William Ritterbush home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell were Sunday dinner guests of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Urban. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Verle Tuttle and family of Clearwater and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Boll witt and family of Ewing. Stanley Elkins drove to Oma ha Monday, December 15. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Baker and boys were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Elkins. John Svatos of Verdel came Monday, December 15, for a few days* visit with his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Svatos. Mrs. John Honeywell went to O’Neill last Thursday and spent until Friday evening with her daughter, Mrs. Elwyn Rubeck, and Katheryn. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brown and family were Sunday evening guests in the Anton Svatos home. Jim Jarman and Burl Young went to Omaha Sunday where they are employed. The following were present at the Stanley Elkins home Sunday evening for a bridge party: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wondersee, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Farrier and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Baker. Pfc. Leonard L. Svatos, who is stationed in Korea, suffered sec ond degree bums from a gas stove explosion on November 23. A late letter to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Svatos, states he is well and back at work. Monowi Marine in California Maneuvers— LYNCH—Marine Pfc. Leonard R. Vlcan of Monowi recently spent three weeks on board ship and in the field during an am phibious combat maneuver staged by the Third marine division along the California coast. Vlcan is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thamos Vlcan. He is serving as a cannoneer with the second battalion, 12th ma rines, stationed at Camp Pendle ton, Calif. Private Vlcan entered the marine corps in February, 1952, and took his boot training at the marine corps recruit de pot, San Diego. He attended the Lynch high school. Oiher Lynch News Mrs. Lloyd Spencer spent Mon day, December 8, at the George Lee home. Mrs. Nata Bjomsen and Lan ora spent Saturday, December 13, at the Ralph Papstein home in Spencer. The Christmas club party was held Thursday, December 11, at the home of Mrs. Frank Mulhair. Christmas games were played af ter a glo-candle demonstration. Gifts were exchanged also. The guests were Mrs. August Boysen of Madison, Mrs. Mike Stenger and IMrs. Tommy Courtney. Mrs. Mulhair served a lunch in late afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Halva visited at the Henry Bohac home in Butte on Sunday. Mrs. Frank Weeder attended the funeral of a relative in Ponca last Friday. A/lc Leo L. Kalkowski arrived Saturday from Parks AFB, Calif., if or a 15-day enroute to South Carolina with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Kalkowski, and other relatives. Mrs. Richard Kraemer and children spent Tuesday, Decem ber 9, with Mrs. Ed Johns. Mr. and Mrs. William Mahlen dorf were business visitors in Butte Wednesday, December 10. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Long vis ited at the Floyd Long home on Saturday, December 13. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schindler and Mr. and Mrs. Aldon Zink and family were Sunday, December 14, visitors at the Emil Micanek home. Mr: and Mrs. August Boysen and son, Bill, of Madison and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weeder were Fri day dinner guests at the Mike , Stenger hotne. Mrs. Albina Milacek is in Cali fornia visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Hay Peters tnd Gordon of Verdel spent Sunday, December 6, at the Nata Bjom son home. Michael and David Kalkowski spent Sunday at the George Kol kowski home. Faye Courtney was a business visitor in Omaha the first of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johns spent Wednesday, December 10, at the Phillip Hammon home. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Miller of Winner, S.D., spent the weekend with Lynch relatives. They were Saturday, December 13, sup per guests at the Patsy Mulhair home and Sunday dinner guests at the Harry Mulhair home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weeder visited at the Frank Kayl home near Spencer Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vlcan of Verdigre visited relatives here the past weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Meuller and family of Pickstown, S.D., spent Saturday and Sunday, De cember 13 and 14, at the Thomas Courtney, jr., home. Banns of marriage were an nduhced the first time in the As sumption BVM Catholic church in behalf of Richard Paul Court ney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Courtney, and Ruth Eiler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Eiler of Monowi. Mrs. George Lee spent Tues day, December 9, with Mrs. Wil liam Stouffer. The Lutheran Bible study club held a Christmas program Thursday evening, December 11, at the church. Games were played and gifts were exchanged with a lunch at midnight. Maxine Jehorek of Omaha spent Saturday and Sunday, De cember 13 and 14, at the parental Martin Jehorek home. Mrs. Matt Gdowski and daugh ter and Miss Clara Kohler of Fullerton, Miss Agatha Kohler of O’Connor and Mrs. Cecelia Ma son of Denver, Colo., were house guests at the Vince Jehorek home several days this week. Frank Kalal of Igloo, S.D., and his mother, Mrs. Mary Kalal of Lynch, visited in Niobrara Mon day, December 8. S,t. Joe Measures Chambers Quint — CHAMBERS — The Chambers high Coyotes were defeated to the tune of 50-42 in a lively game with the St. Joseph Blue jays of Atkinson on Friday eve ning, December 12. The Chambers second team al so lost to St. Joe. Club Members Eat Duck, Deer Steak AMELIA —Mrs. William Fry rear was hostess to the Helping Hand club Christmas party on Thursday, December 11. Twenty members and three visitors came with covered lunch eon dishes to supplement the din ner prepared by the hostess. Mrs. Fryrear served roast duck with all the “fixin’s” and fried deer steak from the deer Mr. and Mrs. Fryrear bagged while on their hunting trip in Wyoming last fall. Each person registered for the door prize upon arrival. The prize was later awarded to the persons whose names were drawn from a basket. Mrs. Emma Wal do received a box of hankies and LMrs. Goldie Hiatt received a new styled cake pan. Mrs. Fryrear had decorated the room in festive colors in keeping with the Christmas sea son. A tree, under which the guests placed their “mystery sister” gifts, was the main point of in terest The gifts were distributed and “mystery sisters” were revealed later in the afternoon. Mrs. Blake Ott and Mrs. Ralph Rees had charge of the program. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Bernard Blackmore on Jan uary 8, at which time Mrs. Au gust Pospichal and Mrs. Wil iam Fryrear will have charge of the entertainment. o Other Amelia News Pfc. Joe Kamphaus left Monday* morning to return to his army duties in Alaska. Gaylord Luginsland returned home on Sunday from Seattle, Wash., where he attends college. He will spend the Christmas va cation with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Albert Luginsland. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Small and son, Gary, of Hopkins, Mo., were visiting Amelia friends Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Alice Prewitt and son, Lynn, went to Burwell Friday. The Free Methodist Sunday school members and friends ga thered at the Clyde Burge home Friday evening for a party. They also made popcorn balls which will be sent to an orphanage for Christmas. The Amelia WSCS served lunch at the George Atkinson farm sale. They cleared approxi mately $60. They will serve again at the Wayne Standage sale December 17. The Inez school has been wired ° for REA. Lawrence Barnett put up the fixtures Saturday. John Hansen was home on a weekend pass the week of De cember 6. He is stationed in Il linois. j SANTA IS COMING TO TOWN! "Yes, six, I want to be seeing you kids in O'Neill ... I want to know what you're going to want from me when I'm making the rounds on Christmas eve!" ! O’NEILL PUBLIC SCHOOL ! SATURDAY. DEC. 20-2 P.M. f I SANTA WANTS TO SEE YOO! I | ONCE MORE the Jolly Ol’ Fellow has sent word that | he’ll be in O’Neill on Saturday . . . so, kiddies, don’t | disappoint him! He’ll have some goodies for the youn^ I sters and he’ll want to talk to as many of his little friends * g as possible. | m- m * f MEETING PLACE will be the same as last year and the % year before — the O’Neill Public School. Santa s | helpers will be on hand to assist. We Take This Opportunity to Extend Best Holiday | Wishes on Behalf of Every Member of Our Organization g Chamber of Commerce #5 | WM. W. McIntosh. President LAURENCE HAYNES, Secretary j | — O’NEILL — § | _ II <9 • ****** gifts for thrifty giving ne r^/s j esse<* up in glamour sets Delight any homemaker! 179to3? * Cannon and other thirsty 3 and 5 piece towel sets . . . made for service. Chenille embroidered, floral appliques, pastels, solid colors. . . ,V. XXXXX1 j^XXCi'XXxNX :,. _xxx-<vxv . ■'.v.v.NV.v-x , ■ »w. ■V.^.v, .v-* .W. >*■■>■ - - ii II ■ ■ Give deep, warm wool luxury Big 3Vi-pound DONCREST blanket value 1295 Express your warmest wishes with a DON CREST blanket. 100% virgin wool, 72 x 90. Shimmering satin bind ing. Yellow, rose, blue, green, aqua, chartreuse, geranium, hunter green. Choose HERS now! Pretty, deep-piled chenille bedspreads % < bedroom cheer Chill-chasing, cuddly chenille bedspreads will give her room a new face. Choose hers from a wide assortment of multi color patterns on white and on colors, striking solid colors, waveline chenilles, corduroy chenilles, medallion designs, and floral designs to match her bedroom furnishings.