Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1951)
Chambers News Sunday'dinner guests in the Willard Thomson home were Mr. and Mrs. George Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Grbssnicklaus * and son and Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Turner, of O’Neill; Mr and Mrs. Ed Bohshart and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bachaus and family and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Tomlin son, of O’Neill. Mrs. Robert Turn er and son, Roger, were after noon guests. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Adams drove to Sioux City Wednesday, June 13, to attend the Stock Growers association meeting. They also attended the Jack Schuler ser vices, returning Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William Turner, Rev. and Mrs. L. M. McElheron, Mrs. Vernon Smith and Mrs. Robert Turner drove to Sioux Ci . ty Friday afternoon to attend vthe services conducted by Jack Schuler. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dankert entertained her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Lenz, at dinner on fa ther’s day. The occasion was also in observance of the 3d birthday anniversary of their son, Terry. Thirty-five were present on Thursday afternoon, June 14, at the meeting of the WSCS of the Methodist church held at the home of Mrs. Sarah Adams. Mrs. Merle Fagan presented the les son. Mrs. Sarah Adams led the t devotional. Mrs. Nellie Starr read the scripture. Mrs. R. K. Platt conducted the installation service for the new officers. Mrs. Charles Grimes was reelected president with Mrs. Darrell Gillettte, vice president, and Mrs. Glen Adams, secretary and treasurer. Mrs. Clara Thorin and son, Os car, drove to Newman Grove on Sunday, June 17, to visit his aunt,'Mrs. Annie Wallin. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harley and Robert and Mrs. Anna Albers drove to Hastings on Wednesday. June 13, and brought Mrs. Albers son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. John Albers, and son back for a visit. They took them home again cn Friday. Sunday, June 17, John Al bers left for San Francisco, Cal if., where he will be inducted in to the navy. 4 At the annual school meeting held Monday, June 11, in Valley Center district 10 7 Clarence Young was elected director to re place Edgar DeHart, who has served as director for several years. „ , Mr. and Mrs. Ray Beed and family and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Grimes and family drove to Long Pine Sunday, June 17, to visit Mrs. Beed’s and Mrs. Grimes’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Rus sell, and sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. John Reynolds, and family. ■Mrs. Ernest Young returned Sunday, June 10, from a short visit with relatives at Oberlin, Kans. Carl Mitchell arrived home the i latter part of last week from Ida ho, where he had bee® visiting his daughter, Miss Lorraine Mit chell. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harley spent father’s day, June 17, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Bly, at Amelia. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Cooper and Arnold, Marie and Erna Zuelka spent Sunday, June 17 at Emmet with their sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Sewell Johnson, and family. The occasion was the birthday anniversaries of Mr. Cooper and Jeanenne Johnson. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Art Harley and daughter . tt At kinson. * ** * Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter and Genevieve Bell spent Sun day, June 17, at the Dean Stevtrs home in Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Elkins and boys drove to Oakland Sun day to spend father’s day with his father and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Elkins, and son. His sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Putjenter, and children, of Norfolk, accom panied them. Mr .and Mrs. H. W. Hubbard accompanied Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Eason, of O’Neill, to Longmont, Colo., on Wednesday, June 13. They returned Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wink and family drove to Neligh Sunday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Houston. The following Chambers people were guests on Sunday, June 13, in the Robert Ballagh home south of Amelia: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neilson, Mr. and Mrs. George Rowse and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Rowse and children. Sammy Young left Saturday, June 16, with his brother from Neligh for California to spend a bout 3 weeks visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Taylor and family and Mrs. Letha Cooke, who have spent the past 2 weeks vis iting iriends in Tennessee, and Mrs. Cooke’s son and wife, Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Cooke, and fam ily at Mt. Judea, Ark., arrived home Thursday, June 14. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lybolt spent fathers’ day at Brunswick with their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Barrett. Hail was reported in a vicinity about 7 to 10 miles north and east of Chambers Saturday evening, June 16, at the Rudolf Brack man place. Stones as large as walnuts were said to have done considerable damage. Phyllis Kiltz came last week from Janesville, Wis., where she has been teaching in the high school, to spend the summer va cation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kiltz. Mr. and Mrs LaVerne Hoerle entertained the following guests to dinner on father’s day, June 17: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mitchell and children and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hoerle. Baptist Church School Closes— CHAMBERS — The Memorial Baptist church closed its dahy vacation Bible school with a pro gram at the church Sunday eve ning. School started Monday morn ing, June 11, with all-day ses sions. The average attendance was 30. The teachers were: Mrs. Steve Mikus, beginners; Mrs. Vernon Smith, primary; Mrs. Clarence Wyant, intermediate, and Mrs. Wood Jarman, juniors. Lois Maynard, of Walnut, vis ited her cousins, Merna Fae and Verna Mae Butterfield, daugh ters of the Eldon Butterfields, from Sunday until Wednesday. DANCE BUTTE UW BALLROOM Butte, Nebr. ' L_ Firemen’s Ball Tues., June 26 15-Min, Vaudeville , GLENN HUDSON & His Otehedtra — ■* i Voice of the Frontier MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY -9:45A.M. WJAG (Norfolk) 780 k.c. JOIN YOUR NEIGHBORS thrice week ly with the informal, chatty roundup of all the news and shopping information direct from O’Neill . . . from studios in The Frontier building. THE FRONTIER “North-Nebraska’s Fastest-Growing I Newspaper” ( The body of Harold A. Schueth. 19, of Clear water, is being carried away from the Elkhorn river. The body was submerged about 30 min utes before being recovered.—The Frontier Pho to & Engraving. EMMET NEWS Mr. and Mr. Dean Perry and family were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Perry and family of O’Neill. Misfees Marybelle O’Connor and Norma Lou Foreman were Tuesday, June 12, overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kirkpatrick at O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Kloppen borg and Wynona Rae, of Cozad, were Sunday visitors of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klopentborg. Miss iMaureen Murphy spent from Thursday night until Mon day visiting Miss Connie Miller at Atkinson. Miss Marybelle O’Connor ac companied Windy Meyers and Mildred Kaup, of Stuart, to O maha Saturday where she re sumed her nursing duties at St. Catherine’s hospital after spend ing a week’s summer vacation visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James O’Connor, and her uncle, Tom Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Cole and (Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cole attended the stockmans’ convention held at Sioux City Thursday and Frid day. Little Kathy Rubeck, o f Neill, spent last week visiting at the Wayne Fox home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murphy and Ronnie and Nonma Lou Foreman were Sunday after noon visitors at the D.. N. Mur phy farm. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foreman and Jeanie were Sunday after noon callers at the Jim O’Don nell home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cole, Mr. and Mrs. John Conard and Mary Lou and Mr. and (Mrs. Bud Cole attended the Country club dance held at the O’Neill Coun try club Sunday evening. Mrs. Bill Kelly and Mr. and O’Neill, were Monday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fox and sons. Missees Marybelle O’Connor and Norma Lou Foreman were Thursday afternoon visitors at the Robert Martens home near Atkinson. Mrs. Bill Kelley and Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Rubeck were Mon day afternoon visitors at the Wayne Fox home. Mr. and (Mrs. Cecil McMillan were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harold McMillan and daughters at Newport. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Benze and family, of O’Neill, have moved to the Tyson ranch south of Em imet. Mr. Benze has employ ment there. Mr. and Mrs. James Foreman and sons, of Bristow, were Mon day afternon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foreman and family. Little Jackie Cole spent a few days last week visiting his grandparents, Mr. and (Mrs. Art Humpal, and Marilyn at Atkin son. Fathers Are Honored— DUSTIN—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mitchell entertained on Sunday, June 17, at a dinner honoring their fathers, Charles Mitchell and Frank Fundus, and also for the birthday anniversary of Har ry’s sister, Mrs. Evan Lewis. Ice cream and cake were serv ed in the afternoon. Cakes were baked by Mrs. R. S. Coburn, Mrs. William Mitchell and Mrs. Harry Mitchell. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchell and Rol land and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mitchell, all of Butte: Mr. and Mrs. Rex Cobum and sons, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Cobum and Ray and Mrs. Lottie Cobum, all of O’ Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunn and sons, of Atkinson; Frank Fundus, of Dustin; Mr. and Mrs. Evan Lewis and daughters, of Spencer. Afternoon visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Allyn, of Stuart; Larry and Ronnie Mitchell, Roma and Iris Fundus. SEEK SWIMMIN' HOLE Our Scqut meeting was un eventful except for fixing our records. If any farmers around O’Neill have a lake or sand pit shallow enough for learning to swim, please contact our Scout master, Dr. H. D. Gildersleeve. ON HONOR ROLL Larry Tangeman, jr., from Chambers, earned the rating of cum laude on the second semester honor roll at Chadron State Teachers college. Visit Here— Mrs. Keith Schweigert, o f Springview, visited her sister, Mrs. M. B. MarceUus, and Mr. Marcellus from Friday uniil Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Shelhamer were in Sioux City Monday. _- — ATKINSON NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Heiser, of Lincoln, were in Atkinson visiting her mother, Mrs. Char ley Smith, over the weekend. They were enroute to their home after spending a week in the Black Hills. Mrs. Heiser is the former Lilah Smith. Mrs. A1 Lamb and daughter, Nancy Jean, of Omaha, and a friend, Mrs. Gene Stanley, spent Tuesday night and Wednesday, June 12 and 13, at the home of Mrs. Lamb’s cousin, Mrs. C. E, Spence, and family. The ladies had been visiting Mrs. Lamb’s relatives and friends at Denver, Colo., and Boulder, Colo., and her grandmother, Mrs. Anna Babcock, at Valentine. J. L. Berigan attended the stockgrowers’ banquet and con vention in Sioux City Friday. Mrs. Howard Yocum, of Val ley, has been visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Slaytmaker. Mrs. Yocum is remembered as Don na Slaymaker. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shane, of LeGrange, 111., are spending the week visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Shane, in Atkinson, and Mrs. Clara Petti john, at Stuart. Mrs. E. T. Price spent the weekend at the home of her son, Leon Priced and family near O’Neill. Mrs. Bertha Johnson enter tained the Grandmothers’ cluib at her home Monday, June 18. Mrs. John Zinky won high score and Mrs. Pauline Davis won low. Mrs. Freed received the travellers’ award. Mrs. Johnson served lunch at the close. CHURCH NOTES METHODIST (Inman) Rev. Charles C. Chappell, pastor Sunday-school, 10 a.m. Worship, 11:15 a.m. Sunday morning, June 24, there will be an installation ser vice for all the officers elected at the last quarterly conference. All commission members are urg ed to be present. Intermediate youth camp starts Sunday and runs from June 24 30. This is at Ponca state park, near Sioux City. Your pastor is planning to be there. WSCS meets Thursday, at 2 p.m. at the aid parlors. (Other Church News on page 15) Buy Now! If you want to choose from the BEST USED CARS IN TOWN! 1950 Chevrolet Styleline Del. 4-Dr. Sed. Power Glide, radio, heater and other extras, very clean. 1950 Chevrolet Fleetline Del. 4-Dr. Sed. Radio, and heater. Only _ $1,595.00 1950 Chevrolet Styleline 2-Dr. Only _ $1,445.00 1949 Chevrolet Styleline Deluxe 1949 Oldsmobile Del. “88” 4-Dr. Sed. Completely equipped. Only _ $1,595.00 1949 Oldsmobile Del. “88” 2-Dr. Sed. Completely equipped. Only _ $1,545.00 1948 Chevrolet 1-Ton, 4-Spd. 1948 Chevrolet Vi-Ton, 3-Spd. 1947 Mercury 4-Dr. Sed. Radio, hoaler, spotlight. Only ..I___ $789.00 Many Other Makes and Models 1941 Plymouth 2-Dr. Only $149.00 1941 Chev_Only $327.00 1940 Chev.-Only $169.00 MIDWEST MOTOR CO., LTD. Chevrolet — Oldsmobile — Cadillac O’Neill, Nebr. Phone 100 Son in Navy Calls Home— Richard Minton, who is in the navy, called his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Minton, for father’s day from San Diego, Calif. 4-H Meeting Wednesday— The Kitty Clover 1-H club met Wednesday, June 13, at the M. B. Marcellus home. Sharolyn Gren ier is a new member. They work ed on their pin cushions. MARRIAGE LICENSES Loyd Leslie Durre, 31, of Ew ing, and Miss Ruth Ann Weber, 18, of Chambers, June 20. Frontier for printing! CARD OF THANKS WE WISH to take this oppor tunity of thanking each and everyone for all who helped to make our golden wedding celebration a success, and for the lovely flowers and and gifts and cards. Also we wish to thank those who pro vided a donation. Especially do we want to thank Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Brady, the minister, the Dorsey ladies aid, and the waiters. Your kindness will never be forgotten.—Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wiley. 50c Venetian blinds, prompt deliv ery, made to measure, metal or wood, all colors,—J. M. McDon ald Co„ O'Neill. Hi! Attention, HAY MEN! A SICKLE GRINDER, POWER DRIVEN, ELECTRIC OR GAS! Something New — Something Useful • Low cost operation, this machine grinds a seven-foot sickle in twenty min utes or less for the small sum of ten cets or less for operating cost! When operated according to directions, it WILL NOT BURN the section. And the sec tion will maintain the correct bevel until worn out. This machine is safe to oper ate and can be operated by anyone old enough to work in the hay field. • It is no longer necessary to take time off to take your sickles to town to get them ground. Just get a gas powered machine and grind them in the field or an electric machine and grind them at the shop. This machine was patented by the B.&N. Sickle Grinder Co., and is manufactured by the Henke Manufac turing Co., Columbus, Nebr. GUARANTEED TO DO THE JOB, AND WILL SAVE YOU TIME, WORRY AND MONEY AND IS PRICED TO sr.i I ASK FOB A DEMONSTRATION THIS MACHINE MAY BE SEEN AT NORWOOD REPAIR SHOP Ewing, Nebr. B. &N. Sickle Grinder Co. Box 272 — Ewing, Nebr. DANCE AT O’NEIIl AMERICAN LEGION BALLROOM “Where the Big Bands Play” IN PERSON DICK STAHL And His ROYAL BOHEMIANS _ A BAND WITHIN A BAND Radio it Recording Artists Polkas and Real Dixieland Mtudcll SATURDAY, JUNE 23 Admisaion: $1.00 (Tax Indudad) In Stock ... For Immediate Delivery! ★ Our suppliers tell us these items are all we will have for this season, so ! don t wait. . . come in now. First come, first served! 2—Case 7-ft. Tractor Mowers. reg. price $297, spec, price_$250 5—MM 7-ft. Tractor Mowers, reg. price $287, spec, price ___ $250 2—Case 12-ft. Sulky Hay Rakes 2—New Idea 7-ft. Mowers 1—MM G-4 12-ft. Cut Combine 1—MM 69 Harvester, 6-ft. Cut 2F—New Idea Manure Spreaders 1—Used John Deere Combine, 6-ft. Cut Also Plows — One Ways and Cultivators WM. KROTTER CO. OF OTOL Phone 531