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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1951)
Editorial & Biumcw Offices: 122 South Fourth Street O'NEILL. NEBR. CARROLL W. STEWART, Editor and Publisher ' Established in 1880—Published EaSf Thursday Watered the postoffice at O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, as sec ond-class mail matter under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. This newspaper is a member of the Nebraska Press Association, National Editorial Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations. Terms of Subscription: In Nebraska, $2.50 per year; elsewhere in the United States, $3 per year; abroad, rates provided on request. All subscriptions are strictly paid-in-advaince. ~_____ Gift Suggestions *«**•««€»«««€ wc«t«c«MW«««««««ww:«Mre,< : GIVE HIM ^ Cleaner Closer shaves in LESS TIME than it takes with soap-and'blade SHAVEMASTER America's MOST POPULAR electric shaver. Twice-as-wide •having surface. Entirely new shape. Comes in smart, prac tical gift case. 26.50 twwwwwwwwwwww 'JiOtS ' ‘jn $0 seconds DOUBie AUTOMATIC IRONMASTER • It’s thrilling to use. Heats quicker—Hot in 30 seconds; Until you've used this fast, double-automatic iron you have no idea how easy ironing can be. Thumb tip heat regula tor in handle. Available in two weights — lightweight, 4 lbs. or lighterweighc, 2*4 lbs; 14.95 IRON MASTER 14.95 Corey COFFEEMAKER 8-Cup _ 3.95 i COFFEEMASTER Perfect Coffee Every Time I It's automatic! You can’t miss! The same perfect coffee every time— I cup to 8. All gem-like chrome plate. Come in and see it. 32.50 (Glass Top) 37.50 (Metal Top) RADIANT CONTROL TOASTER AU you do U drop la the bread. Bread Iowan Haalf aeto* motically—no lever a to push; Taeat ralaaa I naif allenfty with* out popping or bangiagf And what toast—every slice alike from first to last. Come in and see it. 26.50 e'c'ctwetcfcemewf Stewart-Warner Table Model RADIOS Brown ...19.95 (Also Ivory, Blue, Green, slightly higher) Bound to please her! Tuppeuixwe !_unodern utensils fior .^U=?nrrfffrd?rn kilc,,efl8 •Ml kilshaei that may not be ao modern. fan! wars •be lm you bar* ever acen that are really and truly dual, laaar«, vermin and spill-proof. Put tab or st^ar fat lham ua matter bow damp the weather, the coa> •carts rsnua'a sand-dry. The Tupper Seal, flexible air m* Uquld-t%bt severs aad “material of the future” from which hath are fash lowed. assompMshm that. «<p. The Golden WPHtWNE WdflWB «HMI w* Darnell Family Moves to Dakota LYNCH—Arden Darnell truck ed his personal property property to Miller, S. D., Iasi week. Mrs. Darnell and children have spent several days at the Wm. Braithwaite home In Spencer this week. The Darnell3 left on Sunday, November 18, for their new home in Miller. Other Lynch New* Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanmmon left Thursday morning for Ore gon, where they will visit their children. They plan to visit sev eral different points in that state. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Norwood and son, of Lynch, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Malone, of Waverly, spent Thanksgiving at the Karold An dersons near Niobrara. The Ma lones spent the remainder of the weekend here at Norwoods. The Excello project club met at the home of Mrs. Guy Keller Monday evening, November 12 with Pauline Mulhair cohostess. Ten members were present. A Christmas party was planned for the next meeting. Officers for 1952 were elected as follows: Mrs. Albert Kalkowski, president; Pauline Mulnair, vice-president; Elizabeth Peklo, secretary-treas urer; Mrs. Earl Rosicky, leader A; Mrs. Don Allen, leader B; Pauline Mulhair and Mrs. Ray Counts, al ternate leaders; Mrs. Harry Mul hair, health leader. Mrs. Jerry Sixta entertained 10 ladies at a party Thursday eve ning. Games were played with prizes for the winners. Mrs. Six to served lunch at a late hour. Mr. and Mrs. Tlory Noll, of Bonesteel, S.D., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kalkowski Sun day, Noveber 18. Mr. and Mrs. Vac Jedlicka vis ited relatives in Verdigre Sunday, November 11. Mr. and Mrs. (Norman Oberly, of Butte, were Lynch visitors on Sunday, Norvember 18. Mr. and Mrs. Joe lviuaura, of Scottville, spent Sunday, Novem ber 18, with friends in Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. Swan Anderson returned home from a several day stay in Osmond. August Pahl looked after their chores during their absence. Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler Rey nolds, of Kansas City, Kans., are here for a 2-weeks visit with relatives and old fime friends. Aaden and Carl Spencer, of Lin coln, are visiting in their respec tive homes here. Lois Stewart of California is here for an extended stay at the parental Art Stewart home. Kay Soulek, of Verdel, visited in Lynch Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bowlby spent several days in Omaha the past week. Mr. and Mrs. William Podany, of Butte, visited Lynch friends Sunday, November 18. Mrs. Jake Birmeier was hostess at a party at her home Tuesday evening, November 20. A large group of ladies attended. Games were played with prizes for the winners. Mrs. Birmeier served a lunch at a late hour. Mrs. Hannah Streit is visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Streit. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schochen maier, of Bonesteel, S.D., at tended the Chester Carsten fu neral here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kay Velder and daughter, of Spencer, were Lynch callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vonasek and daughters, of Walnut, visited --— Lynch relatives Sunday. The Bristow Women’s club met at the home of Mrs. John Hewit son here Tuesday evening, No vember 13 with her daughter, Mrs. Lawson Lightfoot, as cohost ess. Twenty-one members were present. Mrs. Warren Fusselman was program chairman and Mrs. Conrad Thoreli gave several in strumental solos. A lunch was served at a late hour. The Catholic Altar society held a bazaar and food sale at the Lynch lockers Saturday, Novem ber 17. A Boyd county teachers’ meet ing was held at the courthouse in Butte, Friday afternoon, thus giving all the children in the county a half-day holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hamimon and Paul were Sunday dinner guests at the Ed Johns home. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brady, of O’Neill, attended the Chester Car sten funeral Sunday. Mrs. Tillie Novak and Bon, Louis, visited with Grandmother Cerny in Niobrara Monday, No vember 19. The Lutheran Ladies Aid so ciety met at the home of Mrs. Dwight Micanek Wednesday, No vember 14, for their monthly meeting. A social session was held after the business meeting. Mrs. Micanek served a 'lunch at the close of the afternoon. Louis Novak and his another were Sunday visitors at the Rich ard Kraemer home. Lareen Smith Club Hostess — CHAMBERS — The Better Ways extension club met at the home of Lareen Simith on Fri day, November 16. Lareen Smith won the door prize of a cake cut ter. During the business meeting we planned the program for the lessons for the coming club year. The Christmas party is to be on December 14 at the home of Charlotte Smith. Loraine Haake and Charlotte Smith are to plan the recreation for the evening. Mary Lou Butts and Charlotte are on the serving committee. We are to each bring a guest to the pai*ty. Charlotte Smith gave the les son on ‘"(Newcomers for Your Garden.” It gave us a brief pre view of new varieties of vegeta bles and flowers for our spring gardens, also helplul tips on how to plant our gardens so that we may have better results. After the meeting was ad journed Mrs. Edwina Walters and Charlotte Smith served lunch of ribbon and open faced sand wiches, cranberry salad on a let tuce leaf, stuffed celery, pickled crab apples, sweet pickles and cof fee. For a favor we were given a oteioooip b uiojj apsui Xaijjnt covered cherry.—By Ada DeHart, reporter. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brill were Sunday diner gue ts of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirkland in Atkin son. 1 Miss Nancy Froelich, who at tends Duchesne college, and Wil liam Froelich, jr., who attends Creighton uni vers, ty in Omaha, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and lire. William J. Froelich, sr. Venetian blinds, prompt deliv ery, made to measure, metal or wood, all colors.—J. M. McDon ald Co., O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Anderson and family spent Sunday in Lau rel with his mother, Mrs. Tillie Anderson, and her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Pres cott. iMrs. Hardin Anspach and Mrs. Rose Davey atended the football game in Lincoln on Saturday. On their return home, Miss Lor etta Hughes, of Beatrice, accom panied them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barnes and daughters went to Oakdale on Wednesday, November 14, and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Lewis and lamOy. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bazcl man and son, Benny, went to Spalding and Ord on Sunday to visit friends. William Harmon spent Sun day at the home of Mrs. Carrie Borg and daughter Marvil. Capt. and Mrs. Owen Moore and son, Michael, returned to their home in Tomah, Wise., on Monday, alter being the guests of Mrs. Edna Coyne. Mrs. Stanley Anderson and 2 children, John Charles and Helen Annt, spent last week at the home of her mother, Mrs. Ann Hendrickson, in Kearney. Mrs. Rose Davey, of Valentine, came Friday evening and spent the night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hardin Anspach. Miss Mavis Forsch spent the weekend in Butte visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Forsch. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Babl and daughter, Diana, and Mi's. Van nie Newman spent Sunday aft ernoon in Orchard visiting Mr and MPs. Darrel Hesse. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Asimus spent last week in Kansas City, Mo., on business. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Eddison and son, Faye, returned to their home in Douglas, Wyo., on Sun day, after visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Baker and other relatives here for 2 weeks. W. J. Froelich was to arrive from Chicago, 111., Wednesday, to spent Thanksgiving with hi* wife Mrs. W. J. Froelich, and family. Other guests on Thanks giving will be their daughter, Nancy, and son, William, of Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Carroll will take Thanksgiving dinner with Mrs. Carroll’s sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mc Fadyen, in Sioux City, la. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Be’ Hamer of Sibley, la., will also at tend the dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barnes and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barnes in Atkinson on Sun day. ^ ROYAL THEATRE — O'NEILL — Wednesday, November 21 CAVALRY SCOUT In Technicolor With Audrey Long, Rod Cam eron and Jim Davis. Fast action and thrills. Adm. 42c, plus tax 8c. Total 50c 1 Children 10c, plus 2c tax. Tot 12c Thursday, Friday and Saturday November 22-23-24 Clifton Webb in 20th Century Fox’s MR. BELVIDERE RINGS THE BELL It’s happy Belvidere time a gain! Belvidere’s back ... in a hilarious new adventure from a great Broadway stage hit! Adm. 42c. plus tax 8c. Tot 50o Children 10c, plus 2c tax. Tot 12c Matinee Saturday 2:30 Sunday, Monday and Tuesday November 25-28-27 The battle cry that set the plains • ablaze I WARPATH Color by Technicolor Edmond O’Brien, Dean Jagger, Forrest Tucker, Harry Carey. “Warpath’’ gloriously records the bloody events and the violent hates that bed to the last stand of the fighting Seventh cavalry at Litle Big Horn! The Indians are coming! Thousands of ’em! . . . on the warpath . . . setting the screen ablaze in Paramount’s mighty teclmicolor saga of the U.S. cavalry! Adm. 42c, plus tax 8c. Total 50c. Mallnaa Sunday 2:30, Adm. 42c, tax 8c. Total 50c; Children 10c. plus tax 2c. Total 12c Wednesday and Thursday November 28*29 STRICTLY DISHONORABLE M-G-M’s hilarious comedy with songs . . . starring Ezio Pinza, Jai\et Leigh with Millard Mitchell and Gale Robbins. This delicious dish from Dixie gives the former “South Pacific” star a gay answer . . . and it’s strictly fun and love songs from there on in! Adm.i 42c, plus tax 8c, Total 50c Children 19c, plus 2c tax, Tet. 12c RETURNS NEXT MONTH . . . SA Alvin R. Carson (above), who has been serving aboard the USS Helena, expects to return to Lynch for the yule holidays. He has been in Kor ean waters since April and ex pects to reach a West coast dock on December 11. A son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Carson, he hopes to have a 30-day leave. Alvin recently spent some time in a navy hospital in Japan but since has returned to active duty. I’GILUGAN’S rexall store j |: Phone 87 Douglas St. jj j; Select Your Christmas Gifts Early 1 f While Selection Is Complete 2 \ Toilet Sets — Manicure Sets * Comb and Brush Sets I ; . I j! Sunbeam & Remington Electric Razors | (Cara Nome and White Mink Gift Sets J Including White Mink New Solid Cologne r ^ j The Complete Gallery of Coty’s Gift Sets 1 As Advertised in Leading Magazines A 1 - % "4 I Don’t Forget Father ! We have a complete line of Men’s Toiletries, Stag Gift Sets, . Tawn Travel Kits, Hair Brushes, Leather Utility Kits, Sectional Poker Chip Racks and Chips. Christmas Cards— j Religious and Others_39c to $1.00 j W. j) a We have a Lay-Away Plan for Christmas Gifts, v Ask for Information At --J— lou can buy die finest Hudson ever built at the old low price and pay only the * old low excise tax HURRY I BEAT RISING PRICES WHILE OUR PRESENT STOCKS LASTI This is your chance of the year to save . . . and your opportunity to own the finest Hudson ever built. Recent Government-approved price increases do not apply to new cars now in our stock. And when you buy a Hudson from our stock, you also avoid the recent increase in the excise tax. So take S wonderful minutes now! That’s all the time you’ll need to prove to yourself that Hudson has no equal for fine-car quality and power-packed action. You’ll thrill to high-compression power at its best. You’ll see why Hudson’s exclusive ’step-down” design gives you true streamlined beauty, the most room, and the safest, smooth est ride known! Come in today! Wa can only make this offer on cars we now have in stock. JUST 5 WONDERFUL MINUTES WILL SNOW YOU THAT ItttPSOM OFFERS QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE THAT NO OTHER CAR CAM MATCH! ™ .. Jj*L i ... . MOST DURABLE CAR I YOUR MONEY CAN BUY Standard trim and othar apaodWtiona and acraaaoriaa aubjact to cbaiifa without notlc* , '- ----—- ■ GONDERINGER MOTOR CO. ATKINSON, NEBR. 6 .... )