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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1951)
. METHODIST (O'Neill) * Rev. V. R. Bell .pastor Church school. 10 a.m.. Neil Dawes, superintendent, classes for all ages. Worship service. 11 a.m., ser mon, special music. Miss Ruth Harris met with the MYF group Sunday evening and gave some very interesting ac counts of her work in China. The Young Adults Fellowship met Tuesday evening for a reg ular meeting and party. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Gillespie and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill were the hosts. The pastors’ school will be held in Lincoln August 27-31; al so the WSCS school of missions. Your pastor and wife will attend and Mrs. A. E. Bowen will be the t delegate from the church. The WSCS district meeting will be held in Neligh September b. WESLLEYAN METHODIST (O'Neill) Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor August 24: Prayer meeting and I3’.ble study, 8 p.m. August 26: Sunday-school. 10 a. 10.; worship, 11 a.m.; praise service, 7:30 p.m.; young people’s rervice. 8 p.m.; 16-mm sound !;lms, 8:30 p.m., “They Follow On,” and “Against the Tide.” These films portray young people making life decisions from a Christian’s point of view, and also spreading the gospel message in Chicago, 111., street work as well as personal work. You are invited to attend.. A CENTER UNION (O'Neill) Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor August 26: There will be no Sunday morning service. Young people’s service and Bible study, 8 p.m. August 28: Two 16-mm sound films, “They Follow On,” and “Against the Tide,” 8 p.m. These films portray young people mak ing life decisions from a Chris tian point of view and also at work in Chicago, 111., in street meetings and doing personal work. You are invited to attend any of our services. BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN (Ewing RFD) Rev. Ralph Gerber, pastor Sunday, August 26: Worship service, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m., Stanley Lambert, su perintendent. _ CHRIST LUTHERAN (O'Neill) Rev. R. W. Olson, pastor Friday. August 24: Special voter’s meeting at the church, 8 Sunday. August 26: Congrega tional Bible class, 9 a.m. Divine worship with the celebration of, holy communion. 9:30 a.m. Those who desire to partake of the sac rament may announce themselves before the service or by calling the parsonage. Sunday - school, 10:30 a.m. _ ,. Thursday, August 30: Ladies Aid meets at the home of Mrs. Ed. Krugman, 2 p.m. Visitors are welcome to all oi our services and activities. METHODIST (Inman) Rev. Charles C. Chappell, pastor Church school, 10 a.m. Worship. 11:15 a.m. There will be a covered-dish dinner at the aid parlors at the close of church Sunday, August 26. Everybody welcome to attend. Baptismal service, 3 p.m. at the Elkhorn river east of Inman. Special music by Miss Jmogene Davis and Miss LuElla Watson. The men plan to put up the hay starting August 27. Your heip will be appreciated. See Herbert Rouse, Leon Tompkins or Cal Geary for details. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN (Atkinson) Rev. R. W. Olson, pastor Thursday, August 23: Lutheran Women’s Missionary league meets at the home of Mrs. Kasper Harley, 2 p.m. Sunday, August 26: Sunday school, 10 a.m. Divine worship1 with the celebration of holy com munion, 11:15 a.m. Those who de sire to partake of the sacrament may announce themselves before the service. Visitors are welcome to all of our services and activities. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (O'Neill) Rev. Ralph Gerber, pastor Sunday, August 26: Sunday school, 9:45 a.m., Roy M. Sauers, superintendent; worship service, 11 a.m., sermon by Rev. James B. Ollis, jr. Mr. Ollis is a native of Ord and now pastor of Sub urban Presbyterian church, of Scranton, Pa. ST. PETER'S EPISCOPAL (Neligh) Rev. Wm. H. Cowger, pastor Morning prayer, August 26, 9 o’clock. Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity, sermon topic: “Grati tude.” No church school until Septem ber 2. METHODIST (Chambers) Rev. L. R. Hansberry, pastor Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m., Clair Grimes, superintendent. Worship, 11:30 a.m. COMMUNITY (Stuart) Rev. Orin Graff, pastor Services Sunday, August 26, at 10 a.m. Children’s classes, 11 a.m. Guest speaker, William Mulford, of the Cleveland community. R. F. Griffin (left) and G. E. Morgan. Atkinson fishermen . . . exhibit sun and lake trout caught in northern Canada.—The Fron tier Engraving. Sumner Downey, O'Neill . . . 14-pound jackfish (known here as pickerel). — The Frontier Engraving. (Story at right.) Jimmy McCarthy Is 4 Years Old— Little Jimmy McCarthy, son of Mr. and Mrs. George M. McCar thy, celebrated his 4th birthday anniversary last Thursday at a party for his 6 little cousins, the Ralph Walker and Norman Gon deringer girls and John Lee Mc Elvain. ir x t 4 Holt Men Report ‘Excellent* Fishing Four Holt county fishermen re turner last weekend with ample evidence of good fishing in northern Canada. R. F. Griffin and G. E. Morgan, both of Atkinson, and Sumner Downey and William F. Griffin, both of O’Neill, spent 10 days at Lac La Rouge, which is situated approximately 150 miles north of Prince Albert national park. The lake, they said, has been open to fishing only 3 years— since the completion of a new road which winds through the wilderness for about 125 miles from the park. Lac La Rouge has been producing fabulous catches of lake trout, walleyes and pickerel (known there as jackfish). They caught their limit in all species and brought along their proof! Rooney to Preside at PCA Meeting— James W. Rooney, of O’Neill, secretary-treasurer of the O’Neill Production Credit association, will preside as chairman at a con ference of Nebraska PCA officers and directors to be held at Lin coln Monday and Tuesday, Au gust 27 and 28. Twelve of the state’s 14 asso ciations will be represented. The O’Neill association will al so be represented at the 2-day meeting by D. C. Schaffer, of O’ Neill, president; C. F. Clark, of Burwell, vice - president; Otto Oberg, of Ericson; Otto Krupicka, of Spencer;" Ray Siders, of O’ Neill, directors, and William S. Mattern, of O’Neill, fieldman. Boy, 11. Flying to Pasadena— Mr. and Mrs. Merlyn Shaw left today (Thursday) for Omaha with Ronald Thornton, 11-years old, who has visited the Shaws since July 1. Ronald will board a plane for his home in Pasadena, Calif. Californian Here— VENUS—Mrs. Anna Shaw, of San Francisco, Calif., arrived for an extended visit with her daugh ter, Mrs. Clarence Faulhaber, of Venus, and her son, Glen Auten, of Chicago, 111. Mission Needs Told in Letter EWING—The Women’s Gener al Missionary society met at the home of Mrs. Willie Schrader Thursday afternoon. August 16. The theme of the worship service was “The Cycle of Fruitfulness.” The devotional part of the pro- J gram was opened with scripture reading bv Mrs. Wilbur Bennett, followed bv a hymn and prayer. Mrs. Ralph Schrader read the meditation, “John XV. The topics of the lesson, which were about the society convention that was held in the First Presbyterian church. Washington. Pa,, June 11 to 14, were reviewed by Mrs. Wilbur Bennett. Mrs. Duane Jensen was leader of the prayer group. She read Matthew XXI': 18-22, Matthew XXVI: 1-13 and Proverbs XXXI. Special prayers were given for the different church boards. Mrs. Bennett also presided at the short business session. Ten members answered to roll call by giving a briefette of the Women’s General Missionary society con vention. Guests were: Miss Ina Bennett and Mrs. Lee Fink, both of Ew ing, and Mrs. Ruth Waples, of Lincoln. A letter was read from French burg, stating the need for all kinds of clothing, tea towels, ta ble linens and quilts. Please bring articles for Frenchburg by the next meeting, September 20. A collection was taken up for Lau ra McLachlan. On adjournment of the meet ing, a social hour was enjoyed with refreshments served by Mrs. Kitty Fry, Mrs. Archie Johnson and Mrs. Willie Schrader. Mrs. Dale Napier will be host ess for the September meeting, with Mrs. Fred Colfax, jr., as leader.—By Mrs. Lionel Guntei, secretary. Other Ewing News Mrs. Myrtle Helmig, of Wichi ta, Kans., was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Da vis on Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Louise Beal, of Orchard, mother of Mrs. Davis, was also a guest for the weekend. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis on Friday were: Mr. and Mrs. Walt er Austin, of Plainview; Mrs. Homer Barton and family, of Or chard, and their house guests, Miss Myrtle Helmig, of Wichita, Kans., and Mrs. Louise Beal, of Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Antis del, of Omaha, were recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal do Davis. Mr. Antisdel is a for mer resident of Ewing. From here they went to Sioux Falls, S. D., to visit her parents. Msr. Robely Sisson, sr., is now working as operator in the tele phone exchange. Mr. and Mrs. Y. E. Sanders and 2 daughters, of Omaha, were guests at the home of his sister and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dierks, and family last week* Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Jefferies and Judy and Jerry left Monday on a 10-day vacation trip through the western states. , , „ Rev. and Mrs. Donald Butler and family, of New Jersey, and Cleo, Alberta and Ruby Butler, of Omaha, are spending a few days with relatives in the Ewing vicinity. . , . Mrs. R. G. Rockey and daugh ter, Mrs. Buford Carlson, are back home again after a trip to Kentucky to visit Lt. and Mrs. Frank MacNeill at Ft. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson re turned home Thursday evening after visiting a few days with their daughters and families at West Point. They also were guests at the home of her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Smith, at Oakland. will, Joe ana n^uici mum**^* man entertained members of the family at their home Thursday evening. The gathering included Mr. and "Mrs. C. C. Zimmerman and son, Eugene, F. H. Zimmer man and family, all of Battle Creek; Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Zim merman, of Hudson, Wyo.; Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Hansen, of Om aha; Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Helm rick and family, Mrs. Wayne Sawyer, Laura Zimmerman, of Ogden, Utah, and Dorothy Zim merman, of Salt Lake City, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Cronin and family, of Pickstown, S. D„ spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Noffke, sr. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Harris and family drove to Elgin on Sunday to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Merchant. Tom Hughes, of Norfolk, was a caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Crellin Thursday eve ning. Mr. Hughes is a former in structor in music in the Ewing school. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gibson, of O’Neill, and Mrs. Jennie Gibson, of Chambers, were guests on Wednesday, August 15, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gib son and family. On Thursday, Leland Welke and daughter, Jeanne, accom panied by Rosetta McDonald, transacted business in Plainview. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Leland Welke en joyed dinner at the steak house in O’Neill Thursday evening. The Youth Fellowship, of the Ewing Methodist church, had a picnic supper at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Watson McDonald on Thursday evening. Mrs. Robert Dunaway and daughter, Bonnie Beth, and Mrs. Earl Billings were dinner guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dunaway and fam ily. The Misses Laura Zimmefman, of Ogden, Utah, and Dorothy Zimmerman, of Salt Lake City, Utah, will return to their homes this week after visiting relatives. SECTION 2 — PAGES 9 TO 16 Letters Have a Way Reaching Destination The Frontier doffs its hat to the grey-bearded man’s postal employees. This week 2 letters found their way to The Frontier which conceivably might have been consigned to the dead let ter office. One. from Neligh, was ad dressed like this: “Lord Calvert, The Frontier; O’Neill, Snap in the Garter Belt.” The other: “The Voice. O’Neill.” The former address obvious ly was sattire on O’Neill’s new slogan, “O’Neill—the Buckle in the Hay Belt." Presumably it. was intended for Carroll (“Cal”) Stewart, The Frontier publisher. The latter was in tended for George Hammond, “The Voice of The Frontier” announcer and it contained nothing less than a bonafide order and script for an adver tisement on Hammond’s radio program (WJAG, 780 kc, 9:45 a.m., Mon., Wed., Sat.) Resumes Position— Roy D. Johnson resumed his duties Monday at the Lohaus Mo tor company. A veteran of World War II, he had been recalled to active duty last fall, spent several months on Eta Jima island, off the coast of Japan. Johnson was separated from the army last week on the West coast and reached O’Neill Saturday. (First pub. Aug. 23, 1951.) Julius D. Cronin. Att’y NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ' ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 3770 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, August 20, 1951. In the Matter of the Estate ol S. A. Sulentic, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of H. B. Bartlett as Adminis trator of said estate, and will be heard September 13, 1951, at 1C o’clock A. M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 16-18c '0X<XKd*HA" ‘ScHHCtf MUf4f I < Hi The QUAKER "Challenger" Made in 4 sites. Beautiful scratch-proof, baked enamel f Inlih. 79.95 °.i Your home ... or a room . • is warm in a matter of minutes with a QUAKER Burnoil Heater. And you save money, too. be cause QUAKER alone offers these optional low-cost acces sories that mean fast, automatic, economical heat this winter: I. Mechanical Droft — gives maxi mum heat output regardless of chimney by providing ample draft. Cuts fuel cost! J. Heat Circulator — gently cir culates heat to every room comer. Automatic In action. NO WORKI QUAKER heat is clean effortless. No coal to shovel, ashes to carry, or wood to chop! See • DEMONSTRATION, totfayf Across from the Golden PHONE 415 DANCE SUMMERLAND at Ewing Sunday, August 26 Music by HARRY COLLINS Orchestra 1 Get a Full Measure of Value by Purchas- f j ing One of These Late Model Used Cars! j j 1950 Chevrolet 2-Dr. Stlyeline SedL I I Radio, heater, sun visor and white side wall Royal Mas- ! I ter tires. | I 1950 Chevrolet Club Cpe. Styleline I | Radio and heater. Low mileage. j 1 ‘ ;1950 Chevrolet 1-Ton Pickup j 5 new tires, heater, and overloads. j If Only __ $1,095 I 1947 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Fleetline Sed. I I Only__ $795.00 I 1947 Chevrolet 2-Dr. I j Radio and Heater. | I Only - $765.00 I 1949 Ford V-8 2-Door I ■ his car has radio and heater. Clean | | inside and low mileage ! I Only - $995 I I 1949 Oldsmobile Club Sedan I I , Only -$1,525.00 I I Many Makes and Models to Pick From I j — Use Our Time Payment Plan — jj MIDWEST MOTOR CO.. LTD. I Chevrolet - Oldsmobile - Cadillac I j Sales & Service j I Phone 100 O’Neill I ON HAND AND READY FOR DELIVERY! Several M-M and Case 6-Ft. One-Ways. 15-, 18-, and 21-Ft. Disc Harrows. 1—Minneapolis-Moline ZA Tractor. 1—Case DC Tractor. 1—Case SC Tractor. 1—VAC Case Tractor with the New Eagle Hitch. (Come in and see how this new hitch works.) 1—New M-M Compicker. I 1—New Idea 2-row Com Picker. 1—New Case 1-row Com Picker. 1—Case 2-row Com Picker. 1—Case Semi-Mounted Mower, Spec._$235.00 3—Minneapolis - Moline Semi - Mounted Mowers, Spec. _ $235.00 1—Used IHC Horse Mower. WM. KR01TER CO. OF O’NEILL PHONE 531 WEST O’NEILL FASHION INVESTMENT JUNIORS SOUND CHECKS .. . tiny ones with big appeal, in a rayon and acetate favorite. W ide rayon taffeta scarf ties under folded collar. Sizes 9-15 . ’ Other Carole King Juniors from $8.95