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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1952)
CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE FOR SALE: 41% range cake. $104 per ton; mixed fertilizer, $4<.95 per ton.—Corale Hatchery, O’ Neill. _38tf Used Car Specials 1—1948 Ford fordor, equipped, winterized. 1—iy47 Ford tudor. equipped, winterized. 1—1949 Hudson 4-dr., radio, heat er. seat covers, white sidewall tires, A-l condition in every way. 1—1938 Ford tudor. a bargain. 1—1948 Ford fordor. 1—1949 Hudson. 1—1938 Buick, bargain. 1—1938 Ford fordor. bargain. These are ail good clean cars and priced to sell. Come in and see us. _ SMITH MOTOR CO. PAUL SHIERK, Mgr. Phone 582 — O’Neill 42c FOR SALE: About 1100 bushels of good ear corn, $1.25 per 100 pounds.—Billy Hoffman, Fair fax, S.D. 44-45c FRANCIS GRAVES, Burwell, Nebr., will sell 17 registered Herelord bulls, Tuesday, March 18, at the Atkinson Livestock Market. 44p50 FOR SALE: Five new patterns of 12 - ft. linoleum. — Midwest Furn. & Appl., West O’Neill. 43c L-hrysler-Piymouth SALES & SERVICE A Good Stock of better Used Cars At Prices That Will Please C. IVA. WAL^UN Phone 100 Butte. Nebr. _ 2tf FOR SALE: Seven-room house with bath and a half. Full basement. Three lots. Good lo cauon. Insulated, and home is in excellent condition. — See owners, Mrs. Wm. Nelson and Auoree or htouis Klasna, Brok er, Spencer. 44c FOR SALE: 5 - room modern house with garage.—Roy Arm strong, 220 So. 8th, O’Neill. 43-45p85 FOR SALE One Farmall model H tractor, fully equipped, er roneously listed as used last week.—K. C. Hunt, O’Neill. 44tf FOR SALE: New 26-ft. Glider trailer house. Faliy equipped, toilet, refrigerator, gas stove, bed, etc. Owner will take a very substantial discount.—See H. W. Tomlinson. O’Neill. 43-44c FOR SALE OR TRADE: 1 HD 10 Allis Chalmers crawler with bulldozer and double drum unit, cable operated, $6500; 1040 Studebaker, 2-ton chassis, $700; 1046 GMC lfc-ton chas sis, $400.—W. L. Salyers, Ne ligh, ph. 330. 44-45p00 FOR SALE: 50 tons of hay in stack, 1 mile north of Rock Falls. — Whiter O’Malley. O’ Neill. 44 tf FOR SALE: Gladioli bulbs from W. B. Lamib gardens at Lamb home, Cqpast to Coast srote or Cole’s shoe shop. 44tf Save Up to $500 By trading at the Outlaw Implement Company! WE ALLOW up to $500 more for used cars and tractors traded in on new cars and tractors than most other dealers allow you. Let us bid on your used car or tractor whether you trade with us or not. Save money! Get full value for your used car or tractor in trade. We Have in otock Now New 1952 Willys cars and jeeps. New 1952 Henry J cars. New Massey - Harris tractors, all sizes. Massey-Harris tractors are lowest priced per horse power and use least fuel, prov ed by tests of the Nebraska university tractor testing sta tion. New 1952 Massey - Harris com bines,, all sizes; manure spreaders, discs, plows, mow ers. Used John Deere and International tractors. Used Cars of All Kinds Save money! Stop and get prices on machinery, cars and tractors at the lowest prices in USA, Outlaw Implement Co. Phone 373West O’Neill FOR SALE: Surge dairy equip ment for sale by Kenneth Dil lon, Ainsworth, Nebr. Get your milking machine now while they are still available. 4tfc FOR SALE: Insurance of all kinds. — Sec R. H. (“Ray”} Shri'ner, phone 106. 39tl I FOR SALE: 4 registered Angus bulls. Bandolier and Emblem breeding. 2-yrs.-old in April, ready for heavy service.—E. J. Revell & Sons. Star. 43-44c FOR SALE: State tested Nemaha seed oats. $1.25 per bushel. — Tony Mudloff, Page. 41-44pl05 FOR SALE: Border Collie pup pies, males and females. — C Bar M. O’NeilL_29tf FOR SALE: Several good, well located building U’Js. — R- H. (“Ray”) Shriner, O'Neill, phone 106. 22tf USED CAR B-A-R-G-A-I-N-S 1—1948 Pontiac “8”. 4-dr., hy dramatic. clean. 1—1949 Pontiac “8" 4-dr. 1—1942 Oldsmobile. 1—1940 Ford coupe. 1—1947 Chev. 4-dr. Stylemaster. 1—1949 Mercury Fordor, l—1949 Dodge Wayfarer. 2-dr. • 1—1948 Pontiac “6”. new motor. Streamliner, sedan coupe. 1—1950 Pontiac “8” 2-dr., hy draulic transmission, low mileage. Wm. Krotter Co. of O’NEILL Phone 531 43c FOR SALE: 200 - acre former Gannon farm, located 4 miles north of Inman. Possession March 1. If interested phone or write: Fred H. Reinking, Schleswig, la., phone 185. 43-44p65 FOR SALE: I will sell my 5-yr. old gelding paint horse at the Atkinson Livestock sales pa vilion on Tuesday, March 11. He is gentle, well broke, and has plenty of life. Has been ridden 2 years in saddle club. Good looking show horse. Wavy mane and tail, brown spots. He will also take plen ty of hard, rough riding. Work ing stock. Guaranteed to please in all ways- or money refund ed. Will also sell a very good bay saddle mare, 5-yrs.-old, gentle, good looking and well broke. Good stock horse and built to take all the hard rid ing you can offer.—Don Angel, Spencer. 44c MISCELLANEOUS WATCH and jewelry repairing, crystals and Ronson lighter re pairs while you wait — Clift Jewelry. O’Neill. 29tf WHAT’S IN A NAME? SER VICE! when you consign cat tle, hogs, and sheep to the Frank E. Scott Commission Co., Stock Yards, Sioux City, la.22tf 4% Federal Land Bank Long Term L-O-A-N-S Pre-Payment Privilegea ELKHORN VALLEY Nat'l Farm Loan Asa'n O’Neill, Nebr. Lyle P. Dierks, Sec-Treaa. KIETH A. ABART O’Neill, Nebr. Auctioneer _Licensed to Sell Real Estate I AM BACK at my office again and if you would like to bor row some money on your farm or ranch or business building or residence, I have money to loan on such properties, and will be glad to figure with you on any loan.—Write to R. H. Parker. O'Neill. Nebr 43tf "EXPERT Body - Fender REPAIRING COMPLETE up - to - date shop, equipped and experienced for all makes of cars. Also paint ing, spat work, glasses install ed Free estimates, 24 - hour wrecker service. WICH'S BODY SHOP 219 Douglas St. Phone 211-W i*ompiuie Auction Sales Service! Advertising, auctioneering, clerk ing ... let us take care of the details. Call or see ED THORIN. O’Neill or LEIGH & VERNE REYNOLDSON. O’Neill, Phone 2 Insurance of All Kinds ietf HUNT’S PLUMBING & HEATING American Kitchens White Water Heaters (Next door Asimus Motors) FARM & COMMERCIAL Service Phone 399, O’Neill L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half-block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds ol automobile, truck and tractoi repair. Acetylene welding. I FOR BRIGGS <St STRATTON. | Lawson and Clinton engines service and genuine parts cal at Vic Halva's Electric Shop O’NeiiL __ DIGGING WE DIG water and sewer ditch- | es, basements, cesspools, and build da*.is. Also do structural steel setting. hielvilie Draglines Valentine, Nebr. 49tf MONUMENTS of lasting beauty, made by skilled craftsmen of the J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monu ments from the factory to the consumer.— Emmet Crabb, O’ Neill, phone 139-J. 37tf HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf WE NEVER SLEEP A PHONE CALL brings us on the run! Phone 404-W J. V. MOTOR Jim Atkinson - Vernon Strong Used Car Parts, Car Repairing Acetylene Welding North 7th O’Neill, Nebr. 9c80 WANTED WANTED: A used clarinet. Call or write, Mrs. George Stuessi. 513 East Adams, O’Neill, phone 366LJ. _ 44p35 J-V MOTOR, O’Neil], buys iron and metal. No. 7th St. 13ctf WANTED TO RENT: Pasture land tor cash.—Jim Corkle, O’ Neill. 41-51C BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: $400.0U month spare time. Re filling and collecting money from our high grade vending machines. You must have car. references, $600.00 cash secur ed by inventory. Devoting eight hours per wk. to busi ness, your end of collections will net up to $400 per month with very good possibilities of taking over full time. Income ! increasing accordingly. For in terview include phone in ap plication. Write box NW, c/o Frontier. _ MECHANIC WANTED EXPERIENCED mechanic, Gen eral Motors experience prefer ferred. —Wm. Krotter Co., O' Neill.44c WANTED: Blue grass seed. We , buy in the rough or will do custom threshing. We also buy, ‘ sell and clean alfalfa and cio- ' vers.—Koinzan - Jodium Seed Co., Elgin, phone 132J. 26tf WANTED TO RENT: Hay and alfalfa land for cash or share.— Jim Corkle, O’Neill. 41-51c WANTED TO BUY: A used pickup baler for making round bales. Wlrite W. E. Murray. Newport. 44-46p90 , HELP WANTED: Two outside salesmen, experience helpful but not essential, large terri tory, not necessary to live in O’Neill, good pay plus liberal commission. Apply in person: Freeman L. Knight. Knight Maytag, O’Neill. 44c HELP WANTED: Married man for steady ranch work.—C. M. Keller, Newport. 44-45p65 CARDS OF THANKS FOR THE CARDS and letters, the phone calls, the newspa pers brought by the business men and to the many grown people, high school students and grade children who called, I say "Thank you again.” All were bright spots in my pleas ant stay at the hospital. MRS. FLOYD WHITAKER 44p I WISH to thank all my friends and relatives for the cards and gifts received during my stay at the Sacred Heart hospital at Lynch. Your kindness will always be remembered. Tommy Zakrzewski, Jr. 44c WE WISH to express to all our kind and thoughtful relatives and friends, our heartfelt thanks for your many acts of kindness and appreciation. Mrs. Rodney Tomlinson and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Tomlin son and family. 44c FOR RENT FOR RENT: New unfurnished modern apartment. — Gillies _jjie’s, phone 114. _ 37tf GOOD FLOOR SANDER AND edger for rent. Inquire: Spelts Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill. FOR RENT: Apartment, close in. —Anna Brown, O’Neill, phone 323J. 44p35 FOR RENT: Newly redecorated sleeping rooms, by week or month.—129 Clay St., ph. 324. O’Neill. 43-45c FOR RENT: 3-room unfurnished apartment. Newly redecorated. , Main ftoior.—129 Clav St., ph. 324. O’Neill. 43-45c FOR RENT: An 80-acre farm. 1 mile east 1 Ms south of Orchard. I Inquire R. F. Van Horn. O’ Neill. 44p3Q_ FOR RENT: New. small hand sanding machine, for furniture and woodwork. — Spelts-Rav Lbr.. Co.. O’Neill. 52tf DR. FISHER. DENTIST. LOST LOST: One nearly new black overshoe, size 5, between school and home.—Larry Don lin, phone 216J, O’Neill. 44c LOST: New 6x16 in. tire and wheel, for a 1951 Ford pickup. Reward for return to this of fice or Robert Kruziger, Ew ing. - 44c -tfi FUTURE SUBSCRIBERS SKRDLA—Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Skrdla, of Atkinson, a daughter, born Thursday, Feb ruary 28, in Atkilison Memorial hospital. SCHMIT—Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Schmit, of O’Neill, a son, Ronnie Dean, weighing 9 pounds 6 ounces, born Sunday, March 2, at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. This is the couple’s sec ond son. Mrs. Lod Janousek is the maternal grandmother. CHRISTIAN — Mr. and Mrs. Scott Christian, of Omaha, a daughter, Becky Ann, born Wed nesday, February 20, at the Methodist hospital, Omaha. This is the couple’s first child. Mrs. Christian is the former Polly Ann Rickly, daughter of the Ralph P. Ricklys, of San Diego, Calif., formerly of O’Neill. MARCELLUS— Mr. and Mrs.. Donald Marcellus, of Atkinson, a daughter, born Tuesday, March 4, at the Atkinson hospital. SCHRAD—Mr .and Mrs. Syl vester Schrad, of Columbus, a son, born Tuesday, February 26. at the Tilden hospital. The Schrads are former residents of Ewing. This makes 5 sons in their family. CONNOT—-Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bonnot, of Fairfax, S.D., a son, weighing 7 pounds 4 ounces, born Sunday, February 24, at the Sa bred Heart hospital, Lynch. REISER—Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rei ser, of Butte, a son, weighing 7 sounds 12 ounces, born at the Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch, on Monday, February 25. This is the Reiser’s second child. WARNKE—Mr. and Mrs. Mar lin Warnke, of Butte, a daught er, born Tuesday, February 26, at he Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. SCHIENOST—Mr. and Mrs. Ladimer Schienpst, of Bristow, a ion, Lyle Frank, weighing 7 pounds 8 ounces, born Sunday, February 24, at the Sacred Heart lospital, Lynch. CRISMAN — Mr. and Mrs. Nayne Crisman, of Wagner, S.D., i son, Terry Faye, weighing 9 >ounds 8 ounces, bom Tuesday, February 19, at Wagner, S.D. Mrs. Crisman is the former Darleen iVentling, of. Lynch. HOSPITAL NOTES O'NEILL HOSPITAL Admissions; February 28—Mrs. Lowell Anderson, of Chambers, medical, condition good; Freddy lohring, of O’Neill, medical, con dition good; Baby Janet Dono aoe, of O’Neill, medical, condi tion gaod. 29—Mrs. Mattie Ur aan, of Ewing, medical, condition fair. March 1 — Mark Lauten schlager, of Ewing, medical, con dition improved; Edna Farrier, of O’Neill, accident, condition good. March 3 — Charles Homolka. of Chambers, medical, condition fairly good; Mrs. Tom Bilstein. of Amelia, medical, condition good. Still in hospital: Dale Bell, of Chambers, medical. condition critical; Clinton Smith, of Inman, medical, condition improved. Dismissals: February 28—Mrs. Floyd Whitaker, of Chambers: Mrs. Lowell Anderson, of Cham bers. February 29—Freddy Johr ing of O’Neill. March 1 — Mrs. Neil Hoxie and son. of Cham bers. 2—Mrs. Flovd Johnson, of O’Neill: Edna Farrier, of O’Neill. 3— Mark Lautenschlager. of Ew ing: Janet Donohoe. of O’Neill. 4— Mrs. Tom Bilstein. of Amelia. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted February 25—Law rence Engler, medical. 26—Mrs. Pete Head, obstetrical. 27—Ber nard Coday, surgical. 8 — Mrs. Lawrence Skrdla, obstetrical. 29 John Wenner, medical; Richard Engler, medical; Mrs. William Crawford, obstetrical. March 1— Sid Farewell, medical. 2—Walter Ries, medical: Mrs. Frank Le Munyan, medical. Dismissed: February 28—Mrs. Roy Carr; John Wenner; Mrs. El mer Schaaf and baby boy. 29— Mrs. Pete Head; Lawrence Eng ler. Hospitalized — Mrs. Josehpine Urbanski, orth. O'NEILL LOCALS Mrs, Bernard Spry entertained at a dinner party on Sunday, March 2, in honor of her hus band’s birthday anniversary. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Spry and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wiseman, Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz and daughters, Frank Schultz, Mrs. Florence Schultz and family and Mrs. Stems, all of ONeill, and Miss Shirley Steskal, of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Reynoldson and Mrs. Verne Reynoldson went to Neligh on business Tues day, March 4. , ... Edward McCarthy, of ONeill; Kenneth Batenhorst. of Stuart; Thomas Slattery, of Atkinson, and Morris Waring, of Page, all of whom attend Creighton uni versity, Omaha, and Donald and Gene Bmddoek! ol Omaha, came Fridav, February 28, to attend the finals m the Class C district basketball tournament in Atkin son. They also stopped at the home of Edward McCarthy s 1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. George McCarthy. They returned to Omaha Saturday afternoon. Saturday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Muff were Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Muff, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Cratty and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Maben, all of Clearwater,-and Mrs. George Jef fery and Mrs. Wilma Daniels, of Ewing. George McCarthy, accompan ied by George Ponton, of Elgin, and Patrick Nellis, of Greeley, went to Grand Island Sunday. March 2, where they attended the state officers’ meeting and Knights of Columbus banquet that evening. Mrs. Clyde Streeter returned from Lincoln Wednesday, Feb ruary 27, where she has been vis iting her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Streeter, and her sis ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Matthews. JOHN R. GALLAGHER Attorney - at - Law First National Bank Bldg. O'Neill : Phone 11 i _____ R. H. SHRINER p,, Rents Plate Glaif Wind & Tornado, Truck It Tractor. Personal Property Liability GENERAL INSURANCE Livestock REAL ESTATE. LOANS. FARM SERVICE. RENTALS Automobile O'Neill —i— Phone 101 Farm Property SHELHANER FOODS I GROCERY PHONE: 56 — O’NEILL — FRODUCE PHONE: 173 j PRICES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY. FRIDAY. SATURDAY. MARCH 6. 7. 8 VALLEY HOME — R.S.P. CHERRIES, 2 No. 2 Cans 47c SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS 2-Lb. Box.49C LIGHT OR DARK FARINA, 3-Lb. Cello.25c 1 GOLDEN VALLEY — CREAM STYLE CORN, 2 Cans..29c PURE I LARD 2 Lbs.29c I YELLOW ^ 3 CORNMEAL, 3-Lb. Cello 21c \ ft SPECIAL. THIS WEEKEND -RP111 VANILLA CREAM Pint -23c Quart ..45c DEL MONTE — 46-Ox. Can* TOMATO JUICE, 2 far .... 59c SEEDLESS RAISINS, 2-Lb. Pkg.33c AIRCRAFT — Halves PEACHES, No. 10 Can 87c CANDY ORANGE SLICES, 2 Lbs. .49c VAN CAMP’S — No. 2 Cans PORK-BEANS, 4 for.69c CORN FLAKES OR Giant Pkg. jj POST TOASTIES.25c PORT LIGHT TUNA, 2 Cans.— 45c SOAP POWDER FAB, Lge.Pkg. 29c COD FILLETS lb 31c PORK LIVER u» 1» BACON ENDS u».17c WILSON’S CERTIFIED SMOKED HAMS Whole or Half, Lb. 49c PINK OR WHITE | GRAPEFRUIT 10 f«.43c MED. SIZE URAMGES 3 U« 29* PORTO RICAN YAMS RUb--25» FIRM SOLID HEADS LETTUCE u> 12c I WE HAVE LOCKERS FOR RENT 1 We are also equipped to handle your processing I COMPLETE LINE OF FEEDS FOR POULTRY, HOGS. CATTLE BUY THE STARTER VOTED BEST I NUTRENA STARTER CRUMBLES with LIVIUM I 'egg CRUMBLES — BALANCER CRUMBLES — CONCENTRATE 24% PIG & SOW FEED - 40% HOG BALANCER CALF STARTER MEAL — CALF GROWER PELLETS ; t CALF T6 * M% DAIRY FEED - 22 * 41% RANGE FEEDS SOYBEAN MEAL. PELLETS, CUBES TANKAGE _ MEAT SCRAPS — BONEMEAL — LIMESTONE CUDAHY ALL PURPOSE MINERAL & MINERAL BLOCKS SWEET LASSY MOLASSES PELLETS OYSTER SHELL — BROODER HOUSE LITTER — ROCK & BLIC^SALT_ ' * , / * * * * » »