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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1951)
Rev. and Mrs. V. R. Bell drove to Torrington, Wyo., Monday, Oc tober 22, to visit their son, Franklin, and family. They re turned Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Lange, of Atkinson, were guests at the home of Mrs. Hazel Boatman on Thursday, October 25. They also marketed cattle at O’Neill. Fred J. Jungman, of Atkinson, W. E. Wulf, of Ewing, Mrs. W. H. Harty and Glea Wade, of O’Neill, all members of the Holt countv draft board, attended a district meeting at the city auditorium at Norfolk on Tuesday. Mis Wauneta Anspach spent • f the weekend at Walnut visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Marston and family. Venetian blinds, prompt deliv ery, made to measure, metal or wood, all colors.—J. M. McDon ald Co.. O'Neill. •> Mr. and Mrs. James Foreman and sons, of Battle Creek, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Foreman’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hst6S< Mr. and Mrs. Dale Buckmas ter left Sunday, October 28, for Des Moines, la., on a business trip. . , William Hubby, of Neligh, was a dinner guest at the home of Mrs. Carrie Borg on Tuesday, Oc tober 23. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Mlinar, of Atkinson, were Sunday after t noon callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Adamson and Judy went to Butte on Sun day to visit relatives. DR. FISHER. Dentist. adv Mr. and Mrs. Leo Farran, of Meadow Grove, visited over the weekend with their daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ber nard Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clements took their son, Cpl. Robert Clem ents, to Grand Island on Wednes day night, October 24, where he took the train to Denver, Colo., after spending a leave with his parents. _ „ , Mr. and Mrs. Ed Psotto and daughter, Shirley, o f Pilger, » Isfc Tested Medication Works Fast To STOP A HRITIS RH MATISM PAINS ] Thousands Relieved Thanks To Dolcin Thousands and thousands of men and women — forced to be inactive by crippling pains of arthritis or rheu matism ... report they are active again . . . anjoying long-lasting relief from pain-thanks to DOLCIN Tablets! If you suffer from arthritis, rheuma tism, sciatica or neuritis—don’t delay! Profit by the experience of so many, many others. TYy the DOLCIN way to fest, comforting, long-lasting relief. You can get dolcin—without a pre scription—from any druggist. One hun dred full-strength tablets only $2.00. Economy size, 200 tablets—$3.50. Giant economy size, 500 tablets—$8.00. DOLCIN* SOLO BY: were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clements from Wednesday, October 24, until Saturday. Mrs. William Tasler and daugh ter, of Atkinson, were O’Neill visitors on Thursday, October 25. Miss Mavis Forsch spent the weekend in Butte with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Forsch. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller re turned home from Sioux City on Sunday, October 28, after spend ing several days at the home of Mrs. Miller’s sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hull. Mrs. Carrie Borg and daughter, Marvel, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Fox at Page on Sunday, October 28. Rev. V. R. Bell drove to Seward Tuesday to attend a session of the Methodist conference board of trustees. Harvey Tompkins, of Inman, accompanied him. Both are members of the board. Miss Nancy and William Froe lich, jr., who attend school in Omaha, spent the weekend visit ing their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Froelich, sr. They returned to their studies on Sunday, Oc tober 28. “Voice of The Frontier," 9:45 a.m., Mon., Wed., Sat., WJAG, 780 k.c. Mrs. Harold McNally, of Ains worth, is spending a few days visiting her mother, Mrs. C. Wil liams. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hamoch, of Stuart, were business calless in O'Neill, Thursday, October 25. Mrs. Lottie Bader Expires at Bassett Mrs. Lottie Bader, 75, died Wednesday, October 17, at Bas sett. Lottie Elizabeth Thomas, the daughter of Angavine and Clara Thomas, was born in Clay coun ty, S. D., January 29, 1876. At the age of 9 years she came to Holt county with her mother and 2 brothers, one of whom preceded her in death. On January 28, 1897, she was married to John Anderson. To this union 3 children were £orn. Her daughter preceded her in death. On January 30. 1917, she was married to John Bader. Survivors include: Widower; sons — Hugh Anderson, of Spen cer, and Earl Anderson, of Bas sett; 5 grandchildren; 7 great grandchildren; brother — Bert Thomas, of Dorsey; halfbrother— Ralph Rosenkrans, of Neligh. Club Finishes Filling-Oul Books— The Steel Creek 4-H club met at the Nels Lindquist home Octo ber 17. All members were present ex cept one, Brenda Cole. The meet ing was called to order by presi dent, Ray Hibbs. We finished filling-out club books. A lunch was served after the meeting. We decided to have a hay ride November 2 at the Bill Hibbs home.—By Beverly Linquist, re porter. _ SAVE 12.75 on WOOL SUITS Hand - tailored in the right places! $37 Reg. $49.75 These are McDonald’s own DONFIELD suits, with the extra fine fabrics, extra care ful tailoring, extra attention to styling that gives you that athletic look. What’s more, they’re hand-tailored where it’s important. Sharkskins, glen plaids, gabardines, diag | onals, herringbones. Plenty of sizes. Come early and savel DRS, BROWN & FRENCH Eye* Tested—Glasess FI Broken Leps Replaced 24 Hours Ot)ier Repairs While You Wait Complete X-Ray t ■ r I_I RICH WITH MOLASSES These golden pellets pour like grain in any weather... thanks to an exclusive manu facturing process developed , by SCHREIBER MILLS, INC. 1 • »£G. U. S. PATENT OPfTCI like Mr. Dowell, cattlemen everywhere are finding they get BETTER RESULTS with SWEET LASSY! That's because this great beef-builder is packed with plenty j of molasses and other nutrients cattle need to put on a good cover of fat and smooth finish that brings top prices. SWITCH TO SWEET LASSY TODAYI SWEET LASSY is easy to feed. Pours like shell corn in any weather. Get a supply today! See for yourself how it can make cattle feeding easier. MORE PROFITABLE. SCMRUIIR MILLS, INC., St. Jeieph, Miiiour! SNELHMEI FMK Phone IT* ©'Me*! ' ’'I:' Super Special! i New dresses 1 _ 8 f I Just arrived from New Yorkl Hurry! Words can’t express the smart fashion, the su perb fabrics, the won derful value of these dresses. Come see the breath-taking details. Choose from fine tissue failles, crepes, men’s wear fabrics, gabardines, taffetas. Each style cho sen carefully. Many at savings of almost one half! Choose early! Junior, misses' and half sixes I Sale! Money Bak ... SALE! Fine percale Colorfast, preshrunk I Yd. Super quality 80-square prints, finished to make sewing easy. Plenty of pat terns, colors. For clothing and home needs. Buy now for all year and save! Women's wool coats Lookl Values to $35 Genuine “Shagora” fleeces, suedes, “Venetian” coverts, in boxy or fitted styles. New fashion treatments. All satin-lined. Rich colors. Sires 12 to 40. matched sets SHIRTS . . . Regularly 2.49 PANTS . . . Regularly 2.98 Work-loving Sanforized Twist Twill suits, scientifically made for best fit, good looks. Vat-dyed, mercerized. Shirts have dress style collars, graduated sleeve lengths. Pants have roomy pockets, Sanforized waistband. Reinforced. Grey, tan. Plenty of sizes. Compare anywhere. Save! Boys WOOL jackets 4 to 14, Reg. 3.98 These jackets are warm 100% reproc essed wool cossack style with zipper fronts. Fancy plaid front with solid color back, collar and sleeves. Maroon or blue. A terrific buy at only 3.33! SALE! SMART . NEW SKIRTS 4 Smooth rayon gabardines, neat glen plaids! Usually 3.98, 4.98 McDonald’s brings you the real sale value in these colorful skirts. Our buyer shopped till he found just the styles and fabrics he knew you’d want most. And what a buy he made! They’re neat, serviceable glen plaids, gabardines you’ll love to wear the year around. Cleverly detailed, in rich fall colors. Save $1.21 and $2.21 during Thrift Days only! Come early for better choice! Sizes 24 - 30 2.77 \ Men's rugged non-skid sole work shoes «efl. 4.95 C33 Brown retan leather upper resists acids, moisture. Raw cord sole and heel wear longer, won’t slip. Sizes 6 to 11. They’re real buys! SATURDAY IS LAST DAY to save in McDonald’s super savings event! Ex citing special purchases, thrilling buys from fresh new stocks! All 1st quality! Come early for best pick!