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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1951)
LEGAL NOTICES (First pub. June 14, 1951.) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received at the office of the Department of Roads and Irrigation in the State Papitol at Lincoln, Nebraska, on June 28, 1951, until 10:00 o’clock A. M., and at that time publicly opened and read for SAND GRAVEL FOR SURAFCING and incidental work on the EWING SOUTH and EWING NORTH Patrols Nos. 81009 and 81010 State Roads. _ . The approximate quantity is: 2,100 Cu. Yds. Sand Gravel Surface Course Material. The attention of bidders is di rected to the Special Provisions covering subletting or assigning the contract Compliance by the contractor with the standards as to hours pf labor prescribed by the "Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, approved June 25, 1938 (Public No. 718, 75th Congress), will be required in the performance ol the work under this contract. The minimum wage paid to all skilled labor employed on this contract shall be one dollar and five cents ($1.05) per hour, ex cept that a minimum wage of one dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) per hour shall be paid to: Crane Operators Dragline Operators Power Shovel Operators v The minimum wage paid to all Intermediate labor employed on this contract shall be ninety-five (95) cents per hour. The minimum wage paid to all unskilled labor on this contract shall be seventy-five (75) cents per hour. ... _ Plans and specifications for the work may be seen and in formation secured at the ,office of the County Clerk .at O Neill, Nebraska, at the office of the District Engineer of the Depart ment of Roads and Irrigation at Ainsworth, Nebraska, or at tn office of the Department of Roads and Irrigation at Lincoln, GThe successful bidder will be required to furnish bond in an amount equal to 100% of his contract. ... . * As an evidence of good faith m submitting a propossal for this work, the bidder must file, with nis proposal, a certified check made payable to the Department Of Roads and Irrigation and m an amount not less than one hundred fifty (150) dollars. The right is reserved to waive all technicalities and reject any or all bids. _ . DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND IRRIGATION F. H. Klietsch, State Engineer J M. Crook, District Engineer Ruth Hoffman, County Clerk Holt County._ 6-7 (First pub. June 14. 1951 ) ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL i The following is an estimate of the expenses of the City of O Neill, Nebraska for the fiscal year commencing the first Tuesday in May, 1951, and ending the first Tuesday in May, 1952. Wages and Salaries as provided by o r d i nance -$ 6,000.00 Maintenance of Police Department - 8,000.00 M^nten,n« of W.ter s m(n 3.600.00 Lw.royMMHf. °f W.WT 0 0(K) 00 Street Lighting- 5,000.00 Street Maintenance, construction and re K' pair of walks and crossings- 14,500.00 Sewer Improvement Bonds, principal and Interest- 9,000.00 W. F. FINLEY# M. D. OFFICE PHONE: St First National Bank Bldg. O’NEILL _II H_’ WILLIAM W. GRIFFIN ATTORNEY First National Bank Bldg. O'NEILL _II II JOHN R. GALLAGHER Attasner-at-Law First Natl Bank Bldg. own Pham 11 _H U_ DR.J. L. SHERBAHN CHIROPRACTOR (XML Nebraska Complete X-Bit Equipment ft Block. So. of Feed Garaoe ^ ll ' H DBS. BENHH.TT & COOK VETERINARIANS Phones: 31t. 434. 304 — O'NEILL — i . i: DRS, brown & FRENCH Eyes Tested—Glesess Fitted Broken Lens Replaced in 24 Hours Other Repairs While You Wait Complete X-Ray t Water Improvement Bonds, principal and interest--»— 9,000.00 Maintenance of Fire Department —-- 1,500.00 Maintenance of Sewer System_ 1,500.00 Improvement of Sewer System- 10,000.00 Support of Band- 750.00 Municipal Publicity _ 750.00 Parks and Grounds- 1.500.00 Support of Airport- 4,500.00 Miscellaneous - 5.000.00 TOTAL_$97,100.00 Entire receipts of revenue for the fiscal year ending the first Tuesday in May, 1951, was as follows: Water Collections-$15,000.00 Holt County Treasurer- 38,000.00 Licenses, occupation taxes, etc.- 1,500.00 Other resources --— 300.00 TOTAL__$54,800.00 J. E. DAVIS. Mayor Attest: O. D. French, city clerk 7*10 (First pub. June 21, 1951) NOTICE To the Security State Banit, Atkinson. Nebraska, a dissolved Corporation, and all persons hav ing or claiming any interest in the following described real es tate, to-wit: The West Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 26, North, Range 14; and the South Half of the South Half, and the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Sec tion 25; the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26; the Northeast Quarter, and the North Half of the Southeast Quar ter, and the East Half of the Northwest Quarter, and the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, and the Northwest Quarter of the South west Quarter of Section 35, and the South Half of the Northeast Quarter, and the North Half of the Southeast Quarter, and the Southeast Quarter of the North west Quarter, and the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quar ter of Section 34, in Township 26, North, Range 15, West of the Sixth P. M., in Holt County, Ne braska, real names unknown. You are hereby notified that on June 14, 1951, Claude Liermann filed his Petition in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, against you and others, the object and prayer of which is to quiet title in him in fee, the said Claude Liermann, to the real es state above specifically described, as against you and others. You are required to answer said Petition on or before the 30th day of July, 1951. Dated this 14th day of June, 1951 CLAUDE HERMAN, Plaintiff By W. F. MANASIL His Attorney _7-10c (First pub. June 14, 1951.) Julius D. Cronin, Atty NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate No. 3665 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, June 13, 1951. In the matter of the Estate of James B. Ryan, also known as J. B. Ryan, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the administrator of said estate has filed in this court his final report and a petition for final settlement and distribution of the residue of said estate; and that said report and petition will be heard July 3rd, 1951, at 10 o clock, A. M. at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska, when all persons interested may appear and be heard concerning said fi nal report and the distribution of said estate, LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 6-8c (First pub. June 14, 1951) Julius D. Cronin, Att’y notice to creditors Estate No. 3732 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, June 7 th, 195L In the matter of the Estate of Ralph B. Mellor, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said estate is October 5th, 1951, and for the payment of debts is June 7th, 1952, and that on July 5th, 1951, and on Oc tober 8th, 1951, at 10 o’clock A. M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 6-8c (First pub. June 14, 1951.) Julius D. Cronin, Att’y NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Estate No. 3757. COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF SAMUEL G. COOVER, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for pro bate of the will of said deceased, and for the appointment of Anna Coover as executrix thereof, which will be for hearing in this court on July 5, 1951, at 10 o’ clock A. M. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 6-8c (First pub. June 7, 1951.) John R. Gallagher. Att’y NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 3747 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, May 3lst, 1951. In the matter of the Estate - of Michael Curran, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time lim ited for presenting claims a gainst said estate is September 28th, 1951, and for the payment of debts is May 31st, 1052. and that on June 28th, 1051, and on September 29th, 1051, at 14 o’* clock A. M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, bear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REXMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 6-7c (First pub. June 21, 1951.1 Julius D. Cronin, Att’y NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 375$ In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, June 14th, 1951. In the matter of the Estate of Arden C. Johnson, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims a gainst said estate is October 12th, 1951, and for the payment of debts is June 14th, 1952, and that on July 12th, 1951, and on Octo ber 13th, 1951, at 10 o’clock A. M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to re ceive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 7-9c Pairieland Talk (Continued from page 2.) Each bearing his burden of sor row, Have crossed that bridge since then. I see the long procession Still passing to and fro. The young heart hot and restless, The old subdued and slow. The McEvony and Thompson band, the General O’Neill super vised colonists anchored their faith in the Elkhorn and before bridges were introduced crossed the river at a ford a mile or so east of town. It was here that Col. Neil Brennan and other travel - weary freighters pulled off their boots and bathe their feet in the soothing nectar of the sands. • • • Illinois is the 39th state to le galize the manufacture and sale of oleomargarine. More and more this product is becoming popular on dinner tables. Cow butter turned out by the dairies is not too good. They claim to make it from sweet cream. First quality butter is obtained only from sour cream. The high price of butter has much to do with families turning to the use of oleo. Some say they prefer it to sweet cream churned butter, which may be on the way out. Milking cows means work. And the big money in cat tle now the milking and separat ing job has been turned over to the calf. • • • O’Neill has entertained such notables as the late William Jen nings Bryan, Theodore Roosevelt, Governor Crounsa, and at one time the North Western train was held here while William Howard Taft stood on the platform of his special car in company with Con gressman M. P. Kinkaid and ad dressed a crowd of O’Neill pa triots. Another notable in the person of the honorable secretary of the interior department comes to town. They come in on wings now isntead of on wheels or horseback. • • • Those representatives of 15 states meeting at the agricultural college in Lincoln to do research work in “grass breeding” might learn something if they would come up here where there is grass. I hear expressed by many that the country is over-run witn researchers and specialists living off of public funds and accom plishing little or nothing worth while. Grass breeding — nature has attended to that in generous measure in Nebraska. • • i Two rainless days. Then anoth er gully washer, a wild wind the forerunner, the night lighted by electric streaks across the hea vens. this to “break the clouds to let the water out,” as my 4-year old granddaughter expressed it. A blinding flash of light, a mighty crash and the light above our heads went out. A stream came from the “break" in the cloud and the WTath of wind and rain was over, leaving the water soaked earth another supply to soak up. • » • Nebraskans who have sustain ed losses from floods havt not only the sympathy but the assist ance of the public. Having invest ed in property in localities that may be flooded, not many can leave their holdings and move out. _ REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS WD—Laura Butterfield to Har vey J Grof & wf 6-6-51 17000 Part SEViSEy* 29-30-14 WD—Conrad J Gokie to Har vey J Grof St wf 6-6-51 $400- Part SEy«SEy4 29-30-14 WD—Frank Prussa to Esther Mellor 3-29-51 $6500- Part NEft SEy« 32-30-14 WD—Edmund W Durham to Lysle M Durham 9-22-45 $2000 swy4NEy4- Nwy4Nwy4- svi NWy4 7-29-12 WD—Hans C. Bogue to Herbert D Stevens St wf 5-7-51 $500- Part SWy4NEy4 Sec 33-30-14 WD—Harry Albertson to A H Albertson 5-7-48 $1- % Int in SWy4SEy4 13-27-10 WD—Emmett J Carr to Patrick B Harty 1-4-47 $1- So 83 1/3 ft lots 13-14-15-16- Blk 10- O’Neill WD—Alice E Eidenmiller et al to Dale Perry St wf 6-4-51 $3000 Lots 1 & 2 Blk C- Millards’ Add O’Neill WD—'Hugh J McManus to Gen evieve C McManus 1-26-51- love & affection 1/7 int in lots 3 & 4 Blk C- Hagertys’ Add- O’Neill WD— Charles H. McManus to Anna McManus- no date- love & affection- 1/7 Int. in lots 3 & 4 Blk C- Hagerty’s Add- O'Neill WD—Harry E Ressel to Leo Hines & wf 5-9-51 $250- Part SEy4SWy4 19-29-11 WD—Orlow Colwell Sc Chas M McMillan to Lionel W Gunter & wf 6-15-51 $2,125- N%SEy4 34 Part SWy4 35-27-9 SD— AB Hubbard, Sheriff to J K Clough 2-26-49 $2600- NEli Sec 35- Twp 29- Range 11 WD—J K Clough to Joseph O’ Brien St wf 4-29-49 $1- NEy4 35 29-11 WD—Joseph O’Brien to Virgil L Laursen 5-17-51 $3750- NEVi 35-29-11 WD—Wm Meyer to Lorenzo Herrington Sc wf 5-17-51 $1 swy4- WViSEy4 Sec 29- SE«/4 30 WM.NEy4- N%NWy4-SEy4NW>/4 NEy4swy4- Nwy4SEy4 32-25-15 WD—Mary McManus et al to Nebr Conf Claimants Society of Methodist Church 5-28-51 $10,000 So 125 ft lots 17 Sc 18- Blk 22- O' Neill WD—John J Berigan to George St Dave Burk 6-5-51 $18,800- EVfc 6- NV4 8-25-10 QCD—Keith L Jones to Sylvia J Jones 7-20-50 $1- Sc exchange of lands 2/9 Int in SEy4- EHSWV* 15- SEy4- SViSWy4 14- NEVi- SVi 24- All 23- NEy4*- E%NWy«- SV* 22- NV4 25- NV4 26- SWV4 26 N\4SEy4 26- NV4- SEVi- N% swy4 27- EV4 28 Twp 28, Range 16 QCD—Kenneth D Jones to Syl via J Jones 7-20-50 $1- Sc ex change of lands Same property as in above deed- 1/9 Int in same land as described in above deed QCD—'Kenneth D Jones to Ab bie Jean Jones 7-20-50 $- & ex change of lands 1/9 Int in same land as described in above deed WD — Clarence W Richard to Maurice Graham Sc wf 6-1-51 $4, . ‘.T / 'If-/ • ^ . L1Y. 000- Lot 16 Blk O- Fahy's Park Add- O’Neill WD—Frank Skrdla to Stanley V Johnson & wf- not dated $10, 750- Part of SW^SEtt 32-30-14 WD—Edwin Thorin to Bernard L Rickard 8c wf 3-1-51 $14,000 s*swy4- Nw«riswy4- sw* NWy4 15- NEy4 22-28 12- 720 NWy4 15- NE% 22-26-12- 320 acres WD—James Bartos to Millard W Ellenwood 8c wf 6-6-51 $8500 NWy§ 35-30-14 QCD—John L Miller to Ora R Yarges 11-9-46 $1- Lot 8 Blk 7 Hallock's Add- Stuart WD— Edward Nissen to Elvin L Wilkinson 8c wf 5-23-51 $12, 700- NV4NV4- SEttNEV*- Nla SEy4 7- W%NW% 8-25-12 To Scottsbluff— Mr. and Mrs. Werner Eisert and family and Mrs. Eric Paul and children, of Scottsbluff, came Sunday, June 10, to visit at the Boyd Boelter and Orton Youn,| homes and with other friends ana relatives. They returned home on Wednesday, June 13. Herman Eisert returned with them. Picnic at Norfolk— Miss Ruth Walls, Miss Mavis Forsch, Miss Wauneta Anspach, Lee Bartos, James Bridges, Keith Anspach, and Mr. and Mrs. Du ane Miller had a picnic Sunday at Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Reece and children, of Scribner, were guests Sunday, June 17, of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Winehell and family. Mrs. Reece and Mrs. Winehell are sis ters. Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Jensen were also guests. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dumpert vis ited Sunday evening with the Robert Gartner family near Chambers. Venetian blinds, prompt deliv ery, made to measure, metal or wood, all colors,—J. M. McDon ald Co.. O'Neill. USX Mr. and Mrs. Clem Detcrman, of Carroll, la., visited Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Adamson over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Anderson, John Charles and Helen Anne returned Sunday evening after 2 weeks of vacation in Colorado and Wyoming. They also visited relatives in Kearney. Presbyterian Rummage Sale, Thursday. Friday and Saturday, June 21. 22. 23. 1st door south O'Neill National Bank. 6-7c Krugman to England — Pvt. Harold R. Krugman dur ing the weekend landed in Eng land. He entered the service on January ? and was assigned to the army. His address: 1203 Prov. C., APO 124, c|o P.M., New York City. Repair with Gordon’s Glue HEAT It WATER - PROOF THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS WORTH $1 TO YOU : : • Special Summer offer of 1 8x10 BLACK and WHITE ENLARGEMENT for $1.00 and this advertisement. Good only on the following dates: JUNE 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 • S. Downey and Mary Cabalka will be at the Studio to take your picture. We have some close-oul special fold ers and easels at BARGAIIN PRICES. We will also be mak ing 12 BILLFOLD prints and 1 5x7 BLACK and WHITE ENLARGEMENT for $3.50 with this advertisement. O’NEILL PHOTO CO. Phone No. 1 O’Neill 1 Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Butterfield and family spent a 5-day vacation in the Black Hills recently. Lmly print Jr. dresses, pedal pushers, jeans. — Ha<rsniick La dies Wear. 7e Tkjl "TljfcuJ MAtfsHc TWO-FUEL. SINGLE OVEN Combines cooking ^ with heating comfort An Ultra Modern electric range A Two-Way Room Hooter.. .That also cooks and bakes while it heats with oil, cool or wood. a»w ft* cm c—k im tmftt...tmmmtt eed sMn...«M mm, km tty mmi •Mktty. IS* S«|iMli ihtlric wMrOii 0km ymm. O The best in electric cooking with Thermo • Kleen Monotube elements. O Extra large "Tempirol" oven with Majestic's exclu sive "Heat Collector." and a convenient waist-high broiler. o Oven may be used automatically if desired. O A room heating section that circulates as well as ra diates heat to keep your kitchen completely comfort able during the winter. O More usable top cooking surface with room for eight large pans or kettles. And many other advantages which make the Majestic Electric the greatest value in combination range history. Way MONTGORERY’S HARDWARE — O'Neill — * - • THEM You ean pay moro— In wGo~l but you can't buy boMorl FROM 0 TO 60 M | ^ , 23 SECONDS ^"ln Ride! the only car with Com* in for a *Tett Drive*' AUTOMATIC RIDE CONTROL! In Room! YES, ROOMIER THAN AIL OTHERS IN ITS FIELD I In Savings! WITH FORD AUTOMATIC MILEAGE MAKBI In Looks! WIDEST SELECTION OF MODELS... WORST CHOICE OF COLOR, UPHOLSTERY A^D SOM COMBINATIONS IN ITS FIELD! Only Ford in the low-price field offers you a choice of _ a _ ■ x> V-8 or Six engine*, your choice of Fordomatic Drive,* In Vl(||t(fll|||(| f Overdrive* or Conventional Drive. It leads in hip room, ■■■ M V shoulder room and luggage room. It offers the largest witm tuc un« bbavcc gross braking area. F ord alone in its field gives you WITH THE MOST BRAKES, bump-erasing Automatic Ride Control. THE LIGHTEST STEERING •Optional at extra eoet. Fordomatic Drier aeoilabU with V-» onlg. Equipment, agentgrin and trim tubject to thong* without notie*. LOHAIIS MOTOR 00. _ Phone 16 O’Neffl ^———————hhhhmmmMMMMM