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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1952)
j Chambers Coyotes Bag Pair of Wins CHAMBERS— The Chambers high Coyotes, tutored by Coach Tommy Hutton, bagged a pair of post - holiday victories, turning back Bartlett and St Joseph's hall, of Atkipson. The Bartlett game was played at Bartlett Wednesday. January 2. and the St Joe encounter was staged Fri day, January 4. at Chambers. Chambers 56; Bartlett 20 It was a slow first-half against Wheeler county high (Bartlett) with the Coyotes holding a 22-12 advantage at intermission. The Chambers crew found the range for 34 points in the 2d half, in cluding 19 the 3d quarter. Bernard Gribble hit 17 points for the victors and Ralph Adams accounted for 14. The Chambers reserves won. 30-13. Boxscore of main event: CHAMBERS (56) fg ft pf tp Gribble. B„ f-1 7 3 2 17 Rowse, N., f .— 4 2 3 10 Adams. G. - 10 2 2 Adams, R„ c- 6 2 3 14 Hpffman, D., g - 2 15 5 Pavel, E., g - 4 0 2 8 Farrier, J., g - 0 0 10 Totals_24 8 18 56 BARTLETT (20) fg ft pf tp Menuey, f - 10 3 2 Nichols, f -- 0 0 10 Titter, ngton - 3 3 5 9 Briggs, c - 0 2 2 2 Rosso, c —„- 0 15 1 Reiter, g —- 0 0 0 0 Banks, g ■ 3 0 2 6 Day, g —-— 0 0 0 0 Totals _ 7 6 16 20 Chambers 40: St. Joe 29 The Chambers Coyote* found sweet revenge for perennial trouncings in other years by de feating St. Joe, 40-29. before a full house of customers. The vis itors led 9-7 at the first quarter and 20-12 at halftime. The Coy otes trailed 1 point going into the final frame During that period the Josies were held to 6 points and Hutton’s kids poured in 18 with a furious rally. Nyal Rowse and Bernard Grib ble accounted for 19 points be- ! tween them to lead the Coyote attack. Gokie stood out for the Josies with 11. The Coyote pups won a prelim, 35-19. Boise ore of main event: i ^ . ~. n CHAM. (40) fg ft pr tp Gribjile, B.. f _ 3 3- 3 0 9 Rowse, NU f- 4 2-2 1 10 Adams, G., c —_ 10-012 Adams, R., g- 6 1-2 3 13 Hoffman, D.. g — l 2-4 1 6 Farrier, J., g .. 0 0- 0 2 0 Totals _16 8-11 8 40 ST .JOE (29) fg ft pf tp Schmit, C., f .. _ 0 0- 0 0 0 Gokie, f- 4 3- 5 3 11 Schmit. G.. f_ 2 0-014 Ries, W„ c_ 2 0- 0 2 4 Judge, g - 5 0-1 4 10 Miller, g _-_ 0 0-210 Totals _13 3- 8 11 29 Stuart Broncs Defeat Indians STUART—The Stuart Broncos won a close basketball game from j the Springview Indians on the i home floor Thursday night, Jan uary 3. Stuart led the scoring j with a 2 - 1 margin in the first half. But the Indians came out of | ambush and brought the game to a finish with score of 32-33. Coats was Stuart’s high man i with 14 points and Gierau. of; Springview, registered 13 points. Boxscore of main event: STUART (33) fg ft pf to Brewster, f_ 3 0 3 6; Peterson, f _ 0 0 0 0 Nelson, f 0 0 4 0' D. Shald, f _ 0 0 1 0 Coats, c _k_. 7 0 3 14 L Shald. g __ 2 12 5 J. Hytrek, g _ 0 0 0 0 Ulrich, g 3 2 5 8 Mlinar, g_ 0 0 0 0 Totals_15 3 18 33 SPRING. (32) fg ft pf tp Swim, f_ 1 0 5 2; J. Libolt, j .10 12 Jairhead, f __ 2 2 4 6 S. Libolt, c 2 2 3 6 j Thiele, c 0 0 1 0 i Gierau, g 5 3 2 13 Morrison, g _ 0 0 0 0 Larsen, g 0 3 5 3 Clopton, g_ 0 0 0 0 Carr, g_ 0 0 0 0 Totals ___11 10 21 32 Springview seconds won from the Stuart seconds with a score of 26-19. Ewing Tigers Have Busy Card Ahead EWING—The schedule for the Ewing high Tigeri basketball team follows: Jan. 7-11—Elkhorn valley tour nament (Brunswick), Jan. 15—Orchard at Orchard Jan. le—Inman at Ewing. Jan. 21-26— Holt county tour nament Jan. 29—St. Boniface at St Boniface. Feb. 1—Royal at Royal Feb. 8—Battle Creek at Ewing. Feb. 12—Brunswick at Bruns wick. Feb. 10—Chambers at Ewing. Feb. 22—Oakdale at Ewing. Feb. 27—District tournament Mr. and Mrs. Russell Yuaten were Sunday supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Johnson. . «■ HAVE YOUR DOCTOR PHONE 87 FOR YOUR NEXT PRESCRIPTION | Gifligan Rexail DRUG Open Evenings ’ BASKETBALL! St Mary’s Cardinals V8. St. Francis (S.D.) Indians FRIDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 11 O’Neill Public School Auditorium • The Indians are traditional tough basketball foes and In years past have won national recognition. They are coached by Bob Clifford, former St. Mary's athlete. Be there to pull for the Cards! Adm.: 50c and 25c 15th Annual GOLDEN GLOVES Norfolk City Auditorium o 1 January 23rd and 24th Northeast Nebraska's Finest Amateur Boxers Tickets Now on Sale at Stefan's Cigar Store — Mail Orders Accepted — Send Check or Money Order and Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope Q ADMISSION PRICES . . . Ringside _$2 00 tax Incl. Reserved_$1-25 tax incl. 0 General Admission —.$1.00 tax incl. High School----50c tax Incl. If——t»d by lb* HarMb A—fa— Ufl— md The Nerfa* Daily Haw* 0 o O O O O St. Mary’s Hits . Inman Crew, 36-28 INMAN— The Inman high Ti gers pressed the lofty St. Marys’ academy Cardinals all the way Friday evening, but the Cards won, 36-28, behind the 15, 10 and 8 point-getting performance of Messrs, Don Becker, Bemie Mohr and Slim Weier, respectively. Inman’s Richard Bohn, guard, kept the Tigers in the game with,, nifty out-court shots. He was as "hot as his mates were cold.” Inman led 12-11 at halftime but trailed by 2 points at the end of the 3d. The SMA height began to tell in the closing moments. Inman seconds were buried, 4 27. by the Card scrubs. The SMA graders lost a thriller to the In man graders, 23-24. Boxscore of main event: INMAN (28) fg ft f tp Nielsen, H’d, f_4 12 9 David, D„ f_ 0 0 0 0 Nielsen, H’n, f_ 0 0 2 0: Geary, f _ 0 0 0 0 ' Sprague, c_ 0 0 0 0 Kelley, c_ 0 3 2 3 Sawyer, g_L_ 0 0 10’ Wolfe, g _ 0 0 0 0 Bohn, g „_ 8 0 4 16 David, L„ g . 0 0 0 0 J Totals __12 4 12 28 ST. MARY’S (36) fg ft f tp ! Wanser, L., f 0 111 Howard, T., f ... 0 0 3 0 Mohr, c___ 5 0 1 10 Weier. c_ 3 2 2 8 Becker, D., g_7 1 4 15 Donohoe, W.. g _ 10 4 2 Totals - 16 4 15 36 Cards Dump Lynch Quint 43-30 — LYNCH — Wayne Donohoe, guard, crashed the scoring col umn for 15 points to lead the St. Mary's Cards to a 43-30 triumph over Lynch Tuesday night at Lynch. The O’Neill parochial team led 18-11 at the quarter, 32-19 at in termission. The SMA seconds copped, 31 19. Boxscore of main event: SMA (43) fg ft pf pts Wanser, f _ 3 0 16 Hynes, g_ 0 0 0 0 Howard, f 1 0 0 2 Cronk, f .0 0 3 0 Mohr, c 5 1 1 11 Weier, c_110 3 Becker, g_. 3 0 5 6 Graham, f - 0 0 0 0 Donohoe, W., g_7 1 1 15 Donohoe, D., g- 0 0 0 0 Totals _20 *3 11 43 LYNCH (30) fg ft pf pta Stewart, K-, f_ 4 4 1 12 Butter'd, f_ 0 0 0 0 Cassidy, 1 _ 0 O 0 0 Courtney, c _ 3 10 7 Kalkowski, c _ 3 10 7 McDonald, g_ 0 0 0 0 Carson, g _ 0 0 0 0 Spelts. Bill, g_ 0 0 0 0 Spelts, Bud. g_. 12 0 4 Stewart, g _ 0 0 0 0 Totals _11 8 1 30 Inman Ousted from Tourney— BRUNSWICK — Page and Clearwater are seeded 1 and 2 in a 2 - conference prep basketball tourney, which got underway here Monday night. The meet continues through Friday. The Clearwater Cards are de fending champions and favored to repeat. Both Clearwater and Page are undefeated today with Page having played more games. The Elkhorn valley league stages an annual tourney. This year the meet has been expanded to include Sandhill Gateway con ference members. Oakdale with a strong record and Inman are other seeded teams. nesults: First round (Monday, January 7): Orchard 53 over Chamber* 33; Brunswick 33 over Ewing 2. Second round, (Tuesday, Jan uary 8): Page 40 over Orchard 31; Brunswick 33 over Ewing 32. In the first round play the Or chard Orioles proved too much for the Chambers Coyotes, the Orioles holding command all the way. Brunswick barely squeaked by the Ewing Tigers in a thriller from start-to-finish. Inman’s loss to Brunswick by a 5-point margin was considered a major upset. Inman tried to stall, which proved to be the wrong strategy. O'NEILL HOSPITAL Admissions: January 1 —Dale Mudloff, of Page, medical, condi tion good. 2—Jerry Summers, of Page, accident. 3 — Charles Ve quist, of O’Neill, medical, condi tion good. 4 — Donna Cullen, of Page, medical, condition good. 5 —Rennae Smith, of Chambers. 6 —Mrs. Harold Parks, of O’Neill. Still in hospital: Jack O’Con nell, of O’Neill; Dale Bell, of Chambers, and Joe Zaborowski, of Ewing. Dismissals: January 1 — Dale Mudloff. of Page. 2—Jerry Sum mers, of Page. 3—Donna Cullen, of Page. 4 — Rennae Smith, of Chambers. Edward T. Gerin, M.D. Physician, and Surgeon o Complete Shock - Proof X-Ray O *0 Office over Gilligan’*1 Telephone 185W' ° ^ ° °° ° ° ° ° PAGE NEWS 0 Mr. and Mrs. fritz Dunn, of Atkmson; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mitchell, of Butte; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reed, of Orchard; Mr. and Mrs.oSylvester Reed and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kettle and children, all of Brunswick, and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kelly and Ruth and Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Kelly and baby, of Page, were guests Sun day at the hpme of Mrs. Addie Kelly.0 Mr. and Mrs. Neven Ickes, jr., Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, jr., and Glenda and Miss Byrdie Ann Parks were dinner guests Satur day evening of Mr. and Mrs. Nev en Ickes, sr., and family. The following young people from Page have returned to their school wiork: Jane Simmons, Ge nelle Park and Margie Finch, to Wayne State Teachers college at Wayne; Jimmie Ballantyne, to the trade school at Milford; Joan Terrill, to Miltonvale, Kans., and Miss Sybil Ickes, to Cascade. Gene and Audrey. Braddock have returned to their home at Omaha after spending the holi- j days at Paf£6 The NOK club held a delayed Christmas party Thursday at the home of Mrs. Ed Stewart. There were 13 present and a no-host dinner was served at noon. There was an exchange of gifts. The Help U club held a belated Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Bill Buxton Wednesday, January 3, Games were played and gifts exchanged. Officers were elected for the coming year as follows: Josephine Boelter, president; Evelyn Cedarburg, vice-president; Neva Buxton, sec retary and treasurer. A no-host lunch was served. Hickey-Edgerton Nuptials in Hollywood — From Hollywood, Calif., comes the announcement of the mar riage of Miss Loretta A. Hickey to Joseph J. Edgerton, of Boston, Mass., at the Immaculate Heart of Mary church on December 29, 1951. Mrs. Edgerton is a sister of J. W. and P. V. Hickey, of O’NeilL DR.. FINLEY TO DAKOTA Dr W. F. Finley left early Tuesday for Milnor, N. D., to at tend funeral services for Hugh Francis, who died Sunday. Burial will be today (Thursday) at Mil nor. Mrs. Francis is a sister of* Doctor Finley. He will return to O’Neill the last of the week. DIES IN VETS HOSPITAL John E. Good, brother of Mrs. F. J. O’Connell, died Thursday, December 27, in a Veterans hos pital. Burial was at Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fleeks and family, of Chambers, were Thurs day evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gaskill. .i . ! mmmm wmi ..A: 3 Eagles Ejected but Neligh Spilled NELIGH—Three O’Neill high Eagles took to the showers via personal foul route Friday night, but Coach Paul Baker’s Blues managed to stay ahead of the Ne iigh Warriors and finish in front, 57-51. Chased from the court were Don Godel, Gary Buckmaster and Junior Worth. Godel, Davey Eby and Buck master accounted for 38 points for the Blues, who trailed 10-13 at the end of the first period, 22-25 at intermission. After the rest, the Eagles soared to a 39-35 margin. In the prelim the O’Neill sec onds won 52-45. Boxscore of main event: ONEILL (57) Fg Ft Pf Tp Kilcoin, f-4 0-018 D. Godel, f_8 0- 5 5 16 Eby, f __4 2- 5 5 10 Buckmaster, c-5 2- 4 5 12 V. Godel, c_0 0-010 Calkins, g-3 5- 7 0 11 Hollenbeck, g-0 0- 0 0 0 Worth, g_0 0- 0 5 0 Closson, g_0 0- 0 0 0 Totals _24 9-21 21 57 NELIGH (51) Fg Ft Pf Tp Evans, f-0 1-2 0 1 Marshall, g .___0 0-1 5 O' Wisch, f_6 2-11 4 14 Hildreth, g_4 2- 4 3 10 Welch J., c_0 0-110 Kamill, c_0 0- 0 0 0 Stout, f_9 0-1 2 18 Fullerton, g_0 0- 0 0 0 Gabelman, c - 2 4- 8 4 8 Welch R., g__ 0 0- 0 0 0 Totals_21 9-28 19 51 Warren Cronk New Noble Grand — PAGP!—At the regular meeting of Page lodge 358, IOOF Monday night, the following officers were installed by district deputy grand master, I. L. Watson, and staff, of Inman: Warren Cronk, noble grand; Ralph Larson, vice-grand; B. H. Stevens, secretary; Carl Max, treasurer; Don Cunningham, conductor; Glen Harris, chaplain; Harry Tegeler, right supporter to noble grand; V. E. Hunter, left supporter to noble grand; Leo Neubauer, inside guard; L. Fus selman, outside guard; Soren Sor ensen, jr., right scene supporter; Arnold Stewart, left scene sup porter; R. V. Crumly, right sup porter to the vice-grand; Charles Sorensen, left supporter to the vice-grand. There were 38 members and 7 visitors present. Following install ation those present were treated to an oyster stew. a o Riverside Clubbers t Busy Since Holidays — c On Friday night, December 28, the Riverside 4-H club held its annual Christmas party at the iOOF hall in Inman. Many guests were present. At , midnight, lunch was .served by j I the ladies, and gifts were ex- I changed. 4 Card parties have furnished part of the recreation for the club in the past few weeks. The first one was held at the Leo Schnei der home. The next party was held at the ! home of Mrs. Anna Ramold. f On Friday night, January 4, Mr. and Mrs. John Vitt and family i planned a skating party, but the J ice was very rough, so we again ' tried our luck playing pitch. Most of the members also at tended the Christmas program at district 5 and 174. These pro grams were to be held earlier in the week but were postponed be cause of snow and bad roads. The teachers of these schools are for mer members—Marie Schneider and Cathie Boyle. Several members also attended a skating party at Ed Boyles, St. Mary’s alumni dance, and 2 dances held near Ewing at which Edward Boyle helped furnish mu sic. Our next club rosary will be February 5, at Ed Boyle’s. On Sunday night, January 5, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boyle entertain- j ed the club and friends at a , card party. Dick Boyle and Mrs. Bill Babutzka won high score and Ed Boyle and Marie Schneider , won the low. — By Mary Agnes Boyle, news reporter. Cattle Market Stronger Here On Thursday, January 3, there were again 1,200 hogs on the O’ Nelil market. The butchers ranged from $17.20 to $17.50—and this was about 75c higher than the week before. Sows were selling from $14.75 to $15.75. Lots of feeder pigs, good ones, were bringing from $16.00 to $19.00. There were around 30 head of cattle. Good steer calves were bringing from 34c to 36c; heifer calves, 31c to 33c; some heavy 2 year-old steers were bid at $30.00; and the best cows ranged from 21c up to 22M>c. Those canners sold down to 16c. The cattle were quite a bit stronger than they were the week before. Fancy Ropers To Organize — The 4-H Fancy Ropers will re organize at the L. D. Putnam home on Saturday, January 12, at 7:30 p.m. All those wishing to join, please be at this meeting.—By Mrs. E. L. Miner, leader. 0 ATKINSON NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rocke spent Wednesday evening, January 2, at the Ralph Ries home. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Schaaf spent Saturday evening, January 5. at the E. A. Harshfield home. Bobby Cleary spent Saturday evening, January 5, at the Nor bert Schaaf home. Mr. and Mrs. Ottmar Poess ecker visited at the Adolph Mlinar home Sunday afternoon January 6. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Collins and daughter, Joy. had dinner at the Pat Kiumm home Sunday, Janu ary 6. Mrs. Krumm is their daugh ter. Mr. and Mrs. William Morgan, jr., and family spent Sunday’ January 6, at the Francis Stein hauser home at Stuart. Mrs. Vahle and daughter, Dor othy, and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Mlinar spent Sunday evening, January 6, at the Otto Gloor lome. Mr. Gloor showed moving pictures they had taken when they went on their vacation in Switzerland and different places thev visited. Mr. and Mrs. Ottmar Poess necker spent Sunday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stolte. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mlinar and l daughters, Judy and Nancy, of Emmet, had dinner at the Anton Kaup home at Stuart Sunday, lanuary 6. Mrs. Kaup is a sister of Harold Mlinar. Mr. and Mrs. Mlinar and daughters stopped to iee Harold’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Mlinar, on their way home from Stuart. Mrs. William Morgan and chil dren spent Monday evening, Jan jary 7. at the home of Mrs. Mor gan’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith, while Mr. Morgan attend ’d a hospital meeting. Frontier want ads bring results! NOTICE THERE HAS . been a slight change in the plans of Mr. Rice Shelton, of Stuart, a laboratory technician, who is accompanying the State of Nebraska Mobile X-Ray Unit. MR. SHELTON will be doing blood typing, at $1 per person, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. today (Thursday), and will be in O’Neill all day Fri day. MR. SHELTON will be found fn the Sullivan Cleaners lobby (mainfloor IOOF bldg.) Auspices _ HOLT COUNTY EXTENSION CLUBS ‘ ■¥', _. _ GOATS One Group of All Wool Winter Coats CHOICE $10_ COATS All Winter Coats Reduced to Below Cost JACKET SUITS Real Bargains at $10 AND UP HATS SI -1.98 - 2.98 Were *5.98 BLOUSES All Sizes $2.98 and $3.98 Now $1.98 STARTING TODAY Our Spring Merchandise Is Coming and We Must Have the Room for It! We want you to have the advantage of THESE MARVELOUS REDUCTIONS DRESSES $5.98 to $7.98 Qjr QQ $6.98 - $7.98 or QQ $10.98 QA QO Are Real Buys at_ wOavO $12.98 and $14.98 M QQ Sold al___ $ f . vO Better $12.98 and $14.98 QQ QQ $14.98 QQ QQ Beautiful Dresses al__ _ UVivO $16.98 - $22.98 MA QQ Sacrificed al _'jj | Qa wO Many things on sale that are not men tioned in the sale bills. Come in and look over the bargains for yourself. Make Your Dollars Go Farther! See What One Dollar Will Buy SLIPS A REAL BARGAIN In Slips Were $2.98 - $3.98 Now $1.98 ALL GIRDLES 15% OFF GOWNS, PAJAMAS S BRASSIERES Reduced 25% HOSE Full Fashioned Nvlon Hose 51 - 15 Only 79c COSTUME JEWELRY Choice of Any Piece _50c