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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1952)
Dutch Garden Setting for Stuart Banquet STUART—-The annual Stuart high school junior-senior banquet was held Thursday evening, May 8, at the auditorium. Using the theme “Little Dutch Garden,” a part of the auditorium was enclosed with a replica of a rock wall. A canopy of blue with silver stars was overhead and blue and yellow streamers falling from the canopy to the rock wall completed the enclosure. The guests entered through a Dutch windmill where the tables were placed in a half circle around a wishing well. The tables were decorated with tulips, blue and yellow candles and Dutch girl figures. The nut cups were Dutch figures and the favors were a pair of miniature wooden shoes. The program with Shirley Shald as toastmistress was as fol lows: T—“Tiptoeing Through the Tu lips,” by Esther Gans, “Welcome.” U—“Unto our Hosts, ‘Dank U,’ ” by Dick Kaup, “Thanks.” L—“Lifesaving Dykes,” by Theo. Weichman, class will. I—“In the Land of Wind mills,” by Delores Hamik, class prophecy. P—“Prattle of a Nosey Dutch men,” speeches by K. C. Paul, “Teddy" Schiessler, Miss Morris, S—"Say Goden Dag,” by Marge Willis Berry and Fred Coats. Chaney, farewell. The food for the 60 guests was prepared by the juniors’ mothers and the menu was as follows: jo juice, kropala, gekookt, rundv leesch, aardappelan, ecwten en wortels, olijven en augurken na gerecht, koffie and noten en suik esgoed. Five sophomore girls, Mary Ann Allen, Sharon Bigelow, Mary othy Friedel, Wilma Kaup and Marge Weichman dressed in Dutch costumes of blue and yel low with Dutch caps and five sophomore boys, Dudley Kovey, Rolland Peterson, Jason Reber, Dick Shald and Don Wewel wearing blue and yellow Dutch trousers served the banquet. Other Stuart News Mr. and Mrs. Dale Henderson and daughter, Jane, went to Crete Tuesday, May 6, where they at tended band day and field day at Doane college Mr. and Mrs. Berlin Mitchell and daughter, Vesta, attended the funeral rites for Tommy Slattery at O’Neill and Bassett Thursday, May 8. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shane, of Chicago, 111., came Saturday, May 10, for a week’s visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Shane, of Atkinson, and Mrs. Clara Pettijohn, of Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Shearer went to Council Bluffs, la., Satur day to spend mother’s day with Mrs. Shearer’s mother, Mrs. Rena i Ti ryPfTBPffffWT-l i t \ 'A u bmi i , iLhLamM»M»*fa. fc. 4 | i,9.u892 ^ i» ^ 3S\ i rnmmi *i | I Jar Wrenches Plate Hangers Food Choppers | I 25c 18c 23c J P Opens, seals all sizes For hanging decorative Serrated stainless steel 4 w of screw top jars and plates, platters on blade. Cuts decorative ^ g bottles. Wizard brand, walls. Fits all sizes 5-20 garnishes, French fried d w nickel plated steel. inches. All metal. potatoes. Buy now! fc 4 25' "Stalwart” Garden Hose . | reg. 2.79 2,39 * Yir dia. Seamless black rubber g " tube, reinforced with heavy rayon P weave. 2 year guarantee " P CREST Garden Hose. 50 7. 9 i | M-H290 36-4321 d ——-- - -—— ** — - - - i wpv'vfq j ,v i r.y»i j jm I 5^EXPERT 18" Power Mowers :i 107.50 I Quality constructed mow- A erwithOilitewheelbear- j||l ings, 5 bladed ball bear ing reel, V-belt drive. 4 cycle, 1 h.p. gas engine. ^ | 36-728U [ I 38-39171 | _[ d Garden Rakes Garden Hoes Lawn Seed ! < & “Ex pert" Quality hoe of high Magicol green, high d 9 round bow rake forged carbon steel, riveted grade mixture. Pro- ™ ^ from steel. 5 ft. ash to shank with two duces quick growth for d 9 handle. 14 teeth. wagon box rivets. permanent lawn. ^ I > I t ] Wyimore. Miss Eloise Rustad left Monday for a 10-day trip to Denver, Colo., and Kansas City, Mo., where she will speak to youth home mis sions organizations. Don Shald, student at Creigh ton university, Omaha, came on Thursday, May 8, for a weekend visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shald. John Obermire, student at the state agricultural college in Lin coln, and Miss Billie Ruther spent he weekend at the Gus Obermire iome, Hendricks Family Honors Mother CELIA—Th sons and daughters of Mrs. Edna Hendricks were all with her for mother’s day but :t was celebrated Saturday eve ning, May 10, instead of on Sun day, May 11. Harold Hendricks, who lives in McAllen, Tex., came by plane to Sioux City Friday night and was met by his sister and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Connie Frickel. He returned by bus to Sioux City Sunday afternoon on his way home. Mrs. John (Lucille) Sutherland, of Wichita, Kans., came to Grand Island Thursday, May 8, and was met by her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hend ricks. Lucille is a nurse and will help take care of her mother for several weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Connie Frickel. Mr. and Mrs. Paul (Marjorie) Nelson and son, of O’Neill, were also present and took movies of the gathering and showed other movies they had taken. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hendricks and family and Mr. and Mrs. Connie (Elva) Frickel and chil dren, all of Atkinson. Ice cream and cake were served. Other Celia News Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schlotfeld and family were Thursday eve ning, May 8, supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Christianson. Mrs. Merrill Smith and son, Darrel, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Focken and children and Mrs. D. F. Scott were Thursday, May 8, visitors at the O. A. Hammer berg home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Focken and children helped Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Focken Thursday, May 8. Mrs. Edna Hendricks moved from the Mark Hendricks home Wednesday morning, May 7, to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Connie Frickel. Connie Frickel took a car of young folks from Atkinson high school to Ainsworth on Friday morning, May 9, for a track meet there. Mrs. Mark Hendricks and Mrs. Omer Poynts attended missionary meeting Wednesday afternoon, May 7. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Chris tianson and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks and children went fishing at Lauridsen’s dam Wed nesday, May 7, and had a picnic supper there. Mrs. J. R. Jarvis spent Tues day to Thursday, May 8 to 8, visiting her daughter, Mrs. Omer Poynts, and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack attended a 4-H leeders’ training meeting in Memorial hall Thurs day evening, May 8. Shirley and Dennis Colfack visited the George Beck family and their brother, Denton, who attends Atkinson high school and stays with the Beck family. Dennis spent the night with his brother and stayed in town until1 Friday evening. Lawrence and Merrill Smith, Emil Colfack and Edward Ross helped O. A. Hammerberg haul manure Thursday afternoon, May 8. P. W. Kilmurry was a Sun day, May 11, visitor at the Frank Kilmurry home. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Stevens were Sunday afternoon, May 11, visitors at the D. F. Scott home. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith and family visited the Leonard Chaffin family Tuesday evening, May 6. Mrs. Clarence Focken had Pres byterian missionary meeting at her home Wednesday afternoon, May 7. Twenty - one members were present. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and family were Wednesday evening, May 7, visitors at the Clarence Focken home. Mrs. D. F. Scott and Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg attended Wom an’s Society of Christian Service meeting in the Methodist church Wednesday afternoon, May 7. Mrs. Hughes conducted the wor ship and pledge service. Mrs. Al I— MEMORIAL DAY Friday, May 30 ★ Sprays ★ Wreaths ★ Cut Flowers ★ Peonies ★ Cemetery Vases Please Place Orders Now Flowers for All Occasions BURT'S FLORAL & GREENHOUSE PHONE 158W — BASSETT, NEBR. bert Lemmer was in charge of the lesson, “Choose Ye This Day.’’ Division eight, Lulu Dunn chairman, was hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hendircks and family were Sunday after noon, May 11, visitors at the Connie Frickel home. Mrs. D. F. Scott attended the ACWC at the home of Mrs. Her bert Steck. Assisting hostesses were Mrs. Fred Zink and Mrs. Ora Yarges. Nineteen members were present. Sponsor was Mrs. H. O. Stevens and roll call Mrs. Duane Crippen. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Richard Crip pen June 12. Alice Focken spent Sunday afternoon, May 11, with Darlene Tasler. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Focken and family were O’Neill visitors Monday, May 12. Mr. and Mrs. Connie Frickel and Ronnie and Caroline were supper guests at the Norman Christianson home Monday, May 5. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and family attended a school picnic Saturday, May 10, at the Prairie Rose school in district 10, Hester Roberts, teacher. Mother’s day dinner guests at the Ray Pease home were Mr. and Mrs. William Spann, R. M. Pease, of O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilde, of Sioux City, and Miss Fern Spann, of Atkin son. Merrill Smith, O. A. Hammer berg and Buddy Focken helped haul manure for 1 Lawrence Smith Saturday, May 10. Mrs. Smith, Doris, Neal and Darrel visited the Lawrence Smith fam ily that day. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Focken kept 10-month-old Elven Gene, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Focken, from Saturday until Monday, May 12, while his par ents went to Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks were Friday afternoon, May 9, visitors at the Clarence Focken home. Alex Forsythe was a Wednes day evening, May 7, visitor at the O. A. Hammerberg home. Mr. and Mrs. George Beck spent mother’s day with Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hendricks and Nina attended a farm sale near Stuart Friday, May 9. Mother’s day dinner guests at the Mark Hendricks home were her mother, Mrs. Omer Poynts, and husband and Mrs. Asa Wood and her brother, George Glazier Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pease wenl to Ainsworth Wednesday, May 7, for the day. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack Shirley and Dennis were dinner guests at the home of Mr. anc Mrs. Carl Colfack at O’Neill or Monday, May 11, and attended the eighth grade rural school graduation exercises at the pub lic school auditorium in the the afternoon. Shirley is graduating from the eighth grade. Recent visitors at the Ray Pease farm to see their new home include Mrs. August NeiF son, of Royal; Mrs. George Thompson, of Creighton; Father Urbanski, of Emmet, and his sis ter, Julia, and father, of Omaha; Lloyd M. Longnecker, of Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Elder, of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Scott, Patty and Phil, of Butte, were Sunday evening, May 11, visit ors at the D. F. Scott home. DR. FISHER. DENTIST. NEW FORMULA ... A con certed drive is underway a mong the health organizations, medical profession, and insur ance companies to point out that “your waistline is your life line.” A new formula has been developed by Ann Dela field, of New York, to help the 25 million Americans who are overweight by at least 20 pounds. This formula allows a person to eat a normal amount of food while it quiets the craving for cxccrsive eating and gnawing hunger before and between meals. The new Ann Delafield appetite reduc ing plan has arrived at the Gilligan Rexall store and is now on sale. (See advertise ment on page 2.) Important Term-End Dates Noted— Calendar of coming events foi St. Mary’s academy follows: May 20—Altar boy picnic. May 21—May queen crowning May 18—Alumni banquet. May 23— Junior-senior music recital (voice, piano, ensemble tap dancing). ■ —. . t . Boy Scouts Camporee Planned — Boy Scouts frotm Ewing, Page, O’Neill, Chambers, Spencer, At kinson, Butte, Stuart. Bassett Long Pine, Jamison and Spring view are planning to attend a 3 day outing being held at the state recreation grounds at Atkin son Friday, Saturday and Sun day, May 16, 17 and 18, It is es imated that over 100 Scouts will participate in this activity which will have as its highlights cook ing, first aid, signaling, wide games, campfires, bridge build ing and a bombing of the area by plane. Weather permitting this should be the biggest scouting event ever carried out in this area. Cub Scouts are invited to at tend Sunday afernoon as are par ents erf cubs and scouts. During the afternoon Sunday a continu ous line of activites will be car ried out. So make plans to visit the Scouts of your community in action. O’NEILL LOCALS Mrs. Guy Young spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Car roll Summerer at Ewing. She was guest-of-honor at a dinner there mother’s day. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yantzie and son, Gene, spent Sunday af ternoon at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Yantzie. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKamy accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Anderson visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Mc Kamy in Norfolk on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald accompanied by Mrs. William Montgomery, of Omaha, spent the weekend and mother’s dav at the homes of Mrs. Marie McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Froelich Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Keefer and son. of Norfolk, visited relatives and friends in O’Neill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dineen went to Omaha Wednesday, Mav 7, where they visited Mr. Di neen’s relatives. They returned home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Osenbaugh went to Valentine Sunday where they met Mr. and Mrs. Eric Eric son, of Mullen, for a picnic din ner. Or. Fisher has his home for sale. Contact him if interested. 2tf Mr. and Mrs. Martin Walter spent Sunday in Ewing with Mr. Walter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Walter. Mr. and Mrs. William Murray and faimily, Theresa and Leslie Brener were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Cleary. CALLING ALL FISHERMEN 1 Father - Son BANQUET Methodist Church f 7:00 P.M. TUES., MAY 20 Sponsored by Young Adults • Good Food • Good Entertainment Come and Bring Your Son Borrow One If Necessary Tickets $1.50 Available from Young Adult Men or CALL 114 (There Never Was a Better Time to Buy a Refrigerator! OUR TRADIN’ BOOTS ARE ON! And the Summer Season Is Just Starting! Your present refrigerator in operating condition is worth more to you in trade-in value now than at a later date . . . when major repairs may be needed. I The BEST Time to Buy Is NOW! For Years of Dependable Refrigeration! r. tto (uint New Refrigerators 209.95 - 1952 Deluxe 8.1 cu. ft. Refrigerator . with 24-lb. Speed Freezer • 1 HI Hoaddtly Drawers, « Dapaad on Hotpolnt this year and for years to >,tlU "*,n*^ come! Here’s genuine top-quality value in size, fea • lulL^UUaeb . tures, efficiency, and dependable operation. Lasting • NvvTdaar }Ufi all-steel cabinet, beautifully finished in gleaming a 5 Y*<n rniidlm Ptm aa Calgloss* enamel, won’t chip, crack, or flfike. Let us ThriftmosSer Unit show you what a great value it is. Come in today! • * * o ♦ ©