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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1952)
FUTURE SUBSCRIBERS HAMIK— Mr. and Mrs. Max Hamik, of Atkinson, a son, Ger old Duane, weighing 6 pounds 6 ounces, born May 1 at Atkinson Memorial hospital. COLLINS — Mr. and Mrs. George Collins, of Atkinson, a son, weighing 11 pounds 3 ounc es, bom May 4 at Atkinson Me morial hospital. ELAM—Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Elam, of Denver, Colo., a daugh ter, Patricia Anna, weighing 5 pounds, born Saturday, May 3. Mrs. Elam is the former Marga ret Ann Halva, of O’Neill. VENTEICHER—Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Venteicher, of Clear water, a daughter, Margaret Ann, weighing 7 pounds 2 ounc es, born Wednesday, May 7, at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. BRAINARD — Mr and Mrs. George Brainard, of Grand Is land, a daughter, weighing 9 pounds 10 ounces, born on Mon day, May 5, at a Lutheran hos pital, Grand Island. Mrs. Brain ard is the former Esther Fox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Char les Fox, of O’Neill. REIMER—Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer, of Niobrara, a daugh ter, borp Thursday, April 24, in the Plainview hospital. The par ents are known at Deloit. BENSON—Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Benson, of O’Neill, a daughter, Beth Angela, weighing 7 pounds 8 ounces, born on Friday, May 2, at the O’Neill hospital. This is their first daughter. They have three sons. SNYDER—Mr. and Mrs. Victor Snyder, of Atkinson, a daughter, Deanna Ellen, weighing 6 pounds 12 ounces, bom Monday, May 5, in the Stuart Community hos pital. KING—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas King, of Suart, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds 12 ounces, born Monday, May 5, in the Stuart Community hospital. Chamber to Honor Athletes— The Chamber of Commerce will honor letterwinners from both St. Mary’s academy and O’Neill high school in the annual athletic banquet to be held Monday, May 12, nt the American Legion audi torium. Mr. Morris, Kearney State Teachers’ college basketball coach, will be principal speaker. George Hammond, “Voice of The Frontier" radio announcer, will serve as master of ceremonies. CLUB ELECTS LYNCH— The Lynch baseball association met recently for an organizational session, electing Ronald Carson, manager, and Don Allen, secretary-terasurer. ■“LEGAL notices (First publ. April 24, 1952) NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Estate No. 3784 County Court of Holt County, Nebraska. Estate of Ernest Adams, De cociscd The State of Nebraska, to all concerned: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribu tion of estate and approval of final account and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on May 14, 1952, at at 10 o’clock A M. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 5LT (First pub. Apr. 24, 1952) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 3813 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, April 17th, 1952. In the matter of the Estate of Chester Calkins, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims a gainst said estate is August 15th, 1952, and for the payment of debts is April 17th, 1953, and that on May 15th, 1952, and on August 16th, 1952, at 10 o’clock A.M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said CoUnty to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 51-lc (First pub. May 1, 1952) William W. Griffin, Att’y LEGAL NOTICE TO: Pacific Townsite Company, a Corporation: You are hereby notified that on the 26th day of April, 1952, Jennie Holloway, as plaintiff, filed her petition and commenc ed an action against you in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is to have the plaintiff decreed to be the ahsolute owner in fee simple of the real estate described as Lot 15 in Block 19 of the original town of Page, Holt County, Nebraska; to have the title to and possession of said real estate auieted and confirm ed in the plaintiff and to have you adjudged and decreed to have no title to, lien upon, right or interest in said real estate. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 9th day of June, 1952, otherwise judgment will be rendered a gainst you accordingly. JENNIE HOLLOWAY, Plaintiff. 52-3 SICK & INJURED "EWING^Mi^Fraiik NoHke, jr., and daughter, Mary Lois, ac companied by Mrs. Frank Noffke, sr., and Tressa Bauer, went to Tildcn last Thursday. Mary Lois, who has been ill for several weeks, had a physical checkup. She is “improving” but will be confined to her home for a while. . . Mrs. A. H. Marquardt is ill at her home and under a doctor’s care. . . Guy Wright, who suf fered a slight stroke some time a go, is now able to be up. . . Re ports from the Veterans hospital, Grand Island, received Friday pronounced the condition of one of Ewing’s best-known citizens, R. B. Crellin, as “critical.” . Mrs. Crellin remains constantly at his bedside. Mr. Crellin sold the Ew ing Advocate in September, 1951. . . . Jim Wulf, who was injured Monday, April 28, when the car in which he was riding went out of control, was able to come home on Wednesday, April 30, from the Tilden hospital. No bones were broken, but he was painful ly cut and bruised. Jack Funk is also “on the mend." He received a deep cut on one arm. . .George Schiffbauer, 55, who suffered a fractured right leg Monday in a tractor accident near Omaha, Tuesday was in "good” condition at St. Joseph’s hospital, Omaha. Mr. Schiffbauer was on a tractor which overturned into a 12-foot ditch on Thirty-sixth street, six miles south of Q street. O’NEILL—Thomas Harty, who attends Creighton university, Omaha, came to O’Neill Satur day by way of Sioux City where he met his mother, Mrs. P. B. Harty, and brought her home. Mrs. Harty had been a surgical patient in St. Vincent’s hospital, Sioux City. She is “improving.” . . . Mrs. Norman Gonderinger and infant son, Charles Norman, returned home Friday, May 2, from the Atkinson Memorial hos pital. . . Mrs. Dora Doyle, of O’ Neill, a surgical patient in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Nor folk, is “good” and expects to be released Friday. . . Mrs. Earl Bauld, of O’Neill, underwent ma jor surgery Wednesday, May 7, in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. . . Mrs. W. S. Do Vail has been quite ill at her home north of O’Neill. . . . Donald Van Buren underwent surgery on Monday, May 5, at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in Norfolk. His condition la "good,” , , , Mrs. Jake Pribil Is “doing well” In Our La dy of Lourdes hospital. Norfolk. PAGE—Mr. and Mrs. Neil Ash er and son, Jerry, and Miss Diana Fussleman drove to Savannah, Mo., Tuesday, April 29, Mr. and Mrs. Asher plan to remain there two weeks. The others returned to Page Wednesday night, April 30. . . Mrs. John Lamason has been a patient in the O’Neill hos pital since Monday, April 28. . . Becky Beelaert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs- Frank Beelaert, was a patient in the O’Neill hospital from Wednesday night, April 30, until Friday, May 2. . . Bobbie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heese, spent from Wednesday, April 30, until Friday, May 2, at the O’Neill hospital. His condition is “good." STUART—Mrs. George Hytrek was painfully burned Thursday, May 1, when the oven of her stove exploded. The oven burner had gone out and the accumu lated gas fumes exploded when she attempted to relight it. . . . Joe Levi returned from the Vet erans hospital, Lincoln, Saturday, May 3. LYNCH—Mrs. Frank Hammon is home from a Norfolk hospital and is "improving.” . . Mrs. C. L. Haselhorst is “improving" at the Sacred Heart hospital. . . Mrs. Albert Spencer is on the sick list this week. EMMET—Bill Grothe, who has farmed many years northwest of Emmet, was ill at his home over the weekend and visited by a doctor. Seven of his sons and daughters gathered at the home Sunday. DELOIT—Jim Wulf, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wulf, was able to return to his home Wednesday, April 30, following a car acci dent. He will be able to return to school soon. REDBIRE^—Mrs. Billy Wells was dismissed from the Lynch hospital last week. Her grand daughter, Delores Wells, is stay ing with her this week. INMAN— Mr. and Mrs. Mick Gallagher left Sunday for Ro chester, Minn., where Mrs. Galla gher will go through a clinic. ATKINSON—Dwight Kenny is “doing well" in Our Lady of Loureds hospital, Norfolk. AMELIA—Mrs. Oscar Peterson is "doing well” in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. VENUS—Mrs. Bernard Strope is “up and doing well” in a Lu theran hospital, Norfolk. Neighbors Aid Ray Kurtz. Wife— ROCK FALLS — Neighbors gathered Friday at the Ray Kurtz farm to help him with his farm i work. His wife has been sick ' and he has had to be away a lot recently. Men who helped were Francis Curran, Bill Claussen, Bert Ott, Loyal Hull, Dave Molar. John Grutch, Roy Margritz, Stanley Benson, Albert Stems, Francis Rhode, John Donlin, Walter Sire, Earl McCLanahan and Dan Sny der. Women who brought food and helped, besides his daughters, Mrs. Bob Larsen, Mrs. Charles Cooper and Mrs. Dan Snyder, were Mrs. Francis Curran. Mrs. Bill Claussen. Mrs. Roy Mar gritz, Mrs. Albert Stems. Mrs. Bert Ott and Mrs. Loyal Hull. Rjoys-Girls! Next Saturday, May 101 I | The Winners of Our BIG FOOD COLORING CONTEST Will Be Presented with Their Prizes! I m i„:.iw Uni ii ra The time — 9:30 P.M., Saturday. Be sure to come. We will have treats at our Snack Bar for all those boys and girls who entered this contest. We hope you can be here. TWO! GRAND PRIZE WINNERS TEN CONSOLATION PRIZE WINNERS TWO NEW CRUISER BICYCLES TO FIRST PRIZE WINNERS OF CONTEST Cash Prizes to Consolation Winners — 1st Prize $5.00; 2nd, $4.00; 3rd, $3.00; 4th, $2.00. Next 6 winning en- ? trants — $1.00 each. All winners being notified by letter. DON’T FORGET YOUR TREAT AT OUR SNACK BAR! Prices Effective Thurs., Fri. and Sat., May 8, 9 and 10 I I TOMATO v I JUICE I I? 57c GOLDEN VALLEY SLICED PEACHES 31 83c i OUR FAMILY FRUIT COCKTAIL 3 r $1.00 | I One-Half Gallon Bulk Vanilla II Ice Cream I 89c ROBERT'S GRADE A— MILK, Qt..21c OUR FAMILY— PRANCE JUICE, 2 S’", 5fr FISCHER'S— CHEESE, 2-Lb.Box.79c OUR FAMILY — STRAWBERRY— PRESERVES, 3 Jars.99c OUR FAMILY— GRAPE JAM, 2 2-Lb. Jars . 81c DUNCAN HINES— CAKE MIX, 3 Pkgs..... SI .00 SUNSHINE— SHREDDED WHEAT, Pkg.17c OUR FAMILY CATSUP 3 53c For POULTRY --- Chic Starter Chick Grower Chick Scratch Egg Crumbles 27% Balancer 33% Concenrtate Stock Gro Vis - Vita for POULTRY Oyster Shell BUTTERMILK Tankage Bone - Meal Semi-Solid B. Milk HRMMMBBnNMMnr HARDING'S BUTTER Lb.67c GOLDEN VALLEY TOMATOES 21 49c OUR FAMILY RED SALMON : 69c BLUE SEAL OLEO 3 lbs...59c OffAUTY PORK STEAK WILSON’S MINCED HAM Per Lb._39C Wilson s Com King — SLICED BACON qqt Per Lb. _ M#T GOLDEN VALLEY— R.S.P.— l CHERRIES, 2 No. 2 Cans - 49<= ORANGE SLICES, 2 lb. Cello 49<= WHITE— ; POPCORN, 2-Lb- Cello. 27c GRAPEFRUIT, 1Q for.45c LETTUCE, Lb...12c MED. SIZE — NAVEL— ORANGES, 3Lbs. FRESH CRISP— RADISHES, JBun.10c SALAD BOWL Salad Dressing QUART ^Qr JAR WVV HI - NEIGHBOR PEAS 4 T,.r 49c I Nutrena Poultry-Hog-Cattle Feeds I For HOGS NUTRENA "CREEP 20" FOR PIGS NUTRENA "SHOAT 40" — 6 WKS. TO WEANING NUTRENA 40% BALANCER — 125 LBS. TO MARKET CASH FOR dtEftM - POULTRY - EGGS For CATTLE Soybean Meal, Pellets Sweet Lassy Cudahy Mineral Bran — Shorts Vis-Vita for Cattle Crushed Rock Salt WHITE — GRAY SULPHUR — IODIZED Block Salt 22(7C Nutrena Pellets 41% RG. CUBES Meat Scraps Lime Stone FINE MIXING SALT ■■■ I SHELHAMER I cpZZy FOODS p£t' ■ -56- O'NEILL —173