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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1951)
Mrs. Fuelberth At 87th Milestone PAGE — Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brunckhorst, of Inman, and Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen and Mr. t and Mrs. Neil Asher, of Page, m drove to Osmond Sunday to visit Mrs. Kate Fuelberth and help her celebrate her 87th birthday ^anniversary, Mrs. Nissen, Mrs. I Asher and Mrs. Brunckhorst are .^daughters of Mrs. Fuelberth. Other Page News The Women’s Society of Chris rtian Service and the King’s Daughters sponsored a bazaar and chicken pie supper at the Methodist church parlors Friday afternoon and evening. The pro ceeds of $331.97 will be used for church work. Mr. and Mrs. George Wettlau fer and daughter, of Page, and Misses Glenna and Janet Strong, of O’Neill, spent the weekend in Omaha. V Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Snyder and family of Center, and Del bert Anson and family, of Or chard, were Wednesday, Novem oer 14 dinner guests in the Ed ward Sukup home. Mrs. Joe McClure, of O’Neill, spent a week visiting in the An ; drew Wettlaufer home. i The Women’s Society of Chris tian Service met at the Methodist chui'ch basement Thursday aft ernoon. Mrs. C. E. Wilcox led the devotions and gave part of * the book review on “One Sure of Life.” Mrs. Herbert Steinberg and , Mrs Emma Dorr were hostesses, i Mr. and Mrs. 1. O. Wood and n’Mr. and Mrs. William William I son attended the wedding of Miss * Betty Williamson and William Marcellus at the Methodist i church in O’Neill, Sunday after 'noon. Miss Williamson is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. WiHiaimson and a niece of Mrs. Wood. The West Lumber & Hardware company served doughnuts and coffee Saturday afternoon and evening in observance of the first anniversary of their location in Page. Melvin Roach is the man ager. There were 198 who reg istered. Mrs. Harold Kelly won 1st prize, Lionel ickes, 2d, and* Elmer Saltz, 3d. Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge, Bar bara and Judith, Nancy Heiss, Jo Ann Braddock and Roxana Sum mons left early Saturday morn ing for <jrtfn<i Island where the girls attended Nebraska united youth conference. The group al so visited with Cpl. and Mrs. Tom Smnard and Betsy Simmons. They were accompanied there by Mrs. Ralph Brostrom, who will spent a week with her parents. Cpl. John Leist, of Camp Pen delton, Calif., and Mrs. John Leist, of Hastings, came last week to visit Cpl. Leist's father, Earl Leist, and Mrs. Leist's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Parks, and with other relatives. They plan to stay here until the middle of the week. Henry Fuelberth, of Osmond, spent Thursday night at the houne of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen. On Friday he took his mother, Mrs. Kate Fuelberth, to her home in Osmond. She had spent the past 6 weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Nissen. The Royal Neighbors Kensing ton met Wednesday afternon, No vember 14, with Mrs. R. D. Copes with 10 members present. Guests were Mrs. Roy Brownell, of Sid ney, Mrs. J. R. Russell, Mrs. Harry Park and Mrs. Kisie Cork. A covered dish luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey entertained Mr. and Mrs. Will Neubauer and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Neubauer at dinner Saturday evening honoring the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Will Neu bauer. The Bid of Bye Bridge club met with Mrs. W’Ul Simmons Wed nesday afternoon, November 14. Mrs. Lloyd Fusselman held high score and Mrs. LaVerne Finley received the traveling prize. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sorensen and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kussell Sorensen and daughter at Creighton. Miss Barbara Trowbridge, who teaches school near Chambers, spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. JS1 mer Trowbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schrot lin, of Butte, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Alberts and daughters. Mrs. Addie Kelly returned home Friday evening from Pilger where she had spent a few days at the John Burtwhistle home. The Page school will close on Wednesday, November 21, for Thanksgiving and will resume Monday (morning after a short vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Park and daughters, of Orchard, and Mr. and Mrs. Neven ickes, jr. were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Park. Lyman Park, jr., of SpiHtwood, N.D., is making an extended visit with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Lyman Park, sr., and with other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cronk at tended service at Orchard Fri day afternoon for Mr. Chester Quigley. Mrs. Lena Kirschmer, of j Ewing, spent Thursday at the hame of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes. Mrs. Bert Finley and Mrs. Will Neubauer were after noon visitors. The Neighborhood club met on Wednesday, November 14 with Mrs. Edward Sukup. Revealing of secret pals was held and names were drawn for the coming year. Mrs. Clarence Dobbins and Mrs. Pete Sojka joined the club at this meeting. There were 11 members present. The afternoon was spent doing needlework for the hostess, who served the lunch at the close of the afternoon. The next meeting will be with Mrs. J. W. Finch, Wednesday, Novem ber 28. A group of friends from Or chard enjoyed a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mat schullat Sunday evening. Pitch was played at 3 tables. High scores were won by Mrs. Alec Nagel and Ralph Trease. Low scores went to Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Hauf. Mrs. Hauf also held traveling. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Shane and daughter, of Lincoln, came Saturday to visit Mrs. Shane’s imother, Mrs. Gaylord Albright. Mr. Shane returned home Sunday while Mrs. Shane remained for a longer visit. Other guests Sun day were the families of 2 other daughters, of Mrs. Albright, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Hoffman and 2 children, of Clearwater, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stevens and son, of O’Neill. Golden Rod Plans Yule Party — Tuesday evening, November 13, the Golden Rod extension club met at the home of Mrs. A. D. Jilg. Roll call was answered by giv ing a hint for Thanksgiving din ner. Three members were ab sent and there was 1 guest. The lesson on “Credit’ was giv en by Mrs. Jilg. Plans for the Christmas party were made. We had a discussion on send ing a CARE package for Christ mas. Our new president appointed the new publicity chairman and health leader. A delicious lunch of coffee, date cake, and sandwiches was served by Mrs. Jilg.—By news reporter. ON HAND AND READY FOR DELIVERY! 1—New IHC Pull-Type Picker, at a bar gain. Mi . 1—Case DC Tractor. / 1—Case SC Tractor, 1—New M-M Compicker. 1—VAC Case Tractor with the New Eagle Hitch. (Come in and see how this new hitch works.) 1—New Idea 2-row Com Picker. 1—Case 2-row Com Picker. DELCO BATTERIES ANTIFREEZE — Prestone, Zerex, Peak WM. KROTTER CO. OF O’NEILL West Douglas O’Neill, Nebr. Utslmtg f an aiagmia (Hhaukagtmtt^ < c. \ a. llA WSCS Will Hear Cancer Discussion CHAMBERS — The Woman’s Society of Christian Service of the Methodist church met Thurs day afternoon, November 15, at the home of Mrs. Tom Hutton. Twenty-five members answered roll call. The president, Mrs. Chas. Grimes, conducted the busi ness session. The trays which had been ordered some time ago came in time to be used at this meeting. Mrs. E. H. Med calf told about a lady who would be available to lecture and show pictures on cancer. It was decided to have her appear before December 15. The worship, 'Thy Will be Done South of the Border,” was conducted by Mrs. Sarah Adams. Mrs. Darrell Gillette led the les son discussion on •'Economics South of the Border.” Others par ticipating were Mrs. R. K., Platt, Mrs. Glen Adams, Mrs. Sarah Adams, Mrs. John Wintermote and Mrs. L. R. Hansberry. Refreshments were served by the hostess Mrs. Hutton and co hostess Mrs. Ralph Brown. — Other Chambers News MP. Roland Harvey arrived on Tuesday, November 13, from Camp Jackson, S.C., lor a 2 weeks furlough. He is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harvey, his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Green and son and with relatives and friends at Page. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hoerle and Mrs. Ed Pavel and daughter ex pect to leave Wednesday, Novem ber 21 for Buckeye, Ariz., to visit the former’s son, Roy Hoerle. Mr. and Mrs. Hoerle plan to re main all winter. Mrs. Pavel and daughter will return in 2 weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Gordan and daughters, Shirley and Carol, of Ansley, visited his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Chet Fees, sr., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lulkens and son, of Norfolk, are expected Thanksgivihg fo be guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Ras mussen and family. Sunday dinner guests in the Hugh Carr home at Amelia were: Mrs. Esther Wood and son, Chauncey, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Svatos and Orville, Mr. and Mrs. Will Knox and daughter, Frank Peters and mother, Mrs. Francis Peters, and Joe Kamphaus, ir. The latter was here from Ft. Ri ley, Kans., for the day. Sixteen members of the elder ly ladies club met for Sunday dinner at the home of Mrs. Mina Meyers. Rev. and Mrs. Clare McEiher on and family came Thursday from Three Hills, Alberta, Can ada, to spend a few days with ms brother and wife, Rev. and Mrs. L. M. McElheron and fam ily. They are enroute to Homers ville, Pa. Mr. and (Mrs. J. E. Barrett, of Brunswick, were Sunday dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lybolt. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Cooper were Sunday dinner guests of her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Sewell Johnson, and family at Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Spann and Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Robertson left Tuesday, November 20, for West Fayette, ind., to spend Thanksgiving with the former’s daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. George DeKay. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turner, Mrs. Robert Turner and son, Roger, and Rev. and Mrs. L. M. tMcEl heron and family drove to Sioux City, Tuesday, November 13, oh, business. They also attended the Billie Graham show, “Mr. Texas.'' Warren Summers and a friend, of Allen, were Sunday dinner guests in the Melvin Bell home, O ■ —-' Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Gilstrap came Thursday from Glenwood Springs, Colo., to visit Mr. and Mrs. John Gilstrap and to see their little grandson, Michael Steven. Enroute to O’Neill they stopped at Norfolk and brought Mrs. Gilstrap and the new baby home on Friday. They returned to their home on Sunday._o H jL o JOHN R. GALLAGHER Aliornay-ai-Law o Pint NatT Bank Bldg. O'Naill i Phoaa 11 o » "~1 OR. J. L. SKERBAHN CHIROPRACTOR O'Naill. Nabraaka Complala X-Ray Ecpdpmaoi Vi Block So. of Fowl Oaraga Garden Club Plans Yule Party — CHAMBERS — The Beautiful Valley Garden club met at the home of Mrs. Henry Walter with 12 imembers and 2 visitors pres ent. Mrs. Loa Hubbard was in charge of the business session. There was a discussion on what bulbs, seeds and plants could be planted in November, also on the protection of shrubs from rabbits. Mrs. Lavem Harley discussed mulching plants for winter pro tection. Plans for the Chirstmas party, to be held at the home of Mrs. Mildred Wondersee with Mrs. Betty Mitchell as cohostess, were discussed. Mrs. C. E. Tibbets won the door prize. Refresh ments were served by the host ess. O'NEILL LOCALS Thanksgiving day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Cha ney will be Mrs. Earl Chaney, Marjorie and James, and Mr. and Mrs. Mick Chaney and 2 children, all of Stuart. Mrs. Virgil Plnkerman and children, of Dorsey; Mrs. Earl Endicott, of Creighton, and Mrs. Donald Adamson were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Collins. Mrs. Rose Bicek, of Verdigre, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gaskill on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grage went to Albion on Sunday to help Mr. Grage’s mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Grage, celebrate her 89th birth day anniversary. Mrs. Gerald Rothchild and daughters, of Atkinson, and Mrs. John Albers and son, of Cham bers, visited their cousin, Miss Dolly Hood, on Monday after noon. Rummage sale this week by Methodist women in building a cross street south of bus depot. For rummage pickup call 322W or 208W. 29c Mrs. Alex Cleary, of Atkinson, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith on Monday. Mrs. Mabel Gatz and Mrs. Win nie Barger went to Omaha this week on a buying trip for the Apparel Shop. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson and daughter, Hazel Marie, of Walnut; Mrs. Helen Sholes and son, Bill, of Inman; John Babl, Geraldine Johnson and Dolly Hood visited the Robert Sholea family on Sunday. WRECKER SERVICE ’Round the Clock — Night or Day • We have a new, fully-equipped auto wrecker on call 24 hours a day anywhere in the O’Neill region. FREE ESTIMATES. GLASS INSTALLATION A SPECIALTY WICH’S BODY SHOP 219 W. Douglas St. O'Neill CATTLE AUCTION At Atkinson, Nebraska EVERY MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVERY MONDAY, starting at 12 o'clock noon — WE SELL CALVES AND YEARLINGS. This is tha day to bring in your calves and light yearlings. EVERY TUESDAY, starting at 10:30 AX., we. sell butcher cattle and small consignments of other classes of cattle until 2 o'clock P.M., following which we sell carload lots of stockers and feeders. LIST YOUR CATTLE IN ADVANCE AND GET FULL ADVANTAGE OF OUR EXTENSIVE ADVERTISING ! ATKINSON LIVESTOCK MAIOT Atkinson, Nebr. HAVING DECIDED to quit farhiing, I will offer at public auc tion the following personal property at the farm, located 1 mile west and Yl mile south of Chambers on — Fri., Nov. 30th SALE STARTS 12:30 P.M. LUNCH AT SALE $ e. 38 - Head of Cattle - 38 “ , O l' 14—Milk Cows, 6 of these are young Wisconsin Hoi 3 . O O' steins. 3—Stock Cows, o O O - ° 3 O O 5—Bred 2-Yr.-0ld Heifers. 5-Yearling Heifers. 11—Summer and Fall Calves. EXTRA GOOD DAIRY CATTLE MACHINERY * 1—Regular Farmall Tractor, on rubber. O Cl 1—IHC Power Mower. 1—IHC Trail Mower. 1-42-Ft. Rake. 1—Hay Stacker. 1—IHC Tractor Plow. 1—4-Section Harrow. 1—Disc, 8-ft. 1—Wagon, box. 1—Hayrack and Gear. 1—6-Ft. Binder. 1—Grain Drill. 1—Horse Cultivator. 3- HEAD OF HORSES -3 1—Team, smooth mouth. 1—Saddle Mare, 6-yrs.-old. c _ 75 Laying Pullets v' O O — 1—Economy King Cream Separator. 1—Hudson 750 Chick Size Brooder Stove. 1—Stock Saddle. o _o° : .y,v Some Household Goods c . -o ^ Hog Troughs — Chicken Feeders — Feed Bunk Tools and Miscellaneous Items. TERMS: CASH. No property removed until settled for. ~ _O_ n '„ ° C CLARENCE DAMME,?™ COL. ED THORIN, Auct. CHAMBERS STATE BANK, Clerk i :