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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1951)
FUTURE SUBSCRIBERS SCHMIT—Mr. and Mis. Johr Schmit, of Lynch, a son, Thomas Joseph, weighing 7 pounds, bom Sunday, June 10, at the Sa cred Heart hospital in Lynch Mrs. Schmit is the former Eileen Engler, of Stuart. ASHER—Mr. and Mrs. Roberi Asher, of O’Neill, a son, Terry Lee, weighing 7 pounds, born Friday, June 15, at the O’Neill hospital. FICK — Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fick, of Inman, a son, Walter Henry, jr., born Wednesday, June 13, at the O’Neill hospital. NEWTON—Mr. and Mrs. Paul Newton, of Emmet, a daughter, weighing 9 pounds 8 ounces, bom Friday, June 15, at the O’Neill hospital. WEICHMAN — Mr. and Mrs. John Weichman, of Atkinson, a son, Kipland Anthony, weighinj? 5 pounds 4 ounces, born Tuesday, June 19, at the O’Neill hospital. JANZING—Mr. and Mrs. John Janzing, of-Atkinson, a daughter, Julia, weighing 7 pounds 2 ounc es. born Wednesday, June 20. at the O’Neill hospital. The mater nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George Babl and the pater nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs Herman J. Janzing. Julia is the first grandchild in both fami lies. HUPP— Mr. and Mrs. Ferdie Hupp, of Deloit, a son, born Thursday, June 7, at the Tilden hospital. FUNK — Mr. and Mrs. Louis Funk, of Deloit, a daughter, born recently at a Norfolk hospital. JOHNSTON—Capt. and Mrs. W. W. Johnston, of Fairchild air base at Spokane, Wash., a son, Randall Boyd, weighing 7 pounds 11 ounces, born Monday, June 11. Mrs. Johnston will be remember ed as Ardis Heiss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Heios, of Page. The Johnstons have 2 oth er children, a son and a daughter. WANSER—Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Wanser, of Holly Springs, la., a gon, James Francis, bom Wednes day, June 13, at Mapleton, la. This is the couple’s second son and fourth child. Mrs. Wanser is the former Dorothy Froelich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Froelich. BYRNE— Mr. and Mrs. James J. Byrne, of Bridgeport, Conn., a daughter, Jean Clear, weighing 5 Vi pounds, born Monday, June 11, in Connecticut. This is the couple’s first child. Mrs. Byrne is the former Anne Golden, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Clear C. Golden, of Cheshire, Conn. PUTNAM—Mr. and Mrs. Carl ton, of St. Paul, Minn., a daugh ter, Mary Anne, weighing 5 Jounds 14 ounces, born Thursday, une 7. DEERMER—Mr. and Mrs. Joe Deermer, of Big Bear, Calif, a son, Kenneth Andrew, born May 31. Mrs. Deermer is the former Kathleen Tushla, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tushla, of Atkinson. CLEARY—Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cleary, of Atkinson, a son, born Wednesday, June 13, at the Stu art Community hospital. Mrs. Cleary was formerly Ella Mlinar, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mlinar. OLBERDING- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olberding, of Stuart, a daughter, Leah Marion, born Tuesday, June 12. at the Stuart Community hospital. Voice of the Frontier MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY _9-45 A M — WJAG (Norfolk) 780 k.c. . JOIN YOUR NEIGHBORS thrice week ly with the informal, chatty roundup of all the news and shopping information direct from O’Neill . . . from studios in | The Frontier building. \ THE FRONTIER “North-Nebraska’s Fastest-Growing Newspaper” Ticklers By George *'l have immense regard for those citizens cognizant of the law pertaining to canines and leashes!” HOSPITAL NOTES SACRED HEART HOSPITAL (Lynch) Mrs. Leonard Havranek, of Lynch, medical, doing well; Mrs. Amelia Ohri, of Spencer, medic al, dismissed June 14; Mrs Han nah Donohoe, of O’Neill, medical, much improved; Mrs. William Seheinost, of Spencer, and baby girl, dismissed June 17; Mrs. Wil liam Connot, of Spencer, medic al, dismissed June 16; Mrs. Clar ence Kolund, of Lynch, medical, dismissed June 13; Charles O. Kirk, of Spencer, medical, dis missed June 15; Art Junior Hr bek, of Verdel, tonsillectomy June 15; J. N. Berg, of Bristow, died June 17; Mrs. Dwight Mi canek, of Lynch, and baby son, doing well; Richard H. Holmberg. of Bristow, tonsillectomy June 18; Mrs. Edeen Luna, of Naper, tonsillectomy June 18; Katherine L. Ingles, of Niobrara, tonsillec tomy June 18. Kerry W. Ferneau, of Butte, medical, doing well; Nancy M. Connick, of Niobrara, appendec tomy June 19; Mrs. Ray Noble, of Star, medical, admitted June 19; E. H. Wenke, of Spencer, ma jor surgery, much improved; Mrs. M. E. Olin, of Spencer, medical, dismissed June 13; Mrs. John Schmit, of Lynch, and babv son, dismissed June 17; Mrs. Charles Pilcher, of Butte, and haby son, dismissed June 14; Mrs. Gerald Lee, of Lynch, and baby son, dis missed June 14; Mrs. Clem Dion, of Lynch, medical, dismissed June 14; Mrs. William Kalal. of Walnut, major surgery, dismissed June 17; Miss May McGowan, of O’Neill, medical, somewhat bet ter; O. A. Kilpatrick, of O’Neill, medical, unchanged; John Bain bridge, of Bristow, unchanged. COMMUNITY HOSPITAL (Stuart) In hospital: Mrs. Lola Humer ick, of Stuart, condition “good”; Mrs. Fannie Coats, of Stuan, condition “good”; Emil Tomsik, of Atkinson, surgical patient, “good.” Admissions: June 11—Roy H-p ke, of Stuart, tonsillectomy. 13— I Mrs. Elizabeth Ryan, of Atkinson, surgery, "good”; Mrs. Eleanor Cleary, of Atkinson, a baby boy; Mrs. Elmer Olberding, of Stuart, a baby girl. 14—-Mrs. Frank Le Munyan, of Atkinson, medical. Dismissals: June 12—Roy Hip ke, of Stuart. 13—Mrs. Francis Kramer and daughter, of Atkin son. 15—Mrs. Berton Jensen and son, of Stuart. 16—Mrs. Frank LeMunyan, of Atkinson. 17—Mrs. John Shald, of Stuart. O'NEILL HOSPITAL Admissions: June 18 — Mrs. Zane Rowse, of Chambers, med ical, condition improved; I.ewis Kopecky, of Inman, medical, condition satisfactory; Miss Peg gy Eppenbaugh, of O’Neill, med ical, improved. 17—Jackie Tag gert, of Chambers, medical, con dition good. 18—Larry Dawes, of O’Neill, tonsillectomy, condition good; Norman Mudloff, of Page, tonsillectomy, condition good; Larry Mudloff, of Page, tonsillec tomy, condition good. Dismissals: June 13—Mrs. Joe Coenen and son, of O’Neill; Mrs. Edward Kaczor and twins, of Ewing. 14—Mrs. Lyle Childers and son, of Chambers. 15— Mrs. Larbe Kelly, of Page. 17— Mrs. Leland Lieb and daughter, of O’ Neill; Miss Peggy Eppenbaugh, of O’Neill. 18—Mrs. Walter Fick and son, of Inmdh; Jackie Tag gert, of Chambers; Mrs. Zane Rowse, of Chambers; Larry Dawes, of O’Neill. 19— Norman Mudloff of Page; Larry Mudloff of Page. 20—Mrs. Robert Asher and son, of O’Neill; Mrs. Paul Newton and daughter, of Emmet. - SICK & INJURED O’NEILL — Mr. and Mrs. George McCarthy took little Jim my to Norfolk where he had a tonsillectomy Saturday. He is “doing well." . . Little Gene Lcw ery, 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Lowery, was taken last Thursday to Our Lady of Lour des hospital in Norfolk to have a 3-cornered stone removed from his ear. After 4 days there with unsuccessful treatments to re move the stone, his parents drove him to an ear specialist at the Uni versity hospital of Iowa City, la., Sunday. Monday, the specialist removed the stone. Little Gene has to remain for 4 or 5 days. . . Mrs. William Egger visited her sister, Mrs. Charles Lanam, of Omaha, recently. Mrs. Lanam is a patient at St. Josephs’ hospital in Omaha and is reported to be “getting along fine.” . . Ed Ether ton is still in the Veterans hospi tal at Grand Island. He has been a patient there for the past 3 weeks. . . Mrs. George Hansen was taken to St. Joseph’s hospital in Omaha Tuesday, where she will receive medical attention. . . Mrs. Dale Curran and Mrs. James Donlin viisted their father, A. G. Johnson, in Omaha last week. Mr. Johnson has been sick, but “is improving.” . . . Mrs. John Rotherham, sr., went to Omaha Monday for medical treatment. . . . David Widtfeldt returned on Wednesay from Marion, S D„ where he had been receiving medical attention. . . . The condi tion of Mrs. Arnie Mace, sr., at the Lutheran hospital in Norfolk is “good.” PAGE—Mrs. Addie Kelly was dismissed from the O’Neill hospi tal Friday and is staying at the home of her son, Jesse Kelly, and family. . . .Mrs. Soren Sorensen, jr., took her brother, Lionel Ick es, to Norfolk Friday where he submitted to a tonsillectomy at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital. They returned home Saturday. Their mother, Mrs. N. D. Ickes, who had spent a week at the Alva Inness home at Meadow Grove, after leaving Our Lady of Lour des hospital, accompanied them to her home. . . Ura Bolin, 10, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bolin, of Lincoln, fell from a horse at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wood, Friday morning and suf fered a fractured shoulder. She was taken to Lincoln where she entered St. Elizabeth’s hospital Carlene, Ura and Marilyn Bolin had been making an extended visit with their grandmother, Mrs. Hester Edmisten, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lamason and Mrs. Edmisten ac companied the girls to Lincoln. f i ' , * • • . ATKINSON — Russell Ever etts is “quite ill’ at his home in Atkinson following a stroke . . . Mrs. Frank LeMunyan was broought home from the Stuart Community hospital Saturday. She is “much improved.’’ . . . Mrs. John Andrews is ill with •rheumatic fever at the Bassett hospital. She is improving. Mrs. Andrews was formerly Ruth Schrunk. . . . Grandma Jennings is confined to her home by illness. . . . Mary Kay Berigan had her tonils removed Friday in Norfolk. She returned home Saturday. . . . Mrs. John Liable was dismissed from Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in Norfolk on Wednesday, June 13. AMELIA—S. C. 13amett receiv ed a broken nose a;id other facial bruises in a car accident jast week. He was accompanying his son, Lawrence, to work at the Kampous ranch and as they turn ed out to meet another car, ran off the end of a culvert, which was hidden by tall weeds. They were driving on the country road near Ed White’s, and at a very slow rate, thus escaping more serious injury. DELOIT—David and Shirley Sehi had tonsils and adenoids removed recently. . . Adolpn Bar ter is able to be home following his operation at an Omaha hos pital. STUART— Mrs. Ernest Grun enberg and baby daughter were dismissed recently from Our La dy of Lourdes hospital in Norfolk. Frontier for printing! MONEY SAVED IS MONEY EARNED OUR QUALITY FOODS AND LOW PRICES MEAN BIGGER SAYINGS FOR YOU! G. N. NAVY BEANS 5-Lb. Cello..59c BUTTERNUT FLOIIB mb. Bag_79c IS-U-P-E-R S-P-E-C-I-A-L — PURE LARD 2 for_39c OTOE BEANS - BACON 2 No. 2 Cans.. 25« RIVULET APRICOTS No. 2i Can.29c SQUARE DEAL FLOUR 50-Ik Bag._$3.19 S-U-P-E-R S-P-E-C-I-A-L I SERV-IT * 1 A| CA quTnedred per 00# I ULCV COLORED LB._ I PURITAN f MARSHMALLOWS 2Pkgs.29<= ■ SUB Bacon lb _ 55c Minced Ham Per. Lb. 45c WHWEBS it.59c EXTRA LEAN PORK SAUSAGE Lb. - 55c WHITE 1 GRAPEFRUIT lQfor 53c SNOWHITE CAULIFLOWER Lb 18c FIRM SOLID CABBAGE 2 Ug..13c GREEN PASCAL CELEBY U» -IQc MEDIUM SIZE ORANGES 3 lbs., _ 39c OIL SflRMHES 3 Cans.25c IS-U-P-E-R S-P-E-C-I-A-L RICHNUT CATSUP 2 bt?k45< SKIPPY PEANUT BUTTER, 14-0z. Jar.. .... .. 43c SUNSHINE SHREDDED WHEAT, Reg. Pkg.17c HAA DAICEDC Let u* Show You nutrena’s new ■ ■ nVV 3-STAGE Antibiotic Powered Feeding Program • • 1. Feeding pigs 24% SOW & PIG during suckling period. 2. Feeding “SHOAT 40” from weaning time up to 125 pounds per pig. 3. Feedng NUTRENA 40% to pigs 125 pounds up to market time. _ OUR CASH MARKET FOR YOUR H. HENS, Lb.20c . WANTED - HVY. SPGS., 3 Lbs, and UP EGGS Per Doz... 36c SHELHAMER FOODS PRODUCE GROCERY Phone 173 O’Neill, Nebr. Phones 56, 78 CREAM Per Lb.70c v: ■ ' • j _- * .. /* :