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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1952)
Sick & Injured DELOIT—Mrs. Leonard Knapp was a patient in a Norfolk hos pital last week, an influenza vic tim. . . Otto Kallhoff departed last Thursday for the Veterans hospital, Grand Island. . . Victor Funk was able to return Wed nesday, December 10 from a Nor folk hospital following an eye in fection. . . Mrs. Pat Burke sub mitted to surgery last week in a Norfolk hospital. . . Wilma Sehi, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Sehi, underwent a tonsilec tomy at the (Neligh hospital re cently. . . Baby Charles Bartak was a patient at the Neligh hos pital. suffering from pneumonia . . . Leo Funk was taken ill Sun day. Dr. Bennie was called to care for him. . . Influenza has been making the rounds in this community. Few have escaped. Some cases have been “quite serious.” AMELIA—Mrs. Irwin Forbes submitted to major surgery Tues day at the Atkinson Memorial hospital. . . Howard Berry is in Excelsior Springs, Mo., where he is taking treatments for arthritis ... Judy Withers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cap Withers, was a patient in the Atkinson hospital the week of December 6. She was treated for asthma. . . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce received word that their daughter, Mrs. Charles Bligh, was in the Valen tine hospital suffering with virus pneumonia. . . Mrs. Art .Doolittle was able to return home Thurs day from the O’Neill hospital. . . Mrs. Harold Fullerton has been suffering with a dislocated disc in her back. They went to Sioux City and consulted doctors con cerning Mrs. Fullerton’s health. O’NEILL—Duane Braasch, 18, returned Monday to a Grand Is land hospital for braces. He has been a polio sufferer for several months. Duane expects to be fit ted this weekend and be able to spend the Christmas holidays at home. . . Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dierks took their daughter, Karen, to a Lincoln hospital on Thursday, December 11, for an examination. They returned on Sunday. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Curtis were taken by ambulance to St. Edward Tuesday. They will reside in a rest home there ... Joe Bartos was dismised from Our Lady of Lourdes hos pital in Norfolk Saturday. . . . . . Andy Wettlaufer is reported ’n “good condition’’ in the Luth eran hospital in Norfolk. SOUTH OF STUART — Linda Gruenberg, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gruenberg, sub mitted to an emergency appen dectomy Friday at the Atkinson hospital. . Wesley, Jr., 16 months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Slaymaker, submitted to major surgery December 5 at the Atkinson hospital. . . Miss Lois Givens, daughter of Mr. and Art Givens, who has been a polio patient at St. Francis hospital, at Grand Island for the last three months, was able to come home on Wednesday, December 10. EWING— Mrs. Robley Sisson, jr., underwent a major operation Saturday at the Tilden hospital. Her baby daughter, Barbara, is also a patient at the same hospi J "tal suffering from a bad cold. . . Charles Bartak, 2 - months - old son of Mr. and Mrs. “Bud” Bar tak, is a patient at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. His condition is reported as “improv ing.” . . . Mrs. Elizabeth Angus suffered a slight stroke at the home of her son last week. She is being cared for in their home and is “showing improvement.” PAGE—Charles Sorensen drove to Norfolk Tuesday, December 16, to bring Mrs. SorensCn home. She had been a patient in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital follow ing an operation. . . William Mos ley of Rockford, HI., is in a hos pital foUowing a car accident. His son, Billie, jr., is also in the hospital with pneumonia. . . Mrs. Charles Sorensen was dismissed froim Our Lady of Lourdes hos pi talrn Norfolk Wednesday, De cember 10. EMMET—Mr. and Mrs. Grant Peacock left late Sunday after noon for Omaha to get their son, Carroll, who has been a patient in • the Orthopedic hospital. They December 14, to get their son returned Monday. . . Randall Kendall, baby son of Mr. and Mrs. James Kendall, spent from Thursday until Sunday morning in St. Anthony's hospital. He was ill with influenza. CHAMBERS—Mrs. Vernon El kins was a patient in St. An thony’s hospital from last Thurs day until Sunday. . . Mr. and Mrs. Amie Mace, jr., and Mr. and Mrs. William Ritterbush vis ited M s. Arthur Holt and baby girl, Susan Lynn at the O’Neill hospital Saturday evening. They also visited Clarence Tibbets and Mrs. Vernon Elkins. INMAN—Mrs. Herbert Nielsen spent Monday in Omaha visiting her daughter, Delores, and con sulting a doctor. . . Bert Laney, Bill Butterfield and Mrs. Ken Smith are on the sick list. CELIA — Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack took his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Colfack, to Sioux City Morday, December 8. Mrs. Nels Colfack went to Sioux City to consult doctors for a checkup. NEWPORT—Mrs. Walter De Bolt underwent a maior opera tion in Otir Lady of Lourdes hos pital in Norfolk Monday. Her condition is reported as “satisfac tory.” ONEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lanman spent Sunday in Verdel visiting their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lanman, jr., and family. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lyons of Pawnee, City, Okla., will arrive December 24 to spend a few days visiting relatives and friends here. They will stay at the home of Mrs. Chet Calkins. Airman Edward McCarthy, Donald Calkins and Louis Pierson of the navy are expected to ar rive this weekend to spend the Christmas holidays with their parents. They are attending . school at Norman Okla. i TO MECHANICS SCHOOL Pfc. James Kelly, jr., arrived home Sunday from Camp Pendle ton, Calif., where he has just completed his basic training for the marines. He was met in Co lumbus by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly, sr. Private Kelly will have a 25-day furlough which will be a delay enroute to Jacksonville, Fla., where he will attend an, airplane mechanics school. Future Subscribers STREIT — Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Streit of Lynch, a daugh ter, weighing 9 pounds 5 ounces, born Monday, December 15, at Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. BOELTER—Mr. and Mrs. Kem Boelter of Craig, a daughter, Susan Kay, weighing 6 pounds 15 ounces, born Sunday, Decem ber 7. Mr. and Mrs. Boelter were former residents of the Dorsey community. KRAMER—Mr. and Mrs. John Kramer, jr., of Stuart, a son, John Fredrick, born Tuesday, Decem ber 2, at the Atkinson Memorial hospital. This is their first child, CROSSER—Mr. and Mrs. Man uel Crosser of Neligh, a son, Gary DeWayne, bom Thursday, De cember 11, at the Tilden hospi tal. They have one other child, a son, Jerry. OETTER—Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Oetter of Chambers, a son, weighing 7 pounds 10 ounces, born Thursday, December 11, in St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. NELSON—Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Nelson of O'Neill, a daughter Pamela Sue, v/eighing 7 pounds 15 ounces, born Thursday, De cember 11, in St. Anthony’s hos pital, O'Neill. Mr. Nelson is O’ Neill public school superinten dent. RAKOSKY — Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Rakosky of O’Neill, a son, born Tuesday, December 16, in St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. MURRAY—Mr. and Mrs. John, Murray of Long Pine, a daugh ter, born Wednesday, December 17, in St. Anthony’s hospital, O’ Neill. PRUSS—Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Pruss of ONeill, a daughter, Mary Elizabeth, 9-months-old, adopted from the St. James orphanage at Omaha. She was born March 6. Mr. and Mrs. Pruss and family went to Omaha Friday and re turned Sunday. The Pruss’ pre v ********** viously adopted two boys. TOM JACK—Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Tom jack of Medford, Ore., a daughter, born recently. The Tomjacks, who are known at De loit and Ewing, have two sons. WSCS in Yule Party and Gift Exchange— The WSCS met Tuesday eve ning, December 9, in the Metho dist church parlors for a Christ mas party. Gifts were placed un der a Christmas tree which were later exchanged. The title of the devotions and program was “Good Tidings of Great Joy," whicfe was presented to the group by Mrs. Robert Kurtz, the reader. Mis. Grant Peacock was the solo lst for the program accompanied by Mrs. Wallace Smith. Others in the group assisted. Lunch was served by the hos tessess on a long table decorated with little Christmas trees and other Christmas trimmings. Miss Alta Lyons was a Friday overnight guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Sparks. I jj § 1___1—w !—i ^ ~ ^ 0 cU u I SHELHAMER FOODS I Jf GROCERY PHONE: 56 -O’NEILL- PRODUCE PHONE: 173 1 f Prices Effectives Thursday, Friday, Saturday, December 18th, 19th, 20th <§ — ..— .I _ ^ Sf GOLDEN VALLEY — R.S.P. | CHERRIES | 3 No. 303 cans.. 55c I OUR FAMILY CATSUP 3 14-oz. btls. 55c PURE LARD i Lb..... 10c f-1 OUR FAMILY No. 303 Cans p CORN.3 for 55c I GOLDEN VALLEY No. 303 Cans 1 PEAS.._3 for 45c | OUR FAMILY — GRAPE JAM-2 2-lb. jars 79c [ OUR FAMLY—RED KIDNEY BEANS.. 2 No. 2 cans 35c OUR FAMLY No. 303 Cans PUMPKIN.2 for 27c CAMPBELL'S — TOMATO SOUP, 410i-oz, cans 43c ! OUR FAMILY—Strawberry 12-oz. Jars PRESERVES 3 for 85c Have You Registered? FOR THE CHRISTMAS GIFT DRAWING TO BE HELD IN OUR SUPER MARKET SATURDAY P.M.? j! a i GOLD. VAL. Sliced No. 2Va Cans PEACHES _ 2 for 57c GOLD. VAL. Crushed No. 303 Cans PINEAPPLE 2 M7c OUR FAMILY Tomato 46-oz. Cans juice.3 f°r 83c OUR FAMILY—GRAPEFRUIT JUICE „ 2 46-oz. cans 53c OUR FAMILY—FRUIT No. 303 Cans COCKTAIL.2 for 53c OUR FAMILY No. 2 Cans PORK-BEANS.. 3 for 43c GOLDEN VALLEY No. 2 Yt Cans TOMATOES 2 for 49c IN I L E SALMON g 2 tall cans.... 83c S OUR FAMILY — SALAD DRESSING I Qt. jar.43c & SEEDLESS RAISINS | 2"ib. cello.... 31^ H \ WALNUTS 2 lbs- 75c I MIXED NUTS 2 lbs. 89c i PEANUTS Lb. 29c gg? SUNSHINE KRISPY | Crackers BOX 43t| BRACH'S ROYAL ANN CHERRIES Lb. bx 59c DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIX 3pte $100 FAB.2 tee- pkgs- 49c BULK — PITTED D A T E S ce^lo 43c CUT ROCK — SHELL MIX mm CANDY 2 lbs. 49c CLEANSER 2 cans 25c TOASTIES Giant pkg. 25c HARDING'S CREAMERY GOLDEN VALLEY PEARS ----- 3 No 2| cans 97c GERBER'S — STRAINED BABY FOOD 3 cans 25c DURKEE'S — SHREDDED C060ANUT 8-m cello 29c NASH'S COFFEE ss *159 ftetetoctetcir. flj * WINCED HAH Lb. 33c PORK ROAST u> 39c I FRESH OYSTERS Per Pint_ ! ORCHIDS TO YOU! ■ • I Something Really Special — These Hawaiian Orchids flown direct from Hawaii — Some \ thing to make your shopping in our store a re al pleasure this weekend. Here’s how it ? works — you will be presented a three orch:d corsage absolutely FREE with the purchase \ of 2 Bath Size or 3 Regular Size CASHMERE BOUQUET TOILET SOAP. j BATH SIZE ..2 25C REGULAR SIZE.3 for 25c I SQUARE DEAL § FLOUR 1 *• 50-LB. n BAG _ £ pVh® I CRAPES 2 Ik 27c I J| MARSHSEEDLESS ! GRAPEFRUIT 53c a g JUICE § 1 ORANGES 3 lbs. 25c ;S WE HAVE ON HAND BU. BASKETS OF JONATHAN — WINESAP S I and DELICIOUS APPLES I? NUTRENA POULTRY FEEDS M A.M. EGG CRUMBLES 20% EGG CRUMBLES FU 27% BAL. CRUMBLES K 33% POULTRY CONCENTRATE W CHICK & HEN SCRATCH GRAINS |p _STOCK-GRO & VIS-VITA FOR POULTRY Sf CASH FOR YOUR ; CREAH & EGGS C-A-T-T-L-E F-E-E-D-S WE CARRY A LARGE STOCK OF CATTLE FEEDS INCLUDING Nutrena “BEEF CAKE” — 16 to 41% Protein SWEET LASSY PELLETS & CUBES — 11 & 22% Protein SOYBEAN MEAL, PELLETS, CUBES — 16 & 32% DAIRY FEED WHITE, GRAY, IODIZED, SULPHUR & MINERAL BLOCK SALT SUBSTANTIAL BISGOU NT ON lA & TON LOTS NUTRENA HOG FEEDS ^ 24% SOW & PIG MEAL & NUGGETS ^ NUTRENA CREEP 20 & SHOAT 40 40% HOG BALANCER fa TANKAGE — MEAT SCRAPS — BONEMEAL BRAN SHORTS — BUTTERMILK CUDAHY ALL-PURPOSE MINERAL © DISCOUNT ON ALL »/a & 1-T'JN ORDERS fa CASH FOR YOUR *‘§ POULTRY & HIDES ?•