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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1952)
Royal Neighbors Elect Mrs. Nissen PAGE—The following officers were elected for the coming year at the meeting of the Royal Neighbors Wednesday evening, December 3: Mrs. Anton Nissen, oracle; Mrs. Robert Gray, past oracle; Mrs. William Simmons, vice-oracle; Mrs. Herbert Steinberg, recorder; Mrs. Jese Kelly, receiver; Mrs. Ray Snell, chancellor; Mrs. Chas. Russell, marshal; Mrs. Ralph Lar son, inner sentinel; Mrs. Leroy Cunningham, outer sentinel. Mrs. Ray Snell and Mrs. Herbert Steinberg served lunch and pre sented gifts to the honored mem bers, Mrs. Hester Edmisten and Mrs. Alta Finch, whose birthday anniversaries occur in December. Other Page News Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Connery of Cody came Friday and plan to spend over a week here visiting Mrs. Connery’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, sr. and her three brothers, Charles, Bill and Junior Sorensen and their fam ilies. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lamason and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parks, Jerome Allen and Melvin Roach and son, Larry, and Hugh Trosh ynski drove to Sioux City Thurs day to attend the Globe Trotter’s basketball game. The Page postacBfice will be open each Saturday until Christ mas. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weir, Joyce =»nd James of Hartington spent Sunday with Mrs. Weir’s mother, Mrs. Dora Townsend. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Stewart were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Copes. William Wellman and daugh ters, Sara and Sharon visited Sunday afternoon at the Melvin Smith home. Mrs. Edgar Staumfer, Mrs. Dora Townsend and Mrs. Harriet Car son were guests of Mrs. Clay Johnson at O’Neill when she was hostess to the WCTU at her home Wedneday afemoon, December 3. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Braddock and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Heiss and Mrs. Jennie French and Miss Alice were dinner guests on 3unday of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Braddock and Jo Ann. Mrs. Gerald Lamason was hos tess to the Bid-or-Bye bridge club Wednesday afternoon, De cember 3. Mrs. Milo Landreth was a guest. Score winners were high, Mrs. Lamason and tne all cut, Mrs. La Vern Finley. Lunch was served following the games. The Contract bridge club met with Mrs. Melvin Smith last Thursday evening. Guests were Mrs. Lloyd Fusslemam, Mrs. Don ald Heiss and Mrs. Harold Kelly. Mrs. Melvin Roaich held high score and Mrs. Dan Troshynski received the all-cut prize. Re freshmens were served. The Chatter Sew club held their Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Milo Landreth Fri day evening. There was an ex change of gifts and heart sisters were revealed. Nine members were present. The hostess served lunch. Mrs. Allen Zemple and Miss Nancy Heiss of Grand Island spent the weekend in Page. Mrs. Zemple visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Kemper and Miss Heiss her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heiss. The Help U club met with Mrs. Clara King Wednesday af ternoon, December 3. Eleven members were present. The time was spent doing needlework for the hostess. A covered dish lunch was served. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Alta Finch when they have their Christmas party and exchange of gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sorensen and two children, Connie and Jim mie and their two nieces, Karen and Georgia Sorensen spent Sun day at Creighton with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sorensen and fam ily. Mrs. Robert Mathis of Atkin son recently visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Murphy. Shaffer-Bechett Nuptials Announced — STUART—Mrs. Alice Wefso announces the wedding of her son, D. Keith Shaffer, to Betty Bechett, daughter of Mrs. Lu zanne Bechett and Humphrey Bechett of Omaha. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. A. Murphy, at the Wheeler Memorial Presbyterian church Saturday, November 22, at 8 p.m. Attendants were Mrs. W. T. Paulsen and Miss Nena Kimble, both of Omaha. Jim Cohen of O’Neill and Arthur Tib bets, Lyle King and Andrew Johnston of Omaha at tended the bridegroom. A reception vas held in the church parlors following the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Keih Shaffer left for a brief wedding trip. On their return they will reside in Omaha, 3728 So. 26th st. On Leave — STUART—Milton Weichman, a fireman on the destroyer, USS Preston, surprised his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weichman of Stuart by arriving home on a 15 day leave. He was accompanied by a friend, Dick Smith. Frontier for printing! O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Larson of Tilden were Sunday guests in the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Weston Whitwer. Mr. • and Mrs. W. W. Waller spent Sunday in Winside visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Leland Waller and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McIntosh and family and Mrs. Maude Mc Intosh of Meadow Grove were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William McIntosh and family. Lois Morsbach of Inman spent the weekend in the Merle Sparks home. Stuart Hartigan accompanied, by his uncle. Cal Geary, of In man left Friday for a visit with (M!r. and Mrs. Lyle Barnhart in Phoenix, Ariz., and in the South western states. They expect to be gone two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Brittell and family were Sunday visitors in the Merle Sparks home. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Zakr zewski visited in the Sylvester Zakrzewski home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed McManus helped Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Ressel celebrate their 36th wed- ! ding anniversary at a dinner in the Ressel home Sunday. Mrs. Richard Tomlinson left on Monday for Scottsbluff to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McNally, for an indefinite time. Mr. and Mrs. David Morsbach and daughters of Inman were Sunday evening, November 30, guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Sparks. Nan Sullivan of Omaha ar rived Monday, December 1, for an extended visit with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Sullivan, here. Mr. and Mrs. Weston Whitwer spent Saturday in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Weyhrich visited their niece, Mrs. Melvin Schnoor, who is a patient in the Lutheran hospital in Norfolk. Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Zakrzew • ski were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard. Fox of Orchard and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zakrzewski. For a complete selection of toys, wagons and bicycles, first go to: Western Auto, O'Neill. 33-33c Mrs. Fred Saunto and Ann and, Mrs. Vernon Lorenz spent Sun day until Tuesday in Omaha. «r a . ' o FRIGI AIRE Automatic Washer Cadi Price 229.75 29.75 DOWN There’s no rough scrubbing of clothes with Live-Water Action. Clothes are submerged in water all the time, with rolling currents of hot, sudsy water going through them. Two fresh-water. Live -Water rinses float all dirt away. ... * S«'«>-°-D,al for pre_ selecting washing Wme * Convenient top loading * Underwater Sods GILLESPIES Radio — Electric — Appliances PHONE 114 1; t ' Men’s Argyle ankle socks nylon - reinforced cot tons in 3 colors. 7Qr Sizes 10-13_ Queen Anne Embassy your favorite assorted chocolates in both milk & dark chocolate 7Q„ 1-lb. box_L /5*C Donfield extra value ties in designs for every taste. Tie $1 and 150 perfect knots4 Women’s Aprons . to protect her dress when she entertains. Fresh, crisp permanent organdy with 1 QQ chintz trim_ 31 ways to do a lot of giving for little money Men’s felt slipper contrasting plaid cord uroy collar, trim 1.98 6-12_ Women’s felt slipper contrasting plaid cord uroy collar, trim. 4-9_ Women’s blouses of nylon tricot and tissue faille. White, pastels, darks. 1 QQ 32-44 _1.570 Dress and slip sets for infants. Lovingly handmade of 2.98 fine rayon _ t Men’s initial handkerchiefs white with white or colored initial. 3 Qgp in gift box. Quilted boxes in rayon satin, satin lined. For hosiery, gloves, and 98c hankies. - Costume jewelry bracelets, pins neck laces, earrings. Gold or silver plated 93d98 Plus tax_ Misses’ gloves a 11 wool. Novelties, Jacquards, plaids, so!id 98c 1.49 colors_ Boys* Quadriga sport shirts plaids, novelty patterns. Sanforized 1 QQ Sizes 6-16._1,270 Boys’ warm ski pajamas brushed cotton in blue or grey. Sizes 1 QQ 4 to 10._1,1,0 All wool cardigans in solid colors and nov elty designs. 1 Sizes 1-3 & 3-6X A Children’s zipper bootie red felt, red-blue cord uroy collar and 1 trim. 5-2. - Embroidered pillow case sets of fine bleached mus lin. Florals Mr.-Mrs., 1 His-H)ers. - Cotton print tablecloths wide assortment o f colors and nat- 1 QO terns. 54x54._ CANNON towel sets four pieces, Rose, blue, pink, green, aqua 1 QQ maize. Boxed. _ * Floral appliqued towel sets 3 pieces, 6 striking colors. Beauti- 1 7Q fully boxel._ Print hankies in cotton and linen. Hand-rolled hems. Florai 49c and 9gc designs_ « Bath mat sets Multicolor floral med allion, high pile border. colors. 1-98 • 2.98 Men’s sturdy .suspenders by Paris, popular clip on styles, smart 1 7K patterns. _ 1,,u Plastic hangers for wee folks’ ward robes. In pink or 70 blue. Set of 8— Pleasure filled gifts for everyone Lovely Silhouette nylons keep seams in line 51 GAUGE SHEERS box 3 pairs, 2.60—each pair 89c 60 GAUGE, dark seams box 3 pairs, 2.85—each pair 98c 3 fashion shades — 4 fashion styles, new contour heels The smartest legs are wearing Silhouette* nylon hose for every need—the gauge you want—the styles you want—dramatic dark • seam, outline heel, dark heel, or conventional. Sheer nylon woven with a twist to give it a dull lustre. The NEW balanced heel construction that keeps seams from twisting. 8% to 11 Shop early! •Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. Silhouette* nylons 60 gauge, black out line heels. Box 3.35, pair 1.15. 51 gauge, dark heels. Box QQ,. 2.85, pair_ Men’s leather belts Donfield brand in plain and fancy designs. r , *1 & 1.50 Only - Quaker nylons 51 gauge, proportioned lengths. Best colors. 3 pair 3.65. 1 OC Pair_I. AO Scarfs in fine silk, wool, ray on. Rich colors, plaids solids, patterns. 98c *° 1.98 Quaker nylons 60 gauge, proportioned lengths. Best colors. 3 pair 4.40 Pair__ * , « 0 Men’s wool 4c mufflers in handsome, colorful plaid designs. QQ _ Extra warm _ ______________________________________ °