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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1952)
LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF PRIMARY ELECTION Notice is nereby given that a Primary Liecuon win De held on 'Tuesuay April i, isoz, at tne usuai polling piaces m the sev eral voung piecmeis oi Holt County, oiaie oi neDrasna, uur ing me nouis aesignated by law, lor me ionowing purposes, to wit; 1. The selection of First and Seconu cnoice oi eacn pontical party oi caneuuaies lor Presiuent of tne unueu stares. 2. me seiecuon of First and Second cnoice ot each political party oi candidates ior Vice President ot uie united States. 3. Tne nomination by each political party ot Delegates and Alternates at Large and from each congressional District, to the respective ixaiionai Conven tion as governed by tne rules of the respective iNauonal political parties. 4. the nomination by each political party ot one candidate lor Unneo States Senator. 5. Tbe nominauon by each political aprty oi one candidate for United states Senator, two year term, to till a vacancy. 6. me nomination by each political party ox one candidate for Congress from the Fourth Congressional District. 7. me nomination by each political party ot candidates for State offices, to-wit: One Governor One Lieutenant Governor One Secretary of State One Auditor of Public Ac counts One State Treasurer une miorney ueneral One Hauway Commissioner 8. The non-polmcal nomina tion of two candidates for Judge of the Nebraska Supreme Court from the Sixth Supreme Court District. 9. The non-political nomina tion of two candidates for the Twenty-Eighth Legislative Dis trict of the State. 10. The non-political nomina tion of two candidates for Dis trict Judge from the Fifteenth Judicial District of the State. 11. The non-political nomina tion of eandidates for the office of Director, for the number of Directors to be elected, of Public Power Districts. 12. The nomination by each political party of one candidate for the following County offices, to-wit: One Supervisor from the Second Supervisor District. One Supervisor from the Fourth Supervisor District. One Supervisor from the Sixth Supervisor District. One County Surveyor. 13. The non-political nomi nation of two candidates for each of the following County offices, to-wit: County Superintendent of Public Instruction County Judge 14. The election by each of the political parties of delegates to the Post-Primary County Con tention as provided by Statute. Which Primary Election will oe opened at 8:00 o’clock in the morning and remain open until 5:00 o’clock in the afternoon of the same day. Dated March 3, 1952 at O’Neill, Nebraska. RUTH HOFFMAN 44c County Clerk (First pub. March 6, 1952) Julius D. Cronin, Att’y IN THE DISTRICT COURT Ol HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA IN THE MATTER OF THE AP PLICATION OF JOHN BABL GUARDIAN OF JOHN FRAN i CIS BABL, INCOMPETENT, FOR LICENSE TO SELL ! REAL ESTATE. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Notice is hereby given tha1 pursuant to an Order of the Honorable D. R. Mounts, Judge of the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, made in this said cause on the 29th day of February, 1952, for the sale of in terest in real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold at public vandue to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the Court House in the City of O’Neill in said County and State on the 27th day of March, A.D., 1952, at the hour of ten o’clock A.M. the following described interest in real estate, to-wit:— An undivided one-sixteenth right, title and interest in and to Lots Five and Six, in Block Seventeen, of Kimball and Blair’s Addition to Stu art, Holt County, Nebraska, and the Southeast Quarter of Section One and the North east Quarter of Section Twelve, all in Township Twenty-nine, North, Range Thirteen, West of the 6th P.M., in Holt County, Ne braska. This sale will remain open one hour. Dated this 1st day of March, 1952. JOHN BABL, Guardian of said Incompetent 44-46c (First pub. March 6, 1952) NOTICE OF SCHOOL LAND LEASE SALE Notice is hereby given that the Board of Educational Lands and Funds of the State of Nebraska, or its authorized representative, will offer for lease at public auc tion on the 1st day of April, 1952, at 1:30 o’clock P.M., at the of fice of the County Treasurer of Holt County, in O’Neill, Nebras ka, the following educational lands within said county: All-36 32 9 All-36 25 13 All-16 27 10 Said sale may be adjourned from day to day until all lands have been offered. No sale will be final until approved by the Board of Educational Lands and Funds, and the Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. BOARD OF EDUCATIONAL LANDS AND FUNDS Henry H. Bartling, Secretary. THE O’NEILL FRONTIER, O’Neill, Nebr. _ 44-46c O'NEILL CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS February 5, 1952 Council met at regular session. Present: Mayor Davis, Coun cilmen Golden, Uhl, Merriman and Johnson. Minutes of previous meetings read and approved. Motion by Uhl, seconded by Golden, that the following bills be allowed: On the general fund: Chester Calkins_$213.10 Walter Calkins_181.80 Bob Cook_192.90 Lloyd BritteU _ 150.00 O. D. French-20.00 Balback Company _ 10.00 O’Neill Fire Dept. - 80.00 Shelhamer Oil & Equip. _ 16.25 Consumers PubUc Power I Dist __ 480.3E Joe F. Wert __ 181.8( p Howard Newton ___ 200.0( L. C, Anderson_ 302.6( >_ Wm. Griffin_30.0( Island Supply Co. _ 14.5' . School District No. 7 _ 340.01 Edw. T. Campbell __ 334.73 j Earley Oil Co._76.52 i Howard’s Blacksmith_18.00 j Arbuthnot Oil Co. _j_ 84.57 On the water fund: t Ralph Scofield _$181.80 > Contingent Fund_60.53 » O’Neill Auto Supply_15.55 t Consumers Public Power 180.02 . Arbuthnot Oil Co. _ 10.00 [ O. D. French _ 75.00 . M. J. Wallace __112.02 N. W. Bell Telephone Co. 7.20 i Howard’s Blacksmith _ 12.60 The vote on the above motion was as follows, all aye. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Merriman, that March 4th, 1952, be set as the date of hear ing for Beer and Liquor licenses. Motion carried. Motion by Golden, seconded i by Merriman that the bid of Earley Oil Company on gas, oil, diesel oil and fuel oil for the next year ending February 6th, 1953, be accepted. Motion carried. Upon motion the council ad journed upon call by the Mayor. J. E. DAVIS Mayor O. D. FRENCH Clerk REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS WD — Genevieve Kopp to F Dana Bigelow & wf 11-14-51 $10 Lots 8-9-10 & 11 Blk 15- Hal lock’s 2nd Add- Stuart WD—Jennie Halloway to Roy G Hansen & wf 9-1-51 $20,000 SW*4 3-28-9 WD—James Gallagher to Jo seph F Gallagher 7-11-51 $1- 1/3 Int in NWy4 9- NE14 8-27-10 WD—Thelma A Cronk to Er nest Brunckhorst 2-26-52 $10,- I 000- NEy4 14-27-11 QCD—Juanita Jarman to Chas ter & Clara McClenahan 2-15-52 $1- Part of SWy4 20-26-12 WD—John Kellar to Earl H. Medcalf & wf 8-16-51 $400- Part of NEy4 Sec 30-26-12 176 ft & 247% ft WD — Alfred E Sammond to Bertha M & Forest M Sammons 5-7-51 $1- S% 13- SEy4 14-26-14 1 WD—Julia Kaplan et al to Ar thur Kaplan 1-12-52 $1- NEy4 17- 29-15 WD—Julia Kaplan et al to Ar thur Kaplan 1-12-52 $1- NWVi NWV4SWV4 16-29-15 WD—Julia Kaplan et al to Lil lian Heying 1-12-52 $1- SE% 9 29-15 WD— Julia Kaplan to Lillian Heying 1-12-52 $1- N% lot 9- All lot 10 Blk 2- Atkinson ADM DEED — Leo F Seger Adm to Edward Humpal 11-18-47 $2575- Lots 23-24- & 25 Blk 1 Ballons Add- Atk WD—Rosalia Jansen to Fred Jansen 1-7-33 $1- Lots 7-8-9 Blk 8- Atk i WD—Adeline Kelly to Jesse S Kelly 11-27-50 $1- Lots 5 & 6 Blk 5- East Side Add- Page WD—Adeline Kelly to Jesse S Kelly 11-27-50 $1- NEy4- S% NW% 2-28-10 WD—Erma Bates to Daphine A Kretchman & hus 2-52 $15, 000- W% 3^29-14 S%NWy4 N% SWy4 4-28-14 S% 3-27-14 SEy4 E%swy4- 15-27-14 s%swy4 15 Nwy4- NEy4- swy4- N%SEy4 21- nwy4- w%swy4 22- swy4 6- w%Nwy4- Nwy4swy4 7 NEy4Nwy4- NEy4swy4- Nwy4 SEy4- S%SEy4 7-28-14 E%SEy4 1- E%NEy4 12-28-15 WD—R S Swenson to Deraid Graham & wf 8-16-51 $500- Lot 18- Gilg & Swenson’s Sub-divi sion- O’Neill _ at Harley Hardware/jc-.v; THE GREAT Cfl^' **'»«'• V 0 NEW 1952 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER DEFROSTS ITSELF AUTOMATICALLY EVERY NIGHT, OR YOU CAN DEFROST IT ANY WAY, ANY TIME YOU LIKE Simple as A-B-C A. AUTOMATIC Fully automatic defrosting. Nothing to do. Frozen foods stay brick-hard I B. by manual control 8 MODELS 8 SIZES 8 PRICES FROM 229.95 TO 439.95 Fast, electric defrosting any time you want it. A welcome convenience! C. CONVENTIONAL Defrost slowly if you wish. Handy when you dean refrigerator interior I Color Inside, Color Outside, they're jfAMMJmlA Harley Haw.... Chambers 6 1 j When You A I Were Young. , . ; Noblehearted Emmet I Host at Banquet 50 Years Ago One of the most successful ban quets ever to be enjoyed in this city was given by the Emmets at the opera house. The event cele brated being an anniversary of the birthday of Ireland’s pride, the noblehearted Robert Emmet . . . N. H. Bradstreet moved to his place in Niobrara after spending b years of “high life" in the city . . . A mining expert is at work at Jackson sinking a shaft for coal on the farm of C H. Goodfellow, the farm being part of a thou sand acres of coal leased by an Omaha company. Two veins of coal, 6 and 3 feet thick, were found 150 feet down. . . Ferris Manny and Pete Eisle departed on a landseeking trip to Washington. 25 Years Ago Pat Hickey is driving a new Whippet sedan. . . P. J. McManus went to Chicago, 111. . . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rasley were in Nor folk. . . Miss Elizabeth Eggleston, of Ewing, is working in the coun ty clerk’s ofice. . . Anton Toy re turned from a 10-day buying trip to St. Louis, Mo., where he is in company with Tom Laham, of Norfolk... James Boyle brought a large coon to O’Neill which he captured in a tree near the Elk horn river southeast of O’Neill. 10 Years go Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wayman celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on February 25, 1942 . . . Meeting of O’Neill ladies to volunteer for the American Red Cress drive was held Saturday af ternoon. The meeting was opened by Mrs. Stannard. Women elected for different committees were: Marion Dickson, Mrs. James W. Rooney, Mrs. Iona French and Mrs. C. Bergstrom. Mrs. F. J. Dishner, county production chair man, gave a short talk on work to be done. 1 Year Ago The Chamber of Commerce un animously went on record back ing a move to provide a public restroom in the city. . . Val and Joyce Darling announce the for mal opening of the Town House at the corner of Eighth and Douglas streets. CHAMBERS NEWS The WSCS, of the Methodist church, held serivces in connec tion with the world day of pray er Friday at the church. Mr. and Mrs. William Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Thom- j son, of Chambers, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner, of Grand Is ltuid attended the funeral ser vices of Mrs. Turner’s brother, Rodney Tomlinson, at Lynch on Sunday. Ruth Potter went to Grand Is land Saturday where she is em ployed. Mr. and Mrs. Leo T. Adams, of Atkinson, and Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Turner and Roger, of Grand Island, were Saturday evening guests in the William Turner home. The Robert Turner fam ily accompanied the Adamses home and spent the night there. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Grimes and Bonnie left Monday, March 3, for their home at Baton, Colo., after visiting relatives at Cham bers. They visited her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ste vens and family at Atkinson on Sunday, March 2. Mr. and Mrs. Orin Harkins, of Oakley, Kans., spent the week end with his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wintermote, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thorin and Charles moved the first of the week to a farm southwest of iNeligh. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith and children visited Doctor and Mrs. Van Horn and family at Orchard Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Claus Wagner, of Central City, spent Thursday night and Friday with her sis ter, and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Arnie Mace, sr., and other rela tives. A family reunion was held in the E. K. Carpenter home on Saturday Marcn 1. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Donald Grimes and Bonnie, of Baton, Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ste vens, Chernyn and Terry, of At kinson; Mr. and Mrs. Ben W. Medcalf, Bobby and Kathy, of Sioux City, and Mrs. Genevieve Bell, of Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Mikkleson and family, of Wisner, moved last week to the farm southwest of Chambers owned by his broth ers Emil and Henry. The latter expect to leave in a couple of Taxpayers • The Nebraska law places full responsibility on the tax payer for seeing that all his personal property is listed for taxation. The law provides a penalty of 50% of valuation for failure to list, refusal to list, to list falsely or to transfer property for the purpose of evading taxes. • In order to keep taxes as uniform as possible a spot check will be made in each precinct to determine if the taxpayers are turning in their correct valuation; if it is found that anyone has failed to list their property correctly the 50% penalty will be applied as povided by law. • List your property as it should be to avoid embarrass ment if you should be in the spot check. Due to the bad road conditions we are asking everyone to cooperate with the Precinct Assessor to get the assessing done as soon after March 10th as possible. ' weeks for Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Fees and daughter drove to Bradshaw on Saturday to bring Mrs. Myrtle Fees home. The latter had been . visiting her brother and wife, Mr. , and Mrs. Alvin Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter, Mrs. Donald Grimes and Bonnie, Mrs Ben Medcalf and children, Mrs. Genevieve Bell and Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Newhouse were guests in the Charles Grimes home on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Rubeck and Katheryn, of O’Neill, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell. Mrs. Paul Roth and Mary Jo and Mrs. Elwyn Robertson and Janice drove to Columbus Satur day, February 23. Mrs. Charles Spath left Thurs day, February 21, for California to visit relatives. Mrs. Ben W. Medcalf and chil dren, Bobby and Kathy, of Sioux City came Wednesday, February 27 to visit relatives. Mr. Medcalf came Friday evening. They re turned to Sioux City Sunday af ternoon. Donald Grimes came Friday from Eaton, Colo., to get Mrs. Grimes and daughter, Bonnie, who had been visiting relatives and friends at Chambers for a week. Mrs. Hazel Miller, of Chicago, 111., came recently to be near her brother, Dale Bell, who is ill in , the O’Neill hospital. She is vis- 1 mng ner sister-in-law, Mrs. Myr tle Bell. Angie Spath came from Oma ha to spend the weekend with her father, Charles Spath. DELOIT NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Tomjack spent the February 23 weekend I at the home of the latter’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tom jack. Mrs. Stanley Huffman’s moth er, Mrs. Elam, of Falls City, died i on Saturday afternoon, February | 23. Mrs. Huffman had been at her mother’s bedside. Stanley 1 left for Falls City that evening. Clearwater Creek club met on Wednesday, February 27, at the Walt Finley home. A lesson on ! “Quick Breads” was presented. A party was held at the Werk meister home Monday evening, February 25, in honor of Mrs. Werkmeister’s birthday anniver sary. Mrs. El von Kinney and Dianne, I of Council Bluffs, Ia# spent 2 weeks recently visiting at Jim Squire’s. The condition of the roads has been “terrific” (sad). Several from here have been j attending some of the basketball tournament games at Bartlett. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Daniels cel ebrated their 40th wedding anni versary on Sunday, February 24. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harpster and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Larson called at H. Reimers’ on Monday, February 25. The Huffman ranch purchased a new Jeep last week. Mr. and Mrs. Beckman, of near 1 Elgin, visited their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Virtus Sehi, on Thursday, February 28. Bertha Miller is spending this winter in Clearwater where she is keeping her 2 grandchildren and others attending high school there. Mildred Hemenway visited her husband in camp over the Feb ruary 23 weekend. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS WD—R S Swenson to Donald W Martin & wf 8-6-51 $5007 Lot 19- Gilg & Swenson’s Sub-divi sion- O’Neill WD — CM Stevens to Neal Chase 2-28-52 $7100- NW¥4 28 29-9 WD—John H Seger to Alouis P Wewel 2-28-52 $500- Lot 1 Blk 6- Atkinson CATTLE SALE Every Tuesday Starting at 12:30 P.M. “Your consignments solicited" Sell Them Where They Have The Buyers Atkinson Livestock Market Atkinson, Nebraska Phone 5141 % Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beckwith, of j Emmet, were Friday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph eckwith and Mrs. Arthur Har ley and family. Rev. and Mrs. G. M. Hubby, of Wayne were dinner guests Sun day at the home of Rev. Harley’s mother, Mrs. Carie Borg. Guy Harris, who attends Ne braska Wesleyan University, Lin coln, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Esther Harris. Claude Cole and Ted Lind berg, who attend college at Wayne, were weekend guests in O’Neill. Mr. ana Mrs. 11. J. Lohaus went to Omaha on Friday, February 29. l'hey returned Saturday, bringing home Mrs. Frank Froeiich, who had been a patient at St. Joseph's hospital. Mrs. Percy Anderson was a caller Wednesday, February 27, at the home of Mrs. Ralph Beck with and her daughter, Mrs. Ar thur Harley and family, of Atkin son., who have been guests of Mrs. Beckwith since February 24. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dimmitt entertained at a family dinner on Friday evening, February 29, in honor of Ted Altn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Aim, who left for the 1 air force Sunday, March 2. Mark Davis, who is employed in Cody by the Consumers Public Power district, spent the week end in O'Neill visiting his wife. Mrs. Davis plans to leave on Mon day, March 10, for Cody, where she will visit her husband for 2 weeks. H. F. Plank left Tuesday, March 1, for his home in Spearfish, S.D., after accompanying the body of lis wife, the late Mrs. H. F. Plank, to O’Neil for burial. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. DeBolt and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Farrier and Linda spent Sunday in Newport it the home of Mrs. Sophia Lash nett. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Eby went to Page Sunday and were quests at the home of Mrs. Eby’s larents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nis >en. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lange, of \tkinson, were O’Neill visitors on rhursday, February 28. Mr. Lange narketed soime hogs at the O’Neill jivestock Market. They were din ier guests of Mrs. Hazel Boat nan. REDBIRD NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kaasa and Gaylene were Sunday, February 17, dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ludwig, and daughter, of Spencer. Mrs. Maureen Tarr and pupils entertained at a Valentine party Thursday afternoon, February 14. Visitors were Evelyn Barta, Mrs. Claude Pickering, Mrs. Anna Car son, Mrs. Albert Carson and Mm Junior Wilson. Earn Wilson of Gregory, S.D visited Ray Wilson and family and his sister, Mrs. Ralph Piak erman, and family recently. Clarence and June Carson spent Saturday, February 16 with bharlene Hasenpflug at O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilson and boys were dinner guests in the Robert White home at O’NeilL Saturday, February 9. Robert and Lyle Wells and Dick Bailey spent Tuesday evening, February 12, with Beryle Bessert! Mr. and Mrs. Don Bare, of Lynch, visited from Monday, Feb ruary 11, to Thursday, February l,1’,wlth her daughter, Mrs. Bill Wilson, and family. DR. H. L. BENNETT VETERINARIAN Phones 316 and 304 — O'NEILL — drs, brown & FRENCH Eyes Tested—Glasses Fitted Broken Lens Replaced in 24 Hours Other Repairs While Ton Wait Complete X-Ray Edward T. Germ, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Complete Shock - Proof X-Ray Office over Gilllgan’a Telephone 165W POWER t&atAaeteO money! MASSEY-HARRIS 3-4 /Mow 44 47.04 Max. Belt H.P. 41.36 Max. Drawbar H.P. 260-Cubic-Inch Engine Full-Pretture Lubricated Positive Valve Rotator* Removable Sleeve* 260-cuhic-inch high-compression engine gives the 44 power aplenty for heavy field, road, yard and belt work. In plowing, planting or harvesting . . . wherever the success of a job depends on stepped-up production — that's when the 44's extra power pays off in time served, and in the greater ability to get more done. Ask for a demonstration of the Massey-Harris 44, the tractor that out-powers and out-performs any other tractor in the 3-4 nlow class. Below are tractor tests made by Nebraska Uni versity tractor testing station on 44 Massey Harris Tractors in comparison with other trac tors in same near price bracket. All gas tractor tests. Tractor Make H-M I-H-C Oliver Jhn.-Deere M-M Model 44 M 88 A UTU Power Comparisons (Nebr. Test) Maximum Belt _47.04 39.23 44.66 39.50 45.27 Maximum Draw Bar -41.36 34.44 38.40 35.30 37.76 Economy Comparison (Lbs. Fuel per Horsepower Hr.) Full Load Belt _ .498 .505 513 .523 551 Varying Load Average Belt_.614 .653 .672 .648 .735 10 Hr. Rated Drawbar_.581 .584 .625 .615 .706 Buy a Massey-Harris Tractor . . . lowest priced Iper horsepower and uses least fuel. Get Our Prices — Save Money Outlaw Implement Co. O’Neill, Nebraska