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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1952)
o G SECTION 2 — PAGES 9 TO 12 1 ' f V MEHODIST (Inman) Rev, Charles C. Chappell, pastor Church school, 10 a.m. Worship, 11:15 a.m. Iliursday, May 8, there will be a joint meeting of the com mittee on worship and evange lisnj and the committee on lay ac' (ties. e chairmen of these com mittee respectively, are Harvey Tompkins and Karl Keyes. The meeting will convene at 8 p.m. and will be held in the church. 'the Woman’s Society of Chris tian Service held its regular mueiing May 1 at the home of Mrs. Ira Watson About 25 mem ber and five guests were pres ent Mrs. Roy Gannon conducted the devotions. Mrs. Kreymborg, county home demonstration a gent, was a special guest and gave a short talk aboii* her work with the extension service. Mem bers whose birthday anniversa ries occurred in the months of M|rch, April and May were honored with a short program and seated at the birthday table wfieh was decorated with May 1 iskets and a birthday cake. Mrs. Hfrbert Nielsen and Mrs. L. R. Tompkins were in charge of the program, and Mrs. Ira Watson and Mrs. Glenn Gillogly served refreshments. The next meeting wfil be at the home of Mrs. Clarence Hansen May 15. The Young Adult Fellowship held its regular meeting at the I@<)f hall Thursday evening, MEay U Although it had been pla nvd to be held in the Maxcy Memorial addition, due to the coolness of the weather the building was not ready for use. A family supper was served to the large crowd attending. The business meeting was condcuted by President Lewis Kopecky, jr. It was voted to sponsor an alum ni banquet and a probable date of June 5 was selected. At the morning worship ser ivce Sunday, May 4, Reverend Chappell delivered his sermon entitled, “God’s Covenant Be tween Heaven and Earth.” Miss Emogene Davis sang a solo, “To Thee I Fly.” Mrs. Anna Smith, just returned from a winter in California and Colorado, and Mrs. Eva Murten, of Blair, were in the congregation, also Miss Barbara Brunckhorst and three house guests from Norfolk and Miss Delores Nielsen, of Hast ings. t COMMUNITY (Stuart) Rev. Orin Garff, pastor Worship services, 10 a.m.; stu dy period, 11 a.m. Sermon for Sunday, May 11, “The True Meaning of the Sab bath.” Exodus 20:8-11, Luke 13: 10-17. Youth Fellowship was held on Tuesday night because of school activities. There will be no choir rehear sals this month. The Women’s society will have a work meeting at the Berlin Mitchell home to pack boxes for Korea this afternoon (Thursday). The men’s council will meet tonight (Thursday) in the church basement. ASSEMBLY OF GOD (OBNeill) Rev. Wayne Hall, paitar The revival services abe con tinuing through this wed*. We j have enjoyed the good rpissages of Evangelist Howard Smith. The services begin at 8 o’clock each night. We welcome you ta hear this man of God. There will be a street meeting at 8:30 p.m. Saturday on tie cor ner of Fourth and Douglas streets. Young people will have their service on Tuesday, May 13, at 8 p.m. The prayer and Biblft study service is on Wednesday, May 14, at 8 p.m. The sectional fellowship meet ing is today (Thursday) i i Wood Lake. Time of services are 2:30, 6:30 and 7:30 p.m. (MST),' The Scriptures admonish us to "Be ye holy in all marner of conversation; because it is writ ten, be ye holy; for I aim holy.” Give God a part of yopr time, talents, and possessions if you want His blessings. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (O'Neill) Rev. Samuel Lee, pastor Sunday-school, 9:45 a.m. Wor ship, 11 a.m. Spiritual life group > Monday, 3 p.m. Junior high Westminster fel lowship, Tuseday, 4:15 p.m. Senior high Westminster fel lowship, Thursday, 6 p.m. Choir practice, Thursday, 8:15 p.m. cneruD cnoir practice, Satur day, 10 a.m. High school baccalaureate, Sunday evening at the high school auditorium. The women’s circles will meet on Thursday, May 15. Next Sunday is mother’s day. Bring your mother and come and worship with us. Wednesday the pastor attended a meeting of the synod’s com mittee on national missions in Grand Island, ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN (Chambers) Rev. C. D. Ankney, pastor Sunday-school, 10 a.m., Henry Brown, superintendent. Adult Bible class, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Vacation school will begin on Monday, May 26, and will con tinue through June 6. Classes will be in session Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. till 12 noon. The Ladies Aid meets today (Thursday) in the church base ment at 2 p.m. Refreshments will be served. The pastor will pre sent a mother’s day topic dis cussion. CHURCH OF CHRIST (O'Neill) A. C. Utterback, minister Sunda.y May 11: The Bible study classes meet at 10 a.m. with interesting discussions from God’s word. Plans are in progress for the summer’s DVBS. Communion service at 11 a.m. The morning message topic will be “Fleshpots of Egypt.” Please read the 16th chapter of Exodus. Evening services at 8 o’clock each Sunday. Visitors are always welcome.— By Mrs. Donald Johring, secre tary. METHODIST (O'Neill) Rev. V. R. Bell, pastor Sunday, May 11: Mother’s, day. Sunday-school, 10 a.m. Regular worship service, 11 a.m., sponsored by the Methodist Youth Fellowship with special music. Baccalaureate service, 8 p.m., public school auditorium. Thursday, May 8: Woman’s So ciety of Christian Service, 2:30 p.m., at the church parlors. Choir practice, 7 p.m. MYF meeting, 8 p.m., with election of officers. _ KINDERGARTEN PERFORMERS . . . Nursery rhyme and child storybook characters came to life Friday evening in the annual program pre sented by the O’Neill public school kindergarten children. Front row (left-to-right)—Marlene Al ton, “Nursery Rhyme Girl”; Sharon Hartman, “Mary Had a Little Lamb”; Laurell Haynes, “Mistress Mary”; Mary Jo Walker, “Little Miss Muffet”; Mary Ray, “Little Bo Peep”; Marlene Colfack, “Nursery Rhyme Girl”; Constance Mor row, "Nursery Rhyme Girl.” Second row—Rich ard Peterson, “Crooked Man”; Michael Boyer, “Oh, Where Has My Little Dog Gone?”; Ronald Walton, “Indian”; Roger Strong, “Indian”; Rich ard Brinkman, “Indian”; Christine Herley, “Mopsy Rabbit”; Virginia Lawrence, “Cotton — The Frontier Engraving tail Rabbit"; Cheryl Clyde, ‘‘Flopsy Rabbit”; Di anne Gillespie, "Mother Rabbit”; Dennis Wells, "Peter Rabbit”; Jane Neal, “Jill”; Donald Tay lor, "Jack”; Ronald Hollenbeck, "Peter Pumpkin Eater”; Lois Anderson, “Peter Pumpkin Eater’s Wife”; Verna Butterfield, “Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe”. Top row—Donald Crook, “Lit tle Boy Blue”; Timothy Flettre, “Farmer Mc Gregory"; Janey Spry', “Bubble Girl”; Suzanne Stewart, “Sister Bear”; Arlene Barr, “Mamma Bear”; Gary Alton, "Papa Bear”; Danny Porter, “Little Duck”; Donalee Hopkins, “Nursery Rhyme Girl”; Jean Culver, "The Clock”; Connie Sulli van, "Goldilocks"; Joan Riffey, “The Mouse”; Ann Gamel, “Pussy Cat.”—O’Neill Photo Co. 44 Children Take First Communion On Sunday morning, May 4, 44 children received their first holy communion at St. Patrick’s Catholic church at the 8 o’clock mass. Very Rev. Timothy O’Sul livan was celebrant. The girls were dressed in the traditional white dresses and veils. The boys wore dark trou sers and white shirts. The names of the first com municants follow: Ellen Marie Bauman, Roberta Mary Becker, Jerald Paul Beha, Carmen Florence Benze, Marian Alice Boyle, Donna Louise Brue ning, Ronald Eugene Kallhoff, Edward William Conway, Char les William Corkle, Rita Marie Corkle, Owen Francis Donohoe, Vincent Matthew Ernst, Lynn Edward Gallagher. Patricia Anne Gerin, Laur ence Eugene Gilg, Richard Lyle Green, Michael John Grutsch, Patricia Anne Heerman, Carol Josephine Holly, Winifred Ann Jareske, James Russell Jonas, Rosemary Mahoney, Henry Mar tynink, Stanley Martynink, Lil lian Lynn McCarthy, Patricia Elaine McKenzie, Mary Joan Murray. Marvin Allen Peter, Eileen Frances Pribil, Daniel Neil Ryan, Jerome Francis Schmitz, Mildred Rose Schmitz, Kathleen C. Schaf fer, Sharon Kay Sheets, Carolyn Edna Smith, Douglas Jerome Spittler, James Edward Sulli i van, Judith Anne Sullivan, James Martin Thompson, Rita Kay Ve quist, Margaret Loraine Vitt, Kristine Pauline Wewel, William Rodney Willson, James Eugene Wilson, Elizabeth Anne YamalL ST. PETER'S EPISCOPAL (Neliqh) Rev. Wm. H. Cowger, vicar Prayer, Sunday, 9 a.m. Church school, Sunday, 10 a.m. Have you picked a church camp for your young people from 14-25 years of age? If not please consider Camp Merrill, Fullerton, from June 22-28. METHODIST (Chambers) Rev. L. R. Hansberry, pastor Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m., Clair Grimes, superintendent. Worship, 11:30 a.m. Mrs. Hansberry had charge of the services Sunday, May 4, as the pastor was ill. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Grady are expected to return home Sunday from Baker, Ore., where they have been residing the past seven imonths with their daughter, Mrs. Paul Montgomery, and her two children. They went to Oregon last September following the sudden death of their son-in-law, Paul Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Willson have been occupy ing their residence. Mr. Willson went to North Platte about a month ago where he launched a produce business. Mrs. Willson will join him soon Frontier for printing! DR. H. D. GILDERSLEEVE. OPTOMETRIST Permanent Offices in Hagensick Bldg. O’NEILL, NEBR. Phone 167 Eyes Examined . Glasses Fitted Office Hours: 9-5 Mon. thru Sat. ——- - —' I EARL W. | RALYA Owner » Swan Soap, giant bar. 9c Realemon Juice, 12-oz, tall can.27c J, Pint Bottle IGA Thousand Island Dressing.23c Fresh Tender Beeis, in plastic bag 12c California Large Lemons, 3 for _ 13‘ Wilson’s C.K. Sliced Bacon, 1-lb. pkg. 35c Pickle and ?imiento Loaf 49c Gold Seal Glass Wax. pt. 59c I Pkg. of 20 for Paper Lunch Bags_ 10c Fine Grade Steel Wool, box_ 10c 1 1-lb. tall can IGA Grapefruit_ 19c I Gerber’s Cereals, box.17c Pickled Green Peppers, 3-oz. bottle 10c Fresh Frozen Peas, 12-oz. pkg..25c I LADIES’ 2-PIECE Dress Suits • Metal Edge Button—Key Belt • Rayon Sheen Gabardine • Sizes 12 to 15 • Reg. 18.95 CLEARANCE PRICE 12.00 Ladies' Suits • Ottoman Faille Woven Dot Suit • Skirt with Petticoat • Sizes 12 to 14 • Colors: Navy and White • Reg. 39.95 now.. 29*00 Ladies' Suits • Men’s Wear Rayon • Small Shawl Collar • 5-Button Front • Arrow Trim on Hip • Adjustable Cuff • Swing Skirt • Colors: Navy and Brown • Reg. 21.95 CLEARANCE. 13-00 (Ladies' Suits • Rayon Sheen Gabardine • 3 Verticle Slot Seam Pocket* # Taffeta Lined • 4-Gore Skirt with Front Slit • Colors: Blue, Gold, Red • Regular 16.50 NOW.. 10*00 I Ladies' Suits • 50/50 Wool and Rayon Checked Suit—Boxy • % Cuff with Button Detail • Straight Skirt • Color: Tan • Reg. 24.95 CLEARANCE. 16*00 iLadies' Suits • Rayon Sharkskin Classic • 3-Button, 3-Slot Seamed Pocket • Taffeta Lined • Colors: Grey and Tan • Reg. 17.95 j NOW 10*00 I Many Other Styles and Colors at Reduced Prices |Use Our LAY-BY Plan ... 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