The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 18, 1951, SECTION 2, Page 11, Image 11

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    Fred Papke Burial
i Made at Crawford
Wallmger attended the funeral of
. er uncle, Fred Papke, at Craw
ford, Saturday, January 13.
Other relatives from Stuart who
went were: Mrs. Katherine Pap
ke, Mrs. E d i it h Atkinsom Mrs.
Clyde Brainard and daughter, Bill
Timmerman, Mrs. Joe Timmer
man, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Papke
and girls and Mr. and Mrs. My
ron Papke. They returned fcofne
Sunday night.
Other South of Stuart News
Joe Wallinger and boys were
O'Neill visitors Saturday, Janu
ary 13.
Mr .and Mrs. Vernon and Mary
Lvnn were Bassett visitors Wed
nesday, January 10.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sass, of Oak
land, visited the Bill Paxton and
Ralph Cobb families Friday and
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wil'coxson
and Dale wrere Friday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Co>bb.
Mrs. Gertrude Pearce, of Oak
land, arrived Friday and will
spend a few days visiting in the
Bill Paxton and Ralph Cobb
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Givens
accompanied Geo. Wedige, of At
kinson, to Omaha Monday, Jan
uary 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Veron Heyne
were in O’Neill Thursday, Janu
ary 11.
Five couples surprised Mrs.
Art Givens on her birthday Sun
day, January 14, at her home.
After an evening of card play
ing, lunch was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deeirmer
attended a shower at the Knights
of Columbus hall in Atkinson
Sunday, January 14, in honor of
Mary Kramer, who is to be mar
ried to Clarence Groff Janu
ary 24.
Mrs. A. M. Battenhorst return
ed home Saturday, January 13,
after spending several days vis
iting friends and relatives at
Kearney and Pleasanton.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Barnes
anyi children visited the Dale
Barnes family Sunday, Janu
ary 14.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tasler spent
Sunday afternoon at the Mar
shal home in Stuart.
Mrs. Charles Deermer attend
ed a party at the Warren Rob
rets home Friday, January 12.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rhodes vis
ited the Dan Moody family Thurs
day evening, January 11.
Mr. and Mas. Clyde Blake, Mr.
and Mrs. Marvin Blake and Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Larson were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
I.ouis Shald and Davy. Davy re
turned home with his grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Blake.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hoffman,
and boys returned to their home
ipf EveRh, Minn., Saturday, Jan
uary 13. While here they bought
the qttarter of land formerly
owned by Andy Johnson.
Jimmy Battenhorst, an em
ployee of the telephone company,
is now working at Ansley.
Mr. and Mrs. Aloys Kaup, jr.,
and family were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester
Kramer and children.
Mrs. Harold Givens and Mrs.
Art Givens visited the Joe Pon
gratz family last week.
Geo. Wedige called at the Joe
Wallinger home Sunday.
Mrs. Geo. Shald and Johnnie
visited the Herman Kramer
home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Heyne
and children were Sunday guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Heyne.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shald and
son visited in the John Shald
and Eugene Engler homes Sun
Mrs. Frances Stuart visited
the school in district 58 last
I week. She is going to finish the j
! term in a rural school near Mead- j
ow Grove.
Vince Obermire was a dinner |
guest of the Joe Krobot family
Wednesday, January 10. He came
by airplane.
Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Krysl, Tee- !
na, Billy and grandson Danny, I
visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Krobot
and Betty, Wednesday night, Jan
uary 17.
Mr. and Mrs. Stub Kunz were
I supper guests at the Dvorak j
Brothers home Thursday eve
ning, January 11. It was in hon
or of Charles Dvorak, who was
celebrating his birthday anniv
Mrs. Stub Kunz attended the
hower for Mary Kramer Sun
day at the Knights of Columbus
hall in Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Joy Greenfield,
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Greenfield, Di
anne and Danny were afternoon
and supper guests at the Elvin
Coker home in O’Neill Sunday,
January 14.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kaup and
family were Sunday visitors in
the J. P. Murphy home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Greenfield
and children, Mr. and Mrs. Lau
rence Greenfield, Mrs. Ethel
Stracke, Doris Cannell, Ella Pet
erson and Mrs. Ralph Shald were
Sunday visitors in the Ray
Greenfield home.
Mrs. Bruce Shald and Mrs.
Ralph Shald spent Tuesday af
ternoon, January 9, dt the Ray
Greenfield home.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Boett
cher and boys, of Newport, were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Wilbur Moon.
Mrs. Stanley Cobb and Doris
Cannell spent Thursday, Janu
ary 11, at the Ray Greenfield
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Moon and
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Greenfield at
tended the congregational meet
ing in Stuart Sunday, January
Mr .and Mrs. Aloys Kaup vis
ited Sunday with their daugh
ter, Mrs. Frank Weichman, jr.,
and family.
Mrs. Frank Weichman, jr., and
children visited Mrs. Tony Kaup
Sunday evening.
Go to Gregory—
Mrs. R. D. Landis and son left
on Wednesday, January 10, for
Gregory, S. D., to visit her par
ents, the Ray Caseys. Mr. Landis ^
drove up to get them on Sunday.
■ ■ ■- 1 ■■
Last Thursday Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Lanman and Mrs. Herman
DeGroff went to Atkinson to the
George Mellor home to attend a
party. I
J Child Needs a Piano
• Don’t overlook a child’s natural
• love of music. A piano is a happy
• experience for a child...a contribution
• to the family life . .. and a social
• asset... something which grows more
• important and richer with the years.
For a gift. . .
with a guarantee of a
lifetime’s enjoyment...
give your child a
On Display in Our Home
Sold direct from factory to you on easy terms.
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
James J. Kelly were Mrs. Lola
Bain and daughter, Shirley, Mr.
and Mrs. Bud Bain and John
Graham, of Gregory, S. D.
Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
C. R. Hill were her father and
brother, C. A. Richardson and
Donald Richardson, o f Ains
worth, and Miss Lou Ann Wat
kins, of Curtis.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald,
of Omaha, visited their parents,
Mrs. Marie McDonald and Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Froelich, over
the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Yusten
were Friday evening callers at
the Lloyd E. Johnson home.
M. E. Jacobson was in Omaha
and Norfolk on business Wednes
day, January 10, and last Thurs
day. Mrs. Jacobson and Paul ac
companied him to Norfolk where
they were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Jacobson and family.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mellor
and daughter visited her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lanman, Sat
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Lohaus
went to Omaha on business Mon
day. On their return they plan to
attend a Ford meeting in Norfolk
today (Thursday).
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Harmon
had Sunday dinner at the Clin
ton Harmon home.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Havran
ek and daughter visited her
mother, Mrs. Dorothy Barrett, in
Atkinson Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bauld and
John left last Thursday for a
couple months’ stay in Vancou
ver, Wash.
Rev. and Mrs. Wayne A. Hall
left Monday, January 8, to attend
ministers’ institute in Lexington j
and then to visit her parents, Mr. 1
and Mrs. C. R. Bristol, of Ains- i
ley. They returned Friday. i
Arthur Dexter returned Satur- |
day from Des Moines, la., and I
left Monday for Sioux City and
Miss Twila Hicks and Mrs.
James Cronk spent Saturday at
Wayne, Winside and Norfolk.
The Misses Wauneta Anspach
and Patricia Mullen were week
end guests in Norfolk of Miss
Patricia Cullen. Charles Marston
drove them down.
Mr. and Mrs. Helmuth Hehn
and two daughters, of Oildale,
Calif., were guests Wednesday.
January 10, and last Thursday of
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Culver and
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Johnson
and family called at the W. F.
Grothc home at Emmet Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Froe
lich and son, Bill, left this week
for Chicago, 111. Mr. and Mrs.
Froelich went on to New York
and Bill returned to Omaha to
day (Thursday). He and Edward
Campbell will fly to New York
Friday to join the Froelichs
Mr. and Mrs. Milton M. Krause
and daughters were in Albion
Tuesday, January 9.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lower and
Michelle spent the weekend in
M. B. Krause, of Albion, visit
ed his son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Milton M. Krause,
and family last Thursday and j
Mr. and Mrs. John Bratetic
and sons, Dwayne and Bobby, of
Bloomfield, spent Saturday with
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaiser and
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Parkinson
and son, of Edgemont, S. D., ar
rived Saturday, January 13, to I
spend a few days visiting Mr. |
and Mrs. Howard Peters. They
were guests at the Orville Mc
Kim home on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Smith, of ;
Inman, were dinner guests at I
the home of Mrs. John Quig on j
Sunday, January 14.
C. M. McGlasson went to Om- !
<aha on business Friday, January
12. • He returned home on Sun
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jones at
tended a reception Sunday in
Polk for the former’s niece and
her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Rob
[ ert McKillip. They stopped off
in Columbus to visit their son
and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. C.
Vincent Jones.
Miss Twila Hicks, who teaches
at Bristow, spent the weekend
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hammond
and Mr .and Mrs. H. D. Grady
returned Sunday from Denver,
Colo., where they attended the
funeral of Thomas Grady.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Birmingham
and C. E. Stout were in Sioux
City this week.
Only 10 Nebraskans
Into Air Force Daily—
Sgt. James Lyons, recruiting
recruiting station at O’Neill, has
received notification from head
quarters, Nebraska military dis
trict, Omaha, stating that air
force enlistments for Nebraska
are limted to 10 men daily. This
number does not include men
with two years of college or men
with prior service in any branch
of the armed forces. Air force ap
plicants will be processed and
shipped on a seven - day week
Sergeant Lyons also stated that
the army enlistments are still
open and there are no restric
tions on the number of men be
ing accepted for that branch of
the service^ Men who are draft
age may volunteer for 21-months
duty, but are not eligible for en
listment after receiving pre-in
[ duction notices.
Ticklers By George
Mrs. Evelyn Gray spent last
Thursday at Inman at the home
of her son, Ralph Gray, and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Wortroan
and family, of Neligh, visited
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and
Mrs. Vernon Park and son.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sorensen
and family, of Ainsworth, and
Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, sr.,
and Bobbie were dinner and sup
per guests Sunday of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Sorensen and fam
Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Fussle
man attended funeral services
at Albion Wednesday afternoon,
January 10, for an old friend, E.
E. Eggleston.
IMr. and Mrs. Ralph Gray, of
Inman, and Mrs. Evelyn Gray
were dinner guests Sunday at
the C. E. Walker home.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zellers were
supper guests Saturday evening
of Mr. and Mrs. Soren Soren
sen, sr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stolle and
family and Mrs. Anna Stolle, all
of Battle Creek, visited Friday
with Mrs. Alma Tegeler. Mrs.
Anna Stolle remained for an ex
tended visit with her sister, Mrs.
Sterling Albright, who has en
listed in the navy, left Wednes
day night, January 10, from Om
aha to go to San Diego, Calif.,
for training.
Mr on/1 Mre Pnccnl 1 Grvron Win
ivxi. uuu ivub. nudscu ooicuatii
and daughter, of Creighton, and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nissen and
family, of Page, were dinner
guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.
Nels Linquist.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper
visited Thursday at the home of
their son, Gordon Harper, and
family at O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Neubauer
have purchased the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Braddock in
the southwest part of Page. The
Braddocks are moving to Oma
ha. Mr. and Mrs. Neubauer will
move to their new home this
Mrs. A. O. Weber spent sever
al days last week* in the home of
her son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Henderson
and family. While there she at
tended a musical recital at Ew
ing in which her granddaughter
took part.
E. E. Reed, of Royal, visited
his brother, O. L. Reed, and wife
and other relatives Wednesday,
January 10.
The Royal Neighbors Kensing
ton met Wednesday afternoon,
January 10, with Mrs' Herbert
j Steinberg with nine members
present. Mrs. Elsie Cork was a
guest. Election of officers was
neld and all the old officers were
re-elected: Mrs. Anton Nissen,
president; Mrs. R. D. Copes, vice
president, and (Mrs. Edgar Wood,
secretary and treasurer. After
noon was spent with needlework.
A icovered dish luncheon was
Eight members of the Get-to
1 Get her club met at the home of
| Mrs. August Hesse Friday after
! noon. The ladies spent the after
i noon doing needlework. The hos
tess served lunch. The next meet
ing will be with Mrs. Bernard
The Woman’s Society of Chris
tian Service met Thursday after
noon in the Methodist church
parlors. There were 30 mem
bers present. Mrs. Neven Ickes
led the devotions and gave the
lesson on “Our Responsibility
Toward the Giver of All Gifts”
assisted by Mesdames Raymond
Heiss, Herbert Steinberg and M.
G. French. The afternoon was
spent quilting. Mrs. Alton Brad
dock and Mrs. C. E. Walker were
Mrs. Nelle McIntosh entertain
ed a number of friends at a
quilting bee at the home
of Mrs. Allen Haynes, Friday.
Others present were Mesdames
Frank Snyder, Leonard Heiss, |
Rollie Snell, Nora Henderson,
Leslie Lamason, Adeline Kelly
and Miss Elsie Lamason.
iMa\ and Mrs. Raymond Heiss i
have purchased the Alton Brad- 1
dock home and expect to move
to town soon. Mr. and Mrs. Brad
dock will move to the Fiench
acreage in the east part of town
now occupied toy Mr. and Mrs.
•Jerome Alien.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mosel
entertained the Pinochle club
Saturday evening. Mr. and Mis.
Edward Shaw won high score
prizes and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Conner the low. Lunch was ser
ved by a committee.
Mrs. Merrill Smith and Darrel
visited with Mrs. Charles Smith
in Atkinson Friday.
The Cleveland Clackers project
club met with Mrs. Elmer Allyn
Thursday afternoon, January 12.
Miss Loretta Berry was a sup
per guest of Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Hipke and boys Thursday eve
ning, January Id. Mrs. Hipke and
boys took her home and visited
with Mrs. Lottie Lofquest and
Mrs. Dewayne Philbrick and La
Miss Dorothy Scott visited the
Charles Dobias family Saturday,
January 13.
Merrill Smith attended the Ted
Baumeister sale south of Atkin
son Wednesday, January 10. He
was accompnaied by Robert Ful
lerton, of Atkinson. Mrs. Smith
and Darrel stayed in Atkinson
and visited at the Fullerton
Russell Hipke sawed wood on
Wednesday, January 10. Neigh
bors helping were Lou Prange,
Joe Schmaderer, Robert and Jim
Deming and Chuck Dobias. Mrs.
Lou Prange visited with Mrs.
Hipke that day.
Sunday, January - 14, dinner
guests at the Elmer Allyn home
were Mrs. Lottie Lofquest, Mr.
' . ' i
and Mrs. Sam Lofquest and Lin
da, Mrs. Vina Munson and Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Lofquest, of
Mr. and Mrs. Arlin Caster and
boys, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Lofquest, Mrs. Lottie Lofquest
and Mrs. Dewayne Philbrick and
LaVeda, and Jim and Robert
Deming attended the Sageser
Schaffer * Robertson purebred
Hereford cattle sale in Atkinson
on Friday afternoon, January 12.
Robert purchased a purebred an
imal at the sale.
Dewayne Philbrick spent
Thursday evening, January 11,
with Mrs. Philbrick and daugh
ter, who are visiting at Mrs. Lot
tie Lofquest’s. Mr. Philbrick is
working in O’Neill.
“Voice of The Frontier," Mom,
Wed., Sat., 9:45 a. m., WJAG
Butte Legion
Tues., Jan. 23
And His Band
Coming! For pre - Lenten
dance on Monday, Febru
ary 5: Bob Calmane & His
400 ACRES -
Farm of James H. Carney, Deceased
Located 5'/a miles west of Danceland corner (Junction high
days 281 and 20). or lVa miles east of Emmet, Nebr.. on
highway 20.
280 Acres of Pasture Land
120 Acres Under Cultivation
2 Complete Sets of Farm Bulidings
320 acres north of highway 20 with set of farm buildings
including a 4-room house, barn, double corn-crib, hoghouse,
chicken house, windmill—all fenced and cross- fenced.
A share on phone line.
Enclosed on north, west and east by shelter belt.
A shelter belt on north edge of property includes rows
of fruit trees.
80 acres south of highway 20 with set of farm buildings,
3-room house, barn, chicken house, well, all fenced.
Shelter belt along north edge of property.
Possession March 1. 1951. Buyer must pay 25% down on
day of sale. Merchantable abstract will be furnished.
Phone 256W.
O'Neill. Nebr.
American Legion Hall, O’Neill
Come and enjoy a delicious roast coon dinner with sweet
spuds and plenty of hot corn bread and butter.
Dinner at 6:30 P. M.
k| U lNi OU.
C**»*«W »•» kf
ecialiy nice oinner
>n vcjr birthday)^ '
j|[ L P-GA6 RANG-E J M
' / ' ^ ^ ^ ' • g^p — asm % - v/ *' ^
Ralph N. Leidy
Phone 410