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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1951)
LEGAL NOTICE (First pub. Jan. 11, 1951) NOTICE OF SUIT To: J. Q. Clark, The heirs, de visees, legatees, personal repre sentatives, and all other persons interested in the estate of Henry D. Biddle, deceased, real names unknown; All persons having or claiming any interest in the Northwest Quarter of Section Three, Township Twenty-seven, North, Range Thirteen, West of the 6th P. M. in Holt County, Nebraska, real names unknown; Defendants in Plaintiff’s First Cause of Action. Ella L. Flickinger; Sarah E. Flickinger; Charles E. Price; The heirs, devisees, legatees, person al representatives, and all other persons interested in the estate of A. T. Flickinger, deceased, real names unknown; The heirs, de visees, legatees, personal repre sentatives, and all other persons interested in the estate of James F. Record, deceased, real names unknown; All persons having or claiming any interest in the Northeast Quarter of Section Fifteen, Township Twenty-sev en, North, Range Thirteen, West of the 6th P. M. in Holt County, Nebraska, real names unknown; Defendants in Plaintiff’s Second Cause of Action. The heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives, and all other persons interested in the estate of Charles Thompson, de ceased, real names unknown; The heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives, and all other persons interested in the estate of Charles K. Offield, deceased, real names unknown; Northern Trust Company, Trustee under the Last Will and Testament of m_1_IT A«U1J /In/inOCoH* All cnaries jy. Yuneiu, uecca^u, persons having or claiming any interest in the Southeast Quar ter of Section Seventeen, Town ship Twenty-eight, North, Range Twelve, West of the 6th P. M. in Holt County, Nebraska, real names unknown; Defendants in Plaintiff’s Third Cause of Action. The heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives, and all other persons interested in the estate of Rev. Th. N. Jersild, de ceased, real names unknown; the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other per sons interested in the estate of Marie Christina Rasmussen, de ceased, real names unknown; The heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all oth er persons interested in the es tate of Viggo Rasmussen, deceas ed, real names unknown; Mrs. Jens C. Christensen, first real name unknown; All persons hav- 1 ing or claiming any interest in the Southeast Quarter of Section Three, Township Twenty-seven, North, Range Thirteen, West of the 6th P. M. in Holt County, Nebraska, real names unknown; Defendants in Plaintiff’s Fourth Cause of Action. H. E. Murphy; All persons hay ing or claiming any interest in the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quar ter of Section Seven, Township Twenty - seven, North, Range Twelve, West of the 6th P. M. in Holt County, Nebraska, real names unknown; Defendants in Plaintiff’s Fifth Cause of Action. 1 You and each of you are here by notified that on the 6th day of January, 1951, Dewey C. Schaf- 1 fer as plaintiff filed his petition in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, against you as defendants, the object and pray er of which is to quiet and con firm the title in him, the said | Dewey C. Schaffer, to the real estate above specifically describ- 1 ed as against you and each of you, and to secure a Decree of Court that you have no interest in, right or title to, or lien upon said real estate or any part there- | of, and for general equitable re lief. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 19th day of February, 1951. Dated January 6, 1951. DEWEY C. SCHAFFER, Plaintiff. By JULIUS D. CRONIN, His Attorney. 36-39 (First pub. Jan. 4, 1951) Julius D. Cronin, Att’y NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate No. 3646 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, January 3rd, 1951. In the matter of the Estate of Lemuel C. Mallory, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the executor of said estate has filed in this court his final report and a petition for final settle ment and distribution of the residue of said estate; and that report and petition will be heard January 24th, 1951, at 10 o’clock, A. M. at the County Court Room j in O’Neill, Nebraska, when all i persons interested may appear and be heard concerning said fi nal report and the distribution of said estate. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 35-37 (First pub. Jan. 4, 1951.) John R. Gallagher, Att’y NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate No. 3677. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, January 2nd, 1951. In the matter of the Es tate of Claude A. Hamilton, De ceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the executrix of said estate has filed in this court her final re port and a petition for final set tlement and distribution of the residue of said estate; and that said report and petition will be heard January 24th, 1951, at 10 o’clock, A. M. at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebras ka, when all persons interested may appear and be heard con cerning said final report and the distribution of said estate. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 35-37 (First pub. Jan. 18, 1951.) John E. Gallagher, Att’y NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate No. 3656 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, January 11th, t 1951. In the matter of the Estate : of Theodore Thorson and Cora E. Thorson, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the administrator of said estate ! has filed in this court his final report and a petition for final settlement and distribution of the residue of said estate; and that said report and petition will be heard February 7th, 1951, at 10 o’clock, A. M. at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebras ! ka, when all persons interested may appear and be heard con ! cerning said final report and the distribution of said estate. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge, i (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 37-39c j Young People Feted— LYNCH — A group of young people were entertained at the C. L. Raselhorst home on Tues day, January 9, honoring Delbert Raselhorst, August Kalkowski, Julian Thorell, Donald Kayl and i Faye Courtney. Frontier for printing! AUCTION NEW RESIDENCE At Corner of Hancock and 7th Sts., 4 Blocks South of Douglas on 7th St. This New 5-Room Home to be Sold at 3 P. M. on . .. Monday, January 29 To Inspect, Phone 454-W Watch Next Week's Paper for Details GILBERT STRONG, Owner KIETH A. ABART, Auctioneer ‘Americanism’ Topic of Quiz EWING — The American Le gion auxiliary met Thursday eve ning at the Legion club. Miss Fern Pruden, president, presided at the business session. On adjournment, a program on “Americanism” was presented by Miss Pruden. A quiz on the consti tution of tne United States and the state laws of Nebraska pro vided a subject. Refreshments were served by the lunch committee, Mrs. George Adrian, Mrs. Herbert Kirschmier and Mrs. Ernest Pier son. Other Ewing News The YM pinochle club was en tertained at tne home of Mis. Kermit Jefferies on Tuesday eve ning, January y, with Mis. Fran ces Shaw the assisting hotesses. Prizes for high score were pre sented to eacn of tnree tauies. Winners were Mrs. Thomas Eacher, Mrs. Gail Boies, Mrs. Ray Funk. Guests were Mrs. Peter Heintz and Mrs. Lyle Dierks. A social hour was enjoyed after the games. Ref resnments were served. David Cloyd is home on leave from the navy after being sta tioned in San Francisco, Calif., since his boot training. David is a graduate with the class of J950 from the Ewing high school. He enlisted during the summer months and this is his first visit home. Mrs. Harold Harris came Wed nesday, January 19, from Cas tana, la., where she had attend ed a family reunion held in hon or of her parents’ 58th wedding anniversary, which occurred on January 8. This was the first time the family had been togeth er since the golden wedding an ; niversary of their parents eight years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Cloyd and family were hosts to a family dinner party on Thursday, non ormg their son, David Cloyd, of the navy, who is home on leave, his first since enlisting last sum mer. Those in attendance were: his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Timmerman, of Plain view; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bro i kaw and family, of Norfolk; Charles Zepf, of Creighton, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Billeter, of i Meadow Grove. New officers for the Blessed Dominies Catholic Youth organ ization of St. John’s church for the year of 1951 are as follows: President— Lewis Vandersnick; vice-president—Pat Funk; secre tary—Joan Theile; treasurer — Mickey Bauer; reporter — Joe Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Sis Ebbengaard left Wednesday, Jan. 10, for a va cation trip through the South. They plan to spend a part of the time in Florida. They took a trailer along to take care of the housing situation while on their travels. Jephtha chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star held its in stallation service Tuesday eve ning, January 9. Tne Mlnarik families had din ner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mlnarik on Sunday, January 7, the occasion being in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mlnarik, of Forman, S. D., who are visiting relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Serr, of Brocksburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Serr, of Clearwater, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Mlnarik Monday evening, January 8. Miss Donna Rudisil, of Palli sade, has been secured to take the place of Mrs. Myrna Cope land, instructor in home econom ics in the Ewing high school. ! Mrs. Copeland will leave to go to Texas with her husband, who is in the armed forces. Miss Rudisil will graduate the latter part of January from the University of Nebraska and will begin her work in Ewing on January 29. In the second semester the Ew ing home economics will be on a vocational basis again. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS WD—Ida Alfs to Roy R Gilg & wf 12-26-50 $7500- Part NEy4 SEy4 32-30-14 WD—Matilda Olson to Roy R | Gilg & wf 5-31-49 $400- Lots 7 & 8 Blk 42 Western Town Lot Co Add- Atkinson WD—Mary G Horiskey to Al va Marcellus 12-18-50 $1- Part of lot 4 Blk 22- O’Neil] QCD—Joseph P Gans to Holt County 1-5-51 $425- Lots 5 & 6 Blk 5- Western Town Lot Co 1st Add- Stuart WD—Caroline Starr to Wayne I Smith 8-16-50 $7200- Ny>Sy> 31 26-12 LYNCH NEWS The Highland Project club met at the M. P. Stenger home for their first 1951 meeting on Thurs day, January 11. After the dusi ness meeting a lunch was served by the hostesses. A gift was pre | sented to Mrs. M. P. Stenger by ; the club. Mrs. C. C. Courtney was host ! ess to the Rural Progressive club on Thursday, January 11. A so I cial hour was enjoyed after the business meeting, and a lunch was served in late afternoon. This was the first 1951 meeting ; and new officers took office. Patsy and Roy Mulhair were business visitors in Butte Tues day, January 9. Gerald Lokota, of Gross, was a Lynch visitor on Tuesday, Janu ary 9. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Keller were Sioux City visitors Tues day, January 9. Bill Teadtke returned home from Omaha late Tuesday eve ning, January 9. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kocian, of Verdigre, visited Joseph Kocian at the Lynch hospital one day last week. Altha Hammon, of Geddes, S. D., spent the past weekend at the parental Frank Hammon home. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Jehorek spent several days the past week in Omaha. Mrs. Bill Alford and Mrs. John Wike went to Rochester, Minn., Thursday to visit their brother, Gail Higgins, of Spencer, who is a patient in a hospital there. Joe Farniks, of Verdigre, vis ited at the Art Vesely home on Sunday, January 7. Mrs. Tom King and sons, of Stuart, visited with Mrs. Lulu Van Meter recently. Roy Rossmeicr, of South Dako ta, visited his sister, Mrs. Clar ence Moody, jr., and family last week. Kay Keeler, of Arlington, spent several days here with his par ents. Mrs. Cora Barnes, of Butte, visited relatives here on Monday, January 8, while Mrs. Eva Barnes, county superintendent, was visiting rural schools in this locality. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schoch enmaier and children, of Bone steel, S. D., called on Lynch doc tors and then called at the Albert Kalkowski home before return ing home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sixta visit ed at Art Vesely’s on Sunday, January 7. Mr. and Mrs. Art Peters, of Spencer, were Friday evening supper guests at the Bill Teadtke home. Mr. and Mrs. Rhea Heuerman, of Wyoming, recenty visited Lynch friends. John Carlson took the bus for Spencer on Friday evening, Jan uary 12, to visit at the Fred Cole man home. Donelda Hamraon, of Spencer, spent the weekend at the parent-1 al Frank Hammon home. Alton Long, of Oregon and a former Lynchite, visited friends and relatives in Lynch this week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kolund returned home the latter part of the week alter a several days’ I stay in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brown ; and family, of Osmond, visited at the Wallace Moffett home sever al days last week. STUART NEWS Ronald Dodd, of Lincoln vis ited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dodd, on Sunday, 1 January 7. His wife spent several days in O’Neill with her mother, j Mrs. Spangler, who is ill. Mrs. C. F. Gillettte, of Cham bers, visited Sunday, January 7, with her mother, Mrs. Estella Bachman. Mrs. Bachman return- 1 ed home with her for a visit Mr. and Mrs. James Nachtman and family were supper guests of Mrs. Nachtman’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Juman, of Verdigre, on j Sunday, January 7. Mr. and Mrs. Z. X. Marshall and Mr. and Mrs. Casper Harley were in O’Neill on Monday, Jan- j uary 8. Edmund Kaup, college student in Norfolk, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kaup, jr., and family. Mrs. Don Engler and Linda, of McCook, accompanied Mrs. Louis Olberding, also of McCook, to Stuart on Tuesday, January 9. They returned on Friday morn ing. Mrs. Edith Atkinson and Mrs. Joe Timmermans came from Sut ! ton on Friday. They joined Mrs. [ Kate Papke, Bud Papke, Myron Papke anod Mrs. Joe Wallinger and went to Crawford on Satur ; day to attend the funeral of Fred Papke on Sunday, January 14. Mr. Papke was a brother of Mrs. Atkinson and a brother-in-law of Mrs. Papke. Mrs. Jane Cobb was hostess to the Improvement club on Wed nesday afternoon, January 10. Frank Kaup, jr., and son, Mark, attended a birthday anni versary party in honor of Ber nard Kaup at Newport on Wed nesday, January 10. Robert Lee, of Valentine, visit ed with Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Shearer Tuesday and Wednes day, January 9 and 10. Mr. Lee is an uncle of Mr. Shearer. Mrs. Mary Henning, of Atkin son, visited with her daughter, Mrs. Gus Obermire, and family on Tuesday, January 7. Mrs. R. A. Coffman, Mrs. Lloyd Otto, Miss Ethel Chittkk and Mabel Eaton attended a party at Willow Acres on Friday, January 12. Mrs. Warren Roberts was hostess. Hera'* the new F-3 Express (G.V.W. 6,800 lbs.) ... a big express body for big, bulky loads! One of over 180 Ford Truck models for '51, featuring Power Pilot Economy. 5-STAR EXTRA Cab* shown. Hub caps at extra cost. Now pocket bigger profits! Over 180 models—Choice of V-8 or Six! The new Ford Trucks for’61 A N.w 5-STAR EXTRA Cob.* * are herel From 95-h.p. Pick- W '=\T ups to 145-h.p. BIG JOBS, extras! ^ they’re newly engineered to New autothermic pistons, do your hauling at even ^ h'0h-|i,, “,/"*ham ,or lower cost, to give you even ^ N,w ^$pM<J Synthro.#„.nl 2. finer performance! New COm- transmission available at '/ fort features will make Ford extra cost on f-5 and F-6! Truck, more than ever the O SJv'STi'SE drivers’favorites in 51. New a Chrom_plo„d ,op pi.ton /^/ durability factors make it ’■r rings now standard in all / truer than ever that “Ford ,our Ford •nBin**' / _ , T . T *5STAR EXTRA Cob al tlighl addt- / ^1 Trucks Last Longer! tiono/co«t. // ford Trucking j COSTS LESS / because— / 1/ Using I at o*t registration data on 6,592,000 truck $t 6b insurance experts prove Ford Trucki loti bogori VeDJUX. V\jW// !*y FEATURE PROVEN mwm ipo w d©s)M®cw The Power Pilot is a simpler, fully proven way of gelling the most ' power from the least gas. It auto matically meters and fires the right amount of gas, at precisely the’right instant, to match constantly changing speed, load and power requirements. Unlike conventional systems, the Power Pilot uses only one control instead of two, yet is designed to synchronize firing twice as accu rately. You can use regular gas . . . you get no-knock J performance. In the low-price field only Ford has it! LOHAUS MOTOR CO. PHONE 16 O’NEILL Clearance Sale Continues Now All Dresses In Stock Reduced . . Was $5.95 NOW- $2.97 Was $10.95 NOW_$5.47 Was $17.95 NOW .$ 8.97 Was $6.95 NOW ... $3.47 Was $12.95 NOW..$6.47 Was $19.95 NOW_$ 9.97 Was $7.95 NOW..$3.97 Was $14.95 NOW_$7.47 Was $24.95 NOW_$12.47 Was $8.95 NOW_ $4.47 Was $16.95 NOW.$8.47 Was $29.95 NOW_$14.97