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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1950)
J - !, I 1 Kubitschek Family Gathers at Yule Time— Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Kubitschek had a family get-together at Christmas time with their chil dren. Miss Helen, a student at Bar , at college, Lake Forest, 111., is f spending her vacation with her l parents. ' 1 The others are Mr. and Mrs. ' William Kubitschek and Patty r Ann and Mr. and Mrs, F. J. I (“Bardy”) Kubitschek, jf.j and * Bobby, all of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kubitschek, of Council Bluffs, la., and Mr. and Mrs'. Rich ard Bogan, of Lincoln. t A sister of Mrs. Kubitschek’s, } Miss Helen VanSant, Omaha, was also a guest. Rural Youth Has V Christmas Party— About 50 members and visitors of the O’Neill Rural Youth gath * ered at the courthouse annex •Vednesday evening, December 20, for a Christmas party. An impressive program was presented by several members of the group. The Christmas story was read and members acted out part of it in pantomine form. St. Cecelia Guild ' to Entertain — St. Patrick’s Altar Society will meet at 8 p. m. on Thursday, January 4. St. Cecelia’s Guild will be hosts for the evening. Mrs. C. J. Gatz is chairman. A business meeting of officers of the society will be held on Monday, January 8. Brownies Exchange Gifts— Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cone enter stained Brownie Scout troop I at » Christmas party on Friday af ternoon, December 21, at their home. They played games and exchanged gifts. Lunch was ser ved by candlelight before the fireplacee. Dinner Party At Gallaghers— Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Gal lagher and daughters entertain ed Mr. and Mrs. William J. Froe lich and daughter, Miss Nancy, at dinner Tuesday. ATKINSON BRIDE . . . Leona M. Kramer became the bride of Charles Kubart in a recent rite at St. Joseph’s Catholic church in Atkinson. Rev. A. A. Lehman officiated. — O’Neill Photo Co. Christmas Guests At Hartronlts— Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Harti mft entertained at Christmas dinner Mr. and Mrs. Grant Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Haeke and son, Mrs. August Mueller, all of Clear water; Mr. and Mrs. S. L- Liene rnann and sons, of Hastings; Mr and Mu s. Ralph Springer and daughters, of Madison, and Rev. R. W. Olson and son. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Springer and daugh ters stayed for a few days visit. Reunion Held In Orchard— Sunday the Stuart family held a reunion in Orchard. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stuart, Mrs. Dick Knapp, of Orchard, Mrs. Er win Kloppenberg, of Emmet, and Mrs. E. J. Eby, of O’Neill. Fami y Gathers At W. J. Froelich Home— Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. William J. Froelich entertained their relatives at their annual Christmas party. Miss O'Donnell Is Hostess— Miss Patricia O’Donnell enter tained the younger social set at a party at her home Sunday eve ning. Frontier for printing. X X X X X 1 Zakrzewski-Bowen Nuptial Lines Read Miss Victoria Zakrzewski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sylves ter Zakrzewski, of O’Neill, be came the bride of Robert Bowen, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bowen, also of ONeill, on Tuesday, De cember 26, at St. Patrick’s Cath olic church in a 10 o’clock cere mony. The rite was performed by Very Rev. Timothy O’Sullivan. The bride wore a white satin gown, fashioned with a net yoke and high neck line. Her finger tip veil was edged with Chantil ly lace and she wore a beaded tiara. She carried a bouquet of white roses and white chrysan themums. The bride’s attendants were Mary Jo Hynes, of O’Neill, who was dressed in a chartreuse gown with matching mitts and carried a bouquet of white chry santhemums, and Lynn Brown ing, of Lincoln, who wore an identical gown of dark green with matching mitts and carried a bouquet of yellow chrysanthe mums. Both wore bands with white chrysanthemums on their heads. The bridegroom and his at tendants, John Bowen and Gor don Hiatt, were attired in dark suits with white chrysanthemum boutonnieres. | Ushers were Ray Kowalewski, of Loup City, and Ed Condon, of O’Neill. The bride’s mother wore a na vy blue dress and the bride groom’s mother wore a grey suit. Both had white carnation cor j sages. A reception was was held at the home of the bride’s parents for about 60 guests. The newlyweds departed for a ! wedding trip to Texas and Ari zona. Upon their return during j the first week of January they will be at home in Lincoln at 1625 K street. Mr. Bowen is a university student, and his wife is employed at Nebraska Sales book company. rhe bride graduated from St. Mary’s academy in 1949. Mr. j Bowen graduated from O’Neill high school in 1946 and served in | tne navy before entering the uni versity. Both were born in O’ Neill. Guests from out-of-town at the wedding were: Mrs. Frank Ko walewski and son, Ray, and daughter, Bonnie, of Loup City; j John Maska, of Ashton; Mrs. 1 Justine Zakrzewski, of Ogallala; Mrs. John Cuba, of Ogallala; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pendergast, of Plainview; Mr. and Mrs. Vir gil Oberg, of Plainview, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pendergast. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brauer, of Brunswick, visited Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Johring, Mrs. Martha Johring and Shirley. L ^ w w w w CHURCH OF CHRIST (O'Neill) Sixth and Grant Streets A. C. Utterback, minister December 31, 1950: Bible school, 10 a. m. Communion ser vice, 11 a. m. The morning mes sage will be on the subject, “The Reward.” Instead of having evening ser vices here for this week only, the church will meet at 8 p. m. with the Church of Christ at Clearwa ter, where a number of the Elk horn Valley congregations will assemble for an evening of sing ing, prayer and inspiring mes sages by a number of speakers and a watch night service at midnight. One of the guest speakers will be C. Willis Sohnelle, president of the Ne braska Christian college at Nor folk. Everyone is invited to wor ship with us. — Mrs. Donald Johring, secretary. Paul Bourne went to Spalding to visit Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Sea man for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gettert visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Liable and family, of At kinson, Christmas eve and day. In the evening, they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gettert, al so of Atkinson. Miss Theresa Lia ble is visiting her parents all this week. Mrs. Ray Keating and children, of Papillion, are living with her parents, the Cyril Peters, while 1 her husband is in the army. Pvt. Roger Dye is home for his Christmas vacation. He reports to Scott Field, 111., January 2. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gillespie had as their guests on Christmas Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Gillespie, Mrs. E. J. Eby and son, Bob. Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Eason were guests at Christmas dinner at the , Chauncey Porter home. Dr. and Mrs. O. W. French with their daughter and son-in j law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tallon, | were in Omaha for Christmas and son. Dr. and Mrs. Ivan ' French and son a?id Mr. Hart, of Lincoln, also were guests at the Tallon home. Mr. Hart is Mrs. j French’s father. Mrs. D. C. Schaffer, Mrs. Alice j Bridges and Mrs. Harry Petersen ; went to Sioux City Tuesdhy. Dinner guests Friday at the C. j R. Hill home were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Richardson, of Ainsworth. Miss Mary Lou Duffy, of Cas per, Wyo., is visiting relatives in O’Neill for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Sullivan were guests i n Lincoln for Christmas at the home of her parents, the Weismanns. John DeBacker, of Sioux City, returned Tuesday after spending Christmas with his twin brother, G. C. DeBacker, Mrs. DeBacker and family. Mrs. Sophia Lashmett, of New port, came up to visit her son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. DeBolt, for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Herman DeGroff and family visited their daugh ter, Mrs. Ralph Kelly, of Bur well, for Christmas. Mrs. De Groff’s twin brother, Ray Dailey, of Mitchell, S. D,, arrived Mon day for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Collins and children, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Long and Recruit Oran Long vis ited Mrs. Eliza Cooper at Butte this week. Mr. and Mrs. James Early spent Christmas with Mrs. Edna Coyne. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Cronin, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Harty and J. D. Cronin went Saturday to Grand Island to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cronin | and family. They returned Mon day. Sgt. F. C. Dorranee Crabb ar rived Saturday from Camp Mc Coy, Wise., to visit his family until Sunday, December 31. Mr. and Mrs. Darold Couch and children, of Chadron, and ' Vernon Rothchild, of Atkinson, | visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dex ter Tuesday. Lawrence and Har old Dexter are at the Ed Dexter farm at Amelia for their vaca tion. Jerry and Darold are at the j Raymond Bly home in Amelia. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Warner spent Christmas at North Platte with his mother, Mrs. Julia War ner. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ross and daughter, of Omaha, stopped in to visit Mr. and Mrs. Carroll W. Stewart Saturday. They were on their way to Spencer to visit his parents for Christmas. Archie McMaster, of Lincoln, was in town Tuesday. The Misses Theresa and Lor etta O'Malley, of California, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence O’Malley for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Prescott and Sharon and Duane, of Lau rel, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Anderson. Mrs. Tillie Anderson and Janet were Christmas dinner guests of the Andersons and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hamilton, of Dixon, had Christmas supper at the Ander son home. The Arthur Dexter family spent Christmas in Atkinson at the home of her parents, the Laurence Rothchilds, and family. Dr. F. J. Fisher, dentist, O' Neill. 33tf Lowell Calloway, of Ains worth, who was on his way to San Antonio, Tex, to join the air force, stopped in Tuesday to vis it his sister, Mrs. Harold Calkins, Mr. Calkins, and family. Mr. and Mrs.| Leo Brill spent Christmas in Atkinson at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kirkland. John R. Gallagher Attorney-at-Law First NaH Bank Bldg, t O'Neill j Phone 11 r I ♦ Thursday STAR Specials * M. E. JACOBSON Phone 415 * * NOW IN PROGRESS Our PRE-INVENTORY Clearance SALE Westinghouse Combination WOOD-ELECTRIC-COAI. RANGE— Clearance Price.29.95 Used SERVEL GAS REFRIGERATOR- . Clearance Price.195.00 (Only 2-years-old. original cost $419.00, S-cu. ft., deluxe model.) Westinghouse Electric RANGE—4 Burners— Clearance Price.29.95 (Pretty old, automatic oven control.) SPECIAL! - SPECIAL! One Used General Electric All-White, Porcelain WASHING MACHINE With a timer and drain pump, used less than a year, priced to clear immediately at $69.35. As a New Year's present we are throwing in— FREE—two rinse tubs and 6 boxes of Rinso! ALL FOR ONLY 69.95 (Clearance Price) HERE THEY ARE! Each and everyone a real moneysaving bargain for Thursday shoppers in O’Neill. Tune in to the “Voice of The Frontier” each Wednes day morning at 9:45 for a preview of the next day’s STAR SPECIALS. Watch ITie Frontier each week for the page of Thursday Only STAR SPECIALS ! ! Hog, Cattle Markets Stronger • Usual run of hogs is expected today (Thursday) at the regular weekly sale here. Included will be several hundred head of feeder pigs. The hog market is expected to be stronger than last week. • The cattle market will consist mainly of calves with a few yearlings and stock cows. The cattle market is also expected to be stronger than a week ago although receipts will probably be off due to the holiday slump. • Hog sale begins at 12:30 p. m., cattle sale follows. O’NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET (Formerly Fredrickson Livestock Comm. Co.) LEIGH & VERNE REYNOLDSON. Managers Phone 2 O’Neill CORKLE’S HATCHERY WAREHOUSE * THURSDAY STAR SPECIAL * SOYBEAN MEAL Per Ton. $82.00 SOYBEAN PELLETS Per Ton $85.75 L1NC0Y - All Sizes Per Ton $86.00 r------ ------- . i WILLIAM W. GRIFFIN ATTOBNFY Fin! National Sank Bids O'NEILL 13 BIG days left _____ _for our 2nd Anniversary Sale _THURS., FR1., AND SAT., DEC. 28, 29, 30 Grapefruit JELLO JUICE 46-Ox. Can 3 Pkgs. 19c 29c ■* -’•■■■■I************ Armour Toilet MILK TISSUE 3 Cans 35c 3 Rolls 19c Lushus Oil PORK AND BEANS Sardines No. 2 Cans f* 10 2 Cans 19c 3 Cans 19c - ■ I All Brands Chase and .. Sanborn Cigarettes COFFEE 1-85 Lb.75c TREND Blue Barrel 2 Pkgs. SOAP 33c 2 Bars 25c Pitted DATES 2 Lbs. 39c rxmmmmmmmmmmmmmammm i TREET Can.... 47c Aunt Jemima PANCAKE FLOUR 3 Lbs.. 41c Armour Cleanser 3 Cans 25c Chief's CHEESE 2-Lb. Pkg. 59c English Libb* Tomato Walnuts JUICE ^ 46-0*. Can 3 Lbs... $1 29c Lushus A _ Breeze - Surf Boysen- I A D i • f FAB berries ' 27c Pkg.29c W Salad * . Woodbury Dressing SOAP Qt. 35c 4 Bars 27c ■ - Tuna Libby’s F/uil 0 FISH Cocktail 9 No. 2 Vt Can 0 27c 29c } ^0 Hard Gerber's S CANDY Baby Food I Lb.19c 3 for 25c I if, 3 DAYS Tff REGISTER FOR OUR I ~ a s l FREE GIFTS I TO BE GIVEN AWAY SAT., DEC. 30, AT 9 P.M. I Nothing to buy, just register. You DO NOT have to I I be here to win I 1ST PRIZE 1—28-inch Colson’s Bicycle # 2ND, 3RD, 4TH PRIZES 3—3-ft. real cowboy dolls 1 5TH, 6TH, 7TH PRIZES -3—2-ft. ma ma dolls j % 8TH PRIZE 1—Westinghouse Automatic iron ■ Cudahy Sliced Pork All Meat Pork Ring Liver BACON HOCKS Weiners Sausage STEAK Lb. ... 37c Lb..27c Lb.... 55c Lb.39c Lb.49c We Will Be Closed Monday, Jan. 1st, FOR INVENTORY Delicious Texas R*d TriumPh Y'"ow Delicious AOO. r-o ^ c -S Potatoes ONIONS APPLES APPLES Grapefruit 100 Lbs 50-Lb. Bag 46.Lb Box \ Box 1.98 10 for 39c $1.25 79c - $3.49 -