Fred Papke Burial i Made at Crawford SOUTH OF STUART—Mrs. Joe Wallmger attended the funeral of . er uncle, Fred Papke, at Craw ford, Saturday, January 13. Other relatives from Stuart who went were: Mrs. Katherine Pap ke, Mrs. E d i it h Atkinsom Mrs. Clyde Brainard and daughter, Bill Timmerman, Mrs. Joe Timmer man, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Papke and girls and Mr. and Mrs. My ron Papke. They returned fcofne Sunday night. Other South of Stuart News Joe Wallinger and boys were O'Neill visitors Saturday, Janu ary 13. Mr .and Mrs. Vernon and Mary Lvnn were Bassett visitors Wed nesday, January 10. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sass, of Oak land, visited the Bill Paxton and Ralph Cobb families Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wil'coxson and Dale wrere Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Co>bb. Mrs. Gertrude Pearce, of Oak land, arrived Friday and will spend a few days visiting in the Bill Paxton and Ralph Cobb homes. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Givens accompanied Geo. Wedige, of At kinson, to Omaha Monday, Jan uary 8. Mr. and Mrs. Veron Heyne were in O’Neill Thursday, Janu ary 11. Five couples surprised Mrs. Art Givens on her birthday Sun day, January 14, at her home. After an evening of card play ing, lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deeirmer attended a shower at the Knights of Columbus hall in Atkinson Sunday, January 14, in honor of Mary Kramer, who is to be mar ried to Clarence Groff Janu ary 24. Mrs. A. M. Battenhorst return ed home Saturday, January 13, after spending several days vis iting friends and relatives at Kearney and Pleasanton. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Barnes anyi children visited the Dale Barnes family Sunday, Janu ary 14. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tasler spent Sunday afternoon at the Mar shal home in Stuart. Mrs. Charles Deermer attend ed a party at the Warren Rob rets home Friday, January 12. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rhodes vis ited the Dan Moody family Thurs day evening, January 11. Mr. and Mas. Clyde Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Blake and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Larson were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. I.ouis Shald and Davy. Davy re turned home with his grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Blake. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hoffman, and boys returned to their home ipf EveRh, Minn., Saturday, Jan uary 13. While here they bought the qttarter of land formerly owned by Andy Johnson. Jimmy Battenhorst, an em ployee of the telephone company, is now working at Ansley. Mr. and Mrs. Aloys Kaup, jr., and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Kramer and children. Mrs. Harold Givens and Mrs. Art Givens visited the Joe Pon gratz family last week. Geo. Wedige called at the Joe Wallinger home Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Shald and Johnnie visited the Herman Kramer home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Heyne and children were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Heyne. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shald and son visited in the John Shald and Eugene Engler homes Sun day. Mrs. Frances Stuart visited the school in district 58 last I week. She is going to finish the j ! term in a rural school near Mead- j ow Grove. Vince Obermire was a dinner | guest of the Joe Krobot family Wednesday, January 10. He came by airplane. Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Krysl, Tee- ! na, Billy and grandson Danny, I visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Krobot and Betty, Wednesday night, Jan uary 17. Mr. and Mrs. Stub Kunz were I supper guests at the Dvorak j Brothers home Thursday eve ning, January 11. It was in hon or of Charles Dvorak, who was celebrating his birthday anniv ersary. Mrs. Stub Kunz attended the hower for Mary Kramer Sun day at the Knights of Columbus hall in Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Joy Greenfield, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Greenfield, Di anne and Danny were afternoon and supper guests at the Elvin Coker home in O’Neill Sunday, January 14. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kaup and family were Sunday visitors in the J. P. Murphy home. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Greenfield and children, Mr. and Mrs. Lau rence Greenfield, Mrs. Ethel Stracke, Doris Cannell, Ella Pet erson and Mrs. Ralph Shald were Sunday visitors in the Ray Greenfield home. Mrs. Bruce Shald and Mrs. Ralph Shald spent Tuesday af ternoon, January 9, dt the Ray Greenfield home. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Boett cher and boys, of Newport, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Moon. Mrs. Stanley Cobb and Doris Cannell spent Thursday, Janu ary 11, at the Ray Greenfield home. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Moon and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Greenfield at tended the congregational meet ing in Stuart Sunday, January 14. Mr .and Mrs. Aloys Kaup vis ited Sunday with their daugh ter, Mrs. Frank Weichman, jr., and family. Mrs. Frank Weichman, jr., and children visited Mrs. Tony Kaup Sunday evening. Go to Gregory— Mrs. R. D. Landis and son left on Wednesday, January 10, for Gregory, S. D., to visit her par ents, the Ray Caseys. Mr. Landis ^ drove up to get them on Sunday. ■ ■ ■- 1 ■■ Last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lanman and Mrs. Herman DeGroff went to Atkinson to the George Mellor home to attend a party. I J Child Needs a Piano • Don’t overlook a child’s natural • love of music. A piano is a happy • experience for a child...a contribution • to the family life . .. and a social • asset... something which grows more • important and richer with the years. For a gift. . . with a guarantee of a lifetime’s enjoyment... give your child a LBRANSEN On Display in Our Home Sold direct from factory to you on easy terms. A. E. BOWEN PHONE 322-W — O'NEILL rib****&. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kelly were Mrs. Lola Bain and daughter, Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Bain and John Graham, of Gregory, S. D. Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hill were her father and brother, C. A. Richardson and Donald Richardson, o f Ains worth, and Miss Lou Ann Wat kins, of Curtis. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald, of Omaha, visited their parents, Mrs. Marie McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Froelich, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Yusten were Friday evening callers at the Lloyd E. Johnson home. M. E. Jacobson was in Omaha and Norfolk on business Wednes day, January 10, and last Thurs day. Mrs. Jacobson and Paul ac companied him to Norfolk where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Jacobson and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Mellor and daughter visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lanman, Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Lohaus went to Omaha on business Mon day. On their return they plan to attend a Ford meeting in Norfolk today (Thursday). Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Harmon had Sunday dinner at the Clin ton Harmon home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Havran ek and daughter visited her mother, Mrs. Dorothy Barrett, in Atkinson Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bauld and John left last Thursday for a couple months’ stay in Vancou ver, Wash. Rev. and Mrs. Wayne A. Hall left Monday, January 8, to attend ministers’ institute in Lexington j and then to visit her parents, Mr. 1 and Mrs. C. R. Bristol, of Ains- i ley. They returned Friday. i Arthur Dexter returned Satur- | day from Des Moines, la., and I left Monday for Sioux City and Neligh. Miss Twila Hicks and Mrs. James Cronk spent Saturday at Wayne, Winside and Norfolk. The Misses Wauneta Anspach and Patricia Mullen were week end guests in Norfolk of Miss Patricia Cullen. Charles Marston drove them down. Mr. and Mrs. Helmuth Hehn and two daughters, of Oildale, Calif., were guests Wednesday. January 10, and last Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Culver and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Johnson and family called at the W. F. Grothc home at Emmet Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Froe lich and son, Bill, left this week for Chicago, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Froelich went on to New York and Bill returned to Omaha to day (Thursday). He and Edward Campbell will fly to New York Friday to join the Froelichs Mr. and Mrs. Milton M. Krause and daughters were in Albion Tuesday, January 9. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lower and Michelle spent the weekend in Valentine. M. B. Krause, of Albion, visit ed his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Milton M. Krause, and family last Thursday and j Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bratetic and sons, Dwayne and Bobby, of Bloomfield, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaiser and family. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Parkinson and son, of Edgemont, S. D., ar rived Saturday, January 13, to I spend a few days visiting Mr. | and Mrs. Howard Peters. They were guests at the Orville Mc Kim home on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Smith, of ; Inman, were dinner guests at I the home of Mrs. John Quig on j Sunday, January 14. C. M. McGlasson went to Om- ! n vcjr birthday)^ ' r——-—T MERE'S YOUR TROUBLE, FOLKS - WHY NOT REPLACE THIS OLD FASHIONED STOVE L WITH A MODERN AUTOMATIC j|[ L P-GA6 RANG-E J M )|aRI&-HTAWAY ISN'T THIS MARVELOUS - ITS SO EASY^ TO COOK WITH OUR NEW RANGE ! ^ LITTLE ELPEE WAS ^^AIP-C-AS HAS GOT IT! J||| ' / ' ^ ^ ^ ' • g^p — asm % - v/ *' ^ Ralph N. Leidy Phone 410