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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1952)
FOR SALE __— HORTICULTURAL peat, 60c in bags; $4.60 in bales, at Leidy’s. 2c FOR SALE: 8 registered Angus bulls, 18 to 24 months.—Harry Ressel, O’Neill. 40tf FOR SALE: Insurance of all kinds. — See R. H. ("Ray”) Shriner, phone 106. 39tf FOR SALE: Surge dairy equip ment for sale by Kenneth Dil lon, Ainsworth, Nebr. Get your milking machine now while they are still available. 4tfc FOR SALE: 41% range cake, $104 per ton; mixed fertilizer, $47.95 per ton.—Corkle Hatch ery, O’Neill.38tf FOR SALE: Only six 3-gallon sprayers left for $6.75, at Lei dy’s. 2c FOR SALE WE STILL have 10-10-0 and 0-19 0 and will have a car of 21-0-8 this week. J. F. BRADY CO. Atkinson, Nebr. 51 tf FOR SALE: Long yearling and 2-year-old Hereford bulls. — E. M. Jarman, Chambers. 51tf FOR SALE: Hudson Admiral dusters, only $1.50 each, at Leidy’s. 2c Used Car Specials 1—1951 Plymouth 4-dr., equip ped, very clean. 1—1950 Plymouth 4-dr., heater and seat covers, very clean. 1—1950 Plymouth 2-dr., heater, seat covers, clean. 1—1950 Ford tudor, clean, low mileage. 1—1949 Dodge 4-dr., Meadow Brook, extra clean, very low mileage. 1—1950 Hudson 2-dr., clean, a bargain. 1—1949 Hudson 4-dr., radio, heat er, seat covers, new paint job. 1—1948 Kaiser 4-dr., make us an offer. 1—1938 Buick 4-dr., make an offer. 1—1947 Oldsmobile 4-dr., make an offer. THESE LATE model cars are all in A-l sondition and guaran teed. Come in and see us. We are easy to trade with. SMITH MOTOR CO. PAWL SHIERK. Mgr. Phone 562 — O’Neill 52c FOR SALE: A few bags oyster shell, 90 cents, at Leidy’s. 2c FOR SALE: I have 3 modern residence properties for sale. Would you like to see them?— R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 50tf BUY YOUR MASSEY-HARRIS COMBINES NOW! WHILE they are available ... 10, 12, 14, 16-ft. self-propelled. . . 7-ft. pull type with or without motors. NEW JEEPS and 4-wheel drive Willys pickups in stock again. Good used 1948 eep, priced low. New Massey-Harris and Ferguson tractors and machin ery of all kinds. Outlaw Implement Co. O’Neill, Nebr. 2-3c END-O-PEST kills bugs and fungi. In duster, only 98 cents, at Leidy’s. 2c FOR SALE: Brand new 26 ft. Glider trailer house, strictly modern. Owner will take $800 discount. — H. W. Tomlinson, phone 128W. lc FOR SALE: 1938 Chevrolet pow er sweep, completely overhaul ed. Also International side-de livery rake. — Florian Scholz, Stuart telephone 3128, l-3p80 FOR SALE: Nearly new Deep freeze at Leidy’s. 2c FOR SALE: Several well located building lots. — R. H. ("Ray") Shriner, O’Neill, phone 108- 22tf USED CAR B-A-R-G-A-l-N-S 1—1947 Deluxe Ford "8" 2-dr., good and clean. 1—1949 Pontiac "8” 4-dr. 1—1948 Frazer. 1—1949 Mercury Fordor. 1—1940 Ford 2-dr. “8.” One 1952 New Pontiac Hydra matic Eight Deluxe on the Floor Wm. Krotter Co. of O’NEILL Phone 531 2c NATRIPHENE is the only safe thing to use in soaking glad bulbs. Get it at Leidy’s. 2c BARGAIN in gas water heater at Leidy’s. 2c FOR SALE: Used vacuum clean er at Leidy’s. 2c FOR SALE: 42 acres hay and pasture land, fenced and com plete set of buildings, at In man, Nebr.—Call 196, O’Neill, Nebr. Ic35-30tf SEED FOR SALE Alfalfa - Brome - Clovers Milot - Sudan WE ALSO have early open pol linated corn, good germination. We have new blue grass strip pers for sale. BHC root worm spray.— Koinzan-Jochum Seed Co., Elgin. _ltf FOR SALE: Used Philco refrig erator, 8 ft,, very good condi tion, may be seen at Consum ers Pub. Pow.—L. A. Becker, O’Neill.2c35 FOR SALE: Swift’s mineral blox only $2 at Leidy’s. 2c Chrysler - Plymouth SALES & SERVICE A Good Stock of Better Used Cars At Prices That Will Please C. M. Wilson Phone 100 Butte. Nebr. FOR SALE: Used gas stove ai Leidy's.___2c FOR SALE: Registered Hereford cows with calves at side. Also a few yearling heifers and bulls. — S. R. Robertson, O - Neill, phone 6F1L_52-2p9a For SALE: Glass chick founts 5 cents at Leidy’s^ _ 2c FOR SALE: 1947 Indian Chief 74 motorcycle, good condition. Contact Herb Underwood, O Neill, phone 393W._L2p65 FOR SALE: About 900 bu. good, heavy oats, 1950 and H. (“Ray”) Shriner, O Neill, phone 106. _ FOR SALE: New dual truck chains, B.25x20, at Leidy’s. 2c PIANO SELL-Ou l GOING OUT of business at this address. Well known makes. Spinets, Grands, Consoles, Used Uprights. Savings up to $250. USED PIANOS $25 and up. Con venient terms. Must sell entire stock by May 28th. Come up to 4th floor and save $$$$$. Duven Music Comlpany 4th Floor Commerce Bldg., 6th & Nebraska St., Sioux City, la., Call 53796 for evening appoint ment. 2cl80 NURSERY OFFERS WE HAVE a complete assort ment of glad bulbs, pansies, chrysanthemums, double pe tunias and geraniums. 3 YEAR tea rose bushes, $1.00 each. BURTS FLORAL & GREENHOUSE Phone 158W, Bassett, Nebr. 2-3c FOR SALE: Coal-wood range $5 at Leidy’s. 2c FOR SALE: Coal and wood white enamel kitchen range. Good grates and water front with 40 gallon hot water tank, $45. — Mrs. John Berger, O’ Neill. 2-3p60 FOR SALE: A 1949 model "C” tractor.—O. E. Bishop, Wisner, phone 5044. 2-5pll0 FOR SALE New gas stove, $69.95, at Leidy’s. 2c HOUSE FOR SALE: 24x30, sev en rooms, built 1922. Located on SE comer of SWVi sec 3 31-9.—H. V. Rosenkrans, Red bird. 2-5c WEED KILL gets dandelions. Get it at Leidy’s. 2c FOR SALE: Cottonwood lum Nebr.—James Sobotka, Inman. 2-4c95 FOR SALE: Three horse power Sea-Bee, outboard motor, made by the Goodyear Tire & Rub ber Co., Inc. Used one season, price $60.—H. V. Rosenkrnas, Redbird, Nebr. 2-5c FOR SALE: A Gerhard piano with bench. Recently tuned. Also B flat ebony clarinet with case. — Eileen Krysl, phone 3217, Stuart. FOR SALE: 3-gallon compressed air sprayers only $6.78 at Lei dy’s. 2c FOR SALE: Seven-room house in country to be moved, in pretty good condition.—R. H. (“Ray”) Shriner, O’Neill, phone 106. 2c a. R. H SHRINER P1. £S Renta Plate Glaaa Wind ft Tornado. Truck <t Tractor. Personal Property Liability GENERAL INSURANCE Livestock REAL ESTATE. LOANS. FARM SERVICE. RENTALS Automobile O'Neill —Phone 10t Farm Property | o NOTICE FOR GOSH sakes don’t forget to stop at the LEE STORE and cash in on their money saving anniversary . . . Sale This Week! FOR SALE: Model H John Deere tractor in good condi tion—O. J. Rickard ranch, 26 miles south of O’Neill. 2-3p60 Attention Truckers! ! 1949 Ford F-7, 147” wb., radio, heater, mirrors, clearance lights, saddletanks, trailer brake connections. 1950 Ford F-7, 195” wb., ready for the road. Can be bought either with or without 18-ft. fd. combination rack. Lohaus Motor Co. Phone 16, O’Neill MISCELLANEOUS WATCH and jewelry repairing, crystals and Ronson lighter re pairs while you wait. — Clift Jewelry, O’Neill. 29tf L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half-block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. Service Phone 399, O’Neill FOR BRIGGS & STRATTON^ Lawson and Clinton engines service and genuine parts call at Vic Halva’s Electric Shop, O’Neill. 4itf WE NEVER SI REP A PHONE CALL brings us on the run! Phone 404-W J. V. MOTOR Jim Atkinson - Vernon Strong Used Car Parts, Car Repairing Acetylene Welding North 7th O’Neill, Nebr. 9c80 HUNT’S PLUMBING &. HEATING FARM & COMMERCIAL American Kitchens White Water Heaters (Next door Asimus Motors) WOMEN make extra money at home. Sew our ready cut “Rap A-Round.” Easy — profitable. —Hollywood Mfg. Co., Holly wood 46, Calif. ]&3p83 SEE Ralph Simpson for your electric wiring. Formerly with Lester Electric. ltf Complete Auction Sales Service! Advertising, auctioneering, clerk ing ... let us take care of the details. Call or see ED THORIN. O’Neill or LEIGH & VERNE REYNOLDSON. O’Neill. Phone 2 Insurance of All Kinds _18tf MONUMENTS of lasting beauty, made by skilled craftsmen of the J. F. Bloom Co. , . . monu ments from the factory to the consumer.— Emmet Crabb, O’ Neill, phone 139-J. 37tf WHAT’S IN A NAME? SER VICE! when you consign cat tle, hogs, and sheep to the Frank E. Scott Commission Co., Stock Yards, Sioux City. la- 22tf 4% Federal Land Bank Long Term L-O-A-N-S Pre-Payment Privileges ELKHORN VALLEY NATIONAL FARM ASS’N O’Neill, Nebr. Lyle P. Dierks, Sec.-Treas. I AM BACK at my office again and if you would like to bor row some money on your farm or ranch or business building or residence. I have money to loan on such properties, and will be glad to figure with you on any loan.—Write to R. H. Parker. O’Neill. Nebr. 43tf EXPERT Body - Fender REPAIRING COMPLETE up - to - date shop, equipped and experienced for all makes of cars. Also paint ing, spot work, glasses install ed. Free estimates, 24 - hour wrecker service. WICH’S BODY SHOP 219 Douglas St. /hone 211-W HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf LET US GIVE you our low dol lar on installations of all kinds of flooring, wall tiling and carpeting.— Midwest Fum. & Appl., West O’Neill, phone 346-J. 2c FOR RENT FOR RENT: Floor polisher and waxer.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. 47tf FOR RENT: Furnished apart ment.—A. E. Bowen, O’Neill, phone 322-W. 2e FOR RENT: New unfurnished modern apartment. — Gillies pie’s, phone 114. 37tf FOR RENT Sanders for floor and furniture. — Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. 47tf WANTED WANTED: Blue grass seed. We buy in the rough or will do custom threshing. We also buy, sell and clean alfalfa and clo vers.—Koinzan - Jochum Seed Co., Elgin, phone 132J. 26tf I HAVE pasture for 25 cows and calves or 25 yearlings. — Wm. Rieck, Chambers. 2c WANTED: Dragline work, sewer ditch-digging, basements, road raising.—E. J. Shane, Atkin son, phone 6762, or H&M Cafe, Atkinson. 50-9-30tf WANTED MARRIED MAN: Year around work. Must be exper ienced with livestock and trac tor machinery. Six room house on paved highway close to town. REA and water. Start work anytime until July 1. References required. Good deal to right man. — M. J. Hankins, phone 252, Stanton. l-2cl25 WANTED: About 25 head of cat tle to pasture.—Chas. Berner, Amelia, Nebr. (9 miles west of Chambers, 2 miles south). l-2p65 WANTED: Used 4-yd. gravel box tail gate dump; also hoisting cylinder. State price.—Claude Keller & Son, Newport. l-5c DIGGING WE DIG water and sewer ditch es, basements, cesspools, and build dams. Also do structural steel setting. Belville Draglines Valentine, Nebr. 49tf J-V MOTOR. O’Neill, buys iron and metal. No. 7th St. 13ctf MY REGISTERED GOLDEN PALOMINO QUARTER HORSE, MESA PLAUDIE AT STUD Combining quality, color, gen tle disposition to a high degree. Service at my place 1V4 mi. south of Fred Mack corner, At kinson. Fee $25 at time of ser vice, return privileges. JAY CRAWFORD Atkinson 49-2p HAVE PASTURE for 25 head yearling steers or heifers. — Ralph Brown, Chambers. l-2c EMMET NEWS Miss Maureen Murphy was a weekend guest of Miss Lois Ann Fritton at O’Neill. Mrs. Joe Ziska visited Mrs. Agnes Gaffney Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Newton and family, of O’Neill, were Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Newton. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kloppen borg and daughter, Ruby, and Donnie and Lee Pierson were Sunday evening, May 4, callers at the Ed Wayman home. Miss Pat Clinkenbeard was a Sunday dinner guest at the Frank Foreman home. Miss Mary Lou Conard enter tained Misses Pat DeBolt, Eliza beth Schaffer, Claryce Johnson, Phyllis Hannon and Marlene Waring, all of the O’Neill vicinity, at dinner at the Town House Tuesday evening, May 6. Miss Mabel Perkins, of Ains worth, spent a few days last week visiting her sister and brother, Mrs. James O’Connor, and Tom Perkins. Mrs. Frank Foreman received a mother’s day greeting by cable gram on Saturday afternoon from her son, Pfc. Merle L. Foreman, who is serving with the army at Nurnberg, Germany. Private Foreman has spent the past 11 months serving with a quarter master subsistence supply com pany in Germany. Clyde Newton arrived home on Thursday afternoon after spend ing a few days visiting relatives and friends in Laurel. G. Owen Cole arrived home Sunday after spending two weeks with his wnfe at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bock, at Burlington, la. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murphy and Ronnie were Sunday visitors of D. N. Murphy and Clarence. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wortman and Paul and Mrs Wilfred Wortman. all of West Point, were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. A1 Klop penborg. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McMillan and faimilv entertained at a moth er’s day dinner at their home at Newport on Sundav in honor of Mrs. Bertha McMillan. Those present were: Mrs- Helen Wabbs "nd family, of Roencer; Mr. and Mrs. Charles McMillan and family, of Long Pine: Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McMillan, of Emmet. The honoree is 83-years-old. o CARDS OF THANKS I WISH to most sincerely thank all of our friends in Holt county for all of their kind nesses during my illness. Your prayers, many letters, cards and flowers have certainly helped me in my recovery. 2c REV. V. R. BELL WE TAKE THIS means of thank ing our many friends and neighbors for mass offerings, for memorials to the hospital, food, cards and also for the many acts of kindness during the long illness and after the death of our beloved husband, father, son and grandfather. May our Lord reward each and everyone of you. —THE KEATING FAMILY. 2e50 16 Page Seniors Receive Diplomas PAGE— Commencement rites for the 1952 graduates and eighth grade pupils of the Page school were held at the school audi torium Tuesday evening, May 13. Program: processional, Ruth Parks; Invocation, by Rev. C. E. Wilcox; vocal solo, “Memories,” by Jerry Terrill; address, “What is Your Name?” by Dr. Everett E. Jackman; presentation of eighth grade, Mrs. Faye Taylor; presentation of eighth grade dip lomas, by Walt Christon; pres entation of scholarships and awards, by Supt. John Lamason; presentation of seniors, by Mr. Lairmson; presentation of dip lomas, by Mr. Christon; benedic tion, by Rev. Geo. Francis; reces sional, by Ruth Parks. Eighth grade graduation class roll included Charles F. Single ton, Hugh Troshynski, Dean A. Taylor, Brenda F. Beelaert, Bette J. French, Lloyd A. Fussleman, Veldon G. Gray, Helen J. Finch and Larry J. Roach. Seniors included Diana Fussel man, Lorna Stevens, Joyce Clasey, Roxanna Simmons, Mary Hal stead, Judith Trowbridge, Max ine Park, Norma Cullen, Nancy Heiss, Virgil Parks, Jerry Sum mers, Richard Christon, Wilson Lamason, William Zempel, Rob ert Sorensen, Vernon Dorr. Other Page News Mrs. Gailord Albright and Mrs. C. A. Townsend drove to Norfolk Sunday where they were luncheon guests at the home of Mrs. Town send’s daughter, Mrs. Frank Chmeler. Mrs. Chmeler accom panied the ladies to Columbus where they called at the home of Mrs. Townsend’s son, Alva Town send and wife. Mrs- Alva Town send and Mrs. C A. Townsend, Mrs. Albright and Mrs. Chmeler then drove to Fullerton, where Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock they attended the wedding of Miss Marilyn Weir and Richard Bennett. The bride is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wier, of Hartington and the grand daughter of Mrs. Dora Townsend. Misses Margie Finch, Genelle Park and Jane Simmons, of Wayne State Teacher’s college spent the weekend at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen and Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Nissen and daughter spent Sunday afternoon at Osmond with Mrs. Anton Nis sen’s mother, Mrs. Kate Fuelberth. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Connery, of Cody, spent the weekend with Mrs. Connery’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, sr. Mr. Con nery remained to attend the com mencement exercises on Tuesday evening. Her brother, Robert Sor ensen, is one of the graduates Mr. and Mrs R. F. Park had their four children at home for mother’s day. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Park and family, of Orchard; Miss Genelle Park, of Wayne; Mr. and Mrs. Neven Ickes, jr., of Page, and Ronald Park at home. Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sorensen, sr., were Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Connery, of Cody, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sorensen and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sorensen and two children and Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, jr., and daughter, all of Page. All those helping in the Bible school work met at the Methodist church Monday evening to out line the program for the week’s work. The scnool will open Mon day, May 19, and will last one week with all-day session. All grade children are invited to at tend. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wood who have been employed at Randolph spent Thursday night with their daughter, Mrs. Calvin Harvey, and family. Friday they attended the school picnic in their district. They spent Friday night with an other daughter, (Mrs. Kenneth Asher, and family. Saturday they visited Mrs. Wood’s mother, Mrs. Esther Edimisten. Saturday eve ning Mr. and Mrs. Wood and Mrs Edmisten were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Neven Ickes, sr. Tuesday morning Mr. and Mrs. Wood left for Wahoq where they will be employed. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Parks, of O’ Veill, and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kemper were dinner guests Sun day of Mr and Mrs. Orville Kem per Mrs. Anna Stolle who had spent the past year at the home of her sister, Mrs. Alma Tegeler, 1 returned to her home at Battle Creek Sunday. Donald Heiss took his wife and two daughters to Greeley Thurs day night where they plan to spend a week in the home of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Carl Ray burn. Donald returned to Page. Mrs. Ina Turner came from Os kosh to spent a week with her friend, Mrs. Icie Rost. Friends at Page have received word that Mr. and Mrs. L. C- Ra kow, of White Salmon, Wash., have sold their ranch. They are former residents of Page and have many friends here. Mrs. Anna Smith, who has spent several days here at the home of her son, Melvin Smith and family, will return to her home at Inman Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bredehoft, of O’Neill, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder. Miss Marian Kteiss entertained the girls of the freshman class at a slumber party at her home Thurs day evening. Most of the night was spent reading comic books and telling spooky stories. After enjoying a breakfast the girls left for school. Guests were Sher ry Stewart, Wanda Stevens, Fern Waterman, Marge Brewster, Lin da Simmons, Gwen Klinetobe, Lois Brewster, Dixie Singleton, Jennie Graves and Faye Irene Bailantyne. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnson and Mrs. Emma Morris, of Fre mont, were Saturday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Neu bauer. Sunday the group accom panied by Paul Neubauer drove io Gordon where tney visited un til Tuesday in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Lewie Broemer and Mrs. Lorene Haller. Mrs. John son, Mrs- Broemer and Mrs. Hal ler are daughters of Mrs. Moris and Paul and William Neubauer are her sons. Mrs. Morris will spend the summer in the homes of her daughters at Gordon. Certification Deadlines Are Posted— Applications for the certifica tion of small grains, bromegrass, wheatgrass, sweet clover and vetch are due on May 20, accord ing to Neil Dawes, Holt county extension agent. The application forms may be obtained at the county extension office. Certified seed growers are urged to get their applications in as early as possible. Applications for the cer tification of these crops will be accepted at the Nebraska Crop Improvement association office until June 1. Closing dates for ac ceting application for the certifi cation of other crops are as fol lows: June 20—Hybrid corn and saf flower; July 20—alfalfa and red clover; August 1—warm season grasses, soybeans, sorghums, Su dan grass and lespedeza. Visit Verzals— Mr. and Mrs. E F. Quinn spent mother’s day at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Verzal. ♦ Hog Market Stronger • Hog market has been stronger this week at tire terminals, in truding a 25c upturn Monday at Omaha. Cattle have been steady to higher. We're expecting around 300 head of cattle at our sale today, mostly yearlings but all kinds will be repre sented. • A special consignment includes 10 Shorthorn milk cows, all milking now, and one registered Hereford bull. O’NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET PHONE 2 — O'NEILL MIDWEST FURN. & APPLIANCE Phone 346-J West O’Neill Thursday Star Special SAVE $15 Full-Size Serta PLATFORM ROCKER Covered in Wool Frieze and Nylon ALL COLORS Regular Price 59.50 - Thursday Only..44.50 ^ IN THE k rain.r Your own ALL-CROP Harvester will make the dif ference. See us now and be sure of your harvest. ALL CROP Is ait Allis-Chalmers trademark. MARCELLOS IMPL. CO. — O’NEILL — . i