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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1952)
o O o Lila Hansen Weds Warren Ebbers Here A very pretty wedding was held at the Methodist church of O’Neill Sunday, January 6, at 2 p.m., with Rev. V. R. Bell officiat ing. Lila Hansen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Hansen, and War ren Ebbers, of Firth, were joined in holy matrimony in a dbuble ring ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was dressed in a gown of white satin and net with a floor-length skirt and long sleeves ending in a point at the wrists. She wore a white illusion finger tip veil with lace and a beaded headpiece. The bride carried out the tra ditional custom with something old, new and blue. The bridegroom wore a suit of gray-blue aqd a white carnation boutonniere. The maid-of-honor, Miss Wava Pearson, of Lincoln, had a floor length gown of pink satin with a matching headpiece. Wilmer J. Bishop, of Pleasant Dale, acted as bestman. His suit was navy blue. Melvina Mulhair, niece of the bride, acted as flower girl. She was dressed in a blue floor-length taffeta gown. She carried the bride’s bouquet of red roses. Richard Mulhair, nephew of the bride, acted as ringbearer. Janet and Larry Gifford, niece and nephew of the bride, were candlelighters. Mrs. D. H. Hansen, mother of the bride, appeared in a street length dress of navy blue and Mrs. John Ebbers, mother of the bridegroom, wore a street-length dress of wine. Both mothers had carnation corsages. /a. Hj. DOWcii was urgoiusi auu John Bowen sang “Because” and “I Love You Truly.” William Hansen, brother of the bride, and Earl Ebbers, brother of the bridegroom, were ushers. A reception was held at the church basement immediately following the ceremony with 45 relatives and friends as guests, The wedding cakes were baked by the bride’s sister, Mrs. Charles Gifford, and a neighbor, Mrs. Vernon Harding. Out-of-town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pape, of Cort land; Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hen sinkvelt, of Princeton; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ebbers, of Hallam; Mr. and Mrs. John Ebbers, of Firth; Earl Ebbers, of Firth; Wilmer J. Bishop, of Pleasant Dale; Mary E. Souehek, of Lincoln, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bouma, of Hal lam. After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Ebbers will be at home on a farm near Firth. Mr. and Mrs. Schulx Are Feted — A group of friends surprised Mr and Mrs. Robert Schulz on. Sunday, January 6. It was a com bination birthday anniversary and farewell party. Mrs. Schulzs birthday occurs on that day and Mr. and Mrs. Schulz will soon be leaving for Florida. There were 4 tables of pinochle, with Mrs. D. N. Loy and Frank Greiner winning high, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lowry were low, and Robert Schulz won traveling. Lions Plan Valentine Party— The Hons club met Tuesday evening at Slat’s cafe The club , now has its own male Quartet which furnished the entertain Plans were made for a Valen tine party to be held rebruanr 12 at the Legion auditorium. Mrs. Lyons Hostess — The CAM club met on Tuesday, January 8, at the home of Mrs. Walter Lyons. Cards were played and refreshments were served at the close of the evening._ 6 o ® , t • ° « - —Frontier Engraving Mrs. Francis Belser, the former Ruby Fox . . . weds in church rite.—O'Neill Photo Co. P-TA Will Meet Monday Evening— Regular monthly meeting of the Parent-Teachers’ association will be held on Monday, January 14, at 8 p.m., in the O’Neill public school band room. A film will be shown and sev eral musical numbers will be the highlight of the evening. Phyllis Johnson Loy will sing a solo, “I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked,” by O’Hara; Bar bara Bennett will sing a solo; James G. Bastian will play a pi ana solo, and there will be a la dies’ trio. The second grade mothers will have charge of refreshments. All members are urged to at tend, an official said. Rebekahs Install— On Friday evening, January 4, the Rebekah lodge met in the IOOF hall. Mrs. Nellie Medcalf and her staff from Chambers in stalled the new officers. New officers are Mrs. Bennett Heriford, noble grand; Mrs. Ruth Wayman, vice-grand; Mrs. Ver non Lorenz, secretary; Mrs. Win nie Barger, treasurer. After the officers were install ed lunch was served. Club Meats — The O'Neill Women’s club met in the band room at the O’Neill nublic school Wednesday evening, January 9. The high school dram atic department presented a skit and James Bastian presented sev eral musical numbers. ONO in Session — Mrs Donald Martin entertained the ONO club at her home on Monday, January 7. Mrs Dale Curran was a guest. At cards, Mrs. Harold Calkins won high, Mrs. TWald Graham, low. and Mrs. Robert Lowery, all-cut. Bridge Winners— The Chez-a-Mari club met on Monday, January 7, with a din ner at the M&M cafe and cards were played at the home of Mrs. Joe Stutz following the dinner. The winners were Mrs. Marvin Miller and Mrs. Dale French. Merri-Myx in Session — The Merri-Myx met with a l.JO p.m. dessert luncheon at the home of Mrs. H. L. Lindberg on Tues day afternoon. Frontier want ads bring quick results!___ ---—- — .. - Ruby Fox Bride of F rancis Belzer A beautiful and impressive wedding was solemnized at 9 a.m., Wednesday, January 2, in St. Patrick’s Catholic church when Miss Ruby Fox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox, of O’Neill, became the bride of Francis Bel zer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bel zer, also of O’Neill. The cere mony was performed by the Rev. Kenneth Carl before an altar dec orated with poinsettas and red carnations. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was gowned in lace and heavy satin. The bodice of lace worked into flowers at the neckline and extended below the hip line, ending in a low point in the back. A full satin skirt fell in a long train. She carried a bouquet of white carnations. The maid-of-honor, Mrs. Wil liam Kelly, wore a pink gown with a pink bonnet-shaped hat and carried white carnations. The bridegroom wore a light blue suit, and his brother, Ed ward Belzer, who was bestman, wore a light tan suit. Mrs. Joseph Hansen as soloist san, “On This Day,” “Ava Maris Stella,” “Panis Angelicus,” and “Ave Maria,” accompanied at the organ by Sister M. Flores, who al so played 2 wedding marches, the festival processional and reces sional. A breakfast was served imme diately after the ceremony to the wedding party at the M & M cafe, followed by a reception at the home of the bride’s parents. In the center of the table was a 3-tier wedding cake trimmed in pink roses and topped with a miniature bride and bridegroom. The couple went to Fremont for a wedding trip. For going away the bride wore a wine checked suit and a corsage of white carna tions. They are making their home here. Mr. Belzer is employed at the Merri Bottling Co., and Mrs. Belzer is employed at Lookers. Mrs. Robert Carroll and daugh ter, of Atkinson, were among the out-of-town guests. New Officers Get Acquainted with Jobs — Members of the Beautiful Val ley Garden club answered roll call on the subject of “What I’ve Done to Attract Birds” when they met at the home of Laveme Harley on Tuesday evening, Jan uary 1. Rena Dierking was lucky enough to win the first door prize of Susie Hubbard’s choosing, who took over as door prize chairman while the rest of the 1952 officers also got acquainted with their new jobs, including: Lou Hub bard, president; Bernice Platt, vice-president; Laverne Harley, secretary-treasurer. Movies will be shown when the club meets with Esther Atkinson on February 5. Miss Froelich's Engagement Announced— Mr. and Mrs. William J. Froe lich have announced the engage ment of their daughter. Miss Nan cy, to John Robert Berigan, son of Mr and Mrs. James L. Berigan, of Atkinson. Miss Froelich, who attended Barat college, Lake Forest, 111., for 2 years, is a sen ior at Duchesne college, Omaha. She was a countess in the 1950 court of Ak-Sar-Ben. Mr. Berigan, who attended St. Louis universi ty, St. Louis, Mo., is now a sen ior at Creighton university, Om aha. No date has been set for the wedding. I LEGION MEETING TONIGHT! Thurs., Jan. 10 Legion Lounge I MICE AT O’NEILL I AMERICAN LEGION BALLROOM ^ ACES OF RHYTHM ORCHESTRA | Saturday, January 12th gj Admission: 75c for Adults, 50c for g ^ High School Students ^ n ° O o ■ , PRICES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, FRIDAY. SATURDAY, JANUARY 10-11-12 ____ SPORTSMAN’S - SALMON DEL - BROOK OLEO 3 Lbs. 69c SWANSDOWN CAKE MIX 3 Pkgs. _$i_ GIANT TIDE Pkg. 79c A EATWELL STRAWBERRY k | JAM Jar. 25c P V^' W^'j I BON-TON FLOUR, 50-lb. sTi 3.491 WELCHES GRAPE JAM, 2 jrs. 45c | TREET, can _49< J V'" OTTu y*”' ^ A BEE BRAND ■ I PEAS SCans 25c P I SEEDLESS II I GRAPEFRUIT 10f«49c I ( EMPEROR 1 | GRAPES Lb. 10c I I JONATHAN 1 1 APPLES Bushel... 2.991 1 glJY!| RED TRIUMPH 100 Lbs. 1 | NOW!! POTATOES 3.98 I M K VAN CAMP PORK & BEANS 4 No. l\ Cans $1 THANK YOU Red Pitted CHERRIES 2 No. 2 Cans 47c CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP 2 Cans BREAK '0 MORN COFFEE Lb. 73c | KRAFT’S MIRACLE WHIP 59C ■