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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1951)
O’NEILL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Homer Asher and children took Mrs. Asher’s mother, Mrs. C. H. Chambers, to Ring sted, 1%, Saturday, where she will visit her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs* Charles Chambers jr., * and family for 2 weeks. Miss Esther Kaiser accompanied them They returned on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. McCoy Rhoades, of Cody, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ray. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller, of Omaha, and Mrs. Pearl Gunn, of Grand Island, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ressel and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ressel. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ehrhardt, of Randolph, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Revell. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Storjo hann of Scribner and Mrs. Robert Storjohann, of Glendale, Calif., were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Storjohann on Monday, October 8. V Mr. and iMrs. Harbld Young returned Thursday, October 4, from Kansas City, Mo., where they had been called by the death of Mrs. Young’s brother, Chester D. Barnes. Mr. Barnes died very suddenly from a heart attack. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rubeck and daughter, Kathy, were Sun day, October 7, dinner guests of Mrs. Rubeck’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell, of Cham Ders. , Miss Dottie Moore, Bill and Bud Sholes, all of Inman, and Miss Dollie Hood were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sholes and family. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Brian and children of Lincoln, were week end guests of Mrs. Brian’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold . Young. * Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chambers, of Dubuque, la., stopped in O’ Neill Sunday on their return from Yellowstone park, Wyo. They visited Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Kruse and were Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Asher and family. They stopped at Ring sted, la., to visit his mother, ■brother and family on their re turn. _ , , Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ross had as their dinner guests Sunday to help them celebrate their 17tn wedding aniversary: Mrs. Eliza beth Conard, of Redbird, Mrs. Bridget Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Richter and family and Mr and Mrs. Emmet Slaight. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Willm were Monday afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Res i sd • Mrs. Chas. Schroeder, and son Jack, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shoemaker for the week end. Jack Schroeder returned to Omaha Sunday and Mrs. Schroeder remained to spend tne WMr.’ and Mrs. Ivan Pruss and sons and Mrs. Marguerite Hoff man, Mary Virginia and James went to Norfolk on business Saturday^ ^ Gran(j island was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ray on Friday, October 5. . Miss Heneretta Mullen arrived Sundav night to visit her mother, Mrs. Henry Mullen. ATKINSON NEWS v Miss Lorraine Claussen arriv ' ed Sunday from Sacramento, Cal if., where she makes her home and is employed, to spend ^ weeks at the home of her parents, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Claussen. Miss Marvel Jean Johnson went to O’NeiH Wednesday. Oc tober 3, where she is employed at the office of the county agent. ROYAL THEATRE — O'NEILL — Thursday, October 11 M-G-M's Four Star Fun Hit! THREE GUYS NAMED MIKE Jane Wyman (who is Mike crazy) and Van Johnson (as Mike), Howard Keel (as Mike) and Barry Sullivan (as Mike). The •i cast of the year Jn the story of cast of the year, in the story of year. Everybody wants to know about the lives and loves of those I gorgeous stewardesses! Adm.: 42c, plus tax 8c. Total 50c Children 10c, plus 2c tax. Tot. 12c Friday and Saturday October 12-13 Herbert J. Yates presents John Ford’s RIO GRANDE Starring John Wayne, Maureen O’Hara, and co-starring Ben Johnson, Claude Jarman, Jr., Harry Carey, Jr., Chill Wills, and featuring J. Carrol Naish, Victor McLaglen, Grant Withers, Sons of the Pioneers. Adm. 42c, plus tax 8c, Tot. 50c Children 10c, plus 2c tax. Tot. 12c Matinee Saturday 2:30 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday October 14-15-16 ¥ SHOW BOAT M-G-M’s magnificent techni color musical! Starring Kathryn Grayson as “Magnolia,” the sing ing sweetheart of the south! Star ring Ava Gardner as “Julie.” She sets the bayous aflame with her torchy blues! Starring Howard Keel as “Revenal,” the handsome gambling man with the golden voice! With Joe E. Brown as “Cap’n Andy,” lovable, laughable Skipper of the Show Boat! With Marge and Gower Champion as “Frank and Ellie,” dancing dar lings of Dixieland! Hear the Beloved Songs by Je rome Kearn and Oscar Hammer stein, II. Songs vou love! “Make Believe," “Why Do I Love You?” “Ol’ Man River," “Can’t Help Lovin’ That Man,” and “Bill." Adm. 42c, plus tax 8c. Total 50c. | Matinee Sunday 2:30, Adm. 42c. tax 8c. Total 50c; Children 10c plus tax 2c. Total 12c i EWING NEWS Among those from Ewing at tending the community sale and dinner held at Inman on Satur day were: Mr. and Mrs. Maden Funk and daughter. Miss Frances Rotherham, Mrs. Mamie Housch, Mrs. Florence Butler, Anna Van Zandt. Hazel Ruby, Elsie Chase, Mrs. J. L. Pruden and daughter. Fern, Miss Ina Bennett, Miss Donna Rudisil, Mr. and Mrs. De witt Hoke and family, Lila Woep pel, Mrs. Jessie Angus, Mrs. Ralph Eacker, Rev. and Mrs. Charles Chappell and family. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kropp en tertained the following guests at their home on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Max Jeffers and family, of Chambers; Mrs. Anna Young and Mrs. Myrtle Young, of Inman. Mr. and Mrs. Bus Miller, of Ft. Worth, Tex., were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kropp and family on Wednesday, October 3. The Millers are former residents of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pahl and daughter, Mary, returned to their home at West Point on Sunday after spending the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weyrich, of Pierce, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fleming Sunday. Mrs. Bernice Harlan, Dorothy and Charles, of Tilden, were weekend guests at the home of her mother, Mrs. Caroline Sand ers. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Marquardt, of Laurel, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Marquardt. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Marquardt returned home Tuesday, October 2, from Laurel where they had been guests at the home of their son, Victor Marquardt, and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Marquardt were O’Neill visitors on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Durward Lough rey and family attended a mis cellaneous shower for her broth er and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schwager, at Orchard Monday evening, October 1. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Braband and Roger and Mrs. Rose Loughfrey, of Elgin, were *guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dur ward Loughrey and family. Weekend guests at the E. A I Harris home were their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Merchant, of Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Durward Lough rey and family will move in the near future to the property of Mrs. Edith Black, recently vacat ed by the Gragert family. Gloria Schroeder was a guest at the James Mlnarik home Tues day and Wednesday, October 2 and 3. Mrs. Florence Butler, Miss An na Van Zandt and Miss Iva Sala were entertained at the hoipe of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomjack at a 6 o’clock dinner Monday eve ning. Weekend guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Alvin Gibson and family were Mr. and Mrs. Calmer Nielsen, of Wyoming, and Mrs. Calvin Bostrum and daughter, Karon, of Sioux City. All attended the funeral of How ard Perkins, father of Mrs. Cal mer Nielsen. Rites were held at O’Neill Saturday forenoon. M. F. Tomjack, better known as “Mike," celebrated his 79th birthday anniversary September 29. Sunday he was the honored guest at the Hientz home when his daughter. Mrs. Leota Hientz, served a birthday dinner to cel ebrate the occasion. Other mem bers of his family present were: Mrs. Frances Shaw and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomjack and son. Gene; Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Tomjack, of Hastings; Mrs. Gene Ray and daughter, Vicky, of San Diego, Calif., and Mrs. Dora Ros no, of Ewing, who is a sister of Mr. Tomjack. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gettert were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gettert, in Atkinson. Other guests at the Gettert home were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gettert and Miss Rene Get tert, of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Streeter re turned from Lincoln on Monday where they had attended the wedding of Miss Magdalen Mat thews, who formerly lived in O’ Neill. --——— r I CLEAN-UP I * H Including I STRICTLY HIGH-GRADE ANGUS I I have sold my ranch in Holt county and have purchased a farm home in Idaho, so will hold a clean-up sale of a my personal property at my ranch 5 miles south and 1 mile west of Inman, Nebraska. I THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18,1951 11:30 A.M. ★ Lunch On The Grounds 3 TERMS CASH a or ; I SEE I YOUR. I BANKER 1 ★ - -> 143 ANGUS CATTLE 143 60—Head of Angus Cows, gc:d ages. 2—Aged Angus Cows. 9—2-Year-Old Angus Heifers. 5— Yearling Angus Heifers. 60—Heifer and Steer Calves. 1—Purebred (not reg.) Angus Bull. 6— Good Milk Cows, consisting of some Holstein and milking strain cows. 31 SHEEP 31 I 7— Breeding Ewes, good ages. I 8— Yearling Ewes. I 15—Lambs. I 1—Buck Sheep. I POULTRY I 3—Dozen 1-Year-Old Hens. I 1—Shepherd Dog, \\ years of age. I MACHINERY 1942 Model John Deere H tractor, complete with power mower; 2 nearly new Case Hay Rakes; Dempster Hay Stacker; 1930 Chevrolet Truck Sweep; 2 Old Rakes; Hay Rack & Wagon; Trailer; Branding Chute; Pump Jack; several Feed Bunks; 8 Fuel Barrels; Saw Frame; Tank Heater; Stock Saddle; Scrap Iron; and Separator. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Child’s High Chair; Coleman Gas Lantern; 1 full - size Bed, complete; % size Bed, complete; Platform Rocker; Oil Heater; Wood & Coal Heater; Baby Bed, complete with Mattress; 6 Rugs, size 9x12 to 12x14; and many* other useful articles. 1,200 Lbs. of Stock Salt. I MR. SAMPLE has been a lover of good Black Cat tie and for many years has bred up a rugged, good do- I I ing ranch man’s cattle, nearly every one a gc:J, young individual with plenty of size and quality. Here is one I I . of the few opportunities to obtain Angus Cattle fresh from the Ranch, and will be sold in pens so every buy- I I er will have an opportunity to obtain some of these cattle. I I WATCH FOR THE ROAD SIGNS TO THE RANCH INSPECT THESE GOOD ANGUS CATTLE I Attend this sale on your way to the commercial Angus Sale sponsored by the Holt County Aberdeen - Angus If fi. Association to be held at the Atkinson Livestock Market, Atkinson, Nebraska, Friday, October 19th, 1951. p I ROBERT SAMPLE, Owner - WELLER-ADAMS CO. I I - II I Atkinson, Nebr.AUCTION SERVICE Phone 5781 I 1 Inman N@br ERNIE WELLER, Auct. LEO ADAMS, Manager | « ■VWBPB • PHONE 6131 ; PHONE 7531 ■ BB f "• 9 ^ ^ £^B J _ _ _ _ ___J