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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1951)
CARDS TOPPLE SACRED HEART SMA 6-Manners Hit New Heights to Spill Norfolkans, 12-6 The St. Mary’s academy Car dinals did it again. For the 2d time this season they spilled one of the 10 leading class A 6-man grid teams in the state. Ironical ly, the Cards find spilling top notch clubs easiest, because the sinking of North Loup 3 weeks ago and the spilling of Sacred Heart Knights, of Norfolk, in Fri day’s fiasco, are the only 2 tri umphs on the win side of the SMA ledger. Back Don Donohoe, an elusive speedster of the highest order, ripped off 40 and 50-yard touch down runs in the final quarter. The Knights scored in the sec ond quarter when Dan Jochum ran 10 yards for a touchdown. The try for the extra point fail ^Sacred Heart outdowned the O'Neill crew, 8-2, but couldn t cash in on its scoring opportun ity. The Knights fumbled 3 times within the 5-yard line in the first half. The Knights played without their hard-running halfback, Lar ry Kellogg, who was ineligible scholastically for the game. They also lost the service* of Bill Kellogg most of the game after his nose had been smashed in a play. Roland Peschel also suffered a nose injury. This was Sacred Heart’s second loss in 7 games. J . . The game was played before only a fair-sized crowd at At kinson on a wet, ice ard snow covered field. The game had to be transplanted from Carney park, OTNeill, because of v nusable condition of the O’Neill pnd. Bad weather conditions kept away many partisans. Score by quarters: Sacred Heart 0 6 0 0— 6 St. Mary’s 0 0 0 12—12 Miss Arlyss Wright, of Cham bers, spent Thursday afternoon, October 25, with Miss Mardell GaskiH. "rzzir_ Coyotes Gird for Last Game— CHAMBERS— The Chambers Coyotes will play the last game of the season at Tilden Friday, | November 2. Todate they have won 4 games and lost 6. The last game with Wood Lake Friday, October 26, was lost, score 24-12. Inman Airman Weds in England INMAN— Howard Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark, has just revealed the news of his marriage. At high noon on September 26 in the parish church at Wadding ton, Lincolnshire, England, oc curred the wedding of Miss Joyce Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Walker, of Manches ter, England, to Howard Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark, of Inman. , Rector D. Paul Watkins offi ciated. , The bride wore a suit of pale blue with matching hat and white accessories. She carried a white Bible and a bouquet of white carnations. Miss Joan Machrell was brides maid and she also was dressed in a blue suit with white acces sories and wore a corsage of white carnations. Lou Wargo, of Roebling, N.J., a friend, was bestman. Howard and Lou both wore the air force uniforms. Following the wedding a re ception was held at the NAAFI club in Lincolnshire for relatives and close friends, after which the newlyweds spent a short honeymoon in Manchester, Eng land. Howard arrived home on Oc tober 25 after 3 years abroad and leaves November 1 from Omaha for Tacoma, Wash., where he will receive his discharge, then expects to reenlist. Mrs. Clark has received her passport and is awaiting her turn to come to the United States. WORK ON CHURCH ROYAL—Work has begun on the remodeling project of the Methodist church in Royal. The work consists of removing both beams in the center of the base ment and removing of both the north and south walls. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Luben were Mrs. Luben's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Barnes, of Gresham, and her uncle and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Hoffer, of Stromsburg. On Sunday they all were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bowen and sons, of Page. Little Kathy Rubeck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Rubeck spent the weekend at the home ol her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs John Honeywell, at Chambers. Frontier for printing! Hear Report on Rebekah Assembly INMAN—A detailed report on the Rebekah assembly at Grand Island was given at the regular session of the Arbutus Rebekah lodge here at the IOOF hall. Mrs. Mary Tomlinson made the report. "Family Night” was held fol lowing the regular business meet ing. The entertainment centered around a Hallowe’en hard time theme. Prizes were awarded for I the best costumes. The committee in charge in clud Miss Faye Brunckhorst, Miss Murl Keyes and Mrs. Marye Har tigan. Refreshments were served. Other Inman News Mrs, Ira L. Watson was given a surprise party Wednesday, Octo ber 24, by friends in observance of her birthday anniversary. The evening was spent informally. Lunch was served by Mrs. Clif ford Opper and Mrs. John Wat son. , , Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stuckey and son, of Grafton, spent a few days last week visiting Mrs. Stuckey’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edawrd Chudomelka. Merlin Luben, who is em ployed at (Morse Bluff, spent the weekend visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry and family spent Thursday in Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Watson, of Rapid City, S.D., spent a few days visiting Mr. Watson’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Watson, and with other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. James McMahan spent Sunday afternoon in Ains worth where thev visited Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Jessen. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Crosser and family left Sunday afternoon for their home in Cherokee, la., after spending a week visiting in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mc Graw and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mil ler. . _ Miss Maruyn ivicciuis, ; sett, spent the weekend visiting Miss Carolyn Watson in the I. D. Watson home. Mrs. Walter Bunce and Ricky and Terry, of Omaha, spent the weekend visiting in the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Alexander. Mrs. Weidman, of Fremont, came Thursday to visit in the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Em mons. Miss LuElla Watson, who at tends college at Wayne, spent the weekend visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Harve Renner, of Manhattan, Kas., spent the week end visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Renner. Floyd Renner and Mrs. Myrtice Parr and son, Randy, of Elwood, Ind., have been spending several days visiting in the home of Mr, and Mrs, Art Renner. The members of the RLDS church met Sunday noon at the home of Mrs. Walter Jaco for a basket dinner. They have been having evening meetings the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Faye Brittell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Boydie Cros ser and son, of Inman, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Crosser and chil dren, of Cherokee, la., were din ner guests Friday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller. Mr. ana Mrs. /\ri ut-nutT, mi. and Mrs. Harve Renner, Floyd Renner and Mrs. iMyrtice Parr and Randy, spent Sunday in Pierce visiting Mr. and Mrs. Earl Renner and family. Gordon Sholes returned to Ra pid City, S.D., Sunday where he Ls employed, after spending a week visiting his mother, Mrs. Helen Sholes and other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ferns and daughter, of Fremont, spent the weekend visiting Harry Kesten holtz and other relatives. Mrs. May Fraka has returned to her home after spending a few days visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Luben and girls at Wisner. State School Chief Coming Friday— State Superintendent Freeman Decker will speak at the first meeting of the Holt county school boards Friday, 1:30 p.m., Novem ber 9. This meeting will be held in the court house assembly room. Many current school problems will be discussed. A school savings program has been started in the following rural schools: District 38—Dorothy Rosen kraus, teacher. District 5—Marie Schneider, teacher. District 47—Ramona Schneider, teacher. District 141—Dolores Boyle, teacher. ____ (First pub. Nov. 1, 1951.) Charles E. Chaee, Att’y NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Estate No. 2485. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, October 31, 1951. In the matter of the Estate of Peter Claussen, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the executor of said estate has filed in this court his final report and a petition for final settle ment and distribution of the resi due of said estate; and that said report and petition will be heard November 21st, 1951, at 10 o’ clock, A M. at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska, when all persons interested may appear and be heard concerning said fi ll ral report and the distribution of said estate. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 26-28c ^ i The Frontier for printing. DANCE SUMMERLAND at Ewing Sunday, Nov. 4 Music by JIMMY CATON and HU Orchestra ■ -1 THURSDAY STAR SPECIAL HERE THEY ARE! Each and everyone a real moneysaving bargain for Thursday shoppers in O’Neill. Tune in to the “Voice of The Frontier’’ each Wednes day morning at 9:45 for a preview of the next day’s STAR SPECIALS. Watch The Frontier each week for the page of Thursday Only STAR SPECIALS ! ! Market Easier—Expect 1,800 Cattle • The cattle market has been easier thus far this week, general ly attributed to the heavy supply, and some bidding at the river markets was up to a dollar off. Receipts at O'Neill today are expected to reach about 1,800 head, including a big run of calves and yearlings. Plenty of eastern buyers have been making the nuurket regularly and they’ll be well represented today. • Hog sale starts promptly at 10:30 a.m.. as usual during the fall tun; the cattle sale will start at 1 o'clock. Please have all bogs in before noon. O’NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET Phone 2 O’Neil f Across from | the Golden S i I * 1 Phone 415 ★ THURSDAY STAR SPECIAL ★ General Electric 5-Cu. Ft. REFRIGERATOR • Perfect Operating Condition. # Ideal for Small Family. OF COURSE. It's been traded in on a new HOTPOINT. This GE is an amazing bargain, especially priced for Thurs day only, at — 49.95 GOB3LINS HELP MARILYN . . . Eerie charac ters helped Miss Marilyn Carroll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Carroll, belatedly celebrate her August birthday anniversary at a Hallowe’en party Monday evening. Behind those masks are: Front row—Mary Fetrow, Harleen Sawyer, Miss Carroll, Lona Spry, Ivan Kaiser; second row — —The Frontier Photo & Engraving Vernon Passieux, James Johnson, Carolyn Lind berg, Shirley Schultz, Jackie Norman, Lila Dai ley, Virginia Buckmaster, John Davidson, Robert Porter, James Rodman; back row — Kay Allen dorfer, Frank Fetrow, Wayne Strong, Richard Davis.—Photo by John H. McCarville. Mr and Mrs. Tom Watson, of Rapid City, S.D., and Mrs. Tom Wilson, of Chadron, arrived Fri day, October 26, to visit Mrs. Teresa Murray. The Watsons will return home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Harding and family visited Sunday, Octo ber 28 in Ord with Mrs. Harding’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Telan owski and in Loup City with her sister, Mrs. Mary Kwiatkowski. Mrs. Kwiatkowski returned with them for a few days visit. Mrs. Harold McNally and daughter, of Ainsworth, spent several days this week with her mother, Mrs. Christine Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Keefer and son. LeRoy of Norfolk were Sun day, October 28, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gokie and daughter, Helen. Mrs. A. D. Jilg and Mrs. Leo Gokie attended the 27th annual convention of the Omaha archdio esan council of Catholic women held in Grand Island on Wed nesday, October 22. Mrs. Jilg served on the noiminating commit tee and Mrs. Gokie was a dele gate. Mrs. D. H. Clauson attended a meeting of unit 6 of the National association cosmetologists and hairdressers held Sunday, October 28, at Ainsworth. Ten members answered roll call. Election of of ficers was held. The following were elected: Leona Mae Allen, of Bassett, president; Lois Beebout, of Ainsworth, vice-president, and Mrs. Clauson, secretary-treasurer. After the meeting a chicken din ner was served. Mrs. Tom Wilson, of Chadron, Mrs. Teresa Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wettlaufer drove to Sioux Falls, S.D., on Sunday, Oc tober 28, to visit their sister, Mrs. Dave Yantzi. They returned Mon day morning. _ Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Page and family visited over the October 27 and 28 weekend in Gregory, S.D., with Mrs. Page’s sister and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Wetz ler and family. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Sullivan and daughter, Patty, drove to Sioux City, on Sunday to imeet Mrs. F. R. Coe, of Fort Dodge, la., who has been their house guest this week. Mrs. Lawrence Tenborg and son, Gregory, of Ertlmet, visited several days last week with her i mother and other relatives and : I friends. -- Marvin Holsclaw who is em- ; ployed in a drug store in Alliance, spent the weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holsclaw. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hovey and son, Bobby and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murray went to Tilden on Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford Pittack. The men did some hunting while the women visited. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Shriner and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holsclaw mo tored to Plainview on Sunday. Robert Eby, son of Mrs. E. J. Eby, is spending this week with his mother enroute from Missouri. He had escorted the body of a sailor from Oakland, Calif. He plans to return to the hospital where he is on duty on Saturday, and hopes to be released from the navy in November. Mrs. Margaret Elkins went to Sioux Falls, S. D., Tuesday, Octo ber 23, to visit her daughter, Miss Berneice Elkins, R.N., Mr. and Mrs. Richard Farrier went to Red Oak, la., on Monday, October 22, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles Briggs. They returned home Wednesday night, October 24. Allan Martin, student at Creighton university, Omaha, spent the weekend with his moth er, Mrs. Henry Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gettert were Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Gettert’s p’arents, Mr. and Mrs. John Laible in Atkinson. Other guests at the Laible home were Mr. and Mrs. Nick Loutsch and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Loutsch, of Skokie, 111. Mr. and Mrs. John Phelan and children, of Hot Springs, S.D., visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stutz. Mrs. Phelan and Mr. Stutz are brother and sister. SOUTH OF STUART Delores Batenhorst is enjoying a week’s vacation with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baten horst. Keith Schaeffer, an employee of the telephone company, from Omaha, spent fr&m Monday to Wednesday, October 22-24, with Gene Batenhorst. Mr. and Mrs. Art Givens spent Wednesday, October 24, at O’ Neill and at Page where they visited her sister, Mrs. Dan Tro shynski, and family. Mary Ellen Steele, Miss Con not, Carolyn Lee and Miss Vin ton, all from St. Mary’s academy, were Friday supper guests in the 4 A. Murphy home. They ac companied Sophie and Connie Murphy to the football game in Atkinson Friday evening, after which they returned to O’Neil] by train. Connie Murphy flew to O’Neill on business Sunday. Mrs. Fred Ziska spent Sunday at the Laurence Ziska home. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Kramer and family spent Sunday eve ning at the Laurence Ziska home Mrs. Hartman and son, of near Sioux City, and Mrs. Lizzie Dris kill visited the Wilbur and Free Moon families Saturday. Th< Hartmans are old friends of th< Moon family. Mrs. Robert Greenfield spen Saturday and Sunday at th< home of her parents, Mr. anc Mrs. Shorty Coker, in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. George Hitchcocl and family and Judy Schaaf wen Sunday visitors in the home o Mr. and Mrs. Ray Greenfield. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Heyne I ...That's Why the JOHN DEERE Modal "MT"is Tops in Its Class! Jerry and Mary Lynn were Sun day visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Heyne and children. Delores Tunender spent from Friday evening to Sunday with her cousin, Marion Deermer. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deermer and children attended masquetk' ade party at the R. E. Tunender home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Matousek, of North Platte, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Paxton and Mrs. Joe Matou sek, of Atkinson, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Paxton and Larry. Mr. and Mrs. Stub Kunz and daughter were Friday evening visitors in the Elmer Vogel home. j Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Tunender and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deermer and family. Mrs. Craig Baker, of Lincoln, spent several days last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Lee Hyland and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Paxton and Larry spent Wednesday evening October 24, at the Lee Hyland home. Harold Anderson moved his wife and daughter, Donna, from Lincoln to O’Neill on Tuesday. Mr. Anderson is employed by Consumers public power district. They are residing in an apartment at the J. L. McCarville, jr., resi dence. I_E25£_i * V l t I f # n } ( * j ) *' A super-value with amazing performance at budget price! k , New Philco Tube Saver. Exquisite Ebony cabinet. Philco Model PT 540-E. EASY TERMS GILLESPIES ; ! PHONE 114 O’NEILL f X — ~~ MILLER THEATRE —Atkinson, Nebr.— Fri.-Sai. Nov. 2-3 — ALSO — ■ I Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Nov. 4-5-6 • »i au-tim, 1 SHOW Of TW «U«! -1 Call Me Mister W©d.-Thurs. Nov. 7-8 ; t ■l Large acreage or small, your iarming will be easier, faster, more profitable when you depend on the two-row John Deere Model "MT." The savings it offers you are obvious. The dependable two-cylinder engine, with its exceptionally low gasoline consumption of only 3/4 gallon per hour on light jobs, plus money-saving serviceability, means zeal economy. Combine with this such big-tractor fea tures as hydraulic control, dual Touch-o matic, a wide selection of Quik-Tatch working equipment, outstanding operator comfort, wide adaptability, ease of handling, four forward speeds, and quality con struction and workmanship throughout; you'll be convinced that the extra values of the "MT'' make it the outstanding tractor, of its power class. See ua for details. NEW EQUIPMENT • Models A, B, MT John Deere Tractors. © Nos. 200 and 226 Cornpick ers, J-D. © John Deere Elevators. © Tractor Spreaders. • 1 railer Wagons and Boxes. USED ITEMS e 2—1948 J-D Model A Tractors. j / • 2—1941 J-D Model B Tractors. © 1951 Henry J Car, seat cov ers, overdrive, white sidewall tires. Only ___ $1,095 Harry R. Smith Implements PHONE 562 4th & Fremont St*. i * . ' • * 1 ' ' * | I v - I