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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1952)
When You & Were Young . . . Gas Lamps Replace Oil on Trains Here O’Neill Experiences a Trial Blackout 50 Years Ago F. J. Dishner left for eastern Nebraska to spend the holidays with relatives. . . With snow eight inches deep and coal $8 a ton, a man wonders what be came of his summer wages. . . The young man who owns a cut ter and a horse has no trouble getting a sweetheart. Sleighing is elegant. . . Two barrels of quail were seized by Game War den Carter ot Fremont There were 500 birds in the barreis and the shipper is liable to a fine of $5 for each bird. They vere shipped from Verdigre. . . S. B. Howard has purchased tho Jrittell meat market. . . John A. larmon purchased the L. C. Wade residence and will move in January 1. . . About January 1 the Eikhorn passenger will end through one of the neatest nd best equipped trains. Two f the new coaches will be mod em chair cars and will have gas lamps in place of the oil lamps ... A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Baker. 25 Years Ago A 25-foot Christmas tree will be ready for Santa next week . . . Hugh O’Neill died at his home at Ann Carr from heart fanure. He was born in Quebec, Canada. . . About 3,500 people viewed the new Ford. . . Mrs. Georgia Rasley’s car driven by Warren Hall and a machine driven by Eldon McPharlin were badly danaged when they col lided with another car enroute to Elgin for a film. . . Mrs. C. W. Porter entertained a group of youngsters in honor of Ned’s fifth birthday anniversary. 10 Years Ago Miss Regina O’Connor and Lt. 1 William Griffin were married De cember 10 at St. John’s parson age at Deloit with Rev. C. A. Beyerdorfer officiating. . . North east Nebraska bond rally reports sales of $396,806.25. . . A daugh ter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Saunto December 12. . . Pete Duffy went to Omaha to attend a sheriff’s convention. . . O’Neill held a trial blackout from 9-9:15 p.m. on December 11 . . . Donald Elkins and Miss Flo rence Bowers were married at the Methodist church December 15 with Rev. Dawson officiating ... A daughter was bom Decem ber 11 to Mr. and Mrs. Homer Asher. One Year Ago Capt. Herbert O. Brennan ---- Arlen Miles Anticipates Air Cadet Training — Airman Arlen (“Shorty”) Miles arrived Sunday for a 15-day de lay enroute with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Miles. He has been stationed at Parks air fores base, Caifomia, since his induc tion last summer and is going to San Angelo, Tex., where he will await air cadet training. He flew to Grand Island, and wil report at San Angelo December 31. Honored on Anniversary— Sandy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bright, was honored on her second birthday anniver sary last Thursday evening. Those present to help celebrate the anniversary were Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Osenbaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ralya and Verle and Mrs. Addie Kelly. A lunch of cake and ice cream was served, by Mrs. Bright. On Honor Roll at Conception — A1 Bosn, who attends Concep tion college at Conception, Mo., arrived Wedneday to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Bosn. Mr. and Mrs. Bosn received word from the dean of the college that he has been placed on he honor roll for the current nine weeks period. This is his third year at Concep tion. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Sorenson of Page were Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and i Mrs. Elden Butterfield. South of Stuart News Mrs. Ella Cobb entertained the Wednesday afternoon bridge club at her home December 10. Prizes were won by Mrs. Bob Baten horst and Mrs. Joe Waliinger. The club members enjoyed a Christmas gift exchange and a lunch served by Mrs. Cobb. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tasler and Lavern went to see Mrs. Lyle Addison and new baby girl, Bon nie Jean, Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Addison’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Tas ler. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Heyne and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Green field attended a pinochle party Saturday night at the Marvin Fry home north of Newport. A. M. Batenhorst went to Om aha Wednesday, December 10, to attend a convention for county officials. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Boett cher and sons were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil bur Moon and Vaughn. Mr. and Mrs Bob Greenfield children were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Greenfield. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Shald and children enjoyed Sunday dinner with Mrs. Shald’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Blake, of Spring view. Mrs George Shald, Mrs. Her man Kramer and Mrs. Arthur Olberding went to O’Neill Mon day, December 8, to see Mrs. Shald’s sister, Mrs. Bill Murphy, who was a patient at St. An thony’s hospital. Mary Lou and Sandy Sue Slay maker, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Slay maker, spent a few days visiting at the George Kei del home home last week. They returned Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. George Keidel. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wailinger an^ family were O’Neill visitors Monday, December 8. Mi. and Mrs Lawrence Slay maker, jr., were Friday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Slay maker and family. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Boham and family of Newport were Sunday dinner guests at the H. P. Miksch home Mr. and Mrs. Henry Straka were Wednesday evening, De cember 10, visitors at the H. P. Miksch home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ziska, Marvin Ziska of Valentine, Miss Blanche Bartos of Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Schoberg of O’Neill were Sunday evening callers at the Walt Kaup home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Krysl of Gregory, S.D., were Sunday din ner guests at the Albert Krysl home. The occasion was Albert’s birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kaup and girls spent Sunday afternoon at the Ferd Kaup home in Stuart. Gene Closson spent the week end with his friend, Larry Krysl at the John Krysl home. Mrs. Bill Hoffman has spent the past week in Stuart caring for her father, Martin Miksch. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Krysl spent Sunday afternoon at the Frank Greger home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deermer and family of Atkinson spent Sunday afternoon at the Vernon Heyne home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rhodes en joyed Sunday dinner with Mr, and (Mrs. Albert Everingham in Newport. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Foxworthy of Long Pine visited Wednesday evening/ December 10, at the Roy Rhodes home. Terry Foxworthy visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rhodes, Saturday while his par ents were in O’Neill shopping. Mrs. John Kramer, jr., and new baby son, Ricky, spent thn last week at the John Kramer home. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hamik and baby and Mrs. J. P. Ifmrphy and girls were Friday evernai; visitors at the John Kramer home. Venetian blinds, prompt deliv ery, made to measure, metal m wood, all colors.—J. M. McDon ald's. O'Neill. W. F. FINLEY, M.D. O'NEILL First National Bank Bldg. OFFICE PHONE: 28 Dr. Fisher, Dentist In the Bishop BlocK—Norfolk Office Phone; 610 Res. Phone: 2842 reached O’Neill December 1« from Korea where he was a F-80 jet pilot. . . Gambles employees held their annual Christmas par ty December 18 . . • Mrs. J. w. Rooney entertained at a luncheon at the M&M cafe in honor of Mrs. Hugh Ray who will be leav ing for Loveland, Colo. . • Lt. Jonn Baker of the air force ar rived December 15 from Las Vegas, Nev., to spend a 29-day furlough with his parents. . . The two children of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Johnson, Lynda and Kile, were “Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus” at the M M Christmas party on December 14 at the home of Mrs. Johnson. Roger Dobias Heads Citizenship Club-* The pupils of school district 52 have organized a citizenship club. The following officers were elected: Roger Dobias, president; Alice Sweet, vice-president; Rod ney Dobias, secretary; Doris Smith, news reporter. Colors are blue and white. We try to wear these colors to our club meetings. Our last meeting was held on December 11. All members were present. Roll call was answered with the nhme of a wild animal. It was decided that our pledges should be ready to read at the next meeting. A committee of three will be appointed to choose games for our Christmas party. Roll call will be answered at the next meeting with the name of a city in the United States. Our next meeting will be on Thursday December 18. — By Doris Smith, news reporter. For You Feeders who want with HIGH fROtCIM I "One of the finest supplement* fot growing stock we’ve ever used." say cattlemen. And they re right! LASSYj 22% is a great 2-in-1 supplement—rich in both PROTEIN and MOLASSES SUGARS that steers need to develop fast . . . finish into market-topping aci-1 mats. In addition, there's plenry of minerals, vitamins and other bone and meat building nutrients that stretch grains and roughages . . cuts feedina costs to a minimum. It's easy to feed. Cost is low. Stan feeding LASSV' 22% today. See us for a supply. SHELHAMER FOODS , ..—-—-— .. —.— . *,. * • I_I The Sandhills Foremost CATTLE AUCTION SALE EVERY TUESDAY HOG AUCTION: Starling at 11 O'Clock A.M. CATTLE AUCTION: Starting at 1 O'Clock P.M. Under the same mangement for over 20 years. Bonded — Insured — Reliable For Highest Net Results — Sell Them at Atkinson Phone 5141 Atkinson Livestock Market Atkinson, Nebr. Ernie Weller General Manager ELKHORN FLOWER SHOP 405 E. DOUGLAS ST. O’NEILL, NEBR. Night Phone 530W Day Phone 579 We Telegraph Flowers | Flowers For All Occasions BAKED BY JESSEE HOLSUM BAKERS *