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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1951)
FUTURE SUBSCRIBERS STRAKA—Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Straka, of Stuart, a son, Daniel Alfred, weighing 8 pounds 1 ounce, bom Sunday. August 12, at the Stuart Community hospi tal. RAMM—Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ramm, of Stuart, a daughter, Ann Christine, weighing 8 pounds 2 ounces, bom Thursday, August 16, at the University hos pital in Omaha. HOFFMAN—Mr. and Mrs. Al ton Hoffman, of Stuart, a son, Terry Joe. weighing 8 pounds 5 ounces, born Friday, August 17, at the Stuart Community hospi tal. OLBERDING—Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olberding, of Stuart, a son, weighing 7 pounds 12 ounc es, born Saturday, August 18, at the Stuart Community hospital. KUNZ — Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz, of Stuart, a daughter, born Saturday, August 18, at the Stuart Community hospital. THURI.OW — Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thurlow, of Newport, a son, born Wednesday, August 15, at the Stuart Community hospi- I tal. STRONG—Mr. and Mrs. Lester Strong, of O’Neill, a daughter, bom Wednesday, August 15, at the O’Neill hospital. JARESKE—Mr. and Mrs. Leo Jareske, of O’Neill, a daughter, Deborah Ann, weighing 7 pounds 6 ounces, born Friday, August J 7, at the O’Neill hospital. GREEN—Mr. and Mrs. Donald Green, of Chambers, a son, Doug las Donald, weighing 7 pounds, born Saturday, August 18, at the O’Neill hospital. ZASTROW—Mr. and Mrs. Lou is Zastrow, of O’Neill, a son, Clinton Francis, weighing i poiinds, born Sunday, August 19, at the O’Neill hospital. WATSON—Mr. and Mrs. John Watson, of O’Neill, a daughter, weighing 6 pounds 15 ounces, born Wednesday. August 22, at the O’Neill hospital. GIBBS — Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Gibbs, of Orchard, a daughter, weighing 5 pounds 8 ounces, born Wednesday, August 22, at the O’ Neill hospital. BRAUN—Mr. and Mrs. Richard Braun, of Atkinson, a daughter, Loretta Faye, weighing 7 pounds, born Sunday, August 19, at the Bassett hosspital. Mrs. Braun is the former Helen Spence, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Spence. Loretta Faye is the first grand child of the Spences and a great great-granddaughter of Mrs. Liz zie Pelcer, of Atkinson. ROBERTS—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roberts, of Atkinson, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds, born Monday, August 13. Mrs. Roberts is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Nielson. Heads Fraternity— John O’Neill, a member of the 1950 class of St. Mary’s academy now attending Creighton univer- 1 sity, Omaha, last week took of fice as president of the Alpha ' Theta chapter of the Alpha Phi ' Omega national fraternity. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O’Neill and is a sophomore at Creighton. DR. FISHER. Dentist. adv . =■■ ■- ■ HOSPITAL NOTES SACRED HEART HOSPITAL (Lynch) Mrs. Claus Sich. jr., of Naper, and baby girl, doing well; Mrs I Carl Lorensen, of Butte, majoi surgery, doing well; Ben Fuhrer ; of Naper. medical, dismissed Au gust 19; Mrs. Wilfred Henning, ! of Spencer, medical, doing weil; Wilbur Elsasser, of Lynch, acci dent, satisfactory: Dorothy Ann Hahn, of Butte, appendectomy, ; doing well. Mrs. George Fish, of Bristow, and baby girl, dismissed August 18; Don Hynes, of O’Neill, appen dectomy, dismissed August 2D; Mrs. Luther Gullick, of Lynch, and baby girl, dismissed August 20; Mrs. Louis Skokan, of Verdi gre, and baby girl, dismissed Au gust 16; LeRoy Angel, of Mono wi, appendectomy, dismissed Au gust 19; Elaine M. Peterson, of Naper, appendectomy, dismissed August 19. Mrs. Eldon Mills, of Dorsey, and twin sons, may go home; Mrs. Floyd McNair, of Spencer, major surgery, doing well; Mel vin L. Blum, of Naper, appendec tomy, dismissed August 16; Vac Paul, of Verdigre, major surgery, doing well; Mrs. Charles Schmitz, of Bonesteel, S. D., and baby son, doing well. Emil Anderson, of Bristow, medical, dismissed Au gust 18. Pamela Jo Rihanek, of Mono wi. medical, much improved, dis missed August 21; Mrs. Sarah Darnell, of Lynch, medical, dis missed August 15: Mrs. Mary Leverton, of Lynch, accident, do ing well; O. A. Kilpatrick, of O’ Neill. medical, not so good: Mi;s May McGowan, of O’Neill, med ical, improved: John Bainbridge, medical, unchanged: Mrs. Ivar Johnson, of Bristow, doing well. COMMUNITY HOSPITAL (Stuart) In hospital: Frank Schnase, of Atkinson, medical, condition good: Emil Tomsik, of Atkinson, medical, condition good; Mrs. Fred Karo, of Atkinson, medical, condition good, Mrs. Lola Hum rich, of Stuart, condition good. Admissions: August 12 — Ben Kaup, of Stuart, medical, condi tion good; Mrs. Alfred Straka, of Stuart, a baby boy. 15 — Mrs. Ralph Thurlow. of Newport, a baby boy. 17—Mrs. Virgil Ver Maas, of Atkinson, a baby boy; Mrs. Alton Hoffman, of Stuart, a baby boy. 18—Mrs. Arthur 01 berding, of Stuart, a baby boy: Mrs. Fred Kunz, of Stuart, a ba by girl. Dismissals: August 12 — Mrs. Peter Engler, of Stuart. 13—Mrs. Marion Armstrong, of Bassett. 15 —Mrs. Keith Ruther and son, of Stuart. 17—Paul Shald, of Stu art. 18—Mrs. Ralph Thurlow and son, of Newport. Outpatients: August 15— Mrs. Lloyd Otto. O’NEILL HOSPITAL Admissions: August 15 — Mrs. Lester Strong, of O’Neill. 17 — Mrs. Leo Jareske, of O’Neill. 18 —Mrs. Don Green, of Chambers. 19—Mrs. Louis Zastrow. 22—Mrs. Fohn Watson; Mrs. Lyle Gibbs; Miss Caroline Reimers, of Inman, onsillectomy and adenoidectomy, condition good. Still in the hospital: Mrs. Lu ;lla Parker, of O’Neill, condition jood. Dismissals: August 15 — Mrs. William Vrooman and baby, of Chambers. 17 — Mrs. Lester Strong and baby, of O’Neill. 19— Ronald Clossen, of O’Neill. 22— Mrs. Leo Jareske and baby, of 3’Neill. ■■■ ■ ...— rv 'SWINGING SENSATIONS' COMING . . . Two performers, a man and a girl known as the “Swinging Sensations” will appear in grandstand performances Friday and Saturday nights, August 31 and September 1, at the 59th annual Holt county fair. She is the only girl in show business who actually does horizontal bar rou tines. KICK & INJURED O’NEILL—Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tomlinson took their son, Mick ey, to Omaha. Monday, August 13, where Mickey had an opera tion performed on his eyes by Dr. Harold Gifford. Mr. Tomlin sonson returned home Wednes day, August 15, but Mrs. Tomlin son remained in Omaha and brought Mickey back Friday. They spent Thursday night in Schuyler with Mrs. Tomlinson’s cousin, Nadine McNally. Mickey is “getting along fine.” . . . Mrs. George Hansen is home after spending 2 weeks at the hospital in Lynch. She is feeling “much better.” . . . R. H. Shriner is “seriously ill” at his home. . . . Mrs. Ted McElhaney was operat ed on Friday at the Methodist hospital in Sioux City. . . Mrs. W. P. Curtis is in an Omaha hospi tal. . . Michael Boyle was dis missed recently from Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in Norfolk. . . . Mrs. Arnie Mace, sr., is still a patient at the Lutheran hospital in Norfolk. PAGE—L. H. Downey, who was ill last week, continues on the sick list. . . . The condition of George Rost, who has been ill for several days, continues “a bout the same.” . . Melvin Carson drove to Sioux City Sunday to see his wife, who has been a pa tient in the Methodist hospital there since Wednesday, August 15. Her condition remains “about the same.” . . . George Park went to Norfolk Sunday to see his wife, who has been a patient in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital follow ing a major operation. She was dismisesd from the hospital Sun day and is spending several dnys with her sister, Mrs. Cora West, at Norfolk. . . . Carolyn Russell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Char les Russell, submitted to an ap pendectomy at a hospital in Nor folk Monday afternoon. Her con dition is "good.” . . . Mrs. J. Ruther was dismissed recently from Our Lady of Lourdes hos pital in Norfolk. j^vyhyivj—mrs. c.uia r,ppenoacn is “improving” at the Lutheran hospital in Norfolk. . . . Floyd Black, veteran of World War II, went to Grand Island Friday where he entered the Veterans hospital for medical treatment. He was accompanied by his wife, Mrs. Black, and Mrs. Earl Bil lings. Mrs. Billings spent the day with her husband, who is a pa tient at the Veterans hospital. ATKINSON—James Gans and sons^ Herman and Alvin, went to Grand Island Friday where they visited James Gans’ broth er, Mike Gans, of Columbus, who is in the Veterans hospital and will undergo surgery. . , . Merle Richards was dismissed recently from Our Lady of Lourdes hos pital in Norfolk. ^ INMAN—Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Crosser and son, Jerry, returned Thursday, August 9, from Sioux City where Jerry had received medical treatment. . . . Mrs. John Gallagher is in a Sioux City hos pital where she submitted to ma jor surgery Wednesday, August 15. REDBIRD—Mrs. Veldon Pink erman s poison ivy infection is ‘improving.” . . Mrs. Fred Truax, sr., was released from an Omaha hospital for 3 weeks and returned to the hospital Sunday, August 12. for further treatment. Mr. Truax and son, Richard, accom panied her. CHAMBERS — Clarence Tib bets underwent a major opera tion at the Lutheran hospital in Norfolk this week. MIDGETS BLANK PAGE PAGE — The O’Neill Midgets baseball team swamped Page, 12 0, Monday evening at Page. It was the 5th straight triumph for the O’Neill crew. Venetian blind*, prompt deliv ery, made to measure, metal or wood, all colors.—J. M. McDon ald Co- O'Neill. Utl Lonnie Sparks Has 7 th Anniversary AMELIA — Twenty-one little friends gathered at the home of Lonnie Sparks Thursday, August 16, to help him celebrate his 7th birthday anniversary. After spending the afternoon playing games, Mrs. Sparks treated the group to watermelon. Those present were: Charlotte Berry, Robin, Judy and John Tay lor; Marilyn and Julie Ries; Rog er, Darla and Debra Waldo, Lana Kay and Janeth Oetter; Jimmie, { Mickey and Dennie Doolittle; Kathy and Joyce Doolittle; Joan, and Beth Fullerton, Harold Tra vers; Jackie and Billie Doolittle. Other Amelia News Mrs. Frank Braddock, of Rapid City, S. D., came Thursday, Au gust 16, to visit her mother, Mrs. Julia White. Mrs. White expects to return home with her daugh ter for a visit. Mrs. P. L. Strenger and son, Keith, of Omaha, spent the week end with the Lindseys. Marian I Strenger, w'ho had spent the sum ! mer here, returned home with i them. Mrs. A. E. Sammons received word last week of the death of her nephew. He was the son of Louis Moss, of Columbus. Glenice, Myrtle and Venita White spent Friday night with their grandparents, iMr. and Mrs. S. C. Barnett. ! Mr. and Mrs. Bob Friedrich and sons, Kirk and Kerry, of Omaha, visited at the C. F. Small and Lloyd Waldo homes over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Andersen, Roy and Norma went to Lincoln Sunday where they attended graduation exercises in the Bry an Memorial hospital. Their daughter, Ardene, was one of the graduates. She will stay on at the hospital after graduation and will be a night nurse. Mrs. Alice Prewitt and daugh ters, Peggy, Janice and Sharon, accompanied relatives to Mullen where they will visit her broth ers and her father. Billie Sammons drove to Oma ha last week to visit his father, Lee Sammons, who is in the hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Marcellus and daughters, Linda and Sonya, of Whittier, Calif., arrived last week to visit relatives. Art Waldman, who had spent the winter in Cali fornia with the Marcelluses, re turned to his home here with them. Joe Kamphaus, jr., has received his notification and will be in ducted into the armed forces Sep tember 5. Mr. and Mrs. FYank Pierce vis ited at the A. E. Sammons and Ralph Rees homes Sunday. Mrs. Dan Rodnovick and daugh ters. Mildred and Dianne, of De troit, Mich., spent a few days last week visiting her cousin, Mrs. Lee Gilman, and family. Mrs. Rodno vick is the former Margaret Pos var. James Chapman, of Lincoln, spent several days last week vis iting his mother, (Mrs. George Withers, and Mr. Withers. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge and Calvin left Sunday on their vacation. They will visit their niece at Douglas. Wyo., and broth er, Harry Coolidge, at Greeley. Colo., arid other relatives along their way. MARRIAGE LICENSES Bryce Leslie Phillips. 21. of Star, and Miss Barbara Ellen Lampert, 18, of Orchard, August 15. Elwin Woodrow Thompson, 39, of O’Neill, and Mrs. Helen Eliz abeth Hansen, 28, - of Orchard, August 15. Donald W. Coulson, 25, and Miss Evangeline Kaufman, 20, of Yankton, S. D„ August 17. Tune in! “Voice of The Fron tier, Mon., Wed. and Sat., 9:45 a.m., WJAG, Norfolk, 780 kc. Frontier for printing! O'NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Perry re turned Sunday, August 12, from a 2-weeks* trip to South Dakota to harvest. They also visited his niece and nephew in Morristown, N. D., and "her son, Grant Shad duck, of Hettinger. N. D. Wayne, Mary Jane. Ruth and Eddie Muff returned to their ■■■■■■■■■■■ home in Clearwater last Thurs day after 10 days’ visit with their aunt and uncle, the Mark Muffs. College students . . . have The Frontier follow you to school, adv il Voice of the Frontier MONDAY ■ WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY _9-45 A M _ WJAG (Norfolk) 780 k.c. JOIN YOUR NEIGHBORS thrice week ly with the informal, chatty roundup of all the news and shopping information direct from O’Neill . . . from studios in The Frontier building. * 1. THE FRONTIER “North-Nebraska’s Fastest-Growing Newspaper” ■ # Columbus Never Discovered such Grand SHELHAMER FOODS PRODUCE PHONE: 173 O'NEILL GROCERY PHONES: 56 - 78 I Prices Effective Thurs., Fri., Sat., Aug. 23 - 24 - 25 FISCHER’S [I SQUARE DEAL ' CHEESE . FLOUR | 2-Lb. Box.75 c \\ 50-Lb. Bag ..$3.10 SERV-IT OLEO 2Lhs 49c KALOMA R. S. P. CHERRIES 2No.3Q3Cms.45c DON RIO 46-Oz. Can GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 27c \ FIRST PRIZE 3 No. 2>/2 Cans PORK - BEANS 49c V E L Giant Pkg.75c 5 _ I ATOUR ■ SNACK BAR Saturday SPECIAL 4 • ■ • • ■ PINTS _ 25c QUARTS xi_ 50c TRY A DISH OF OUR Soft Frozen Creme CDBIKIft New York ornmu Dressed FRYERS Lb 43c FRESH KILL DAILY MINCED HAM Lt 43c BACON ENDS lb 19c WILSON'S CORN KING SLICED BACON Lb. 51c I . .!i _ RED RIPE TOMATOES, Lb.17c RED OR WHITE GRAPES, 2 Lbs.29c MARSHSEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT, 10 for 53c RIPE SWEET CANTALOUPE, Lb. 9c G. N. NAVY I BEANS 5-Lb. Pkg.59c . M BAKER'S 1 | COCONUT 8-0z. Cello 29c H OIL I SARDINES 3 Cans 25c |S MARASCHINO I CHERRIES 4-0z Jar 17c ■ i I ANOTHER CARLOAD RIPE I Watermelon I Guaranteed Ripe DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIXES, Pkg.39c --- ' SUNSHINE Pkg. SHREDDED WHEAT 17c 1 PEN-JELL OR SURE JELL, 2 Pkgs.25c | DIAMOND Dos. in Pkg. I PAPER PLATES.15c | - - ■ NUTRENA POULTRY — HOG — CATTLE FEEDS START FEEDING YOUR PULLETS EGG MARKET IS F1KW 15% A. M. CRUMBLES or 20% EGG CRUMBLES Will Help to Get MORE EGGS Check With Us For a SPECIAL PRICE on Above Feeds fl _ _ _ fl ■ ■ CHECK OUR MARKET ^99^ * arm: before you sell We Make Country Pickups On Poultry Call or See Us When You Are Ready to Sell Our Hatchery Will Cull Your Laying Flock At NO EXTRA COST to You i I