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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1950)
Phone Group Talks Future Needs CELIA—Twenty-five members of Celia Telephone company met at the home of Alex Forsythe Monday evening, December 18, for a special meeting relative to work which was recently com pleted on their line and to dis cuss future needs. After the busness session an oyster supper was enjoyed. Other Celia News Christmas day dinner guests at the Frank Kilmurry home were Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Kilmurry and Alex Forsythe. The children of Mrs. Charles Smith all gathered at her home in Atkinson for their Christmas party Sunday, December 24. fhosc present were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Smith and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gar wood and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Heiserf and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Heiser, of Lin coln, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, of Osmond. Clarence Hel per came from Lincoln Saturday, December 23, and returned Mon day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Frickel and family were Saturday sup per guests at the W. L. Coleman nome. Christmas day dinner guesis *•«. the Connie Frickel, jr., home were Mr and Mrs. Mark Hendricks and family, Mrs. Edna Hend ricks, and Mr. and Mrs. Haul Nelson and family, of O’Neill. Friday evening, December 22, Mrs. Roy Worth,, teacher at the Hendricks school, and pupils had a Christmas program at their schoolhouso, followed by a box supper which netted over $24. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hupp were Thursday evening, December 21, callers at the Joe Hendricks home. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Scott and Dorothy took their Christmas dinner over to the Charles Do- | bias home. Mrs. Dobias has been “quite sick” with whooping cough. Her sons, Roger and Rod ney Dobias, have been having whooping cough, too. Roy Worth and two sisters and their families, of O'Neill, attend ed the Christmas program and box social put on by Mrs. Roy Worth and pupils of Hendricks school. Mr and Mrs. Gene Livingston attended the Christmas dinner at the home of his mother, Mrs. Feme Livmgston. Dorothy Scott visited the Charles Dobias family Sunday, December 24. Connie Frickel and sister, Mrs. Alan Marquardt, spent Friday, December 22, with their sister, Mrs. George Syfie, and family. Mrs. Gene Livingston visited Mrs. Lome Hickok and daughter, Gay Ann, who are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Siebert, and daughters, Saturday afternoon, December 23. The Frickel families had their Christmas celebration Sunday, December 24, at the home of Al ee and Herman Frickel. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Con rad Frickel, sr., Mrs. Allan Mar quardt, of Norfolk; Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Beck and children,. Mr. and Mrs. Connie Frickel and children, Mr. and Mrs. George Syfie and Judy, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Frickel and children, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman and sons, Ed Hoffman and Alec and Herman Frickel. Victor Frickel was a Sunday, December 24, caller at the Ray Pease home. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck at tended a family Chirstmas party at the George Beck home Sun day, December 24. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mlinar, Mr and Mrs. Edward Mlinar, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Mlinar and Dale, Mr. and Mrs. C1*1-?”06 Johnson, of Stautr; Mr. and Mrs. Dwaine Lockmon and Gary ana Glen, of Stuart, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith and Leile. Ted Baumeister visited Clar ence Focken Friday evening, De cember 22. Alex Forsythe accompanied his nephew, Paul Forsythe, who visited him recently, to Lincoln Wednesday, December 2° for a visit. They then went to Villisca and Walnut, la., to visit relatives. Alex returned home Saturday. Ted Baumeister did chores while he was gone. Gene Livingston finished pick ing corn for O. A. Hammerberg Tuesday, December 19. He pick ed corn for Alex Forsythe Satur day, December 23. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Eauscn «u»« Steve Bausch were supper guests at The Stanley Johnson home on Sunday, December 24, to help the Johnsons celebrate their 15th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Gene Livingston, teacher of Celia school, and her pupils put on a Christmas program at the school Thursday evening, December 21. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bausch are driving a new Chevrolet car pur chased Thursday, December 21. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Slotfelt and family were called to Oakland Sunday, December 17, by the serious illness of Mr. Slotfelts mother. She died that night m an Oakland hospital. Paul Jo™1' J son took care of things on the ranch during their absence, i he Slotfelt family returned home Friday, December 22. Mr. John son returned to his home in Ly ons Saturday, December 23. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jo**™}0*1 were supper guests at the Mil ton McKathme home Saturday evening, December 23. Other guests were Mrs. Emma McKath rue and granddaughter, Ellen McKathnie. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pease spent the afternoon and Christmas eve in O’Neill with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Pease. Other guests at the Pease home were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pease and family. . .. _ Christmas dinner guests at Joe Hendricks home were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Riser and daugh ter, Dianna, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Staples and daughter, Sharon, all of Butte, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Staples, of Red bird. , . , Marilyn Ernst, daughter of Ralph Ernst, who now lives in Miltonvale and is visiting in Holt county for the holidays, spent Sunday, December 24, at the Mark Hendricks home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pease spent Christmas day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Spann. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Orr were dinner guests at the Joe Hend ricks home Sunday, December 24. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hammer ! berk spent Christmas day at the Merrill Smith home. Mrs. Edna Hendricks came out to the farm December 17 to spend Christmas week at the home of her son, Mark, and fam ily. Robert and Leon Hendricks and Fred Cearns, of Atkinson, who attend school in Miltonvale, . Kans., came home Wednesday I evening, December 20, to spend the holidays with their families. Lawrence Smith was an O’ Neill visitor Thursday, December 21. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and family visited the Nels Colfack family Sunday evening, Decem ber 17. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and family visited the Adolph Arp family in Butte Saturday eve ning, December 23. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Terwilli ger and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ter williger spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bal lon. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Winnings spent Sunday, December 24, at the Lee Terwilliger home. Christmas eve guests at ffIS home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Liv ingston were Mr. and Mrs. Or ville Hitchcock, Mrs. Lou Verzai and sons, and Mrs. Fern Living ston and sons, Zane and Joe. The group was treated to an oyster supper. NORTH OF STUART Mrs. Vina Munson visited with Mrs. Russell Hipke Thursday, December 21. Christmas eve company at the home of Mrs. Lottie Lofquest were her daughter and family, I Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Allyn, Mary , Ann, Patty and Larry; her son | and family, Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Lofquest and Chucky, and her mother, Mrs. Vina Munson. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hipke and boys attended a family din ner at the home of Russell’s mother, Mrs. Roy Hipke, at Wood Lake. James Deming, Charles Dobias, Warren Berry and Roy Fullerton helped Merrill Smith saw wood on Wednesday, December 20. Robert Deming helped Lou i Prange overhaul his car last f week. Roy Fullerton, of Osage, Wyo., visited at the Merrill Smith home from Tuesday, December 19, un- ! til Thursday, December 21. Mr. 1 Fullerton is a nephew of Mrs. Smith’s. Thursday Mr. Fullerton j vi- ited with his aunt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Frost, north I of Stuart. Mrs. Russell Hipke and Wynn visited Mrs. Art Olberding and j girls Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lofquest and Chucky were Tuesday, De cember 19, guests at the Elmer Allyn home. The children of the Cleveland church practiced their program on Saturday afternoon, Decem ber 23, that was presented that evening as part of the church Christmas service. The children were assited by Mrs. Elmer Al lyn, Mrs. James Allyn, Mrs. Lot tie Lofquest and Mrs. Elsie Sweet. Mrs. Arlin Caster, Mrs. Elmer McClurg and Mrs. Sam Lofquest assisted in decorating the tree and church. Treats were passed by the Sunday-school af ter the evening service. Bill and Laura Mulford came home Saturday, December 16, to spend their Christmas vacation vvitn their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mulford, and brothers, Fred and Luden. Bill and Laura are students at Hastings college. Miss Loretta Berry, teacher of district 218, is spending her Christmas vacation with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Berry, in Missouri. The Berrys moved to Missouri this past Fall. Edwin Sweet came from Gro ton, Conn., arriving Friday, De cember 22, to spend a 20-day furlough with his mother, Mrs. Elsie Sweet, sisters, Alice and I Evelyn, and brother, Leslie. Ed I win is a member of the coast I guard. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Smith and family attended a family dinner at the home of Mr. Smith’s mother, Mrs. Charles N. Smitht, in Atkinson, on Sunday, December 24. Others present were: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Heiser, of Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Smith, of Osmond; Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Smith and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Heiser and family. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Garwood and tamily visited in the afternoon. The James Deming family gathered at the home of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Linford Sweet, on Christ ams eve to enjoy their tree and gift exchange. Demings’ daugh ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hall and Barbara, were unable to attend but exchanged [ greetings with the Demings by telephone from Omaha. Miss Dorothy Scott visited at the Charles Dobias home Sun i day, December 24. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fullerton visited at the Merrill Smith home Monday, December 18. Mr. Ful lerton helped Merrill gather j wood for sawing. — CHAMBERS NEWS Students and others home for the holidays are Katheryn New house, Elona Shavlik and Mr. and Mxs. Norman Reninger, of | Lincoln; Phyllis Kiltz, of Janes j ville, Wise.; Norman Walter, Dar | rell Hoerle and Donald Haake, of Winfield, Kans.; Darene Tange num and Carolyn Adams, of Den ver, Colo.; Milton Grimes, of Lin coln, Duane Porter and Ray Mil ler, of Shepperd Field, Wichita Falls, Tex. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Grimes and Bonnie and E. R. Carpenter drove to Sioux City, Thursday, December 21, taking Bobby Med caJJ, who had spent about 10 days with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter. Mr. Grimes also had a medical checkup. Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Couch and children spent Christmas day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. i Lawrence Rothchild and family 1 in Atkinson Her brother, Ver non Rothchild, returned with them for the remainder of the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Ericson and two children, of Mullen, arrived Saturday, December 23, to visit Mrs. Encson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Osenbaugh. They re turned home Tuesday. Arthur Aim and son, Ted, re turned Tuesday, December 19, from a 12-days’ trip to Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunt and children went to Omaha to visit her mother for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vander snick, of Ewing, visited their daughter, Mrs. Clara Schaffer, and family for Christmas. Miss Jackie Nettleton, of Des Moines, la., visited her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Hill, for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Haynes and daughters visited his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes, of Page, Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Arlo A. Hiatt and family attended a family gather ing at the Ray Hoffman home in Chambers on Christmas day. Gordon Hiatt, their son, a stu dent at the University of Nebras ka, had as his houseguest Char les Hill, of Omaha, who also at tends the university. Mr. Hill came up for the Zakrzewski Bowen wedding Tuesday. He re turned Wednesday. , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Downey and son, Jim, of Scottsbluff, vis ited her mother, Mrs. Georgia O. Rasley, and the Sumner Down eys. Guests Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hall were Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Hall and four children, of Amelia, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dobrovolny and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Dobrovolny, of Atkinson, and Rev. and Mrs. Wayne Hall. ' Fred Halva and his sister, Miss Lydia, left for Omaha after hav ing spent Christmas with their parents, the Victor Halvas. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. George Hammond and children and Mr. and Mis. W. H. Bowker, of Atkinson, were guests on Christmas of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Chace and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. George Hansen were guests on Christmas at the home of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hansen, and family. The Fred Fritton family and the Ralph Fritton family spent Christmas at the Frank Fritton home. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Fuller and George went to Sioux City on Friday . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crook entertained the C. R. Hill family at Christmas dinner. Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Stanton were their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Cuddy, and children, their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Stanton, and children, all of Sioux Falls, S. D., Mr. and Mrs. John Murray, and Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Rhode, Bernard and Francis, all of Spen cer Sunday the Arthur Dexter family were in Amelia at the Ed Dexter home. Guests for Christmas at the Francis Clark home were Mr. and Mrs. George Petersen, of Colum ous, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark, Mr. and Mrs. James Donohoe and An dy Clark. Ret. Oran Long returned to Ft. Riley, Kans, Wednesday after having visited his parents, the Floyd Longs, since Satur day. He was drafted in Septem ber. He has finished his basic training and awaits assignment. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Clausen vis ited her sister, Mrs. Francis Shaw, and family in Bassett for Christ mas. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Trussell and Verna, of Orchard, were dinner guests at the home of their son in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Neil F. Clarke. The Clarke children, who had been visiting their grandparents, came with them. Little. Mary Alice went back with ihe Trussells but the two otherswemained here. Guests Christmas of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jonas and family were Mrs. Jones’ brother, Lloyd Lawyer, and her niece, Nina Han sen, both of Ainsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newman, of Chappell, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cooper, and son, of Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. Micky Stewart spent the Christmas holiday with Mr and Mrs. John Storjohann. Mr. and Mrs. John Shoemaker, jr., and” daughter, of Wichita, Kans., arrived on Sunday to vis it Mr. and (Mrs. John Shoemak er, sr, for several days Kenneth Robertson, of Spring view, was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Maroellus and family. Mr. and Mrs. C M. Glasson spent Christmas in the W. E. Mc Quistan home, at Bristow. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kramer and children were guests of Mrs. Kramer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fox, of Atkinson, on Christmas. Her sister, Mrs. Paul Newton, and family were also guests. Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Loy drove to Ainsworth to spend Christmas in the home of a daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kennedy and family. Another holiday gathering was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. El win Rubeck where the following were dinner guests: Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell and Lawrence : Vrban, all of Chambers; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Johnson and children, of Wakefield; Mr. and Mrs. Mil- I ford Coats and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rubeck. Christmas eve supper guests In the Forest Riley home wfcre Mr. * and Mrs. Jack Riley, Miss La Vonne Riley and Mi-, and Mrs. Lowell Clonse. BULLETIN Charles Siders, northeast Holt resident, died late Wednesday in Sacred Heart hospital at Lynch. Body was removed to Biglins Bros, funeral home in O’Neill pending funeral arrangements. ——— OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA DEAR FRIENDS: It s lonesome to be so far from you and unable to wish you Season s Greetings personally . . . however, 1 wish to use this medium to tell you my fondest wish of the season. My sincerest hope And prayer . . . that God May grant you Christmas joy And keep you in His care. MRS. DAVE STANNARD i ANNOUNCING S-R-S Sageser — Robertson ft Shaffer SALE OF REGISTERED HEREFORDS - 86 HEAD - Bulls, calves, females, yearlings Fri., Jan. 12 12:30 P. M. * ATKINSON LIVESTOCK MARKET, ATKINSON NEBRASKA For details watch for our ad next week in this newspaper ?!>'*«. R H SHRINER b£S Rents U* 11# Plate GUsr Wind 81 Tornado, Truck 8t Tractor, Personal Property Liability GENERAL INSURANCE Livestock REAL ESTATE. LOANS, FARM SERVICE. RENTALS Automobile O'Neill —:— Phone 106 Farm Property A BRAND NEW YEAR ahead of us .. let’s resolve fo save on our food bills! We’ll eat 1095 meals in 1951 and SAVE MONEY on every one of ’em if we do our shopping at COUNCIL OAK CHICKEN CHOP SUEV r™sLM',D_37c CHOW MEIN NOODLES _ 19c CHICKEN FRICASSEE -- 49c ft \Vh-ot ,rQ AMER|CAN' V CANS rogsss-’rafc ISSSSISSir^:S Ml \ greeh« sow «•3ca"«c yKf&aBm \ tomato sow ._.2 ‘ 29c ^MMfgSHI BUF . FRUITS & VEGETABLES CRANBERRIES 2 u* 25= CELERY Each 21= GRAPEFRUIT w 35= LETTUCE 2 for 29c TANGERINES Dor. 35c CABBAGE 3 Lbs 13c TASTY LOAVES Pickle-Pimento, Macaroni-Cheese, Olive, lb. PREMIUM BRAUNSCHWEIGER, lb.59< - 1 PREMIUM CHILI, l-lb. pkg.- I STAR SKINLESS FRANKS, lb.49f 1 HERRING CUTLETS ACc I IN WINE SAUCE. I3-oi. jar. I _ IOWANA qf tlObrOI . ** PORK ROASTS gg^ PORK SHOULDER J Well Savor, .. I ound «»W g BOSTON STYLE PORK STEAKS £0* PICNICS I Eresh Tender Slice*. I'ound *WV ]| COUNCIL OAK SLICED BACON COa OOKED I I * Special Top Grade. In Bulk. I'ound WVW BONELESS * PORK SAUSAGE LINKS j SKINLESS I' Grand with Waffle*. I'ound . twy 3-lb. 9-0*. Can ' | NEW YEAR’S FOWLS.. DUCKS, TURKEYS, CHICKENS 2.79 I i II —■■■ _kl CRISCO.3-lb. can £1 .I -lb. can 117* CAMAY SOAP. . . reg. bar 11*.2 bath size 211* DUZ.Iarge package III*.giant package 112* .large package III*.giant package 112* • • *ldrg® package III*.giant package 112* § OXYDOL. .large package 111*.giant package 112*