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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1951)
Style-leader and pacemaker of the 1951 Buick line is the 4-door 6-passenger Special, or series 40, sedan. The 1951 Buicks are scheduled to qo on display in O'Neill Saturday, January 20. at the A. Marcellus showrooms. The special series features new chassis, a new body, new front end, new sweepsear molding, new trim and new fender and hood ornaments. FUTURE SUBSCRIBERS HOLLMAN — Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Hollman, of Page, a daughter, weighing 9 pounds, born Monday, January 15, at the home. Mrs. Hollmun was the for- j mer Della Zumbrum. HOFFMAN—Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Hoffman, of Clearwater, a son, Gregory Steven, weighing 6 j pounds, born Saturday, January 13, at Our Lady of Lourdes hos- { pital at Norfolk. This is their second child. Mrs. Hoffman is the former Jauneita Albright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gai lord Albright, of Page. KOPETJKA — Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kopetjka, of Page, a son, born Tuesday, January 16, at the O’Neill hospital. HILL—Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hill, of O’Neill, a daughter, weighing 8 pounds, born Wednesday, Jan uary 17, at the O’Neill hospital. WEDIGE—Mr. and Mrs. La verne Wedige, of Atkinson, a son, born Saturday, January 13, in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital at Norfolk. Mrs. A. R. Wyant and Mrs. Larry Bourne and children went to Columbus Saturday, January 13, to spend the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Vaught. They returned Monday. Dr. F. J. Fisher, dentist, O' Neill. 33 tt F= North of Stuart Visitors— Charles and John Cherry, of j Genoa, were Friday night, Janu- \ ary 12, guests at the James Dem ing home, returning to their home in Genoa Saturday after noon. The Cherry brothers are cousins of Mrs. James Deming and had spent Friday at the , Schaffer-Robertson-Sageser reg istered Hereford sale in Atkinson where they purchased eight head of registered cows to take home. Relatives who called to visit at the Deming home and with the Cherry brothers Friday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Allyn. Engagement Announced— LYNCH — Mr. and Mrs. Guy Norwood, of Lynch, announced the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Iona Belle, to Bill Malonel, of Wav erly. The wedding date has been set for June 20. Miss Norwood is a graduate of the Lynch schools and has since been a rural school teacher. — O'NEILL LOCALS Mrs. Richard Minton, Larry and Dick, and Miss Ann Judge were in Friend visiting friends and relatives from Friday, Janu ary 12, until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John DeHoogh, of Sheldon, la., came Friday, January 12, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Robertson. They left on Saturday. Mrs. Fay Robeson and son, Larry, went to Neligh, Saturday, January 13, to visit her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Larry Wisch. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ray were in Grand Island Sunday and Monday, January 14 and 15. -1 POLIO BENEFIT BOX SOCIAL & DANCE American Legion Ballroom — O'Neill — SUNDAY, JANUARY 28 • Ladies bringing boxes will be admitted FREE. Boxes will be auctioned and all proceeds of dance and boxes go to the March of Dimes. I < J «j < L . SICK & INJURED PAGE—Mrs. O. A. Wiseman submitted to a major operation at tne Lutheran hospital in Sioux City Wednesday, January 10. her condition is repouted “ good” . . . Otto Terrill took Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Reed to Sioux City Friday where Mr. Reed went lor a medical checkup . . . Vernon Park suffered a fracture of his foot when a truck endgate fell on his footat Bassett last Thurs day . . . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Summers left for Rochester, Minn., Tuesday, January 9, where Mrs. Summers had an appoint ! mvnt to go through the clinic. Enroute they visited Mrs. Sum mers’ brothers, Orville Canaday, and family, at Holland, Minn., and Edwin Canaday and family, at Redwood, Minn . . . Mr. and Mrs. Alton Braddock and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Dorr drove to Sioux City Monday. Mr. Dorr went for medical treatment and remained there. The others returned home thut evening. EWING — Miss Anna Van l Zandt, accompanied by her sis ter, Mrs. Florence Butler, went to Norlolk on Thursday for a physical examination. Albert Larson furmsned transportation. . . Lynn Hanioeck, son oi Mr. and Mrs. Clinord nahlbeck, had tne mislortune to break his right arm in the elbow wmle playing at school, lie was taken to Doc tor Fletcher at Orchard. . . San dra Tellender is recovering irom a siege oi chickenpox. . . ivirs. M. H. Dierks returned on Monday, January 8, from the bt. Josepns hospital at Umaha where she nad been the past week for observa tion and treatment. . . Word has been received irom Mrs. Benja min Larson, who underwent sur gery at Kochester, Minn., Mon uay, January 8, stating that she had gone through the operation “satisiactorily.” O’NEILL — William Egger is still in bt. Joseph’s hospital in Omaha where he was taken on Wednesday, January 3. Doctors say he will be coniined there for several more weeks. . . Lowell Culver returned recently from Excelsior bpnngs, Mo., where he nad been a patient . . . O. A. Kil patrick is very ill this week . . . M. J. Golden is a patient in bt. Catherine’s hospital in Omaha. He became ill when retunng from a trip to Miami Beach, Fla. Mrs. Golden went to Omaha Monday to visit him. . . Mrs. Mary Mullen, 86, mother of Mrs. W. H. Harty, fell Saturday and broke her arm. AMELIA—Mr. and Mrs. Blake Qtt received word that t h e i 1 daughter, Gloria, who lives in Denver, Colo., was in the hospit al suffering with a broken bone in hex leg received in a car ac cident . . . Miss Jeanine Doolittle, daughter of Mrs. Earl Doolittle, was “painfully injured’’ when she ran into a steel railing on a ■porch at the place where she rooms while in Atkinson going to school. DELOIT — Mrs. Vintus Sehi and Mrs. Albert Sehi both un derwent surgery at a Norfolk hospital on Saturday. . . The small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sehi was able to return home from a Norfolk hospital last week. ... A number of youngsters have been having "se vere” coughs. . . Mrs. Stanley Huffman was a patient in a Til den hospital early last week. LYNCH — William Tappe, of Butte, consulted Lynch doctors one day this week. . . A. P. Kal kowski was released from the Sacred Heart hospital after a se vere case of influenza. He is con valescing at the Anton Kalkow ski home. . . Hal Craig is “im proved” after a severe sick spell. CHAMBERS— Arthur Tange man went through a Norfolk clinic last week. . . . Mrs. R. K. Platt has been ill with influenza. . . Mr. and Mrs. George C. Smith drove to Omaha Monday to get their baby, who has been a pa tient at the Children’s hospital. CELIA — Colds and coughs seem to be the order of the day . Celia school had several ab sentees during the last week. SOUTH OF STUART — Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ziska went to Marion, S. D., where Mrs. Zis ka is consulting a doctor. I [ HOSPITAL NOTES SACRED HEART HOSPITAL (Lynch) Steven Vlvan, of Monowl, ac cident, surgery, “doing well”; Mrs. Harley Peer boom, of Bris tow, major surgery, “doing well”; Margaret Ann Storjohann, of Spencer, medical, “doing well”; Joseph Kocian, of Bristow, medical, “improving”; Eddie Mohl, of Butte, accident and sur gery, “doing well.” Harold Femau, of Butte, ap pendectomy, "doing well”; Shar on Ann Lower, of Verdel, tonsil lectomy; Mrs. Alfons Liewer ,of Butte, medical, “improving"; Mrs. Wilbur Hume, of Bristow, major surgery, “satisfactory.” Barry Wayne Loock, of Anoka, medical, “improving”; August P. Kalkowski, of Lynch, medical, "satisfactory”; John Bainbridge, of Bristow, "unchanged." O'NEILL HOSPITAL Admissions: January — Mrs. Floyd Belik, of Page, condition “good”; Baby Emil Slattery, of O’Neill, condition “good”; Dency Abart, of Emmet, condition “good”. 16—Mrs. Ralph Kopetj ka, of Page. 17—Mrs. C. R. Hill, of O’NeilL Still in hospital: Pat Coyne, condition same. Dismissals: January 11—Mrs. T. J. Knoell and daugher, of O’ Neill. '12—Mrs. George Frances, of Page; Mrs. Addie Kelly, of O’ Neill; Miss Anna Stein, of O’ Neill; Mrs. Walter Donohoe and daughter, of O’Neill; Mrs. Nell Ratliff and son, of Atkinson; Mrs. Harvey Krugman and daughter, of O’Neill; Mrs. Floyd Belik, of Page; Baby Emil Slattery, of O’ Neill, and Dercy Abart, of Em met. COMMUNITY HOSPITAL (Stuart) In hospital: Mrs. Lola Humei ick, of Stuart, “good”; Jim Mur phy, of Atkinson, “improving.” Admissions: January 8— Mrs. Bob Friedel, of Stuart, a baby boy. 9—Mrs. Tom Papke, of Na per. 10.—Robert Martens, of At kinson, medical. Dismissals: Janpary 11—. Mike Curran, of Amelia. 13—Mrs. Bob Friedel and son, of Stuart; Rob ert Martens, of Atkinson. 14— Mrs. Tom Papke, of Naper. LYNCH NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hoff man, of Bristow, were Sunday dinner guests at the Ed Hoffman home. Mrs. Ed Johns returned Satur day, January 13, from a visit with her parents and brother and family in Grand Island. Ernest Vomacka spent the weekend at his parental Frank Vomacka, sr., home in Gregory, S. D. Martin Jehorek motored to Om aha Sunday, January 14, return ing home on Monday, accompan ied by his wife, who had under gone a minor operation in Oma ha last week. Mrs. Jehorek is “getting along fine.” • For income tax services see R. H. ("Ray") Shriner. O'Neill, phone 106. 36-39c Russell Johns, of Onawa, la., is visiting with his parents here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Spencer and baby, of Spencer, visited rel atives here Sunday, January 14. The Ludvig Placek family en , tertained relatives from Wagner, S. D., Sunday, January 14. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Vomacka and baby spent Sunday at the I Sam Hansen home in Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ander son spent Sunday at the Leonard Anderson home, fund PAGE NEWS Mrs. Paul Hartlgan spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Neubauer and Leo. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher and family spent Sunday afternoon, at the Herbert Kemper home, Too Late to Classify FOR SALE: 80-foot Wincharger, and batteries, also radio, waf fle iron, toaster, and iron all in A-l condition.—John Boll writ, Ewing, Nebr. 37c LOST: Near Danceland comer white enameled refrigerator top Reward.—Phone 463-J, O’ I NeiU. 37-38c WE BELIEVE YOU WILL FIND YOU'LL SAVE MONEY HERE HIGH PRICES HURT OUR BUSINESS AS MUCH AS YOUR BUDGET CAREFUL BUYING PLUS LOW OPERATING COSTS ENABLE US TO PASS ADDITIONAL SAVINGS ON TO YOU - - -- wmumt Pork Chops lb. 47c BACON SQUARES lb. 25c PICKLE and PIMIENTO LOAF. .lb. 47c ROASTING—Ready for the Oven— CHICKENS lb. 49c ■ CANDYLAND MARSHMALLOWS, 216-0z. Pkgs. 53c FIRST PRIZE PEAS, 2 No. 2 Cans.29c GOLDEN VALLEY SAUERKRAUT, 2 No. 2 Cans .... 25c GOLDEN VALLEY I PUMPKIN, No. 2* Can.18c | FIRST PRIZE PORK and BEANS, 2 No. 1\ Cans.. 33c GOLDEN VALLEY TOMATOES, 2 No. 1\ Cans.47c OVENKIST SODA CRACKERS 2-LB. BOX.45c Lipton's lG's, Box TEA BAGS .. 21c Pillsbury Cake 2 Pkgs. MIXES .69c Dill PICKLES, Qt. 23c Pillsbury's Hot Roll mix, Pkg.24c ———Tn liiTTiw iirw>~ Roasled Lb. PEANUTS,.... 31c Yellow or While 2-Lb. Pkg. POPCORN.29c Flapjack Pancake 3-lb. Pkg. FLOUR .23c BABO, Can.... 11c GRAPEFRUIT 10 fa 49c FIRM, CRISP HEADS LETTUCE Lb. 12c CALIF. GREEN TOP CARROTS 2 Lge. Bun. 19c FANCY DELICIOUS APPLES Bu. Box 3.59 FEED NUTRENA - THE best feed money CAN BUY! For POULTRY— For HOGS— For CATTLE— 15% A. M. CRUMBLES 24% PIG «! SOW FEED CALF STARTER - GROWER i 20% EGG CRUMBLES 32% SUPPLEMENT 16% DAIRY FEED 27% BALALNCER CRUMBLES 40% BALANCER 32% DAIRY SUPPLEMENT SOYBEAN MEAL - CUBES - MOLASSES PELLETS - LINSEED MEAL - CUDAHY’S AND SWIFT’S ALL PUR POSE MINERAL - MINERAL BLOCK CRUSHED ROCK SALT - WHITE - GRAY SULPHUR IODIZED BLOCK LAVING ROCK OWNERS - - •]St‘Sia“£teiSr WHITE ROCKS and LEGHORNS are in great demand, see us now i SPECIAL FRIDAY - SATURDAY SPECIAL BEEF LAST YEAR’S HIDES lb.•" * BOOSTERS lb. 16c TOP MARKET FOR I EGGS I CHECK OUR PRICE 1 BEFORE YOU SELL SHELHAMER FOODS O'NEILL, NEBRASKA Phones: Groc.—58, 78; , Prod.—170, 173