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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1952)
Wagner Couiple in 45th Anniversary REDBERD—Mr. and Mrs. Clay Mashino and family accom panied by their daughter, Mrs. Wally Fredrickson of Bristow, at tended the 45th wedding anni versary of Mrs. Mashino’s aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson Sunday at Wagner, S.D. They also visited Mrs. Ma shino’s sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Barnhart, at Wagner. Other Redfrird News Bill and Gordon Kirsch of Lynch are plastering the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kaasa. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Knittel of Gregory, S. D., were dinner guests of Mrs. Ray Wilson and son, Garry Sunday. In the afternoon they visited Ray Wil son at the Lynch hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Junior Wilsn and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilson and family were also dinner guests in the Ray Wilson home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert White and Sharlene of O’ Neil were evening visitors there. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Wells of Lynch were afternoon callers on, Sunday of the Clifford Wells family. There will be a program and box social at the Scottville school Tuesday, December 16, at 8 o’clock. Joan Rosicky is the teacher. Everyone is welcome. Bill Miller of O’Neill, Cecil Miller, Bub Carsten and Bill Wil son were goose hunting with Frank Ghelson Friday. Dinner guests in the Cecil Mil ler home Sunday included the Bill Miller family of O’Neill, Mrs. Charlie Ross, Clarence Ross ; and the Frank Wyant family. Oral Pickering trucked hogs to Sioux City Monday for Guy Pinkerman and Ray Wilson. Mrs. Anna Carson spent Mon day and Wednesday nights with Mrs. Ray Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Halstead and Mary of Page were Sunday visitors in the Harold Halstead home. Mr. and Mrs. Lucian Loock and family of Spencer were din ner guests of her parents, the Leon Mellors, Sunday. Porter - Young Rites at Chambers CHAMBERS— Chambers Me morial Baptist church was the scene of the Saturday afternoon wedding of Miss Ruth Ann Por ter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Porter, and Samuel B. Young, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Young, all of Chambers, Rev. Lawrence M. McElheran officiated with the single ring ceremony. Miss Lehta Cooke, accompanied by Miss Delores Harley, sang “Because.” Given in marriage by her fa ther, the bride was dressed in blue satin and carried pink roses. Her attendant, Miss Viv ian Harley, wore a pink satin dress and a gardenia corsage. Burl Young was bestman and J. Jarman and B. Butts ushered. A reception for about 50 guests was held in the church parlors after the ceremony. Assisting were Mrs. Victor Harley, Mrs. Edward Smith, Mrs. Wayne Rowse, Mrs. Vernon Smith, Misses Lorraine Farrier, Barbara Wilcox, Beverly Platte and Bon ita Osborg. Wed at Bonesteel In a candlelight wedding ceremony at‘Bone steel, S.D., in the Lutheran church, Miss Ma rie Gruhn daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Gruhn of O’Neill, became the bride of Sgt. W. K. Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Baker of Fair fax, S.D. Mrs. Baker will continue to operate a beauty shop here while her husband serves with the marine corps at Camp Lejune, N.C. Mock Broadcast Features Meeting CHAMBERS—On Wednesday, December 3, the Chambers Gar den club held its annual Christ mas party at the home of Jennie Gillette, with Mildred Wander see and Jessie Kiltz as assistant hostesses. A potluck dinner start ed the party, places being found at the long table and four card tables by matching parts of Christmas cards. Following the meal, a business session was held, roll call being answered by naming Christmas symbols. It was decided to bring 10 cents to each meeting in the future, the money to be added to the treasury. The two hostesses will furnish the door prizes. It was also decided to send a gift to Gleason Grimes, now in Clark son hospital, Omaha. Immediately after the business meeting, Betty Mitchell, an nouncer for “radio station CGC,” introduced the Tat and Tattle quartette, which led the group in singing “Jingle Bells.” As an additional part of this special Christmap program, Lilv Sexton gave a reading. Then tne Click ety Clackety entertaining group, which had been delayed in Chambers by the condition of the roads, put on a short play. Susie Shuffle, embarrassed almost to tears, gave a recitation and help ful homemaker hints appropriate to the season were given by sta tion “CGC’s” special home help er. When the “radio station” signed off, Santa Claus, assisted by the little Shuffle girl, distrib uted the gifts which appeared mysteriously beneath the tree. The January meeting will be held Wednesday, January 7, at the home of Darlene Hoerle. Cle one Wintermote will be assistant hostess. Roll call is to be ans wered with garden resolutions. O’NEILL LOCALS Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike London were Mr. and Mrs. Rich London, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Flakus and Mrs. Nora Peters, all of Colome, S.D. Tliey were brought to the Lon don home by David Langin of Spencer. Mrs. Maurice Car of Allen ar rived Sunday to spend the week visiting her sister, Mrs. Virgil Laursen. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Shaw were Sunday evening callers in the home of Mr. and Mia. Mike London. BIG GAME! An Omaha man, while hunt ing pheasants on a farm near Silver Creek, bagged bigger game recently. It was a bobcat that measured 38 inches in lengggth and weighed nearly 40 pounds. Circle in Session — Circle H of the Presbyterian church met Tuesday afternoon in the home of Mrs. H. S. Moses. Mrs. Mike Landreh, Mrs. M. L. Harmon and Mrs. Moses were in charge. Venetian blinds, prompt deliv ery, made to measure, metal or wood, all colors,—J. M. McDon ads's, O'Neill. \ Inman News Mrs. Earl Watson entertained the Coffee club at her home last Thursday. A covered-dish lunch eon was served at noon after which an informal afternoon was spent and a Christmas gift ex change held. Mrs. George P. Colman was assistant hostess. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Keil of Al len arrived Tuesday evening, December 2, and visited their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Keil, and family, leaving on Wednesday morning, December 3, accompanied by their son, Horace, for Worland, Wyo. They had been called there by the death of Mrs. Keil’s sis ter, Mrs. Agnes Garwood. Mrs. Ira Watson entertained the Inman Project club at her home Wednesday evening, E>e cember 3. Mrs. L. F. Kopecky conducted a short business meet ing after which Mrs. Robert Cook and Mrs. Charles Beilin of O’ Neill conducted a lesson on mak ing nylon corsages. Lunch was served by Mrs. Watson and Mrs. A. N. Butler. The Anniversary club surpris ed Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Mossman at their home Tuesday evening, December 2. Bridge furnished entertainment and the honored couple was presented a gift by the group. Lunch was served by the guests. Miss Faye Brunckhorst enter tained the Young Matrons’ club at her home Tuesday, December 2, at a noon dinner. The after noon was spent informally and with a Christmas gift exchange. Mrs. James Coventry and Mrs. Elwin Smith were guests. Melvin Michaelis and Horace Keil went to Omaha Tuesday, December 2, to meet Miss Lela Ermer of Washington, D.C., who was called here by the death of her father, Fred Ermer, who died at his home near Chambers Sat urday, November 29. ___ GOBBLERS Three new and different wild fowl now inhabit the city park in Valentine. Wild turkeys, two hens and a tom have been re leased there in an experiment to determine if the wild birds can be raised successfully in the re gion. Sponsor Amateur Contest — The Lucky Clover 4-H club will sponsor an amateur contest Friday evening, December 12, at the Scottville hall. Contestants must be 16 and under. A box so cial will follow. Delayed honeymoon The “oldest blacksmth in Ne braska” and his wife, the par ents of 17 children, are home again after a long-delayed “honeymoon trip.” After 42 years of married life Mr. and Mrs. William Siebler of Aurora enjoyed a 31-day vacation that was climaxed by appearances on separate radio and TV programs. Hereford reeders Here is your opportunity to buy bulls of proven and prominent breeding from Nebraska’s top breeding herds. 116 YEARLING BULLS To be sold in pens of three; pens of two; and singly to give you a chance to buy bulls of uniform breeding, quality and age. 20 pens of 3; 18 pens of 2; 20 single lots Consigned by the follow’ng Nebraska Breeders: B. F. MARSHALL & SONS. Crawford BERT HUFF, Ainsworth DANIEL JILG, Newport LYLE BEST, Wood Lake DALE C. BROWN Sargent LESTER GOVERTS, Broken Bow JAMES KRUNTORAD, Pierce JOE J. JELINEK & SONS. Walnut P. L. RABEN, Crawford BROWN & PORCH CATTLE CO., Valentine ROYCE M. HAMM, Whitney TOM WAKE, Seward FURMAN HEREFORD RANCH, Marsland MARMIEN M. PEDERSON, Berwyn HARRY J. BROWN, Bassett FLOYD ARROW SMITH, Newport LEONARD & DOUGLAS PHIPPS Whitman SCHROEDER CATTLE CO., Palisade SCHULTZ & GROSSHANS, Lamar This sale is supervised by a committee of commercial ranchers who will- grade and sift the bulls before the sale. NEBRASKA BULL SALE Bassett, Nebraska SAT., DEC. 20,1952 Charles Corkle, Auctioneer Far Catalogs: Write Nebraska Hereford Ass'n. Central City, Nebraska ^ .... i BjWF?8S^>iSH||WKiaBW|BMWBSItiBWIWF ■’ £g#f»:,||:| ; gggggg ' ||!| fg % ■ ,' f ASIMUS MOTOR CO. (OUTLAW IMPL. CO.) Phone 373 Wset O’Neill BASKETBALL ' TONIGHT THURSDAY, DEC. 11TH Gothenburg High School “Swedes” — VS. — : O’Neill Nigh School “Eagle." V High School Gym — 8 P.M. A dm.: 50c & 25c — One Game Only Here Is a real bay! A perfect Christmas gift! Genuine Certified 3-Way Floor Lamp! Scientifically designed no give you the best Id good light! FREE 3-DAY HOME TRIAL? See These Beautiful Lamps New on Display at CONSUMERS PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT 1/^ • x T from the • • • i Give Her... A i • Apparel Shop I I I i ■ * | . z * M Of course, this year she’s wishing for a lingerie Christ mas . . . delicately sheer nylon tricots and crepes . . . flowing rayon knits and crepes . . . and silken-smooth cottons. I Nylon Gowns I Fine nylon with fitted midriff overlaid with dainty embroid ered nylon net. Beautifully draped bustline and full dirndl skirt. 6.95 to 12.95 Blouses By Jane Holly and Strut wear. Always right for giving—one of our blouses of nylon or rayon-crepe. 3.98 - 7.95 Rayon Finery Gowns-3.98 Panties __ 79c up & Slips-2.98 up | SWANK and LUXITE I ★ PANTIES ★ SLIPS ★ PAJAMAS V . . by LARKWOOD f The most famous name in hosiery. A I gift to thnll every lady on your 1 ’52 gift list. Sheer beauty in — A 51 - 15's. — 60 - 15's 1.35 to 1.65 | She’ll Love ... | Dawnelle Gloves - Gift Aprons I I NEW Dusters & Robes In quilted gold tones. Delight her with one of these new washable print dusters. Last ing beauty in the latest quilted tones. i 5.95 to 17.95 > _ T NEW • i Stylish Sweaters j Warm little gift ideas are especially import- § ant to her this Christmas. Stylish sweaters by Princess Pam and Lampl ... all wool, all nylon and cotton in pullover and cardi gan. See these with the new Dolman sleeves and neck. * 2.95 up | PURSES... 2.95 4 and Up, Plus Tax Fancy Hankies Linens, Swiss, Plain or Embroidered _ 59c up I Is Holiday Dresses Perfect for entertaining and visiting. See our new dresses in the latest materials and colors Sizes 7 to 17 and 10 to 20. also half sizes. Mitzi Dresses Ranging in sizes from 9 months to 12 years. |