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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1951)
■ FOR SALE ATTENTION AUTO OWNERS You can have a six months' in surance policy for one-half of the yearly rate plus fifty cents, minimum premium $10; re newable each six months upon payment of a like amount.—L. G. Gillespie Insurance Agency, O’Neill, Nebr., ph. 114 and 218, office in Gillespie Radio Shop. ___23-24c New Corn Picker Bargains FARMRITE and GI . . . simplest and best picker on market. 1- row pull type-$595.00 2- row pull type or mounted..— $795.00 Used pickers—all kinds Used pickers—all kinds! Largest stock of GI and FARM RITE parts in Nebraska and the Dakotas. New type husking beds for Case, M-M, New Idea, Farmrite and GI. Massey-Harrte Self-Propelled Cornpickers and Combines TRACTORS ALL SIZES New Kaisers — New Henry J’s Outlaw Implement Co. O’Neill, Nebr. 23c FOR SALE OR TRADE: 3,000 watt 110-volt Fairbanks Morse light plant with remote control box. Burns either propane or gasoline. In good condition.— Omer Hoffman, box 94, Clear water. _21-23pl 10 J FOR SALE: Several good, well- j located building lots.—R. H. (“Ray") Shriner, O’Neill, phone! 106,__22tf FOR SALE: Westinghouse electric range, 3 years old, excellent condition. Can be seen at the Presbyterian manse. — Rev. Ralph Gerber, O’Neill, 23p35 FOR SALE: Heavy duty under slung, complete: also used truck axles, big tires, tubes, wheels, rims, etc.—Gerald O’Connor, 8 miles north, 5 east, Atkinson, _ 23-26pl20 DUROC BOAR & GILT SALE Saturday, Oct. 20 50 HEAD of good rugged boars and gilts sired by our herd boar which placed 5th at the 1951 South Dakota state fair. New breeding for old customers. Sale held at the farm 1 mile west, 3 Vi south of Spencer. F. W. LOOCK. & SON Spencer, Nebr. 23-24c FOR SALE: 9 * 12 Armstrong Quaker heavyweight linoleum rugs, $8.95.—Midwest Furn. & Appl., West O’Neill.20c FOR SALE: 30- and 52-gallon electric water heaters. — Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill, phone 531._23c FOR SALE: 320-acre farm. Good improvements, good home, land well balanced, located on good road close to town, close to school.—Write Box S. J. c/o frontier. 22-25pl60 WE DON’T TRY TO STEAL your used ears. We allow all the market affords as we want satisfied customers who come back year after year. Our vol ume keeps our prices down! 1950 Ford Fordor. radio, heater, seat covers, and sun shade. 1949 Kaiser Deluxe, overdrive, heater, sun shade. 1948 Kaiser Special, with air conditioned heater, good for 100,000 miles. 1948 Ford Tudor, radio, heater. 1942 Chev. 4-dr., radio, heater. 1941 Ford Tudor, heater. 1939 Ford Fordor, radio, heater. . 1950 Willys four-wheel drive pickup, heater. 1948 Willys four-wheel drive pickup, heater. 1947 Four-wheel drive Jeep. 1946 Chev. m*ton long wheel base with stock and grain box, rebuilt motor and 2 - speed axle. Outlaw Implement Co. O’Neill, Nebraska 23c FOR SALE: Cocker pups, AKC registered, red, black and blond.—W. O. Young, Orchard, phone 68._22-23c73 FOR SALE: Super Flame 11 inch oil burner, good condition. —Mrs. Henry Martin, O’Neill. _23c FOR SALE: About 12 head of good breeding ewes, at the Thursday, October 11, sale, O’- • Neill Livestock Market.—Theo. Poessnecker, Atkinson. 23c40 FOR SALE: Surge dairy equip ment for sale by Kenneth Dil lon. Ainsworth, Nebr. Get your milking machine now while they are still available^ 4tfc BUY QUALITY BRIGGS beautyware, American Standard fixtures. Rheems wa ter heaters, Dempster water heaters, and man.' others. Kelley’s Plumbing _O’Neill_ FOR SALE: 1,500-w. Kohler light plant, 110-v., 4-starting batter ies, operates on either propane or gasoline, 3-yrs.-old.—M. D. Richter, Dorsey._22-24p70 FOR SALE: Registered Hereford boars and gilts. Papers fur nished.—A. J. Brinkman, O’ Neill, phone 162-J, or A. H. Brinkman, Atkinson, phone 6858. 22-25pll0 FOR" SALE: 560 "acres located north of Atkinson in Boyd county, known as the L. E. Ax tell place. Legal description secs. 32, 28 and 31; range 34, twp. 14. This place is priced to sell. We have the exclusive option. — H. P. Heiliger. 1303 42nd St., Lincoln. 23p92 | DO YOU want to borrow some money on your farm or ranch? I loan money on store buildings and city residences also.—See R. H. Parker. O’Neill, Nebr. 18tf THE FRONTIER , . . only $2.50 per year . . . less than a nickel I a week. HELLO FOLKS! LETS GET ACQUAINTED ! Bulova and Gruen Watches Miracle Diamonds Watch and Jewelry Repairing CLIFT JEWELRY 31 5 E. Dougla? with Grim Ins. Agency O’Neill ON HAND AND READY FOR DELIVERY! Several M-M and Case 6-Ft. One-Ways. 15-, 18-, and 21-Ft. Disc Harrows. ! 1—Minneapolis-Moline ZA Tractor. 1—Case DC Tractor. 1— Case SC Tractor. |_VAC Case Tractor with the New Eagle Hitch. (Come in and see how this new hitch works.) Several New M-M Compickers. 1_New Idea 2-row Com Picker. 2- and 3-Bottom Plows. 1—Case 2-row Com Picker. Several Manure Spreaders — both tractor and horse drawn. WM. KROTTER CO. OF O’NEILL PHONE 531 WEST O’NEILL FOR SALE: New Hotpoint ranges and refrigerators and Amana freezers, all sizes, in your price . range. Jacobson's, O'Neill. 22c FOR SALE: 7-room house with bath, at 420 Everett st. — For information call at house. __23p35 Chrysler-Plymouth SALES & SERVICE A Good Stock of I - Better Used Cars At Prices That Will Please C. M. WILSON Phone 100 Butte. Nebr. __2tf FOR SALE: Winter coat, prac tically new, nationally famous brand, brown taupe, size 16.— Phone 238-W. 23p33 CARS - MACHINERY FOR SALE Reg. Farmall Tractor, good con dition, good rubber. New Galloway Tractor Spreader. - 1951 Kaiser Deluxe, heater. 4-dr. 1951 Kaiser Special, equipped OD. 4-dr. 1951 Henry J, RH OD. New hyd. Dump Rakes, can be drawn with horses, priced be low that of others. For advanced farm, ranch & transportation needs see Allis-Chalmers — Kaiser-Frazer Brown Motor & Im*pl. Chambers, Nebr. 23c FOR SALE: Registered Hereford boars, vaccinated both ways.— Marvin Stauffer, Page, phone 3F2. 22tf FOR SALE: Well improved 160 acre farm near O’Neill. Nebr, Also have a good ranch for sale. Also have 4 different resi dences in O’Neill for sale, and 3 other farms.—See R. H. Park er. O’Neill. Nebr. 18tf FOR SALE 1—New 12-inch oil furnace blow er, complete, still in the origi nal boxes. 1—32-inch lawn sweeper, used very little, this sweeper is just the thing for leaves. 4—Steel, 4- and 5-deck poultry growing batteries on wheels, complete with water and feed- j ing troughs. Several poultry waterers and feeders. C. L. WILLSON O’Neill Phone 284 __ 22-23 FOR SALE: Used oil heaters, guaranteed. — Jacobson’s, O’ Neill._22c FOR SALE: New Quaker oil heat ers, $69.50 up, immediate de livery. — Jacobson’s, O’Neill, phone 415. 22c BARGAINS IN Used Cornpickers 1— 1947 2-row New Idea, pull type. 2— 1948 John Deere semi-mount ed 1-rows. 1—2-Row mounted G. I. Outlaw Implement Co. O’Neill Nebr.\ FOR SALE: 52 Registered Here fords, Holt County Hereford Breeders’ Sale, O’Neill, Nebr., October 13. Write for catalog. 23p FOR SALE: Repairs for 1942 Ply mouth deluxe sedan, all or any part except motor.—Call phone 476R, O’Neill._21-23p80 FOR SALE: Insurance of all kinds see R. H. (“Ray”) Shri ner, phone 106.39tf FOR SALE: Fertilizer—Anacon da 45% treble super-phosphate, $76 per ton; Anaconda amoni ated phosphate (10-20-0), $82 per ton. Would advise buying now for spring use. All fertiliz er in short supply.—Freeman Farm Supply, Atkinson, Nebr. __22-25c68 If You Are Looking For Used Car Bargains 1—Good 1936 Chev. 2-dr. 1—1941 Ford Tudor. 1—1948 Pontiac 6-cyl. 4-dr. 1—1947 Chev. 4-dr. Stylemaster. 1949—Mercury 4-door. Make us an offer. 1949—Dodge Wayfarer, 2-door, very clean. Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill Phone 531 O’Neill. Nebr. _23c FOR SALE: A barn, 16x40, 8-ft. studdings, in Amelia school dis trict 228. Sealed bids till Oc tober 15. — Glen White, presi dent, Amelia. 22-23c FOR SALE: Several items of good used furniture. — Mrs. Clark Willson. O’Neill. 23c FOR SALE: A baby buggy, bath inet, and a bassinet. — Mrs. Stanley Anderson, Phone 553J, O’Neill._23c Winnaritas Here — Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cooper, of Winner. S. D., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ressel on Monday evening. Go to Ainsworth — Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Ray were in Ainsworth on Sunday, visit ing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1} F. Waite. MISCELLANEOUS AUTO OWNERS [F YOU WANT cheaper insur ance let me know. I can finance a 1946 and nev^er model auto mobile and write your insur ance for you! We need and ap preciate your business. GEO. C. ROBERTSON _O’Neill. Nebr._ 2XPERT REPAIR SERVICE on « all kinds and makes of auto mobiles, trucks and tractors; 1 factory - trained specialists; guaranteed service. — Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill, phone j 531.46tf KIETH A. ABART O’Neill. Nebr. Auctioneer Licensed to Sell Real Estate 19tf ■ . t WHETHER you wish to buy, . rent, trade or sell, the Fron- ] tier’s classifieds will do the trick quickly and economically. _ 38tf DIGGING' WE DIG water and sewer ditch- 1 es, basements, cesspools, and build dams. Also do structural steel setting. Belville Draglines _Valentine, Nebr._49tf WE ARE agents for Aquella ce ment waterproofing written up in “Life.”—Western Auto, O’ Neill._ 18-23c L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half-block East of . Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of; automobile, truck and tractor, • repair. Acetylene welding. _ H U NT 1 S PLUMBING & HEATING American Kitchens White Water Heaters (Next door Asimus Motor.) FARM & COMMERCIAL Service Phone 399, O’Neill Complete Auction Sales Service! Advertising, auctioneering, clerk ing ... let us take care of the details. Call or see ED THORIN, O’Neill or LEIGH & VERNE REYNOLDSON. O’Neill, Phone 2 Insurance of All Kinds FOR BRIGGS & STRATTON, Lawson and Clinton engines,, service and genuine parts caJi at Vic Halva’s Electric Shop, O’Neill_41tf WE NEVER SLEEP A PHONE CALL brings us on the run! Phone 404-W J. V. MOTOR Jim Atkinson - Vernon Strong Used Car Parts, Car Repairing Acetylene Welding North 7th O’Neill. Nebr. 9c80 WIRING DON’T WIRE until you have our price. Be safe. Have your wir ing installed by our skilled workmen. We have all mater ials and fixtures for a complete job. All material and work guaranteed. Ten years of REA wiring experience. Drop us a card for free estimate. For a neat job see us. Motor Re-winding and Repairs CONTACT Ralph Simpson LESTER ELECTRIC O’Neill, Nebr. 29tf EXPERT Body - Fender REPAIRING COMPLETE up - to - date shop, equipped and experienced for all makes of cars. Also paint ing, spot work, glasses install ed. Free estimates. 24-hour wrecker service. 19-22c WICH'S BODY SHOP 219 Douglas St. Phone 211-W HALVA'S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors _for Any Job 25tf WHAT'S IN A NAME? SER VICE! when you consign cat-1 tie, hogs, and sheep to the Frank E. Scott Commission Co., Stock Yards, Sioux City, la. 22tf DANCE BUTTE ’LEGION BALLROOM Butt*. N*br. Tuesday, Oct. 16th CHUCK EDDY with Harry Collins ORCHESTRA 4% Federal Land Bank Long Term L-O-A-N-S Pre-Payment Privileges ELKHORN VALLEY Nat’l Farm Loan Ass’n O’Neill. Nebr. Lyle P. Dierks, Sec-Treas. WANTED WANTED: Young man employ ed by Frontier wants room in private home.______ HAVE 4 different men wanting to buy cattle ranches. I have 3 buyers for farms. If your ranch or farm is for sale, let me sell it for you.—R. H. Parker, O’ NeiU._Nebn_21tf LV MOTOR, O’Neill, buys iron and metal. No. 7th St. 13ctf _,ET US give you a free estimate on your wiring job. REA firing a specialty, 6 years of REA wiring experience. All work, materials guaranteed.—Knight Maytag, O’Neill. 19tf WORKMEN WANTED: For pav ing construction in Neligh, 60 hour week with time and one half after 40 hours. Apply at once. — Dobson Construction, near depot in Neligh, Nebr. 23c WANTED: Will take 30-40 head of cows on shares. From 1-3 year terms.—Contact Vernon Likes, Burke, S.D. 23-25c FOR RENT HOOD FLOOR SANDER AND edger for rent. Inquire: Spelts Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill. FOR RENT: Unfurn. 3-room a partment and kitchenette and bath, modem. — Hagensick's Ready-to-Wear, O’Neill. 22c rOR RENT: Small house, mod em.—R. H. Shriner, O’Neill, phone 1C6._.22c FOR RENT: New, small hand sanding machine, for furniture and woodwork. — Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill.52tf ?OR RENT: Five-room apt., mod ern except heat.—R. H. Shrin phone 106.__ 22c WANTED — Man to do outside selling. Store wide selling priv ileges and discounts. Vacation with pay. Group insurance. — Gambles, O’Neill. 23c FOR RENT: 3-room apartment close in on Main street.—See R. H, Parker, O’Neill. 23tf Mr. and Mrs. Dean Reed went to Omaha on Saturday and at tended the candy convention at the Paxton hotel. They return ed home on Sunday. CARD OF THANKS WE WISH to express to our ma ny friends and neighbors our sincere thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness extended to us at the time of the death of our father, hus band and grandfather.—Mr. and Mrs. Dana Lines and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ross and Neomia, Mrs. Mary Belle Lines, the Stevens children and their families. 23p50 Navy Buddies Are Separated— Daniel DeBacker, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. DeBacker, of O’ Neill, and Ray Krysl, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Krysl, of Stuart, former St. Mary’s academy class mates who entered navy service together in June, have been sep arated. DeBacker has been sent to an amphibious force; Krysl is at sea. Both are apprentice sea men. Miss Mariam Hoffman, Bride-Elect. Feted— CHAMBERS—A miscellaneous shower honoring Miss Marian Hoffman was held Friday, Octo ber 5, at the Methodist church parlors. About 60 guests were present. The program, in charge of Mrs. Elmer Wondersee and Mrs. Elwyn Robertson, consisted of songs and readings, also an original poem written by Mrs. Elwyn Robertson on the “Life of the Bride-Elect.” Others participating were Mrs. Garden Club in Session Ai Smith Home— CHAMBERS — The Chambers Garden club met Wednesday aft ernoon, October 3, at the home of Mrs. Wanda Smith with Mrs. Cle— ona Wintermote as cohostess. Thirteen members were present. The lesson was ’’Preserving Ma terial for Winter Bouquets,” by Jennie Gillette. A lunch was served by the hostess. The next with Mrs. Eulalia Sexton. MARTINS BUY ANGUS W. B. and Emma C. Martin, of O’Neill, recently purchased a purebred Aberdeen-Angus bull and cow from William Williams and Sons, of Clarks. Move to Beemer— Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johnson, jr„ ! and family moved to Beemer where they will make their home. Mr. Johnson is employed with the Stutzman transfer. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Osenbaugh went to Lincoln and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hilderhoff and family from Fri day until" Sunday. They also at tend the Matthews-Franssen wed ding. CPPD Accountant Gets Promotion C. V. Sullivan, present O’Neill district accountant for Consumers Public Power district, will trans fer to Lincoln November 16 in preparation for assuming the du ties of Lincoln district account ant. Mr. Sullivan”s promotion was announced relative to the forth coming retirement of George Schaberg, present Lincoln district * accountant, at the end of this year. Employed by Interstate Power company in 1926, Mr. Sullivan has worked in the O’Neill accounting department in various positions since that time. He is also a veteran of World War II, having served with the army from 1942 until 1946, a portion of that time with the Seventh army in Eu rope. He is married. His mother is Mrs. Agnes E. Sullivan, former postmaster, and his father was the late M. R. Sullivan. Harold Peterson, longtime chief clerk with Consumers in Lincoln, wil be promoted to O’Neill district accountant to replace Sulivan. Other changes effecting the 0”Neill district will be the trans fer of Gale Dierberger, Beatrice storekeeper, to the position of 4 O’Neill storekeeper, following the resignation of Ed Thamish, who will engege in farming. WE BEG YOUR PARDON A front page story in the Octo ber 4 issue of The Frontier con cerning Holt County Treasurer J. Ed Hancock’s answer to a law suit, brought by Charley W. Petersen, Atkinson rancher, stated that Petersen had paid all of his cur rent real estate and personal taxes except $943.98. This amount represents taxes on Petersen’s property in school district 231 from the 4-mill blanket tax levy, adopted by the 1949 legislature. The story erred in that Petersen volunteered to pay all taxes in bis property in rural school dis trct 231, except the 4-mill blank et tax, but Hancock refused to ac- “ cept a partial payment. Petersen has taken the matter to court to test the validity of the blanket tax law, seeking to restrain the treasurer from making the 4-omll collection. Frontier for printing! W. F. FINLEY. M. D. OFFICE PHONE: 28 First National Bank Bldg. O'NEILL ... Yours with a JOHN DEERE No.226 Com Picker The John Deere No. 226 Two-Row Mounted Com Picker is the practical application of self-propelled corn picking. Its corn-saving ability, tremendous capacity, easier handling, and rugged construction speed harvests and cut costs for many years. The No. 226 is a straight-through picker from the long, gently-sloping gatherers, low down gatherer chains, and ground-hugging snapping rolls, through the big-capacity husking rolls and wagon elevator. This simple design assures greater corn saving and lower upkeep costs. The John Deere No. 226 Picker is easy-on . . easy-off. There's plenty of strength with out excess weight, making it an easy load on your tractor. See us for details. NEW MACHINERY USED MACHINERY i 948 John Deere Model A, Gas A, B and G Tractors | 94 j john Deere Model 3 , 200 and 226 Corn Pickers . Regular Farmall T 1 pv 171 . 1 -Row Case Snapper John Deere Elevator 4-Wheel John Deere Spreader CARS 1951 Ford Fordor, fully equip ped, priced to sell, only 8,500 miles. Harry R. Smith Implements PHONE 562 4th & Fremont St*. ■ ■ }