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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1950)
Starts Friday, our biggest sale! Prices cut to give you real savings! ~YOU*SAVE^^?^^^>tn'ont^ i. Men! H°re is a buy! « Water repellent topcoats \ Scoop! Kay Whitney wrinkle-resistant cottons for sixes 14</2 to 24'/a j Compare at 6.95 | Jewel-tone j ginghams | i Special purchase I New, exciting coats, many with zip-liningsl 9 to 15, 12 to 20, 38 to 44 Values to 34.95 Coat Sale! I Rich, colorful plaids styled to please the eye, flatter the figure. Choose from tailored step - in dress (shown) in royal, brown, green . . shirt waist dress in purple, red, green. Famous frocks specially priced for THRIFT DAYS ONLY. First come, first served with these fine coats. Each coat handsomely tailored of quali ty wool and rayon gabardine. Iridescent rayon - lined. ZELAN finish turns away wind and water. Tan and grey, sizes 36 to 46 in regu lars and longs. A THRIFT DAYS special you can’t af ford to miss. Compare! What’s your choice? Boxy, flared, belted? McDonald’s has them all, full length coats, tailored to our de mands. AH beautifully lined . . . sheen coverts, tweeds, cut suedes, broadcloths. Solid colors and novelty patterns. Green, wine, grey, taupe. Buy now and save! ..I'M...I— this j ash pric« y’H go t! Rushl MMNMMKMMMMMKMMSMSMrilMNMHI * Come early! They’ll be gone in a jiffy! ) BOYS’ $9.95 VALUE BOMBER JACKETS yg7 Mouton collars, tackle twill with knit cuffs, waist. Quilted lining. 2-10, 12-18. Men’s 8.87. !; $2.79 flannel shirts ! I Vat-dyed, Sanforized cot- |97 ; || ton plaid*. Sizes 14 to 17. I jj RAYON FRENCH CREPE SLIPSI SALE 157 Lavishly lace-trimmed with lace edging and insets. 4-gore, sizes 32 to 40. Pink, white. ji Rayon tricot panties :j I 69c knit briefi, pink, a -w . 11 j! white. 5-6-7. Hurry! A/r || Special! CANNON turkish bath towels! Savel 47 / Perfect quality 20x40 size, choice dl styles and colors. * Salel CANNON extra large turkish bath towels U Perfect quality 22x44 size, priced to sell right out. V § r Scoopl 100% wool regular $12.95 blankets 097 Faribault solid color 72x90 virgin wool, full 3% pounds.... g 5% wool regular $4.98 double blankets 707 Assorted color plaids, 72x84, full 3% pound value... J Save nowl Extra long white sheet blankets 177 Fine firm weave, soft nap finish, whipstitched, 70x95.. 9 Save now on 80-square printed percales J Perfect quality, 36” in many patterns and colors. Yard...... tg M r Here's a find! TOMBOY rayon gabardine 07 7 Crease-resistant, 41” wide, in fall and winter colors._ %g # f McDonald’s famous quality rayon taffeta 77 / Firm weave for slips, party dresses, linings. In colors. t t r MEN'S DONFIELD SUITS SALE: Now Only $37 Extra-value suits with many points of hand-tailoring. Gab- | ardines, worsteds. Save! J | $3.93 shirt-tie buy ;> 2 Donfield white shirt, 047 ! | J smart tie, both for . . . J || »###############»»#»»»##»##### \ k\ A 1 ) I COAT AND HAT SETS $6.95 VALUE ^97 Warm wool fleece, interlined. Girls’, boys’ coats with hats, caps. Sizes 1 to 4. Save! ; $10.95 bedspreads ;• | Floral chenilles in full 097 ! | ! | bed size. Save! O ; > ' ■#**«********»**»*»#«»»#»»»#»> ! A^. 29c first quality cotton work socks r Fin* construction, grey, random, whit*. 10-12...** Men's blanket-lined work |acketsl Savol Sanforised blu* denim, sip front, corduroy collar.— / Child's 90s zipper bootee housesMppere 77 J Paddad sol**, turn-down collar. Rod or blu*, 5 to 2-- mil Men’s $5.95 tough cord sole work shoes C771 Retan leather, one-piece molded back. Sizes 6 to 12. J 3% to 4-yard rayon dress lengths Perfect quality! Sale I Printed denier crepes, luana failles, fuigi crepes, gabardines, others. For dressy or tailored dresses. Come early for best pick. 10% WOOL BLANKETS Usually $6.95 Famous Beacon heavyweight * solid color blankets, big 72x90 size. Wide binding. Compare! i; Plastic draperies ![ Solid color, look like taf- 157 '• !| feta. With valance. I j| L CANNON BATH TOWELS Many styles, colors Not seconds, all perfect. 20x40 famous-make turkisfr towels specially priced. Save! || Rayon curtain panels :j 42x81 marquisettes with |07 '! ]; washable finish. Save! I ! | i ******+*+•***+•*+**•++*++++***** WOMEN’S 98c FELT : HOUSESLIPPERS JJ ^ Padded heel and sole. Trim med with pompons and scal loped collar. Red, blue. 4-9. I j; 12c-19c wash cloths ;; !| Perfect quality Cannon, J| !j 12x12. Color choice. 6for J/^ jj SILHOUETTE NYLONS Sheer 51 -gauge «' 1 Angle heel construction, in new colors. Sizes 8 Vi to 10 Vi. Perfect quality. Hurry! ; »**w****»»»^»«**«*w»*w», !; Durene anklets , ’ !; Ribbed, colors and white. ««*. || ![ Sizes 6 to 11. 3 pair 0/r ]| 1 '+*+++■+■+++■*+*++■*+******+++*+*-*!